#rp: Tenchi
hollowsorrows · 2 years
tuyu rp twitter is the best thing that has graced this world
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thursdaysrain · 4 months
im going to try posting here every day for . i dont know. a while. and see if i get a feel for it. just whatever off the cuff no editing
recently i watched adventure time front to back (having seen maybe 30% of it forever ago), and i feel kind of goofy for being one of those like 'woah this kid show is so deep and good' converts but there's just a lot of meat on those bones, i guess. it takes itself seriously thematically!
as always consuming very good fiction over such a dense period (i worked through like everything - 10 seasons, distant lands, and fionna and cake - within a few weeks) my brain is rewired and i feel bonkers.
unfortunately i have intense shipping urges but to my dismay (although not unexpected) it is not even one of the top ten ships on AO3 (63 out of 4k works). of course this aired during an era tumblr i'm not so familiar with but i know things were much darker on here 5-10 years ago for Problematic Fanwork.
finn/pb seems to be a radioactive ship. anything i see about it always has all these caveats or is like trying to thread the needle of not specifically being about a manipulative functionally-immortal queen grooming (in both connotations of the word, really) a young teenage boy to be Her knight. not to mention it loses out to pb/marceline, which is 1. gay 2. baited from early in the show and 3. ended up 'winning' and maybe most importantly, unfortunately, 4. is Not Problematic
dont get me wrong i like them together a lot. and i am very happy that it was canonized, or whatever. but there's just so much insanity inducing material w/ finn and princess bubblegum. the show regularly points out how fixated on her he is while also showing again and again how much of a possessive control freak pb is.
there's a lot that keeps running through my brain bc of AT, some things more interesting/useful than others (such as a specific perspective on like, disaster, time, and life going on despite everything that resonates strongly). but no i keep coming back to this weird thing. i blame my chldhood exposure to tenchi muyo for why i am the way i am. this is just my washu/tenchi thing all over again. that's literally what it is what the fuck
i dont think i could get into writing fanfic. im too obsessed w/ worldbuilding, like, over planning things, i cant just slap out a short story. maybe it's worth forcing myself sometime. the closest i ever got (except a couple pieces i wrote in elementary school and lots of fan chatroom RP) was i was planning for a 2hr renpy fanfic vn about manbagi from komi san (maybe my most rabid fixation on a character and a huge outlier) getting together with tadano. komi san kind of lost its momentum for me though, especially with manbagi rotated out of the main cast after her devastating (but inevitable) loss in the main ship war.
all this to say my only recourse is to rotate these cubes in my brain over and over until they shatter into countless pieces and leave their marks on my other works. there's a luxury a long running serial work has, and it's time to really ferment, and i regret i have no such luxury. i suppose that's another benefit of fanfic, though, being able to lean on that.
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benjaycaptain · 4 months
20 Qs for fic writers
came across an "anyone who wants to do this" post, so here we go noooo i'm not procrastinating lol
1. How many works do you have on A03? 23 on my old, 18 on my current
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 594,564 orz
3. What fandoms do you write for? descendants mostly on the current ao3, used to be marvel on my old, and now ffvii is working its way onto my page. i've done one offs for jp3, fast and furious, and the 13th warrior. need to finish the tf2 fic. back in my ffn days it was mainly rent with across the universe and spamalot thrown in
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? as of writing this: 1) nothing in this world but myself to protect me 2) friends never say goodbye 3) in time gone by 4) if only 5) i just want our time to be slower and gentler, wiser, free [it's hilarious to me that the second and third most kudo'd fic are for my now notps lmao]
5. Do you respond to comments? i try to, but sometimes i feel awkward if i haven't replied to something in so long and feel like it's too late for me to comment orz
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? oh probably broken truth for sure. i put banner through the wringer in that one
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? i feel like most of my fic has a HEA, despite everything lmao
8. Do you get hate on fics? no, not really hate, at least not any more lol mostly it's just entitlement lots of times
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? what kind this says lol non/dubcon, porn with feelings, pwp, kink with feelings. like, what else is there lmao
