origellione · 4 years
Dear BJP Supporters,
You love to criticise China and put it down in order to feel superior but do you know from where it started and where it is now?
Yes it is aggressive, yes it wants to dominate the world but have you seen what it has done for it's citizens? How much employment it has provided for its citizens and how it has uplifted it's 99% citizens from poverty?
You love to make yourself feel superior about Technologies but do you know 90% of your TECHNOLOGICAL DEVICES are imported from CHINA, SOUTH KOREA, JAPAN. Where is your made in india technology?
You love to feel superior with milatary spending and 70% of your IMPORTED technologies and even feel out of the world for acquiring DASSAULT RAFALE but have you heard any FRENCH person boasting about it for inventing and manufacturing?
You love to mention GOOGLE, MICROSOFT CEOs, who work for USA, to feel superior but what about their founders who actually invented it? Have you heard any western person mentioning so much pride for STEVE JOBS, BILL GATES, LARRY PAGE or SERGEY BRIN?
and not to even mention Apple, Samsung, Sony, Intel, HP, NASA, SpaceX, Tesla and thousands of top class companies from around the world and how our indian developed Technologies are no way near them in comparison.
You're hearing from 2015 that India will be superpower in this year and that year but what about the countries that are ALREADY superpowers NOW and why India is not at that place?
Have you ever thought even after so many years of independence India is still a DEVELOPING COUNTRY but why it isn't a DEVELOPED COUNTRY yet like CHINA? and why the best brains of India are escaping to work for those already Developed Countries?
This happens when you spends trillions of dollars on STATUE building and TEMPLE building but spend not even a single penny on EMPLOYMENT, RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, UPLIFTING POORS, CITIZENS SECURITY.
Please stop making fool of yourself in front of the world who are already Technologically 50 years ahead of us. Wake up for your rights and SAVE INDIA before it's too late!
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origellione · 4 years
I suspect you, like me, have run into these people in life who are terribly cleaver and yet terribly broken. Because they've looked into the abyss and concluded that on a long enough timescale, and in a universe so wide and apparently indifferent, we have no ultimate significance and the point has dropped out of everything for them.
But there is a middle way between Denial and Despair.
Because the world is just as fantastical as it is horrific and it's just as arbitrary to loose hope as it is to find it.
If everything was forever, would that really change so much?
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