otomegoddess80 · 3 years
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More Hideyoshi artwork for his birthday!
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otomegoddess80 · 3 years
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Hideyoshi’s birthday is coming up, so be prepared to see more drawings of him this month!
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otomegoddess80 · 3 years
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And this was one of the things that made me fall head over heels for Hideyoshi 🥰 💚 Those kind of words he would say.
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otomegoddess80 · 3 years
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I’ve read enough of his event stories to grow fond of him. He’s bumped Masamune down a couple of pegs on favorites. So top five are Hideyoshi, Keiji, Mitsunari, Mitsuhide and Shingen. What a weird list of favorites, huh? 😂
Anyway, I drew Keiji. His neck may look long but it was pointed out I’m showing a lot of his chest which makes his neck look longer.
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otomegoddess80 · 3 years
I was not too happy with how Shingen looked in the angled shot. It didn’t seem like him at all. So the night of the 1st, the 2nd and just two hours ago I came up with this drawing, fixed up rough spots and finally completed it. This seems so much better. There’s a reason behind Shingen being with those two and I’m not uttering a word.
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otomegoddess80 · 3 years
Happy Birthday, Shingen! I’m not very good with angled views yet, so forgive me for the uneven stuff.
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otomegoddess80 · 3 years
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I drew Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide for Halloween this year. We have Pirate Hideyoshi and “Archaeologist” Mitsuhide. I hope people recognize what Archaeologist I’m referring to 😂
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otomegoddess80 · 3 years
For the Yukimura fans out there: His eternal route is coming up on the Japanese game. Not sure the exact release date, but it should be very soon.
In regards to being released in the States- we haven’t even gotten Hideyoshi’s Eternal route, so we probably have to wait awhile!
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otomegoddess80 · 3 years
Holy Heck, Hideyoshi! 🔥 👀 *Spoiler for Hideyoshi’s “Behind His Passionate Sword” story event.
Well,here we are. Not showing a lot… call it, a sample of what he’s like in the event. This has got to be one of his best event stories since I started playing. Thank you, Cybird. To see my love get such a steamy story, just makes me happy. He’s no mother hen in this!! 😂
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otomegoddess80 · 3 years
There for You- Hideyoshi X Reader
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A Hideyoshi x Reader short story Contains: Romance, comfort; not explicit. **I have considered doing a follow up story of Yoshi x Reader on vacation. Let me know if you are interested in seeing that story** You were not feeling quite well that afternoon. Everything had been going well in the morning and as the day went on, you felt yourself growing hotter and hotter. Working in the castle that day, helping the other seamstresses, they couldn't help but notice you were unwell. "You aren't looking well today, Y/N," Kiyoko said, looking at you. she placed a cool hand on your forehead and gasped. "You're burning up! Why are you running around working in this condition?" She turned and looked at Aoi. "Go get Hideyoshi, Aoi." "Really, I'm fine...I can..." You suddenly collapse, Kiyoko just managing to catch you. Without hesitation, Aoi ran to get your one and only love. When you come to, you feel a cool hand touching your forehead, and you see Hideyoshi, Kiyoko and Aoi looking at you with concern. "Aoi told me you had collapsed," Hideyoshi said softly. "Why didn't you stay home if you were feeling unwell?" He helped you sit up and you looked at him. "I was feeling fine in the morning," you told him. "Throughout the day, I was starting to feel warmer...but I didn't think anything of it." You gasped as Hideyoshi picked you up into his arms. "Hi...Hideyoshi!" "You obviously need the rest, and rest you will get," he said. "I'm taking you back home. I'll take care of you and make sure you don't push yourself." You wanted to argue with him, but the fever you had was starting to make you tired. Without a word, you laid your head against his shoulder and fell asleep. **************************** Hideyoshi had tucked you into the bed you shared with him, and continued to take care of you while working at his desk as well. He soon got up and stretched, and went to the kitchen to make you rice porridge. A simple, warm meal, but you knew it would help, as you had made it for Hideyoshi the time he was sick. A few sneezes woke you up, and you sat up, groaning. It was either a cold or a flu. You weren't sure which one just yet. You could hear his footsteps quickly approaching. "Y/N, I heard you sneezing," he said, crouching down to look at you. "I've made you some rice porridge, so I'll go get that for you now." Before you could say a word, your love went to get your food. You made yourself comfortable by sitting up more, and he was back almost as quickly as he left. "You overwork yourself all the time," you told him, and shook your head. "I don't want you to overdo it now." "I know what you mean, and I promise you that I'm not overworking myself," he said. "In fact, I had spoken to Nobunaga, and he has given me time off to make sure you got better." He chuckled at the look on your face. "Does it really come as a surprise to you that I would help you as much as I