otherworldhq · 4 years
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otherworldhq · 4 years
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CONGRATULATIONS SHANNON! You have been accepted for the role of ASPEN. Your faceclaim swap has also been approved! I absolutely loved this and I’m basically obsessed already, so all i can say is: asdfghjklj!!!!
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otherworldhq · 4 years
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otherworldhq · 4 years
would you guys be okay with someone who applies who maybe hasn't done tumblr roleplay in a long time but is looking to get back into it? i just might be a bit rusty but this rp looks so amazing!
Definitely, yes!! As long as you’re passionate and willing to be active, we’d love if you applied! 
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otherworldhq · 4 years
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Oh, its a glorious tradition, frequently enjoyed and invoked by the fair folk. There are a great number of prey worthy of a gathering such as this –– but this wild hunt will be a prolonged and unusual thing for those who take up their part as midnight riders. You aren’t hunting a mythical beast, you aren’t hunting souls or children to steal away. You’re tracking and hunting a murderer. Whatever creature it is that plagues the fair folk and their kin will find a bloody end at your hands, you vow this before all the creatures of the Otherworld. It won’t end in a night, it won’t end in a week, but you vow that one way or another it will be finished. 
More unusual still is the synergy and synchronistic achieved in the organisation of the hunt. Two courts, working together in apparent harmony. Allies, at the very least until the sun rises on a new era of peace. Humanity, too, has thrown its hat in the ring. Seer’s with their keen eyes are just as involved as the rest, planning and working in an effort to save those they hold dear. Quick as hunters, they may prove their might to those who considered them weak before now.  
This hunt may last for weeks, it may be brutal and exhausting and drawn out. You may have to fight harder than you ever have before. Those who choose to pick up arms and defend their people may not come out the other side alive. 
Danger lurks in other ways, as well. Detective Colm Ó Conchobhair of the Garda Síochána is an ever present spectre on the streets of Dublin now. He lurks outside of Cafe Flux, he questions drunk humans outside of Loophole. He catches your gaze across a crowded room, and you realise that he must be a person who always saw more than he was meant to. Part of the Otherworld, yet outside it. Gifted with the sight, yet he never embraced it. He sees, but he doesn’t understand and he doesn’t comprehend. You’ll have to be careful, lest he take more notice of you than you hoped. 
Welcome to our second plot drop of our reopening! I’m sure you’ll find this one to be much more detailed and offer a very wide expanse of things for your character to do. Please feel free to take any of the minor plots bellow and run with it. You can decide to have your character investigate certain aspects of the plot, write self para’s about it or pair up and explore the story together! 2-3 people are allowed to pick up each plot point and explore it either on their own or with one another! Just let me know what you want your character to do and I’ll mark your name down next to it. 
All of the following will take place between the dates of June 22nd –– July 5th. 
* TRACKS IN THE WILDS (June 22nd – onwards) –– Poisoned blood and scuffed footprints, the tracks of a wounded thing or a vicious killer? They were found near the stone circle, the morning after your midsummer feast. Yet no one was wounded. Yet no one died. Who do they belong to? Is the killer you hunt the type who likes to lurk and watch and wait for the golden moment of opportunity? Has it picked its next victim and is stalking their every move? The tracks are haphazard, nonsensical, built to confuse. Perhaps they’re calling you in to a trap, perhaps they’re a siren song that promises you glory but will only lead you to your doom. ( Keiran / Nathair / Thorne ) 
* THE ARMORER AND THE ENCHANTER (June 23rd onwards)–– They’re a legend in these parts, written of in myths and legends. All the fair folk know of them, in their far off and solitary home. They belong to neither court, they survive on their own. The earth is their domain, magic runs through their veins. They can craft you weapons and tools that will make you the most formidable warriors in the land, if the price is right. Sometimes they ask you for a dream, or for your fondness memories. Sometimes they ask you to trade your purest love. Sometimes they ask you for your weight in emerald or ruby. The courts will pay any price now, for weapons to aid them in the fight. One must only go and ask for it.  ( Fiadh / Mordred / Open ) 
* THE DAGDA INSTITUTE (June 25th onwards ) –– Zion de Paor first heard their name almost a month ago, when the murders started to ramp up and the police got more and more involved. The Dagda Institute. They want to learn to live forever. They deal in iron and genetics, and it’s very possible they’re linked to the killings. Still –– you’ll never know unless you learn more. The investigation will need many hands, people to keep an eye on them, people to infiltrate and find out as much information as they can. ( Afric / Open / Open ) 
