otomesanada · 1 year
it's the cutest thing ever! you're welcome (ㅅ˙³˙)♡
i melted too, the babies have personality too so it's very funny and cute to see them dealing with a 5 years old 😭
Be My Princess 2’s Childrens (PT. 2)
so, i will only translate a little bit of the second CG (image in the right) because if i translated everything, it would be a loooot... and i would stay here for days and days. but there's context, i will also talk about why the nickname, if it's too different from the name! here is part one of the princes.
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King Oliver & Prince Arthur (“Watson”).
why the nickname Watson? Prince Arthur said he couldn't tell about the future to Oliver, then got the nickname from Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes.
King Oliver, MC and Prince Arthur went out for a walk on Oliver’s birthday and, in the middle of streets, two chefs were fighting over a pizza, complaining about copying each other. Oliver then proposed they jointly promoted the pizza, so the public can say which pizza taste better. the two chefs liked the idea, Arthur was amazed. after coming home (and Werner yelled at Oliver), Arthur decided it was the best time to give his father the birthday gift, a book he made. Oliver started reading and praising the drawings too, making Arthur embarrassed. MC and Oliver were moved after reading that Arthur wanted to protect the country’s peace just like his dad and they hugged as a family. next few days, taking a break, Oliver said he likes to read Arthur’s book every day, the kid saying he'll make a lot of drawings. Oliver thanked MC for raising such a kind child.
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King Max & Prince Anselm (“Muu”).
why the nickname Muu? Prince Anselm was seen with a sheep plushie when he traveled to the past + the last katakana of his name, Muu.
Prince Anselm was anxious for his speech on King Max’s birthday party, so he froze in front of everyone. Max and MC were worried for their kid, she was going to help Muu-chan, but Max stopped MC, saying he believes Muu-chan will do it on his own time. little by little, Muu-chan steps to his dad, giving him a bouquet and an album, full of photos of them. MC is relieved, and then comments the album is incomplete, it's missing the last photo. Max is curious, and Anselm says it's reserved for a photo of the three of them. they ask Butler Gaston to take photo of them together, everyone applauding the family. Muu-chan and Max are relaxed and MC thinks it's a good time to take a picture of them again, asking for Gigi’s camera. later, MC talks about how Gigi is partner in crime of Anselm, taking the photos of them together.
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King Lyuo & Prince Theodore (Teddy).
King Lyuo and Prince Theodore got sick after spending some time together, and MC was worried about Teddy not being fully healthy for Lyuo’s birthday party. Prince Aslan appeared, making Teddy happy, he really likes Aslan. MC let them talk and Aslan ask what Theodore is feeling, who admits he feels sad for being sick and not getting a gift for his dad. Aslan then, secretly gives an option to Teddy. after party, MC cooks for Lyuo, who was feeling sick and occupied and ended up not eating much. they celebrate as family. when getting ready for bed, MC notices Lyuo and Teddy sleeping and accidentally wakes them up. she feels happy to see them hugging, they weren't feeling very well before. Teddy admits he is feeling guilty, thinking he was the reason why Lyuo was feeling bad too and tries to make a spell for Lyuo to get better soon. Lyuo feels happy and hugs his kid really hard, feeling very hard to spend time with him again.
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Butler Jin & Ren + Prince Shion & Ruito.
because it's the first time there's an event with Shion & Jin with their son, that's the event their son travels back in time.
Ren thinks Jin and MC doesn't get along, because MC always deny Jin’s touches in public. she is just a little shy with it plus thinks it's not an appropriate way to behave in front of their kid.
Ruito is worried that Prince Shion and MC are feeling overwhelmed with work, so he asks Butler Kent to help him make omelette, because he knows eating a delicious meal makes him feel better. MC and Shion are very happy to see their son being so caring, and there's the sense of they did something right in the future. after Shion’s birthday party, Ruito gives him a bouquet he made himself to Shion, congratulating his father for his birthday and Shion is feeling very proud of his son. after hugging Ruito, a light appears and take the kid back to the future. Shion comments Ruito is really MC’s son, for liking flowers and aromas.