possibly can?" "Not really," you said, shaking your head. "But the fact that you aren't working as hard does surprise me. It's not like you to do that." You sneezed several times more, and Hideyoshi frowned. "Sorry, it's got to be a cold." "If that's the case, be prepared to be drinking more tea and eating rice porridge," Hideyoshi said, smiling. "That porridge definitely worked for me, so I don't see how it wouldn't work for you." "What ever did I do to get such a pampered life?" You asked him, smiling at him. You caressed his cheek, and he took your hand in his. "Sometimes I think it's all a dream." Hideyoshi kissed your hand and smiled. "Well, as to your first question, you managed to find yourself here due to a wormhole, and ended up meeting me and the rest of the Oda troops. That I am thankful for each day, I should add. And secondly...." He stopped to kiss you on the forehead, before giving you a quick kiss on the lips. "It's definitely not a dream." As you ate, you watched Hideyoshi suspiciously as he rushed around in other rooms. By the time he came back, his hair seemed
slightly dampened, as if he had been in damp conditions. "What are you up to?" You asked him, and he looked at you with wide, golden eyes. "Why do you look as though you have been running for miles in the heat?" With his ever so charming smile, he shook his head. "I'm not telling," he said teasingly. Offering a hand to help you up, he gave you a gentle head pat. "Come with me, Y/N. This should help you feel better too." He led you towards the bath, the room full of steam. The heat instantly clung to your skin, but it felt nice. You closed your eyes as you could faintly smell sandalwood. "A bath?" You ask him, a smile spreading on your lips. You should have known he would have done this as well, you tell yourself. Hideyoshi turned to look at you, a grin on his face. "Of course," he said. "I'm hoping it'll help with your sinuses and any fever you may have. Should I remind you of the time you..." Your face instantly turned red and hot as he began to remind you of the time you bathed him when he was sick. "No! No, you don't need to remind me," you exclaimed, hearing him chuckle at your embarrassment. "I remember that time just fine, thank you." You couldn't help but feel loved as he helped disrobe you and help you into the water. You leaned back as he pampered your skin with fragranced oils. You began to feel better already. Slowly but surely. But who was to say how you'd feel later on in the evening, or the next day. But at that moment, you didn't care. You were too busy enjoying the bath, and loving every moment of seeing Hideyoshi in general. "It looks like you're enjoying this," he said quietly, looking at you. He massaged your feet, one at a time, and smiled softly as you moaned loudly. "Of course I am," you said softly. "But it feels as though I'm being spoiled too much." Heaving a heavy sigh, you watch as Hideyoshi made his way behind you. You instantly moaned as he gave your shoulders a thorough rub as well. His lips teased the back of your neck before giving you a slow, gentle kiss. You shuddered at the touch, and warmth surrounded you. "There's nothing wrong with being spoiled too much," he whispered in your ear as he kissed the nape of your neck. "Especially when you have been so sick." Once the bath was finished, Hideyoshi took you to the bedroom, and helped you get settled in for the night. Your eyes widen as he got undressed in front of you, slipping into his sleeping robe. He slid under the sheets, joining you in bed. You snuggled up to him, wrapping your arm around his waist. "Thank you for all you have done for me," you told him, and kissed him softly on the lips. He smiled and brushed the side of your hair back, kissing you in return. "You don't need to thank me; it is my duty as your lover to take care of you whenever you are sick. I believe you told me something similar when I was sick." His grin widened as your face turned bright pink. "I'll always be there for you." "Yes, that's true," you told him. Your eyes grew heavy, ready for sleep. Feeling Hideyoshi next to you, and his warmth, helped you even more in drifting off to sleep. With him pulling you into his arms, you couldn't deny sleep anymore. ********************************* Two days later, you felt good as new and had been able to get back to work. Kiyoko and Aoi were happy to see you return. "Did he give you all the attention and love you deserved?" Aoi asked, as Kiyoko smiled. You blushed and before you could say anything, Hideyoshi had crept up from behind. "Of course I did," he said, winking at your two friends. "It wouldn't be me if I didn't do that." Jumping at the sound of his voice, you turn to look at him. "I hate when you do that," you told him, and the both of you laughed. "Is there a reason why you decided to show up unexpectedly?" He pulled you into his arms and smiled, looking into your eyes. "I managed to get off work early," he told you. "And to tell you that Nobunaga has demanded we go on a small vacation for a few days." He looked at Aoi and Kiyoko. "That is if the two of you don't
mind." "By all means," Kiyoko said. "She deserves a vacation. And now is the perfect time!" "Great, thanks," Hideyoshi said, grabbing your hand. "Come on, your vacation starts now." He started to lead you out of the sewing room, before you could say anything. Turning to you in the hallway, he tapped your nose. "I know you want to say something, but I want to remind you....when does my lord give me vacations?" "Good point," you told him. "I won't even say a word. Except for this. Where are we going?" Hideyoshi kissed your forehead, before giving you a deeper kiss on the lips. "Now that's a surprise." With a laugh, he squeezed your hand and together, the two of you walked off to prepare for a much needed vacation.
