oskarponthe0 · 4 years
Oskar Ponthe - Oscar Ponthe - Weebly
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If I write a book where all I've ever experienced is success, people won't take a positive lesson from it. In being candid, I have to own up to my own failures, both in my marriage and in my work environment.
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oskarponthe0 · 4 years
Oskar Ponthe - Oscar Ponthe - Tumblr
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If we can go some way to creating a vibrant anaerobic digestion industry here in the U.K., we will be reaching our goals both in terms of economics and the environment.
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oskarponthe0 · 4 years
Oskar Ponthe - Oscar Ponthe - MySpace
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Public education must be viewed from the lens of providing each child with the learning environment that best meets his or her needs. If we can send a low-income child to a parochial school, knowing that his odds of attending college will increase as a result, then that should be our mission
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oskarponthe0 · 4 years
Oskar Ponthe - Oscar Ponthe
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I believe that working with good people matters because then the work environment is good. If there is a sense of respect and belief among the people you work with, that is when good work is done.
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oskarponthe0 · 4 years
Oskar Ponthe
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I am a Swedish national interested in business, travel and culture. Ideally my work and investments reflect my interests.
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oskarponthe0 · 5 years
Reading During Childhood Develops Empathy, Improves Physical Health And Has Other Benefits | Oskar Ponthé
Reading During Childhood Develops Empathy, Improves Physical Health And Has Other Benefits | Oskar Ponthé
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While known to improve vocabulary and general knowledge, here are some of the more unexpected benefits associated with reading from a young age.
  Fiction develops a sense of empathy
Psychology research has suggested reading stories gives children the opportunity to spend time inside someone else’s mind and place themselves in the shoes of characters. They are also likely to be exposed to…
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oskarponthe0 · 5 years
Oskar Ponthé Tumblr | Oskar Ponthé
The Stockholm archipelago is the largest archipelago in Sweden, and the second-largest archipelago in the Baltic Sea.
Oskar Ponthé
Part of the archipelago has been designated as a Ramsar site since 1989
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oskarponthe0 · 5 years
Improves Physical Health And Has Other Benefits | Oskar Ponthé
Oskar Ponthé Psychology research has suggested reading stories gives children the opportunity to spend time inside someone else's mind and place themselves in the shoes of characters. They are also likely to be exposed to different kinds of people, places, cultures, and situations which open their mind to the importance of diversity.
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oskarponthe0 · 5 years
Two Important Real Estate Lessons For The Family Office | Oskar Ponthé
Oskar Ponthé Family offices understand the importance of real estate and will continue to use this asset within their portfolio. However, I see too many family offices not maximizing the additional tax benefits that are available to them through real estate investment,
Oskar Ponthé, OskarPonthé, Sweden, Stockholm
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oskarponthe0 · 5 years
Oskar Ponthé - Skatteflyktingarnas lyxliv i Karibien | Affärsvärlden
Tax Refugees’ Luxury Life in the Caribbean Oskar Ponthé | THE BUSINESS WORLD The Caribbean can offer you some of the most luxurious experiences in the world, and there’s no shortage of options.
Oskar Ponthé, OskarPonthé, Sweden, Stockholm, Teaching Reflection
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oskarponthe0 · 5 years
Sweden Nature | Oskar Ponthé
The Stockholm archipelago is the largest archipelago in Sweden, and the second-largest archipelago in the Baltic Sea. Part of the archipelago has been designated as a Ramsar site since 1989
Oskar Ponthé, OskarPonthé, Sweden, Stockholm
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oskarponthe0 · 5 years
Top 10 Swedish Billionaires | Oskar Ponthé Ikea founder Kamprad remains ahead of the pack with an estimated fortune of 500 billion kronor ($26.1 billion Oskar Ponthé, OskarPonthé, Sweden, Stockholm
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oskarponthe0 · 5 years
Top 10 Swedish Billionaires  | Oskar Ponthé
This is a list of Swedish billionaires based on an annual assessment of wealth and assets compiled and published by Forbes magazine
Ingvar Kamprad Ikea founder Kamprad remains ahead of the pack with an estimated fortune of 500 billion kronor ($26.1 billion). Oskar Ponthé, OskarPonthé, Sweden, Stockholm
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oskarponthe0 · 5 years
Oskar Ponthé - YouTube - Oskar Ponthé
I am a Swedish national interested in business, travel and culture. Ideally my work and investments reflect my interests https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL4qSpZWesJmk2jad-06ufw Oskar Ponthé, OskarPonthé, Sweden, Stockholm
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oskarponthe0 · 5 years
Number of Britons who move to EU at highest level in a decade | Oskar Ponthé
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The number of Britons relocating to EU countries is at a 10-year high.
A new study has revealed the increasing number of Britons making use of their freedom to live and work in other EU countries.
The number has increased markedly and the rate of departure accelerated since the 2016 Brexit referendum, according to the report.
Up to 84,000 people are expected to leave the United Kingdom and move to EU countries this year, according to the analysis, which was conducted by the Oxford in Berlin group and the Berlin Social Science Centre (WZB).
The figure demonstrates a drastic increase when compared with the 59,000 who made the same move in 2008.
Migration researcher and co-author of the study Dr Daniel Auer said: “These dramatic jumps tell us we’re onto a significant social phenomenon here whose implications are yet to be understood.”
The study also looked specifically at relocations from the UK to Germany. A similar trend was observed here, with 11,500 people making that move in 2018, compared to 8,500 in 2008.
Citizenship and nationalization figures also follow the same trend. While 622 Britons received German citizenship in 2015, 7,493 were naturalized in 2017, the report states. For the EU as a whole, naturalizations rose from 2,106 in 2015 to 14,678 in 2017.
Daniel Tetlow, one of the researchers behind the study, said that researchers also conducted interviews with people who had moved from the UK to the EU, in an effort to understand the trend.
Changes to the way people see their British identity are part of the explanation, Tetlow told The Guardian newspaper.
“One of the things I find most striking is this new British-European identity that many refer to,” he said.
“And no, it’s not just the privileged metro middle classes; I’ve met proud British mechanics, ex-British forces, British ambulance drivers, British teachers and unemployed Brits, and because of Brexit almost all of them feel a new motivation in being active Europeans, and no less British as a result,” the researcher added.
The analysis is based on figures from the OECD and national statistics offices in the relevant countries.
Quantitative parts of the study looked at British nationals who left the country between 2008 and 2019.
As many as 30 percent of this group said that Brexit had affected their mental health, and half said that they would consider giving up their British nationality if necessary to be able to keep their EU nationality.
The deadline for Brexit is currently October 31st, with an EU decision outstanding on the length of an extension to be offered to the UK.
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oskarponthe0 · 5 years
Oskar Ponthé in Oskar Ponthe | Scoop.it
Oskar Ponthé  Oskar Ponthé's insight: My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style
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oskarponthe0 · 5 years
Oskar Ponthé | Citat
Oskar Ponthé Det enda sättet att vi kan leva är om vi växer. Det enda sättet att vi kan växa är om vi förändras. Det enda sättet vi kan förändra är om vi lär oss. Det enda sättet vi kan lära oss är om vi är utsatta. Och det enda sättet att vi kan bli utsatta är om vi slänger oss ut i det öppna. Gör det. Kasta dig själv. “
Oskar Ponthé
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