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Motivation for life
Self-motivation is the force that keeps pushing us to go on – it's our internal drive to achieve, produce, develop, and keep moving forward. When you think you're ready to quit something, or you just don't know how to start, your self-motivation is what pushes you to go on.
With self-motivation, you'll learn and grow – regardless of the specific situation. That's why it's such a fundamental tool for reaching your goals, achieving your dreams, and succeeding, in this journey we call life.
Step # 1. Connect to Your Values. This is the ultimate secret. If you can connect the work you do to your values, even in small ways, you can change your game. One of my values is learning and growth. I find ways to grow my skills in any situation. For example, I don’t just “call back a customer.” I “win a raving fan.” I don’t just “do a task.” I “master my craft.” I don’t just “get something done.” I “learn something new.”
Step # 2 Go from Obligations to Choices How many of your thoughts start with “I have to…”? If you tell yourself you “HAVE” to do this or you “MUST” do that or you “SHOULD” do this, you can weaken your motivation. The power of choice and simply re framing your language to “CHOOSE” to can be incredibly empowering and exactly the motivating language you need to hear. Choose your words carefully and make them work for you
Step # 3 Goal Clarity This is one of the most important of all techniques to apply if you want to succeed. Clarify what it is that you want, and why you want it. If you don’t know what you want, then how are you going to achieve it? Sometimes we are stuck for motivation simply because we don’t a clear picture of the end result and, thus, the steps on the way there. Once you have the successful outcome in your mind, you are well on your way to building the motivation to get there.
Step # 4  Think Long-Term Thinking of the long-term is a great way to overcome the small obstacles on the way there. Often in executing a long-term strategy there are hardships on the way. By looking past these and at the long-term picture, they can often be overcome quickly and easily. If you wait and procrastinate further, these will become harder and more difficult to get past. Think of how great it will feel to have gone past the hard stuff. Get them done and out the way.
Step # 5 Take Action This is the most important element when we think of motivation as Action often comes before motivation. You simply start doing an activity and then your motivation kicks in. For example, I don’t always look forward to my workout, but once I start, I find my flow.
Step # 6 Link It to Good Feelings. Find a way to link things to good feelings. For example, play your favorite song when you’re doing something you don’t like to do. It has to be a song that makes you feel so great that it overshadows the pain of the task. It’s hard to tell yourself you don’t like something when it feels so good.
Step # 7 Self-Care Sometimes your body or emotions are working against you because you’re not giving them a break or fueling them the right way. One simple way to improve results here is to find a routine for eating, sleeping, and moving or working out that supports you. References • https://www.lifehack.org/articles/productivity/lets-get-going-top-tips-for-improved-self-motivation.html • https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newLDR_57.htm • https://www.goodnet.org/articles/5-tips-for-self-motivation • https://open.buffer.com/increase-your-motivation-tips/
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Negative Thinking Pattern
In today’s competitive and fast paced world, we often tend to indulgein self-degrading and negative thoughts. These thoughts can be anything fromfeeling bad about ourselves and our environment to looking at everything as a loss or unfortunate. Indulging into such thinking feels comforting and easy at the time but we tend to forget that these negative thoughts also very often take a major toll on our ability to make sound decisions about ourselves and about the world around us.
Some thought distortions that lead to negative thinking are:
·         Black and white thinking- Looking at everything as extremes, nothing in between or from the neutral side.
·         Personalizing- Blaming oneself for everything that goes wrong.
·         Filter thinking- Choosing to look at only the negative side of the situation.
·        Catastrophizing- Assuming the worst possible outcome is going to take place.
These unhealthy thought patterns also cause mental distress which can lead to bigger issues like anxiety and depression; and so, it is the need of the hour to understand how we can get rid of these negative thought patterns and lead a happy positive life.
There are 7 ways which can help in avoiding these distorted thought patterns:
1.       Coming in terms with reality- Our minds have clever and persistent ways of convincing us of something that isn't really true. It is very important for us to understand the reality of the situation, which can be done by introspecting and by looking at the situation from a third person’s perspective.Ask yourself if you are assuming the worst or blaming yourself for something that has not gone the way you wanted.
2.      Take a break- While it is tough to stop these toxic thoughts, it is extremely important to stop focusing on that scenario and situation for a while and think about something that makes you happy or makes you feel light instead.