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some of these images aren't mine, it's from some of my friends but they allowed me to post it, besides it's from voltage’s anyway.
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otomesanada · 1 year
BMP Jp events are oh my GAWD. The kids look so cute . I wish I could read Japanese. camping here for kuon's route spoilers. and if you could , anything about wilfred,henry,and his son(forgot his name) would be great , I'm simping their whole generation XD
Thank you for your work , you are sooo appreciated.
hi sweetie! i just wanted to say i posted the baby event, so you can now know more about henry and nicholas! here is part one of the events and here is part two! i hope you enjoy it and i’m sorry it took so long!
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otomesanada · 1 year
Be My Princess 2’s Childrens (PT. 2)
so, i will only translate a little bit of the second CG (image in the right) because if i translated everything, it would be a loooot... and i would stay here for days and days. but there's context, i will also talk about why the nickname, if it's too different from the name! here is part one of the princes.
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King Oliver & Prince Arthur (“Watson”).
why the nickname Watson? Prince Arthur said he couldn't tell about the future to Oliver, then got the nickname from Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes.
King Oliver, MC and Prince Arthur went out for a walk on Oliver’s birthday and, in the middle of streets, two chefs were fighting over a pizza, complaining about copying each other. Oliver then proposed they jointly promoted the pizza, so the public can say which pizza taste better. the two chefs liked the idea, Arthur was amazed. after coming home (and Werner yelled at Oliver), Arthur decided it was the best time to give his father the birthday gift, a book he made. Oliver started reading and praising the drawings too, making Arthur embarrassed. MC and Oliver were moved after reading that Arthur wanted to protect the country’s peace just like his dad and they hugged as a family. next few days, taking a break, Oliver said he likes to read Arthur’s book every day, the kid saying he'll make a lot of drawings. Oliver thanked MC for raising such a kind child.
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King Max & Prince Anselm (“Muu”).
why the nickname Muu? Prince Anselm was seen with a sheep plushie when he traveled to the past + the last katakana of his name, Muu.
Prince Anselm was anxious for his speech on King Max’s birthday party, so he froze in front of everyone. Max and MC were worried for their kid, she was going to help Muu-chan, but Max stopped MC, saying he believes Muu-chan will do it on his own time. little by little, Muu-chan steps to his dad, giving him a bouquet and an album, full of photos of them. MC is relieved, and then comments the album is incomplete, it's missing the last photo. Max is curious, and Anselm says it's reserved for a photo of the three of them. they ask Butler Gaston to take photo of them together, everyone applauding the family. Muu-chan and Max are relaxed and MC thinks it's a good time to take a picture of them again, asking for Gigi’s camera. later, MC talks about how Gigi is partner in crime of Anselm, taking the photos of them together.
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King Lyuo & Prince Theodore (Teddy).
King Lyuo and Prince Theodore got sick after spending some time together, and MC was worried about Teddy not being fully healthy for Lyuo’s birthday party. Prince Aslan appeared, making Teddy happy, he really likes Aslan. MC let them talk and Aslan ask what Theodore is feeling, who admits he feels sad for being sick and not getting a gift for his dad. Aslan then, secretly gives an option to Teddy. after party, MC cooks for Lyuo, who was feeling sick and occupied and ended up not eating much. they celebrate as family. when getting ready for bed, MC notices Lyuo and Teddy sleeping and accidentally wakes them up. she feels happy to see them hugging, they weren't feeling very well before. Teddy admits he is feeling guilty, thinking he was the reason why Lyuo was feeling bad too and tries to make a spell for Lyuo to get better soon. Lyuo feels happy and hugs his kid really hard, feeling very hard to spend time with him again.
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Butler Jin & Ren + Prince Shion & Ruito.
because it's the first time there's an event with Shion & Jin with their son, that's the event their son travels back in time.
Ren thinks Jin and MC doesn't get along, because MC always deny Jin’s touches in public. she is just a little shy with it plus thinks it's not an appropriate way to behave in front of their kid.
