ouradventure-begins ¡ 9 years
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ouradventure-begins ¡ 9 years
“Me? I’m not bad!” the brunette defended, crossing her arms. “How do I know you’re not someone whose bad?” she accused, immediately one to jump to conclusions. Upa peeked his head from her bag and watched the two in silence. Tomoyo either didn’t notice her partner or just decided to ignore him.
ouradventure-begins: “Yes actually, shes the one who taught me that.” the brown haired girl replied with a careful amount of poise. Tomoyo had never been one for restraining her words- if someone was going to hear from her they were going to hear whatever she wanted them to.
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“I should have figured as much..Kids tend to behave like their parents.” Kyo sighed and moved a hand to run through his dark locks, a habit of sorts. “You might want to be careful who you do that around..There are some bad people around here. For all you know I could be one of them.” He mused, smirking.
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ouradventure-begins ¡ 9 years
“Yes actually, shes the one who taught me that.” the brown haired girl replied with a careful amount of poise. Tomoyo had never been one for restraining her words- if someone was going to hear from her they were going to hear whatever she wanted them to.
“I’m sorry, my cell phone data coverage does not cover the bullshit zone you’re in.” (Tomoyo -- soitdoesn'tinterferwithyourcharactersparentsandallthat)
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“Bullshit zone..? You kiss your mother with that mouth?” Kyo was less than thrilled with the use of vulgarity though he indulged in it more than he should. That didn’t mean he didn’t have standards and morals. He wouldn’t encourage others to do it at any rate.
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ouradventure-begins ¡ 9 years
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”  Takao frowned, kicking his legs casually.
( yuukinomonshou )
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ouradventure-begins ¡ 10 years
"R-right...sorry, it felt like you needed something.." the boy chuckled nervously. 
"Did you want something?" the blonde questioned, frowning.
( @tktakaishi )
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ouradventure-begins ¡ 10 years
"Did you want something?" the blonde questioned, frowning.
( @tktakaishi )
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ouradventure-begins ¡ 10 years
This house had been eerily silent recently- which was not very common. Not that Mai would complain about silence. Toshin was usually with the other children now and her father was rarely home. Most of the time the only real sounds came from Uin and Takuji. But it was a welcomed silence- at least in Mai's eyes.
Of course now she had to deal with her family- or her mother at least. The urge to tell her where to shove her offer came, but she'd rather not have to deal with it. She also had a feeling that if she didn't come down there and do something then her life would be more difficult later on down the road. As if she did not have enough to worry about already with Daiki and the others...
"I guess." said replied simply before standing up, leaving her computer idle for the moment. She did not need her mother snooping in on her research. That would just lead to more problems for the raven haired child. She stood up from her computer desk and walked over to the elder female.
Uin blinked and shakily followed her partner- a concerned look on the bird Digimon's face. She did not really want to get caught in any conflict between these two, but she had to follow none the les.
"Did you want something?" Mai frowned, eyeing the other female.
( aijoutojunshin )
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ouradventure-begins ¡ 10 years
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A walk and some Fairy Tail does me so much good sometimes
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ouradventure-begins ¡ 10 years
How does one react to a teenaged version of their mother panicking? Plus the things she was saying were...interesting at the very least. He did not butt in, just watched her and her partner speaking with an awkward expression on his face.
"Um...sorry." he said, as if this was somehow his fault. Bailey jump off of him and stood in front of the boy, as if it would help her get a better grip on situation. She then looked back up at her partner with a laugh. "She's really freaking out Kevin~" she said, obviously taking the situation in a way light way.
"This isn't funny Bailey!" he argued, giving her a slightly annoyed look. "Um, if it makes you feel any better this is kinda weird for me too? You're like Daiki or Mai's age and I am used to you being a little bit older..." just like twenty years or so, no big deal. But thankfully Kevin was always a levelheaded person. No need for panic yet.
"P-Plus, my family seems really happy- or my parents do together!" he said, putting his hands up weakly. He was not really sure what to say or do to make the situation better. Bailey was not really helping him any either with her goofy and strange nature.
Mimi was shaking a little now. There was no way this was happening. Well, there were plenty of Michaels in the world and America was a big place. Heck, there were probably hundreds of Michaels in New York alone. Any one of them could have met and married a woman named Mimi. Who… had a Palmon as a partner.
"Um… D-do you know what her maiden name was?" Mimi asked cautiously, unsure if she wanted to hear the answer.
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ouradventure-begins ¡ 10 years
Did Kevin really want to tell her that? Yeah, and he was pretty sure she knew what he was going to say anyways.