3.      Stop punishing yourself- A lot of times, even if it is not our fault, we feel that by punishing ourselves we have ‘paid the price’ for whatever damage that was made. Instead of punishing ourselves, we need to realise that we are not accountable for the damage that we have not made and if it was actually our fault, then we need to think of making amends to the person or to the situation, punishing ourselves will not help in any way.
4.      Solution oriented approach- Instead of thinking of the negative outcomes and negative scenarios, focus more on how we can make the situation better now. Come up with positive solutions to improve the existing problem rather than blaming oneself or others.
5.      Focus on your strengths- The more you can practice focusing on your strengths and not dwelling on mistakes you've made, the easier it will be to feel positive about yourself and the direction your life is taking. If you find yourself thinking harsh thoughts about your personality or actions, take a moment to stop and think about something you like about yourself.
6.      Practice gratitude-Noticing and appreciating the things that are going well and making you feel happy will keep you in touch with them and will make you realize that you have so much to be grateful for. Keeping a gratitude journal and writing a few things in it every day is one easy and effective way to do this. 
7.      Find positives in the negatives- It is completely in our own hands to perceive a situation as positive or negative and even if we feel the situation is negative, there is always something positive even in the worst, waiting for us to recognize it. It could be anything from gaining experience and learning from it to being proud of ourselves that we survived a very tough situation. It’s just the recognition of the positives which is required.
·         https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/women-s-mental-health-matters/201509/7-ways-deal-negative-thoughts
·         https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-mindful-self-express/201708/3-negative-thinking-patterns-avoid-what-do-instead
·         https://www.verywellmind.com/negative-thinking-patterns-and-beliefs-2584084
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Breaking bad Habits
Having habits can often be a good thing. When you drive to work for example, you don’t need to wonder whether you should turn left or right; the route becomes habit. “We want the brain to learn how to do those things without energy and effort,” says Russell Poldark, a professor of psychology at Stanford University. “Habits are an adaptive feature of how the brain works.” But sometimes, habits can lead us astray—whether it’s turning to comfort food when we’re sad, or taking a cigarette break when stressed. Since habits take practice and repetition to form, the same is true when it comes to breaking them. We need a good strategy to break these bad habits.
5 steps to Break a bad habit: 1# Find the core of your habit Figuring out why your habit exists in the first place is much less intimidating than it sounds. Turns out, there’s a pretty clear-cut formula behind almost any habit. Every habit has three basic parts, according to Charles Duhigg: 1. The cue/ trigger – the feeling, time, or location that triggers your habit 2. The routine – the habit itself or behavior 3. The reward – the craving the habit satisfies Figuring out these components is the first step to hijacking your habit. Here’s how: pay close attention the next few times your routine (habit) and try to notice the cue and reward that prompted it. For best results, write down the cue, routine, and reward each time.
Let’s say you’re trying to break your habit of scrolling through your phone before bed, because you’re not getting as much sleep as you’d like. Ask yourself, ‘what triggers this routine?’ And, ‘what craving is my body trying to satisfy?’ The next time it happens, take notice: if you shut your lamp right before bed (cue), picked up your phone and scrolled through your feed (routine), and felt socially connected (reward), write it all down. After a few instances, see if there’s a pattern in your behavior. If you always scroll through your phone right after you shut your lamp (cue), or notice this habit is bringing you a feeling of social satisfaction (reward), you’re onto something. Diagnosing your bad habits will not only help you find effective alternatives, but it’ll also help you become more aware of your habit. This awareness will transform your habit from an automatic, subconscious routine to a deliberate, conscious behavior. 2# Realize the Reward of Your Bad Habit If you have a bad habit, it is because you are being rewarded for it in some way. Behavioral psychology claims that all of our behavior is either rewarded or punished, which increases or decreases the chance of us repeating that behavior.
If you smoke, you are rewarded with stress relief. If you overeat, you are rewarded with the taste of food. If you procrastinate, you are temporarily rewarded with more free time. Find out how your bad habits are rewarding you, and then you can figure out how to replace them. 3# Find the replacement you’ll love The next step for creating sustainable, positive habit change is to find a new reward that is more rewarding than the existing behavior. The brain is always looking for that bigger, better offer. The trick is to give your brain a new routine that will replace the old one. How? Keep the old cue, and deliver the reward, but insert a new routine.