Ruito is worried that Prince Shion and MC are feeling overwhelmed with work, so he asks Butler Kent to help him make omelette, because he knows eating a delicious meal makes him feel better. MC and Shion are very happy to see their son being so caring, and there's the sense of they did something right in the future. after Shion’s birthday party, Ruito gives him a bouquet he made himself to Shion, congratulating his father for his birthday and Shion is feeling very proud of his son. after hugging Ruito, a light appears and take the kid back to the future. Shion comments Ruito is really MC’s son, for liking flowers and aromas.
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some of these images aren't mine, it's from some of my friends but they allowed me to post it, besides it's from voltage’s anyway.
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otomesanada · 1 year
Be My Princess 2’s Childrens (PT. 1)
so, i will only translate a little bit of the second CG (image in the right) because if i translated everything, it would be a loooot... and i would stay here for days and days. but there's context, i will also talk about why the nickname, if it's too different from the name! here is part two of the princes.
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King Henry & Prince Nicholas (Nico).
MC and King Henry were occupied for his birthday party, and MC was worried Prince Nicholas was feeling lonely. while talking to all the other princes, Kevin asked if Nico is alright, since he wasn't at the party, and she answered he is doing good but Henry saw she looked a bit worried so he let her get out of the party earlier and she went to find Nicholas, who asked what she was doing there. MC said she was there to make company to her baby, but Nico took her hand and made her go back to the party, because it's daddy’s birthday. MC told Henry about it and both laughed a bit, then went to commemorate together privately. after their mini date in a restaurant, they both went to find Nicholas, who was talking alone in his room. the plushie is Nicholas birthday gift (second image), Lassie ¹. MC gave Henry a cake too, then they cut in 5 pieces; one for Henry, MC, Loyd, Nicholas... and the last one for the plushie!
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King Sieg & Prince Elion (“Lila”).
why the nickname Lila? Prince Elion’s nickname is Lila because of his color palette.
King Sieg’s birthday is coming and he will make a national announcement about his heir, Lila. Prince Elion is really anxious for the day, he is worried he won't be good enough for his speech. MC is worried for their son, and ends up with stomachache (gastritis). Elion and Sieg makes porridge for her, and the child start crying, thinking it's his fault his mommy is feeling sick. Sieg and MC are shocked, but then both start talking to Lila about how they are proud of him — and if he is worried, they can study his speech together! Sieg also tries to apologize, he didn't want to pressure his son... the day come and while looking at the public, he gets excited and adds on his speech he wants to be a king as cool as Sieg and as kind as MC, surprising his parents. after party, Sieg hugs Lila (second image) and says they are both proud of how their son is growing up so well.
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King Kuon & Prince Riito (“Rikkun”).
why the nickname Rikkun? Prince Riito loves squirrels and he called himself Rikkun when he traveled to the past.
King Kuon and MC were having breakfast with Prince Riito when Rikkun asked Kuon to teach him how to make latte art. Kuon was a bit cautious, because it might be hot and burn Riito’s little hands, but MC convinced him that it'll be okay as long Kuon watch him. with Kuon’s birthday party coming, they were worried about showing Riito to the public, as they both know their child is clingy and need support. they are worried to make it traumatic to him. they agree to think a bit more about it later... next day, Riito calls MC secretly, he wants to make a latte art as Kuon’s birthday gift. MC agrees to help him, making it a secret. Rikkun works hard to learn, even making Butler Kent a latte (who gets emotional). the little family goes to a festival of bakery and Rikkun wants to buy his parents's favorite coffee himself, after a brief hesitation, they let him buy it alone. Rikkun takes a long time there, making MC and Kuon anxious, but shows up with the coffee in hand. they are impressed by how Riito grew up lately and decides to show him on the party. later, Riito shows the latte art he made himself to Kuon, who is very proud.