* WHAT SARAH KNOWS (June 25th onwards) –– Sarah O’Neill runs cafe flux with her wife. Sarah O’Neill is a changeling. Detective Colm Ó Conchobhair believes that Sarah O’Neill is connected to the Dagda Institute by a maternal Uncle. She’s the only person you know of that might be aware of what’s going on, that might be able to ferret out some information about the Dagda Institute and what they really want. She might be able to point you toward her Uncle. Problem is, Sarah doesn’t seem willing to talk. This has all scared her, so badly. She haunts her cafe now, offers shadows of smiles and tries to dodge any more reasons for the Detectives to want to speak with her.  ( Dáiríne / Open / Open ) 
* SURVIVOR STORIES (June 29th onwards)–– As the hunt unfolds and you meet more and more people, you realise this: some people have come close to death yet managed to escape it. The fae named Fiadh escaped from those who hunted her and fled to court. Another solitary fae passed trough as he moved to the mountains, seeking shelter in further seclusion. A girl who lives at Hotel Titan swears that a spectre followed her home night after night before it attacked, she can’t even remember how she got away, only that she did. How they describe the spectre that hunts them may be useful, endlessly so. Any details you can follow back to the source have to be a priority, now.  ( Ailis / Katurian / Oz ) 
* DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES (June 27th + July 2nd respectively) –– You almost hoped that the killings had died down. No, not at all. In the weeks after the midsummer festivities, two people are found dead. A changeling named Christopher O’Mara and a solitary fae who went by the name of Willow. Their crime scenes match the others, yet there may be some chance of finding clues if your eyes are sharp enough.  ( Ailis / Zion / Open ) 
* THE WALLS HAVE EYES –– The Seelie and Unseelie Court are working together in perfect harmony, or so it seems. They’ve had to mix and mingle more than they’re comfortable with, more than they have in years. Happiness, prosperity, harmony. But there are snakes in the grass on both sides, keeping their eyes keen and seeking out any signs of weakness from the opposite court. Spies, in a way. Ready to gather information and use it, eventually, to bring the court they hate to their knees. Secrets hold so much value, lets see how many you can find.  ( Maeve / Canaan / Open ) 
* THE DARLINGTON ESTATE (June 26th onwards) –– Ever since word of a hunter stalking residents of Hotel Titan, many members of the otherworld have grown wary of staying there. They’re scared, fucking terrified, and they wish they had somewhere safer to stay in the wilds. Prince Brín of the Seelie Court has offered a new home. The old Darlington Estate, a place reclaimed by the wilds and the otherworld, impossible to find for any human without guidance. It has been reshaped into a safe-house for those who need it, and a gathering place for members of the Wild Hunt.  
This event will run until MAY 1ST, after which all threads should be finishing up! Please tag all your posts with some indicator of the event it belongs to. 
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otherworldhq · 4 years
Could Ben Barnes work for Aspen?
A b s o l u t e l y yes. Chefs kiss, 10/10, i’m always here for Ben Barnes. 
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otherworldhq · 4 years
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otherworldhq · 4 years
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otherworldhq · 4 years
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CONGRATULATIONS BECCA! You have been accepted for the role of BISMUTH and your faceclaim change has been approved! You did so many interesting things with this character, it brought such a big smile to my face! I can’t wait to write with you, welcome to the rp! 
Please follow the post acceptance checklist and submit your blog in the next 24 hours! Once you do, you’ll be given a link to join our OOC discord server!
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otherworldhq · 4 years
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Hello everyone! Small note here on acceptances: our app for BISMUTH will stay in our box until the author gets back to me about a couple of changes! That acceptance will be processed once we’ve discussed things & ironed things out! 
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otherworldhq · 4 years
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CONGRATULATIONS SAV! You have been accepted for the role of JUNIPER and your faceclaim change has been approved! What a lovely app! I’m so interested to see how your character develops and grows within the group, especially their relationship with our Larkspur!! I can’t wait to play with you! 
Please follow the post acceptance checklist and submit your blog in the next 24 hours! Once you do, you’ll be given a link to join our OOC discord server!
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otherworldhq · 4 years
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otherworldhq · 4 years
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ACCEPTANCE UPDATE: None of today’s apps have been accepted, and our next acceptance date will be Wednesday! I hope some more people will think of applying to join our little family! 
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otherworldhq · 4 years
would idris elba be an acceptable faceclaim swap for bismuth?
Absolutely yes! I love that! 
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otherworldhq · 4 years
alt fc's for juniper? reece king, dudley o'shaughnessy, jordan calloway, jacob artist, cykeem white?
I think Reece King and Dudley O'Shaughnessy are great options!! 
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otherworldhq · 4 years
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otherworldhq · 4 years
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