Going back to the phone before bed example, you’ve already figured out that once you turn off your lamp (cue), you crave social interaction (reward), and that this habit is getting in the way of getting more sleep at night. To replace this habit, you should think of another activity you can do when you get in bed that’ll satisfy your craving for social connection. Try calling a friend for a few minutes, or Face Timing your mom before bed (bonus: it’ll make her happy!). Experiment with a few routines to see what works best for you. Once you find your new routine, make an effort to do it each time the cue and craving hit. Since this new habit will fulfill your brain’s craving, you won’t feel much physical or psychological push back. And the more you do it, the easier it will be for your brain to ingrain this new habit – pretty soon, it’ll become second nature. 4# Change your environment If you smoke when you drink, then don’t go to the bar. If you eat cookies when they are in the house, then throw them all away. If the first thing you do when you sit on the couch is pick up the TV remote, then hide the remote in a closet in a different room. Make it easier on yourself to break bad habits by avoiding the things that cause them. Right now, your environment makes your bad habit easier and good habits harder. Change your environment and you can change the outcome. 5# Visualize yourself succeeding. See yourself throwing away the cigarettes or buying healthy food or waking up early. Whatever the bad habit is that you are looking to break, visualize yourself crushing it, smiling, and enjoying your success.
References: • https://www.mayooshin.com/how-to-break-a-bad-habit/ • https://www.healthline.com/health/how-to-break-a-habit • https://www.google.com/amp/s/time.com/5373528/break-bad-habit-science/%3famp=true • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3505409 • https://psychcentral.com/blog/using-behavioral-psychology-to-break-bad-habits/ • https://www.webmd.com/healthy-aging/guide/undo-bad-habits • https://www.lemonade.com/blog/breaking-bad-habits/ • https://www.google.com/amp/s/hbr.org/amp/2019/12/how-to-break-up-with-your-bad-habits
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Article – Tips on Overcoming Failures
Failure is an essential part of our life, it’s almost impossible to go through life without experiencing some kind of failure. The wonderful thing about failure is that it's entirely up to us to decide how to look at it. We can choose to see failure as "the end of the world," or as proof of just how inadequate we are. Or, we can look at failure as the incredible learning experience that it often is. This article will give you simple& effective ways to overcome failure.
Ways to Handle Failure
# 1 Embrace Your Emotions: Failure is accompanied by a variety of emotions, embarrassment, anxiety, anger, sadness and shame to a name a few. Those feelings are uncomfortable and many people will do anything they can to escape feeling emotional discomfort. Researcher discovered that thinking about your emotions- rather than the failure itself- is most helpful. It can help you work harder to find better solutions so that you’ll improve next time. So go ahead embrace your emotions.
# 2 Acknowledge Failure: Acknowledge failure in your life when it happens. This will help you to identify what it is you need to focus on, so that you can approach the situation in a new way for success in the future.  That being said, it is important to acknowledge the failure but not to dwell on the failure, or to take it personally, because it brings down your mood & mindset for success.
# 3 Redefine failure:  Falling doesn’t mean that you’ve lost. It also doesn’t mean that you need to be prevented from moving forward because of the failure. Shift your perspective & view failure as an opportunity to grow & learn. Once you see failure in this light, you can than begin to approach it with a different mindset, a mindset that will help you to quickly transform your actions into ones that leads to success.Remember, you’re not a failure just because you had a setback.
# 4 Stop ruminating over the failure: Do you find that you cannot stop thinking about what happened, replaying it over and over in your head? This is called rumination, and instead of providing insight about what you could have done differently or ways to improve, it just amplifies your negative feelings.
A)     Try generalizing to put your obsessive thinking to rest. Getting it out of your head and down on paper can give you some relief from rumination and help reveal any underlying fears.
B)      Stop and ask yourself, "Okay, what have I learned here?
C)      Use mindful meditation to bring you back to the present. Mindful meditation helps you stop worrying about what happened in the past and focus on the here and now.
# 5 visualize all potential outcomes:Uncertainty about what will happen next is terrifying. Take time to visualize the possible outcomes of your decision. Think about the be stand worst-case scenarios. You’ll feel better if you’ve already mentally prepared for what could happen. There are times when the worst case could be absolutely devastating. In many cases if something bad happens, it won’t be the end of the world. Failure is not permanent.
For example: when you start a new business, there’s bound to be a learning curve. You’ll make decisions that don’t plan out, but often that discomfort is temporary. You can change your strategy & rebound.