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King Kevin & Prince Cyrus (“Lion”).
why the nickname Lio/Lion? Prince Cyrus was holding a lion plush when he traveled to the past.
since King Kevin’s birthday is coming, he's been a lot more occupied than normal, but he still makes time to read Prince Cyrus a book before sleeping. MC notices how it's more peaceful, but then Cyrus complains about how Kevin can't read a book because he can't do a princess voice and things are back to normal. next day, Butler Gabriel talks to MC about Cyrus being invited to the kid’s band in Kevin’s birthday parade and Cyrus is excited to it, as a gift for Kevin! MC is worried, Cyrus is a bit shy but agrees... so he started training alone, it was nice, but after a while, he needed to train with others kids, and got too nervous, making a lot of mistakes. MC tried to talk to Cyrus it was ok to make mistakes, but the kid was too stressed and yelled at her, saying he couldn't do it and ran away. MC then talked to Kevin about their fight, who went to talk to Cyrus, motivating him to never give up, no one is perfect it at first. Cyrus agrees to go back and get better. Kevin’s birthday now the surprise revealed, the king cries when seeing his son is growing up. later, Kevin wants to reward Cyrus for working hard, who just wants a piggyback and spend time with his father (second image).
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King Ivan & Prince Elem (“Wolf”).
why the nickname “wolf”? Prince Elem didn't remember his own name when he traveled to the past, so that's why MC and Ivan gave him this nickname.
King Ivan’s birthday party was near and with it, the announcement of his heir, Prince Elem, that until then lived hidden from everyone... because this is the first time Elem will see the public, he is very nervous and fussing, being really agitated, making MC and Ivan worry for his safety. MC needed to go out to finish her work, then Ivan then make a promise with Elem and apologize to MC for make her worry. when she's back from work, she notices Elem sleeping — something really hard to happen — while Ivan is hugging the tiny body. Ivan and MC talks a bit, with him praising MC to take such a good care of their child and noticing something was making Elem nervous. Elem then wakes up and apologize, making the small child admit he just wants to be praised a lot by his mommy and daddy. in Ivan’s birthday party, everything goes well, he shows up and they spend next day playing with snow (second image), with Elem teaching Ivan how to make snow rabbits!
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¹ Lassie is how Henry calls MC in his route, because of the dog. they have a master-pet relationship.
Sieg, Kuon, Kevin, Ivan, Max and Lyuo are called papa (パパ) and MC is mama (ママ). while Henry, Oliver and Shion are called otou-sama (お父様) and MC is okaa-sama (お母様).
i search for everyone's name so i could name them accurately, as Elion... but i don't know how to translate perfectly Kuon’s and Shion’s son’s name. i know Ruito is a name, but i didn't hear anything about Riito. sorry if it's wrong!
some of these images aren't mine, it's from some of my friends but they allowed me to post it, besides it's from voltage’s anyway.
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otomesanada · 1 year
Also I think you mentioned before in some of their routes they have fiances? Do you happen to have a screenshot of them, I'm curious to see what the look like 💕
yessssss. i admit i haven't read everyone’s route yet, especially because i want to read my fav’s sequels and such... but the ones i read, sieg and kevin have fiancee before mc appeared in their lives and they are both the cutest!!
unfortunately, i don't have sieg’s fiancee because that's the whole plot of his main story: he is searching for his fiancee that disappeared, since she really DIDN'T want to marry sieg and we end up finding her but she appeared reaaaally few times. she is very soft, has a short blonde?white? hair. i wish i could go back and screenshot 😭
but i have michelle! she is kevin’s best friend, and we become really close to her too, i love love love love her so much. she still appears in the events ans some routes, so it's a lot easier. she is an important character to kevin too.
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otomesanada · 1 year
I'd say I love them all but I'd be lying because Henry Sieg and Ivan are my ults. I think it has to do with the fact that Wilfred and Joshua are my favs. I just love them so much😭
it's really understandable, i love them so much! i get it, i was also influenced by be my princess 1, hihihi. ❤ kevin is my favorite because of keith, i’m sure of it! well, i will try to talk about their route as detailed as i can!
