ormiyon · 8 years
In light of the possibility of tumblr closing down, I’m offering my skype to those who’d like to keep in touch, just in case. Shoot me a message if you’re interested.
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ormiyon · 8 years
“No more common than a lie from your kind,” Ormiyon retorted. He turned a blind eye to her threat and continued his barrage of shocking spells that passed close to her, yet none hit her. The wizard had paused in his attacks when the dragon rose into the air, and yelled the same words in unintentional unison with her. A massive frost atronach had appeared at Vevel’s side. The daedra had brought a chill into the air with it, and it began to club at the dragon with one arm.
“Don’t let it get away!”
A Tale of Two Dragons (Vevel/ Ormiyon)
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ormiyon · 8 years
“I wouldn’t fake something like this.” The elf shot back, halting in his barrage to shake his head. In his eyes, she and many other Nords were too naive to know anything about the energy that could create and destroy in an instant. Now he continued his attacks, bolts of lightning leaping from his fingertips to the dragon. Some came dangerously close to hitting her as they arced over her shoulder or passed by her side, though whether it was intentional or not wasn’t clear. He’d fought enough dragons to know that their magicka reserves could be sapped away by shock spells like any wizard’s, and that they had no resistance against such spells.
A Tale of Two Dragons (Vevel/ Ormiyon)
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ormiyon · 8 years
Skyrim roleplay starters (Specific)
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ormiyon · 8 years
ABC’s for Barbarians: An Elder Scrolls meme
Alchemy: Which ingredients do they most often collect and how successful is their potion brewing? Beauty: How dose your character tend to their appearance? Do they wear any special armor or clothing during their day to day activities? Companions: Dose your character have any close friends or traveling companions? Daedra: Who is their patron? If they don’t worship anyone, then what’s there stance on Daedra worship in general? Education: Did they receive a formal education growing up, or did they learn a trade from their parent(s)? Faction: Is your character apart of any guilds? Gold: How dose your character make their money? Halfling: How do they view half-breeds? Inn: What dose a typical visit to an inn entail for your character? What foods do they normally order? Jarl: How dose your muse address royalty? Would they carry out an order at the request of a Jarl? Kindness: Dose your muse donate to any temples or help any beggars? Lich: How dose your muse view necromancy and the undead? Markarth: Dose your muse support the Forsworn in their attempts to take back the Reach? Nord: What’s their overall option on the Nordic people of Skyrim? Outsider: How would your muse respond to being call this upon arriving in either Markarth or Solstheim? Pony: Would your rather buy or steal a horse? Quill: How much writing dose your muse do? Do they keep any journals or have they published any books? Reading: Can your muse read, if they then what’s their favorite book? Shivering Isles: How dose your character handle the topic of mental illness? If there mentally ill themselves then how are they currently dealing with it? Thalmor: What’s their opinion of ‘elven supremacy’ and the aldmeri dominion? Underground: What dose your muse think of the Dwemer ruins? Do they steal anything from there? Vows: Is your muse married? If not, what would it take for them to finally don an amulet of Mara? War: Has your character ever fought in any wars? If they haven’t then what’s there opinion on the current affairs in Skyrim? Do they back the Imperials or the Stormcloaks? Xenophobia: Is your character racist? How do they feel about the racism plaguing Skyrim? Yasgramor: Do they approve of his actions? Are they content with the way history has played out thus far? Zzz: How soundly dose your muse sleep at night? Is there anything they fear within the darkness?
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ormiyon · 8 years
“Then explain what I did just now!” Ormiyon barked back. He hadn’t cared for the steed, and definitely didn’t care for the Nord either. Maybe the dragon would eat her first; that would save him the trouble of dealing with her himself, and would buy him some time, to boot. “Fire’s not the only thing I’ve got. But you couldn’t possibly understand.” The Altmer had decided to hang back in cover where it was safe and repeatedly pelt the dragon with rather large spears of ice while his unlikely (and temporary) ally closed the distance.
A Tale of Two Dragons (Vevel/ Ormiyon)
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ormiyon · 8 years
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ormiyon · 8 years
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ormiyon · 8 years
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“What you learn here will last you a lifetime - several, if you’re talented.” - Savos Aren
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ormiyon · 8 years
Ormiyon found himself smiling triumphantly in response to her befuddlement. “I’m dragonborn.” He said curtly, thought the feeling of victory was fleeting. As the beast attacked with fiery breath, the elf dove to hide beneath the skeleton mere feet from the Nord who’d previously been attempting to spill his blood. “I didn’t like that horse anyway.” The wizard muttered to himself, enveloped in the healing light of a restoration spell. “I think that’s the least of your worries!” The mer shouted over the noise of the dragon. Once the oncoming stream of scarlet flames halted, he got to his feet and peeked over the skeleton to hurl a fireball at the massive dragon.
A Tale of Two Dragons (Vevel/ Ormiyon)
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ormiyon · 8 years
He took a step back when that recognition registered with her, too - and scowled when she continued her attacks. His expression changed to one of alarm when her swing of the axe nearly hacked his hand off at the wrist. Ormiyon stumbled backwards in an attempt to lessen the damage to himself from the attack, and he grunted in pain as the axe was dragged down his torso. “It seems there’s no talking you out of this - Feim!”