# 6 Change your approach:
Change your approach means thinking about the problem in different way and set goals realistically. Understand your potential before setting goals, there should be a balance between your dream and reality. Try to take small steps initially and weighs pros. & cons. Take responsibility of your actions and trust yourself even in uncertainty.Have a backup plan. The last thing you want to do is scramble for a solution when the worst has happened. Having a backup plan gives you more confidence to move forward and take calculated risks. Always remember “fail more succeed more“
·         https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/fear-of-failure.htm
·         https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-social-thinker/201810/six-simple-tips-overcoming-failure
·         https://www.verywellmind.com/healthy-ways-to-cope-with-failure-4163968
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Sleep is a vital, often neglected, component of every person's overall health and well-being. Sleep is important because it enables the body to repair and be fit and ready for another day. Getting adequate rest may also help prevent excess weight gain, heart disease, and increased illness duration. Getting enough sleep is essential for helping a person maintain optimal health and well-being. When it comes to their health, sleep is as vital as regular exercise and eating a balanced diet.
Healthy sleeping habits
Healthy sleep habits can make a big difference in your quality of life. Having healthy sleep habits is often referred to as having good sleep hygiene. Try to keep the following sleep practices on a consistent basis:
 1. Stick to a sleep schedule of     the same bedtime and wake up time, even on the weekends. This helps to regulate your body's clock and could help     you fall asleep and stay asleep for the night.
2. Practice a relaxing bedtime ritual. A relaxing, routine activity right before bedtime     conducted away from bright lights helps separate your sleep time from     activities that can cause excitement, stress or anxiety which can make it     more difficult to fall asleep, get sound and deep
3. Limiting sleep time This approach aims to restrict the time you spend in bed to the time when you are actually asleep. For example, if you usually lie in bed for eight hours, but only sleep six hours, then the idea is that you should not spend more than six hours in bed.
First you see how much sleep you get on an average over a period of about two weeks. It may help to keep a sleep diary. Another half an hour of time spent falling asleep is added to the average sleeping time. For instance, if your alarm is set for 6:00 a.m. and you need six hours' sleep as well as half an hour to fall asleep, you would go to bed at 11:30 p.m. Adjustments like these could help you find the optimum length of time to spend in bed in order to get a good night's sleep.
4. Maintain a regular exercise routine. Research shows that exercise increases total sleep time, particularly the slow-wave sleep that’s important for body repair and maintenance. However, don’t exercise too late in the day. Working out close to bedtime can boost energy levels and body temperature, making it harder to fall asleep.
5. Evaluate     your room. Design your sleep     environment to establish the conditions you need for sleep. Your bedroom     should be cool – between 60 and 67 degrees. Your bedroom should also be free from any noise that can     disturb your sleep. Finally, your bedroom should be free from any light.     Check your room for noises or other distractions. This includes a bed     partner's sleep disruptions such as snoring. Consider using blackout     curtains, eye shades, ear plugs, "white noise" machines,     humidifiers, fans and other devices.
6. Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, and     heavy meals in the evening. Alcohol,     cigarettes and caffeine can disrupt sleep. Eating big or spicy meals can cause     discomfort from indigestion that can make it hard to sleep. If you can,     avoid eating large meals for two to three hours before bedtime. Try     a light snack 45 minutes before bed if you’re still hungry.
7. Wind down. Your body needs time to shift into sleep mode, so spend     the last hour before bed doing a calming activity such as reading. For some     people, using an electronic device such as a laptop can make it hard to     fall asleep, because the particular type of light emanating from the     screens of these devices is activating to the brain. If you have trouble     sleeping, avoid     electronics before bed or in the     middle of the night.
