othardian · 6 years
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I’ve wanted to do a giveaway since summer and finally managed to get this post done!! This is a thank you for all my lovely followers who’ve given me so much support and motivation to work on my art!! Thank you so much;;v;;
1st Prize: 1 winner will receive a fully-colored bust painting of character of their choice with a simple background. Decoration/objects (like the beetles and flowers in the example) can be added too!
2nd Prize: 2 winners will receive a chibi-style half-body work of two characters of their choice with a simple background. Decorations/objects (like the cauldron, book and sleeping snake in the example) can be added too!
This will be followers only! New followers are welcome to join too!!
Reblog to enter, rb as many times as you like. Likes do not count.
I have this same giveaway going on twitter too, so you can join this there too! Link HERE!
No giveaway blogs!
Have your DMs open!! This is so I can message the winners without the worry of my message getting eaten by the inbox<:3c
Winners have 48 hours to reply, if you haven’t answered in that time, I’ll choose another winner.
My commission info has further details of the backgrounds and objects and this giveaway follows the rules of it, so please do read it, link HERE
If there are any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask further info!
Good luck to everyone!!٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
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othardian · 6 years
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“I’m not like to forget these mornings with you.”
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othardian · 6 years
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아직 끝나지 않은 이야기 This story isn’t over yet 여기 남겨져 텅 빈 이대로 It remains here, empty like this [x]
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othardian · 6 years
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“Yes. Not impossible.
But that is just a word people use for such unbelievable things.
Hope is very fickle.”
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othardian · 6 years
2018 Las Vegas Lore Panel Q&A
Q: Is there anything more you can tell us about the Garlean Third Eye? Does the size and shape differ by individual? Is it hard like keratin?
MCKF: Oda-san says it definitely varies. Some are small, some are large. There’s variations in color and roundness and size, just like any regular eye (that looks kinda like a pus-filled blister but it’s an actual eye), and just like regular eyes some of them are more effective than others. And yes they are supposedly very hard like keratin.
Q:  Would the team ever consider creating more side story series like Tales from the Storm outside of the game’s anniversary, or sidequests similar in nature to the Postmoogle series to reveal some of those stories?
MCKF: Yes, actually we do have plans to reveal more of this supplemental information. We also had a question that was asking about Garlemald’s Empress, Varis’s wife, and where is she in all of this, and will she be revealed at a later date, and why does Varis dislike Zenos, and that kind of stuff? Actually these kinda are actually combined. We have plans to reveal a lot more of this supplemental information. How we’re going to do that exactly I’m not really allowed to say right now, but I’d like you all to know that something pretty exciting is in the works and we’ll be able to announce it pretty soon.
Q: Will there be more Raen-centric lore opportunities? Is Sui-no-Sato the only underwater Raen village or are there other villages that fall under the rule of the Ruby Princess? What of the tribes of Raen said to live in the mountains?
MCKF: According to Oda-san, the Au Ra Raen are actually very central when it comes to Doman and Hingan culture. A lot of the Au Ra that live in Doma and Hingashi are of the Raen clan. They make up a great deal of those two cultures. We see a lot of it in the Ninja quests, common clan names that we hear about in HIngashi and Doma in the side quests, a lot of those are mainly Raen families. When we see anything in the game that’s talking about just kinda in general - in general Hingans are like this, in general Domans are like this - most of the time that’s actually talking about the Au Ra Raen. So that can actually be used as that lore backstory for Au Ra Raen. 
Q:  In the final cutscene for 4.4, a pair of guards stood by the throne and witnessed the conversation between Varis and his two companions, during which some rather astounding secrets were spoken of freely. Who are these guards, and why are they trusted with such crucial information?
MCKF: I know this! They chose illiterate children, and they cut out their tongues, and forbid them from studying their letters, and they probably kidnapped their parents to make sure they wouldn’t talk and put them in a dungeon somewhere! But Oda-san just said, oh they just vetted them so they’re good. 
Q: Koji, two years ago now you spoke to someone from my FC about channeling aether through ink in one’s body and the potential for arcanima formula via tattoos.