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otomegoddess80 · 3 years
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otomegoddess80 · 3 years
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Smiling Hideyoshi is like fireworks- beautiful.
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otomegoddess80 · 3 years
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I should and will make a note here. This is all I will ever do when it comes to frontal nudity artwork on tumblr. I feel like I’m pushing it here, but there are no genitals, no sexual acts etc. This was made to be in good taste.
This is Hideyoshi going for a night swim.
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otomegoddess80 · 3 years
Beach time with Hideyoshi and Cinnamon Roll.... sorry, Mitsunari. Heh. Stock background from IbisPaintX.
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otomegoddess80 · 3 years
Don’t just scroll; reblog.
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I’ve seen a lot of posts on my dash tonight about users who are threatening suicide, with other Tumblr members posting in effort to try to get ahold of them. I think you all should see this:
1. Scroll to the top of your dashboard.
2. See the circular question mark icon at the top? It’s the third one over from your home symbol. Click on that, and a screen similar to the one in the picture will come up.
3. Where you can type in questions, the box with the magnifying glass at the top, type in the word “suicide.”
4. Click on the first link that shows up. It should say, “Pass the URL of the blog on to us.”
5. Type in the user’s URL and tell Tumblr admin that the user is contemplating suicide and has posted a message indicating that they are going through with it or will be attempting. Hit send! Tumblr administration will perform a number of actions to contact the user and take the necessary steps to prevent the suicide.
Reblog this to keep other users aware. Suicide isn’t a joke, and neither is someone’s life. If you didn’t know this, someone else may not, either. Pass it on.
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otomegoddess80 · 3 years
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Fundoshis FTW!!! Here are Shingen and Hideyoshi. Stock Background from IbisPaintX.
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otomegoddess80 · 3 years
The Perfect Night- Hideyoshi x Reader
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*****WARNING: 18+ only *****
Contains partial smut/graphic sex
Reader x Hideyoshi He had been away for quite some time. Nobunaga had given him jobs in other territories requiring trade negotiations, and speaking to daimyos. You miss him terribly and just want him to come home safe. Every time he went away, you worried about him. But you knew and understood why. His loyalty to Nobunaga was impressive, and his dedication to Nobunaga’s cause was that as well. The desire to see him had been growing inside of you, causing great frustration.
Sighing, you head to the kitchen to make dinner. You had a feeling it would be another night of being alone. Lost in your own thoughts, you don't hear the door slide open to the kitchen; nor did you hear the footsteps coming from behind you. Suddenly, there were muscular arms around you, holding you close."I'm home. Did you miss me?” You hear the voice mutter, so close to your ear. His lips were like silk; warm and tickling your skin. You slowly turn around and see Hideyoshi grinning at you, his amber eyes bright. “Hey there.”
Your emotions grow incredibly strong as you hug him tightly, catching him by surprise. “I’ve missed you,” you tell him. “You don’t know how much I missed you.” You feel the vibration of his chest when he chuckled. He pulled away just slightly to caress the side of your face. He smiled lovingly at you.
“I may not know just how much, but I think I get a pretty good idea....because I missed you immensely,” he manages to say, pulling you back into his arms. The two of you embrace, enjoying the warmth of one another. “I’ve got good news for you.”
“Oh? I’m curious to know,” you tell him with a smile spreading on your face. “What is this good news?”
“The good news is...I don’t have to leave Azuchi for a while,” Hideyoshi tells you, kissing you on the lips suddenly. “So...we won’t have to be apart for as long as we had been lately.”
Your heart beats wildly, your stomach full of butterflies as he told you the news. There wouldn’t be any lonely nights anytime soon, you thought to yourself. “That’s not just good news....that’s the best news I’ve heard. You know I have been terribly lonely lately.”