·         https://www.sleepfoundation.org/articles/healthy-sleep-tips
·         https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK279320
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Workshop on "Focus Management strategies" This workshop gave immense learning about strategies to manage the human focus in different aspects of life, like - Digital, Physical, Psychological and Social. People got in depth learning through multiple role playing Activities. The content of the workshop has touched unexplored areas of life of participants. To get the best learning experience there were only 15 people got chance to participate. Its great pride to announce that for some participant this workshop was life changing. Multiple experiences were shared after the workshop and participant's also got to know about their fellow participant which helped them to collect the information of like minded people and at the end got valuable networking. Keep yourself update to be part of this Delightful learning experience. @counselindia https://www.instagram.com/p/B6bP14sg0pF/?igshid=1jd2dxy4x4pxz
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Focus and memory are tools given to us to make our life easier not difficult. So, if your focus has gone bad and memory has gone weak - It's time we recover them. A life with good focus and good memory can make you feel so easy and so light that you will no longer hate the difficult tasks. Let's join our Focus and Memory Strategies. @counselindia #marriagecounseling #schoolcounseling #creditcounseling #geneticcounseling #premaritalcounseling #elementaryschoolcounseling #psychologytoday #psychologybook #sportpsychology #schoolpsychology #travelcounsellors #counsellorsatlaw #travel #writeraofindia #delhiteachers #teachersfollowingteachers #teachersonig #oldschool #backtoschool #delhigram #englishschool #schoolsindelhi #delhigovernment https://www.instagram.com/p/B6BUMK3AgiK/?igshid=1lkpyew77i63s
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Have exams taken up most of your December but you wish to engage in a learning programme? Do you wish to add a credential to your CV? Do you wish to intermix fun and learning this holiday season? *You wished, we fulfilled.* PSY-Fi: For a Healthy Mind is here with *Man-O-Power* - A 10-Day Volunteer-Mentor programme centered around Holistic learning and Development. In this uniquely designed programme, we will take you through the different verticals of life, covering a journey around various aspects of *Mental Health*, bringing to you a world in which we use mental health education to become a better and aware version of ourselves! Learn from the experts from varied fields of *Art, Culture, Literature, and Mental Health* who will mentor you to strive for the best in you and your mental health. *Open to all age groups*, this programmes helps in realising that we are always young to never stop growing and learning! *Duration of the programme*: 20th -30th December 2019 *Venue of the programme*: 31/26 East Patel Nagar, New Delhi - 110008 *Programme Fee*: Rs. 850/- *Perks* • A Certificate of Participation that will add a credential to your CV! • Tea/Coffee Refreshments *Register now with the link* https://forms.gle/mZ8GHSThTqqz23h77 *Note:* Deadline for registration is 19th December 2019 Limited seats,hurry and register now! @counselindia @thejigsawcompany @psyfi_mentalhealth #marriagecounseling #schoolcounseling #creditcounseling #geneticcounseling #premaritalcounseling #elementaryschoolcounseling #psychologytoday #psychologybook #sportpsychology #schoolpsychology #travelcounsellors #counsellorsatlaw #travel #writeraofindia #delhiteachers #teachersfollowingteachers #teachersonig #oldschool #backtoschool #delhigram https://www.instagram.com/p/B57zjRWAGiv/?igshid=wjdxqe82qhvm
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What is the meaning of Success if we only thought about Money. Doing something for Society is also one Major Part of it. Counsel India always takes initiatives to help people in Mental and Emotional Health. In Collaboration with Shubhakshika Education Foundation and Your Hope Line we conducted an Awareness Talk in Delhi slums on Addiction. It was really great experience talking with people. @counselindia @suveenquotes #marriagecounseling #schoolcounseling #creditcounseling #geneticcounseling #premaritalcounseling #elementaryschoolcounseling #psychologytoday #psychologybook #sportpsychology #schoolpsychology #travelcounsellors #counsellorsatlaw #travel #writeraofindia #delhiteachers #teachersfollowingteachers #teachersonig #oldschool #backtoschool #delhigram https://www.instagram.com/p/B56jJv7g5aE/?igshid=1ch5tf7asomnx
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Take responsibility for your situation without blaming anything or anyone, including yourself. Every problem is an opportunity to take this moment and transform it into a great Success. Register now workshop. @counselindia #marriagecounseling #schoolcounseling #creditcounseling #geneticcounseling #premaritalcounseling #elementaryschoolcounseling #psychologytoday #psychologybook #sportpsychology #schoolpsychology #travelcounsellors #counsellorsatlaw #travel #writeraofindia #delhiteachers #teachersfollowingteachers #teachersonig #oldschool #backtoschool #delhigram https://www.instagram.com/p/B54J4S8gQlK/?igshid=1atzhbpfjv63b