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? no, not generally. closest i've gotten is writing fic for an rp i was part of lol oh, i mean, i do create pokemon aus of things, but rarely do i actually write anything for them
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? not that I'm aware of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? yeah, someone asked permission to translate friends never say goodbye into chinese. outside of that, no idea
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? nope, just done rp within my group
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? ah shit lmao how can you make shipper trash such as myself pick an all time favorite ;-;
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? oh, probably scars. might have to actually go back and mark than as abandoned weh
16. What are your writing strengths? people might say smut, but i think it's dialogue, having the characters speak naturally and believably. the one good aftereffect of being a former theater kid
17. What are your writing weaknesses? description by far. i don't think i can describe things for shit, so i'm surprised when people comment on it
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? i do not do this because i personally know i'd butcher other languages. i usually just denote another language is being spoken by doing this, if the pov character understands it: "[I am saying this sentence in German]," he said. otherwise, i'd just say something like "they said something in Language" or just use a few phrases or words here and there cause i am not creative xD
19. First fandom you wrote for? ever? uhhhhh sailor moon or tenchi muyo. the fandom for the first fic i ever posted was rent tho
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? either the gift of paradise or i just want our time to be slower and gentler, wiser, free. both source materials intimidated the hell out of me, but i feel like the tone and voice of the material shines through, brightly at that!
Tagging @descendantofthesparrow @auradon-bore-a-don @dragonwrangler @karenhikari and anybody who wants to do this meme!
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reaperkaneki · 2 years
yesterday one of my coworkers came to the back and called me out to help a customer because she wanted recommendations but, to him, all the series she was referencing he had never heard of.
so as it turns out she was an old school weeb, like, attended the first sak weeb, like, was really into fushigi yuugi and og tenchi muyo weeb. which is somewhat before my time, personally, but my (ex) coworker is of a similar age bracket so i’m at least passingly familiar with that sort of thing. anyway she was nostalgic for the old shoujo art styles which… is a lot more difficult a criterion than you would expect (especially given that most 90s titles are out of print)
our conversation and what i recommended her and what she decided on is not that important, i just wanted everyone to know that the reason she decided she wanted to get back into collecting manga is because. “you remember gaiaonline?” she asks me. so apparently she’s been in a lit rp group on the gaia forums that continues to this day and she’s… tired of spending money on art commissions of her rp characters and having nothing physical to show so she’d rather have something tangible. like manga.
other highlights include when she complained about her husband watching too many trashy isekai and that the only one she’d been interested recently is, of all things, fucking skeleton knight (girl your standards… raise them), and that when her husband tried to discuss various different gundam anime with her, she said there’s only one gundam for her—Is It Wing, i ask. yes thank you she says. (yeah of course its fucking wing uh huh fucking clocked.)
also when she said she was okay with BL bc shes watched …. (hesitant and embarrassed attempt at pronouncing) mdsz. and then later when she looked at a GL title i said yeah that ones cute and abt x, i dont read much yuri tho—and she said the only yuri she could think of was yuri on ice (and was 100% serious abt that being yuri wherein i had to explain to her the difference between BL and GL… and she was super embarrassed bc a decade ago she would have known that lmfao)
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eriversible · 4 years
@0stormy0muses0​ liked for a noumu!starter!
...!! That’s.. Papa’s aura... Papa... Where are you...??? Aya leapt across the rooftops, her speed making her look nothing more than a bird flying past for the people below. He’s here, somewhere. That presence is just like his. It’d been so long since she last saw him... She needed to run to him, to see what had become of him, to bring him back to the hideout so that he could be safe once more. All this time, it was presumed that the heroes had finally gotten hold of him. She didn’t want to believe it. She wanted him to return home so, so bad...
“Papa--!!” The second she finally caught sight of the figure, she skidded to a halt with widened, slitted eyes.
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Standing before her was someone that wasn’t him. He had a similar aura, but it wasn’t Papa. Who.. was this guy...?