"Her maiden name is Tachikawa, shes a pretty famous cook though..." was that supposed to soften the blow of this somehow? Bailey whacked him on the back of the head as if to tell the boy that would not help. He almost said sorry to her, but that did not do much either. He was pretty sure she was going to freak out over this.
"2027?!" Mimi exclaimed loudly. Unlike Kevin, she wasn’t taking this newfound knowledge quite as well. Wait, he was a time traveller?
"That’s Michael’s last name… So… are you, like, his kid or something? From the future?" Wow, this was so weird. How could it be that she was meeting a kid from the future? A sick feeling entered Mimi’s stomach. He only vaguely resembled Michael. He looked more like…
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ouradventure-begins ¡ 10 years
"Um, yeah- my dads name is Micheal." he said, putting his hands behind his head and looking down. "So...this is where the other really weird part comes in..."
"My um...Mama's name is Mimi too, and her partner is a Palmon." he didn't repeat the fact that she was a Chosen, seeing no real need to now. He kicked the dirt with the toe of his shoe, chuckling nervously once again. Baily looked between her partner and the female curiously, climbing out of the bag and onto Kevin's shoulder.
"What? That’s impossible. My friends and I are the original Chosen." Mimi exclaimed, irritated. "It’s 2003! You’re asking really odd questions, kid."
Now Mimi was starting to get uncomfortable. How could this little kid have parents who were Chosen Children? Sure, he was young but he couldn’t have been older than Takeru and Hikari were back then,and as far as she knew the oldest Chosen were still teenagers at best.
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ouradventure-begins ¡ 10 years
"2003- ohhh... its 2027 here...or where I come from anyways." he mumbled, taking the situation rather calmly. He was used to strange things by now- his entire life was pretty strange.
"um- Maybe I should start over..." he rubbed the back of his head. "My name is Kevin Barton, I'm nine years old and this is my partner Bailey- we are a normal pair where I come from."
"Bailey…" Mimi said, looking down at the Tanemon. He showed his partner so casually. That was odd. "So, that means you’re a Chosen, too." Mimi pulled her own partner out of her bag, who was also a Tanemon at the moment.
"This is Tanemon. She doesn’t have a nickname. For the longest time it was just the seven of us, and we each had different partners so we never had to. Normally she’s Palmon, though."
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ouradventure-begins ¡ 10 years
"Huh? I'm not a Chosen- my Mama and Papa are, but not me." he said. She said that as if only Chosen had Digimon anymore-
Okay this was past the funny coincidence stage. She had a Palmon for a partner and her name was Mimi. This was a bit to strange... "Um...what year is it exactly?" he asked, having a feeling it was not what he was expecting it to be.
Mimi laughed. “Yeah, I sometimes speak English when I want to say something and don’t want my friends to know. It’s great because not a lot of them know English all that well.”
She looked to his bag when she heard the laughter. “Is your bag… giggling?”
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ouradventure-begins ¡ 10 years
"Did you want something?" Mai frowned, eyeing the other female.
( aijoutojunshin )
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ouradventure-begins ¡ 10 years
"That's the best part about knowing a language that no one else knows though- or sometimes it is." the boy laughed, but blinked at the question. He then opened his bag and a Tanemon popped its head out.
"Yeah, that's Bailey- she can be a bit loud at times..." its not like Digimon on the streets were surprises anymore- not since before he was born anyways.
"That’s really assuring though, I know English better than Japanese and I think it confuses the friends I have." he explained with a laugh. He heard Baily gigging at something from his bag, but made no move to say anything to her.
"Nice to meet you then, Miss Mimi." he took her hand, trying to ignore the weird feeling he got from this situation.
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ouradventure-begins ¡ 10 years
"That's really assuring though, I know English better than Japanese and I think it confuses the friends I have." he explained with a laugh. He heard Baily gigging at something from his bag, but made no move to say anything to her.
"Nice to meet you then, Miss Mimi." he took her hand, trying to ignore the weird feeling he got from this situation.
"Of course I can." Mimi said, placing her hands on her hips. "I’ve been living in America for a while now. My parents moved to New York. I had to learn English really quickly if I was going to make any friends!"
She smiled. “I can call you Kevin.” She held out her hand. “My name is Mimi Tachikawa.”
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ouradventure-begins ¡ 10 years
"Really? That's weird." he chuckled, then cocked his head to the side. "You speak English then?" he questioned. Most of his friends could not pronounce his name because it was English- and therefore called him 'Bean'. "I'm Kevin, but Bean works too."
"Did you need something?" Bean blinked, looking at the female
( sincerepinkhibiscusrightear )
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