“I had a feeling you were,” Hideyoshi said. “I was pretty lonely myself. I worried about you while I was away. I wondered if you took care of yourself properly...and eaten meals." You laugh at his concern good-naturedly. "I'm not Mitsunari, you know," you tell him. "But while you were away, I did make sure he took care of himself as well. So we ate our meals together. Because he would make sure I was okay too." Hideyoshi chuckles, shaking his head slightly. "He always finds a way to surprise me," he said. He takes your hands into his and brings them up to his lips, giving both hands some much needed attention. "I'm glad to know I can count on both of you to look after one another while I'm away. Would you like me to help you with dinner?" "I'd hate to ask for your help, especially since you just came home..." you began to say, but he silences you with a quick kiss. "There's nothing like coming home to someone you love immensely, and help them with a meal...let me help," he said. Something in the tone of his voice, and the gentle smile on his face makes you surrender instantly. "All right, you win!" You laugh as Hideyoshi grins. "You can help." ************************** After the well made meal, the two of you make it to his room. The moon was full and bright as you stepped out onto the balcony. There were times you still reflect on how you arrived in the time period, and the struggles both you and Hideyoshi had dealt with as your relationship had continuously evolved. You sigh as Hideyoshi makes his way onto the balcony and stood close beside you. "The moon is beautiful tonight, isn't it?" he asked, glancing over at you. You turn your head, taking his hand into yours. Hideyoshi blushed as he teased you. "I know," you began, "it's not like me to start the flirting. That's usually your specialty." "That may be so, but...." He says, and slowly pulled you close to him, turning you so you face him. "But I do appreciate you initiating this time." He tilts your head up so you were looking directly in his eyes. Leaning downward, he kisses you. Gentle at first, but as his kisses grew consistent, the deeper and firmer they got. You let out a whimper of pleasure as he kissed your neck, moving your hair so he could get to your earlobe. You gasp as he nips it playfully, and you grip onto Hideyoshi. "I don't think I can take it much longer," you manage to gasp into his ear. It didn't take long for him to understand what you meant. He sweeps you off your feet, which causes you to squeal in surprise, and leads you back in to the futon the two of you share. He places you on the futon and towers over you as he loosens your robes. "I'm going to make love to you, if you don't mind," he mutters, as he looks into your eyes. He spreads your robes open, looking at your naked body with loving eyes. He takes your hands and places them on his robe. "I have no complaints," you mutter, and without hesitation, you remove his kimono, noticing just how muscular his chest is...and how broad his shoulders are. Once he was naked, he sinks down deep into you, causing you to moan loudly. You wrap your arms around his waist, gripping his lower back tightly. Hideyoshi moans at your tight grip as he begins to thrust slowly. His eyes remain on yours as he cups your left breast, and kisses you slowly. His tongue teases your lips and you allow him entrance to your mouth. "I want this to be perfect for you," he moans quietly. He begins to thrust faster, and his eyes meets yours as you caress the side of his face. "You don't need to do anything more," you tell him. "This is already perfect for me. In fact, the evening was perfect once you came in that door." You feel him go deeper inside, and you gasp, as you throw your head back on the pillow. Hideyoshi took the opportunity to kiss many spots on your neck. Once he pampers you with multiple kisses, and teasing your nipples with his tongue and teeth, he grunts as he lifts one of your legs, your foot resting on his shoulder. It was obvious those nights he had been away, were lonely for him. His
desire for you is incredibly strong, and you could tell he had been trying to keep himself under control. You run your hands down his body, giving his toned butt a gentle squeeze as he continues to make love to you. He lets out some kind of moan that you had never heard before. "All these nights alone...I had thought about you and how I wanted you so badly," he says lovingly, his eyes close with pleasure as you caress the side of his face. "Well, I would be lying if I said I didn't do the same," you manage to say. Hideyoshi gasps and thrusts faster. His eyes meet yours and he hoists your hips up so your bottom wasn't touching the futon. "Hideyoshi....you've never done this before." He chuckles, moving downward and kisses your forehead. "Well, I missed you," he says quietly, his forehead now against yours. His voice grew quiet as he pants. "I believe if someone has been apart from their lover for quite awhile, they'll discover more things about themselves." Hideyoshi gasps and groans, feeling his urge to climax growing stronger and stronger. Feeling your own climax coming, you gasp. You grip onto his shoulders, your nails digging into him, causing him to moan loudly, a mixed combination of pain, surprise and arousal. His amber eyes lock on yours with a fierce look on his face. He thrusts harder and faster causing you to call out his name. You throw your head back from the sheer pleasure, and reach your limit. Hideyoshi feels this, and releases moments after, collapsing beside you afterward. He faces you, and smiles. You touch the side of his face, noticing the sweat running down his forehead. "I haven't seen you sweat this much before," you say, giggling eat him. You were growing tired; the amount of passion you had shared with Hideyoshi tired you out. You struggle to keep your eyes open. Hideyoshi notices and smiles. He kisses your forehead softly. "I don't think we've made love this passionately before," he laughs. He gives you a loving look, and kisses you gently on the lips. "I think I might have tired you out," he admits. "Come here." He wraps his arm around you, allowing you to move close and snuggle against him. "Get some sleep. I'll be right here when you wake up." You nod your head, and your eyes start to close; the last thing you see is Hideyoshi smiling at you as you drift off to sleep.
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