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galacticdemon · 7 years
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                                             muses by crane
                                             lafiel ( seikai no monsho )
                                               ryoko ( tenchi muyo! )
                                                 ushii ( juuni taisen )
                                          private / selective
                                                  crossover friendly
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ayekanaru · 7 years
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The carnival has arrived!
The MASAKI ONSEN discord server serves to unite the Tenchi roleplaying community on Tumblr with those who love the series and want a new place to gush about it. We welcome everyone, roleplayer or not, to come join and start talking to like-minded fans of a series about an Earth boy and six beautiful alien women – because you can’t escape them, it ain’t no use in tryin’! Love will leave you crying, you poor broken boy, you!
( We hold no responsibility for the song getting into your head again. )
Our discord is over here! See you there!
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What about Princess Ayeka? :p
{Send “What about” and a person and my muse will say their honest feelings/thoughts about them. || Open and Accepting!}
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“From what I’ve seen and heard, she’s pretty tenacious. I appreciate that attitude in a person. It’s really important not to give up on what you want. Life’s not gonna hand everything to you just because you want it, not even if you’re a princess!” 
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“If Princess Ayeka didn’t understand that, I probably wouldn’t like her at all. She’s definitely one of the most thoughtful and polite princesses I’ve run into. Of course I’m also not  trying to conquer her people so that could have something to do with it! Ha ha ha! Sometimes I wonder just how much of a fight she would put up if I was a threat. Especially when I see her fight with that other alpha female over petty things or for Tenchi’s attention. I’m curious if she’s serious during those fights, or if she’s holding back.”
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“She’s strange, but not in a bad way? Just different from what I’m used to. I can’t really put my finger on why, but I enjoy talking to her. She gets a little snippy sometimes, but I can’t blame her for that. She’s only like that when someone’s being rude, or annoying her, and I get that way too so I understand. When she gets like that with me it’s because I’ve said something thoughtless. Might take some time for me to notice it since she doesn’t correct me the way Vegeta does.”
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“Huh…come to think of it, she’s never insulted me back when I’ve offended her.” Not in a way that actually offended him or that he understood anyways. “Not used to that either. I mean, yeah I was respected as the General of the Saiyan Army but that was a long time ago.” 
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ghostlywriterneon · 7 years
( I know we've only interacted once or twice but it takes guts to rp a side character and you do an excellent job! )
What’s my reputation
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   Thank you! Heh, it can be hard but I love her more than the world. Being able to play her makes any struggle worth it.
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(cc) Naruto Uzumaki [Info]
// copied and expanded on from my Sasuke blog as a template
LINKS: character tag | canondiv muse tag
Canon Divergent, tagged: ccVerse: ?
Genin - Land of Waves,
Chunin Exams  - Forest of Death
Konoha Invasion - Chunin Exam Finals
Search for Tsunade 
Sasuke Recovery
Shippuuden - Tenchi Bridge:
Itachi Pursuit
Pein Invasion
Five Kage Summit
Fourth Shinobi War
Blank Period
The Last: Naruto the Movie
New Era - Hokage Naruto
Next Gen Chunin Exams - vs Momoshiki
post Kawaki
post Isshiki
Alternate Universes // AUs
Road to Ninja: Menma
Son of the Hokage: Minato & Kushina survive AU in Tsunade’s infinite dream world
Naruto fails to defeat Sasuke and he becomes a recurring antagonist (romantic) Ships
NaruHina // with Hinata, default canondiv
NaruSaku // with Sakura + can crossover with SasuHina
NaruIno // with Ino + can crossover with SaiSaku / SasuSaku / SasuHina
NaruOC: with an OC with chemistry and/or prior plotting
Headcanons (from RPs/crack scripts)
will forever believe Obito @abyssaldespair​ ate Tonton and the one now is really her offspring because Obito brainwashed everyone with genjutsu
spams Sasuke with memes and (dash) games
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kirari-hikari · 3 years
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Tenchi Muyo! TV Series-Front and Back-Setting Documents M-32
Jumlah eposter: 246
Harga: Rp 65.500,-
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cavaliant · 3 years
People I’d Like to Get to Know Better
Tagged by: @crimsonheartedphoenix
Tagging: I’m not here much now so idk who’s active anymore lmfao
Alias/Name: Dusk
Birthday: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Zodiac: ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Height: 160cm / 5’3″
Hobbies: sleeping, thinking about art and fic I never get around to or get around to years later, playing video games
Favorite colors: wine red, green, pink depending on what the item is lmao
Favorite books: :/ is it cheating if I say all the Genealogy info books I can barely read that are stashed in my bookcase. I was also very taken with The World of Thedas when I was big into DA:O. I can’t really think of a favourite novel or even manga...