The singular word changed the Altmer, gifted him a spectral appearance, and immunity to her blows, albeit for a very short time. Ormiyon shook his head at her in his ethereal state as he idly backed away.
A Tale of Two Dragons (Vevel/ Ormiyon)
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ormiyon · 8 years
Those gold eyes glanced off into the distance, but there was no sign of the dragon at all. Initially, he hadn’t been planning to work for the Thalmor, but many Altmer were coaxed under their banner. Ormiyon began to keep a watchful eye on her and her body language as she drew closer, but he didn’t expect an attack so soon. He attempted to step out of the range of her weapon, but had reacted too late, and the sharp axe drew blood as he pulled away. Pain flickered in those intelligent eyes of his as well as recognition. He cast a quick spell that reinforced his cloth and flesh against further attacks.
“I remember now - you were at Helgen.” He lifted a hand, as if that would stop her. “I think you would be smarter than this. Don’t the dragons seem a more pressing concern to you?”
A Tale of Two Dragons (Vevel/ Ormiyon)
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ormiyon · 8 years
Bother my muse with really personal questions.
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ormiyon · 8 years
The Altmer smirked and shook his head. “Oh no, you’ll have to work for that if it’s what you’re after.” Ormiyon replied, though he glanced at the horse when he came up in conversation and merely shrugged. His attention shifted to the skies above, though he idly pondered where he’d seen this Nord’s face before. “You’re just now figuring that out?” The wizard inquired. When she drew her axe, he glanced around the distant peaks while his hands lit up: his right with a swirling arcane fire, his left a bit of light that could only be a ward. “I should be asking you to do that. Wizards stay behind the swordsmen, don’t you know?” He too fell silent as he listened for the beating of the dragons wings or its distant roar.
A Tale of Two Dragons (Vevel/ Ormiyon)
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ormiyon · 8 years
Ormiyon folded his arms over his chest and rolled his eyes. “You’ll have to do the job of killing me yourself if you want it done at all.” He remarked with his own smile on his face; it harbored a sort of confidence that many would find irritating, along with something else that made him look almost like a snake luring its prey. He searched for some witty comeback as he stared at her and her steed. “I think his little show of disgust was directed at you. You’re already proving unbearable to me, so he must be even more miserable, seeing that he’s stuck with you and all. Poor creature…” The elf trailed off as he took the time to inspect her features.
A Tale of Two Dragons (Vevel/ Ormiyon)
rorikstead had always been a quiet town even when everyone was awake and tending to their fields. always oddly quiet even to the nord’s wolfish ears but it bothered her little. news that a dragon skeleton appeared overnight however, bothered her a lot. she ventured outside of the town inspecting the skeleton. no one could kill a dragon except her so how was it there was a skeleton of a dragon she didn’t kill? there were quite a few deep slashes in the bones almost like that of a battle axe or a great sword but oddly ragged. nothing like she had seen before. she could hear the sound of someone approaching making her sigh. “you should be wary stranger. might be more dragons around here. you should take the other road. this one is not safe.” she responded from behind the massive skull. “or its the safest. not quite sure just yet.”
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ormiyon · 8 years
Ormiyon had always found Rorikstead oddly... unsettling, but he could never quite put his finger on why. He strode through the town with a somewhat quickened pace and ignored the glares of some of the townsfolk who recognized his decorated robes. He glimpsed the skeleton from a distance and changed course not to avoid it, but to head straight for it. His eyes ran over the remains as he examined the deep grooves in the bones. He’d seen his fair share of battered bones, but this was different - no battleaxe or mighty greatsword left grooves like that. “Strange...” The Altmer commented under his breath, and then he looked to the one standing over the bones. “No weapon cleaves through dragon bone quite like that.” He paused and let out a scoff. “Safe or not, I’m not afraid of dragons... Looks to me like there’s another one about.” 
A Tale of Two Dragons (Vevel/ Ormiyon)
rorikstead had always been a quiet town even when everyone was awake and tending to their fields. always oddly quiet even to the nord’s wolfish ears but it bothered her little. news that a dragon skeleton appeared overnight however, bothered her a lot. she ventured outside of the town inspecting the skeleton. no one could kill a dragon except her so how was it there was a skeleton of a dragon she didn’t kill? there were quite a few deep slashes in the bones almost like that of a battle axe or a great sword but oddly ragged. nothing like she had seen before. she could hear the sound of someone approaching making her sigh. “you should be wary stranger. might be more dragons around here. you should take the other road. this one is not safe.” she responded from behind the massive skull. “or its the safest. not quite sure just yet.”
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ormiyon · 8 years
Send me a character + a number and I’ll tell you my headcanons for:
Their physical weak spots
Their emotional/moral weak spots
Scars or painful spots
Best places to kiss on their body
Guilty pleasures
Their vices (physical or emotional)
Their tickle spots
Bad memories/experiences
Humiliating memories
Bad or petty habits
Grudges and vendettas
What gets them flustered
Ingrained habits/forces of habit
What it takes to make them cry
Dark secrets/’skeletons in the closet’
Things they’ll never admit
People they’ve hurt or indirectly killed, and how it affected them
What-ifs/Alternate Timelines
Turning points in their life
People who’ve influenced them greatly
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