MCKF: Alright, you’re using the highly aetherially conductive ink that you use for creating books and things like that. That’s what it is. Those types of tattoos actually exist. We actually see some in the game already. The Monks’ Pacifist gear, you get like a body paint on your arms, and that’s using that type of aetherially conductive ink. That’s used to guide and channel aether from around you to do those super-powerful actions and assists in those monk attacks. So this actually exists already. We actually talk about this in the second lore book, so this is definitely confirmed.
Q: Who was the last Ala Mhigan queen, the one Zenos mentions in his monologue at the Royal Menagerie? Erik tells us in the monk quests that she helped lead a resistance against Theodoric before she was caught and put to death - but what was her name, where did she come from, what was she like?
MCKF: There are little bits and pieces that hint to what kind of person she actually was in both the game and the two lore books. It’s indirectly established that she was a pretty kickass queen. I guess one would have to be when you’re putting up with this paranoid, power hungry husband that’s killing off all of his subjects towards the end. If you look in the game, it’s said that the queen came from a foreign nation. Actually there’s a user that discovered that all of the plants in the Royal Menagerie are all plants that are taken from the Black Shroud, and because the Royal Menagerie was supposed to be a place created especially for the queen who came from a distant land that would mean that possibly the queen was from [Gridania]? We will be getting more information soon. It’s a cool story.
Q: Has Aulus been confirmed dead? It seemed odd for him to have a huge part in the experiments done on Krile, Fordola and Zenos but was killed off by the Warrior of Light rather quickly, and was never mentioned again.
MCKF: He’s dead. Then again, a certain Legatus also died and we saw how that turned out. Sooooooo. He’s dead today. 
Q: Will there be any sort of canon confirmation regarding the existence of the player races’ other clans? Could there feasibly be Lowlander Hyurs, coastland-dwelling Elezen or gold-scaled Au Ra, for instance?
MCKF: Yes, of course. When the game launched the focus was on Eorzea and we told you all about the different clans that were in Eorzea. As we’re now expanding out over into the East, we have Ilsabard and Othard, we have all these different places where we’re encountering new clans of the same Hyur or Elezen race. So the Hyur that you see in Hingashi, these are neither Midlanders nor Highlanders, they’re an Eastern clan of Hyur. So of course there’ll be a lot more and we have plans in the future of introducing these clans that don’t fit in that two-clan system you have in Eorzea. 
Q: About how many Padjal are there currently aside from who we’ve met in canon and white mage job quests? Are there more ‘hidden’ Padjal like Gatty, or was she a special case? Also, are there more female Padjal out there than who we’ve already met, or were there perhaps any notable female Padjal in the past?
MCKF: As you know it’s very rare for a young Hyur to change into a Padjal. It’s something that maybe only happens once in a generation. And even though the Padjal live a long time and it happens once in a generation, there’s really not that many at all. According to Oda-san, there may be about ten that are known of and again there could be one or two that are not known, hiding in the forest, parents don’t wanna let them out, you know. Not a lot at all. But definitely in the past there have been a lot of powerful Padjal. 
Q: Limsa Lominsa was said to be founded by Sea Wolves fleeing tyranny in Aerslaent, however, most of the Galadion’s named crew were Elezen / had Elezen sounding names (Guy La Thagran, Jean De Nevelle, La Noscea…). Why is this? Who were they?
MCKF: To give a little bit of background of what happened here: There were these adventurers who were sailing the Northern Empty. They were gonna explore it. Elezen explorers on a boat. There was a storm that wrecked their ship. They all had to abandoned ship and were clinging in the stormy night to some of the broken oars and along comes this giant ship called the Galadion, which is in the process of escaping from the tyranny in Aerslaent. They see these Elezen floundering in the water, and because they’re good people they pick them up, but they tell them we can’t take you back because we’re fleeing right now. We can’t take you where you wanna go, but the Elezen were so grateful that they were willing to pick them up and save them from this tragedy that they said, we’re navigators ourselves and we actually know a place in the south where nobody goes and you can hide there and you can be safe from those that are chasing you. So they became the navigators that actually end up leading them down to the islands which became La Noscea. When they arrived there safe and sound they were so happy. If they hadn’t found those Elezen there they may never have found that spot and might’ve gotten caught. To show their gratitude they named a bunch of the places in La Noscea after those Elezen. 
Q: When an Ascian possesses a mortal body, living or dead, can they leave it voluntarily, or are they stuck until the body dies (or they are forced out by other means, such as the Blade of Light)?