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In the world full of Social Media, development, growing economy, advancement in technology. The only person who can heal you is "You Yourself". To register for Workshop. Call on 8279936203 @counselindia #marriagecounseling #schoolcounseling #creditcounseling #geneticcounseling #premaritalcounseling #elementaryschoolcounseling #psychologytoday #psychologybook #sportpsychology #schoolpsychology #travelcounsellors #counsellorsatlaw #travel #writeraofindia #delhiteachers #teachersfollowingteachers #teachersonig #oldschool #backtoschool #delhigram https://www.instagram.com/p/B5zR9EMA_OF/?igshid=14rsux5hofh66
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Congratulations Manisha for Completing your Internship under Counsel India. All the very best for your Coming Future. @counselindia https://www.instagram.com/p/B5wqV5igggb/?igshid=hpnw9u6mmgfx
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Hi Everyone You mission announces exactly where you are going, and the values describe the behaviors that will get you there. You must be ready to grab the essential learnings. A Master Class for you. @counselindia #marriagecounseling #schoolcounseling #creditcounseling #geneticcounseling #premaritalcounseling #elementaryschoolcounseling #psychologytoday #psychologybook #sportpsychology #schoolpsychology #travelcounsellors #counsellorsatlaw #travel #writeraofindia #delhiteachers #teachersfollowingteachers #teachersonig #oldschool #backtoschool #delhigram https://www.instagram.com/p/B5t-A-bA5Qx/?igshid=zn0o2evrvkm2
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Addiction Chemistry We are always happy to add new members to our Family of Counsellors. Workshop in ADDICTION CHEMISTRY ended with multiple solutions and happy faces. See you guys in our next workshop and thank you so much for Coming. @counselindia @suveenquotes @my_wardrobe_expressions #delhi #onlinecounseling #addiction #nailaddict #marriagecounseling #schoolcounseling #creditcounseling #geneticcounseling #premaritalcounseling #elementaryschoolcounseling #psychologytoday #psychologybook #sportpsychology #schoolpsychology #travelcounsellors #counsellorsatlaw #travel #writeraofindia #delhiteachers #teachersfollowingteachers #teachersonig #oldschool #backtoschool #delhigram (at Malviya Nagar) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5hhg9lAaNI/?igshid=16z7icdehmog6
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Addiction Chemistry We all need something to fill the blank in our lives. It starts from hobby where you just do for no strong reason then it converts into your habit where you do it all time but don't realize and this ends being an addiction where you can't help but do it. It can be anything and can happen with anyone. Let's join and understand Addiction Chemistry - Decode its reasons and solve it in one step at a time and get Certificate for that. Register yourself now on link https://lnkd.in/dG7kwqz Contact - 8279936203 Registration Amount - 500 only @counselindia #schoolcounseling #delhi #delhipollution #marriagecounseling #schoolcounseling #creditcounseling #geneticcounseling #premaritalcounseling #elementaryschoolcounseling #psychologytoday #psychologybook #sportpsychology #schoolpsychology #travelcounsellors #counsellorsatlaw #travel #writeraofindia #delhiteachers #teachersfollowingteachers #teachersonig #oldschool #backtoschool #delhigram https://www.instagram.com/p/B5bvCX1AUfMqYaA2ZdRQzjWyP0j1qTNW_yr4lc0/?igshid=exjjud751cu4
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Addiction Chemistry We all need something to fill the blank in our lives. It starts from hobby where you just do for no strong reason then it converts into your habit where you do it all time but don't realize and this ends being an addiction where you can't help but do it. It can be anything and can happen with anyone. Let's join and understand Addiction Chemistry - Decode its reasons and solve it in one step at a time and get Certificate for that. Register yourself now on link https://lnkd.in/dG7kwqz Contact - 8279936203 Registration Amount - 500 only https://www.instagram.com/p/B5J6s38gZaB/?igshid=15a9nvwej8j4w
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Addiction Chemistry We all need something to fill the void in our life. It starts from hobby where you just do for no strong reason then it converts into your habit where you do it all time but don't realize and this ends being an addiction where you can't help but do it. It can be anything and can happen with anyone. Let's join and understand Addiction Chemistry - Decode its reasons and solve it in one step at a time and get Certificate for that. Register yourself now on link https://lnkd.in/dG7kwqz Contact - 8279936203 Registration Amount - 500 only @counselindia #marriagecounseling #schoolcounseling #creditcounseling #geneticcounseling #premaritalcounseling #elementaryschoolcounseling #psychologytoday #psychologybook #sportpsychology #schoolpsychology #travelcounsellors #counsellorsatlaw #travel #writeraofindia #delhiteachers #teachersfollowingteachers #teachersonig #oldschool #backtoschool #delhigram https://www.instagram.com/p/B5J4jW1gkNM/?igshid=15qonw6wgiq64
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