Last song listened to: My brother is playing Disturbance in Agustria on violin in the bg so that ig
Last film or show watched: Heaven's Design Team/Tenchi Souzou Design-bu
Inspiration for muse: I have a lot so I will say generally some are written due to me just having fallen in love with them already, some are due to me thinking they’d be interesting to play off of my friends’ muses...and some I just have a love-hate relationship with and can’t fully let them go :/
Story behind url: I had a trend of making my RP urls wordplays and as I was originally planning to be a Silas blog cavalry + valiant = cavaliant. But then I never ended up rping him and repurposed this blog for Rein instead only he’s not at all valiant lmfao.
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agentsterling · 4 years
35. How many roleplay accounts have you had over the course of your time?
Jeeeeezz... Uh... Wow. Ok.
JUST on Tumblr or ever? XD Because I’m been rping since I was 9 years old so... It’s a lot.
I’ll just go with tumblr.
My first rp account was soldier-out-of-time. He was a Steve Rogers blog. It’s the one that “Are you ready kids?” Cap meme comes from. Very proud. Tumblr purged it though so it no longer exists. @wherestheitoldyouso is my Akela Amador from AoS. @theclankoenig from AoS also. @whatisyouremergency TECHNICALLY Joon is canon as she appeared in The First Avenger, I just created a backstory for her. That’s free real estate. @nin-tendochoi was my Tendo Choi from Pacific Rim.
Sterling, of course.
I was lemonshift, a villain I used to terrorize SHIELD for a while. @shieldfish, @theghostofagentweiss, @heavenorcel is no longer really in commission. She was made for the project sabre plot and will likely be deleted soon. 
And then I have some futureverse children of my characers like @shieldlegacysterling, @comicbookcoulsonarchive, and @rockandrollcellistarchive. 
I had so many characters I started then deleted when they didn’t work out. 
But I’ve been all kinds of characters. Harley Quinn, Xelloss and Amelia from The Slayers anime, Scruffy the janitor from Futurama, Washu from Tenchi, Wizardmon from Digimon, Osaka from Azumanga Daioh, Dio and Luciora from Last Exile, various Harry Potter characters... Man, I can’t even remember half of the characters I’ve played.
My VERY FIRST CHARACTER was an original character when I was 9 who was.... awful. XD She was such a Mary Sue self insert mess. I love her. 
But yeah, I’ve always loved doing it. It’s been my longest running hobby other than sculpting. 
Thanks for this question!
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spacepirateryoko · 4 years
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HEY YOU !! Do you like 90s space opera themed anime? Feel like adding an alien synthetic humanoid with a drinking problem to your dash? Back from the dead, I'm bringing Ryoko Hakubi from Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki to Tumblr rp... Gotta do something to chase away the last of the 2020 blues, right? So if a retired space pirate who is part goddess sounds like your breed of nonsense, maybe check us out -- OR give this post a like and I'll check you out.
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galacticdemon · 7 years
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i’m the night sky, i’m the fire in your eyes. and i want you now and for all time.
                                                        ( home. )
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ayekanaru · 7 years
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Zarpa el barco al llamado del mar         Su alma navega, más sin encontrar                                           AL AMAR ESPERA LA TORMENTA                                                                            Olas fantasmas y coral
{ independent blog for Ayeka Masaki Jurai                                                   of Tenchi Muyo! fame }
                                                                      (C) lyrics from tarja turunen’s “mystique voyage”
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