MCKF: According to Oda-san, while a host dying will definitely kick an Ascian out, death is not exactly necessary for an Ascian to leave. There are many ways. These are usually triggered by some special dramatic circumstances. But as you saw in the [Shadowbringers] trailer and in the keynote, we talked about how Ascians are gonna be a big part of the story in Shadowbringers, and so there’s definitely going to be more info about them there. This will come to light as well as a lot of other things. Where they come from and what their designs are. All of this will come to light in Shadowbringers.
Q: Where are vampires in Hydaelyn? We have vampire bats, vampiric plants, very vampire like villains in the red mage storyline, and even vampire costumes for halloween. But we have yet to see a genuine bloodsucker.
MCKF: It’s a lot like how we view vampires here on earth. You have these tales long ago of maybe people sucking blood, and that kind of grew into fairytales and legends and myths. Then they started using those names for bats and plants. You can see in the RDM storyline these vampiric-like beings. You can think of it as the same. There are vampiric beings, but are they actually vampires or not? I think that’s up to interpretation. I mean, we’re running out of names for stuff anyways, so it’s only a matter of time before vampire comes out. 
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othardian · 6 years
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o weary wanderer
5.0 finally giving me a reason and excuse to draw edgy wol/wod and everyone on my twitter tl drawing edgy WoLs/WoDs made me wanna draw my own too 🕺🕺🕺
also i’ve been seeing posts about some tumblr blogs purge going around – in case this blog gets purged, you can still find me on twitter (or on my ffxiv twitter where i’m more active on)!
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othardian · 6 years
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othardian · 6 years
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🌺 Name: Ultimate Ultima Horns Collection (Ver. 1.1) 🌺 Author: Celes/Othardian 🌺 Affects: Amber Ring (and other rings that share the same model) 🌺 Races: Au ra, Miqo'te, Roegadyn, Lalafell, Elezen, Hyur 🌺 About this mod: Model swap of the Ultima Horns to amber ring. Now comes in 5 different colors (all Au ra scale colors and original). Also includes optional installs for the diffuse edits of the base ultima horns so you can have consistency between the ring and horns in game. Everything should be fine, but if you find any problems please let me know!
⚠️ Will disappear with gloves that hide rings. ⚠️ NEEDS to be equipped on right ring slot or it won’t show up. ⚠️ Will clip with most hats.
❤️ Download link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xtay2IvW-xuSSioVp4iTbPzPFG-RDOun/view?usp=sharing
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othardian · 6 years
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othardian · 6 years
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e’mirrin & hard rock A commission for @ sayrielle on twitter of her character and her partner!  This was my first time drawing a male Roe, so I worked really hard to make sure it was both accurate to the game and still very handsome!!!  
(Characters belong to their respective owners; please do not repost or claim.)
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othardian · 6 years
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🌺 Name: Ultimate Ultima Horns Collection (Ver. 1.1) 🌺 Author: Celes/Othardian 🌺 Affects: Amber Ring (and other rings that share the same model) 🌺 Races: Au ra, Miqo'te, Roegadyn, Lalafell, Elezen, Hyur 🌺 About this mod: Model swap of the Ultima Horns to amber ring. Now comes in 5 different colors (all Au ra scale colors and original). Also includes optional installs for the diffuse edits of the base ultima horns so you can have consistency between the ring and horns in game. Everything should be fine, but if you find any problems please let me know! ⚠️ Will disappear with gloves that hide rings. ⚠️ NEEDS to be equipped on right ring slot or it won't show up. ⚠️ Will clip with most hats. ❤️ Download link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xtay2IvW-xuSSioVp4iTbPzPFG-RDOun/view?usp=sharing
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othardian · 6 years
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My favorite city state: Ul'dah
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othardian · 6 years
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88 notes · View notes
othardian · 6 years
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1K notes · View notes
othardian · 6 years
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My favorite part of All Saint’s Wake is being able to change into NPCs. I love being able to capture photos of them like this. They’re so beautiful.
A big thank you to my boyfriend @xivwithkallistra for putting up with me posing him like a Barbie doll.
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othardian · 6 years
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i logged back on my foxo~ ;w;
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othardian · 6 years
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b/w sketch commission for @cyanblur ! thank you again B)
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