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otomesanada · 1 year
Wait they already made a Event Babies from the Princes?! 😭 I missed it totally was there Ivan too or only a certain group princes? 🥹
yesssss, they made event babies for the princes (that are actually already kings in the events! nice, right?) 😭 ivan is there too! actually, he was the last one to get the baby event but just because of his birthday was the last one.
max — may 2022
henry — june 2022
sieg — august 2022
oliver — september 2022
kuon & shion — november 2022
lyou — december 2022
kevin — february 2023
ivan — march 2023
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otomesanada · 1 year
hey fellow princess , about the recent BMP Jp event summary , can you please do it ? pyetty pweaseee, with a cherry on top ? I have been playing this game for about 5 years now (paid and party versions) but since I can't read Jp , I'm missing out on all those continued stories out there . truth to be told BMP is my first otome game and so I have a soft spot for it . My fave boys Are will,Josh, Roberto, hayden , Kuon . Who are your favourite ?
hi, sweetheart! 🥰 i will do it, i will do it!
i understand you so well, i've been playing be my princess since 2017 and i didn't know anything, i just tried to do some routes so i could get their CGs (which is always beautiful, i love it). do you want me to make a summary of kuon’s route too? i finished it yesterday, so it's very fresh the memory! also, if you search for “be my princess 2” on my tumblr you will find some small (very small and very few) translations of random things. (excuse my english, it was awful).
my favorites from be my princess 1 are keith and joshua, from be my princess 2 are kevin and kuon 🥺💖 i love them a lot, they make me so happy and their japanese routes are different from paid, but it's even more special.
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otomesanada · 1 year
AAAa please talk about their baby event, I miss the princes so much I wish voltage would continue their story lines 😭
RIGHT 😭 i will talk about it, don't worry! the babies are a mini version of them but they have their own personality (some VERY different from their father) and they are the cutest ever... honestly i wish voltage to localize eternal kiss, they have SO much story, and it's very different from the paid version, but it's a lot more interesting too... it's very detailed, they have more important character even... voltage please 🥺
anyway, who are your favorite??? so i can make a bit more detailed summary of the baby event for them!! skjshsjshsjs i don't remember aaaaall, because most of their baby event was 2022, but i can try a bit harder to remember.
i will just drop these here!!! there are more, but i will keep it to my post more detailed.isn't it so cute???? henry’s son is nicholas, and sieg’s son is “lila” (nickname).
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otomesanada · 1 year
i just finished kuon’s route and i love him so much! be my princess 2 eternal kiss is soooo much better than the paid version... you know the spoiled boy that ran away from the castle and spend the days in mc’s house because he didn't want to be a prince? forget that. kuon is so thoughtful... i could make a summary, with all spoilers and all, but i don't know if anyone is interested so i will just... keep it... but anyway.
also, i just read an event of the princes (actually, they are kings* already!) with their BABY... yes, they have a son. and it's the cutest thing EVER. i cried a bit reading some of them (it wasn't everyone though, unfortunately just some of them 😭)
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otomesanada · 1 year
waaaaaa, thank you 🥺🥺🥺
i don't know if there's anyone here, reading this post but... it's been one whole year since last time i posted here... so i decided to read any otome route. i opened be my princess eternal kiss and i FINALLY read a whole route and understand all of it, i’m so happy!!! i realized i still love otome, it's still a home i can go back and relax.
i played kevin’s sequel and also currently reading kuon’s route... if anyone here read BMP mobage/eternal kiss version 👉👈... or if interested only, the guys are so different from paid route to the party version of the game, i could talk about it all day!!!
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otomesanada · 1 year
i don't know if there's anyone here, reading this post but... it's been one whole year since last time i posted here... so i decided to read any otome route. i opened be my princess eternal kiss and i FINALLY read a whole route and understand all of it, i’m so happy!!! i realized i still love otome, it's still a home i can go back and relax.
i played kevin’s sequel and also currently reading kuon’s route... if anyone here read BMP mobage/eternal kiss version 👉👈... or if interested only, the guys are so different from paid route to the party version of the game, i could talk about it all day!!!
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otomesanada · 2 years
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So uh im back from the dead 🙃
Hope yall like this licht drawing i did
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otomesanada · 2 years
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foxy ;))))
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otomesanada · 2 years
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otomesanada · 2 years
[cn server content]
《Tears of Themis · 末定事件薄》
Artem's Birthday · 左然生日 PV:日夜相生
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otomesanada · 2 years
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Happy birthday Oji! 🥳🥳🥳
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