ourkingweasley · 4 years
Ron had spent most of the night surrounding the buffet table which wasn’t a change from the usual. He’d had a few glasses of champagne, which happened to be his downfall when everyone began to find out that it was dosed with something to make everyone tell the truth. Ron had never been quite good at keeping his mouth shut on a normal day, so this wasn’t much different than usual for him. However, he found it amusing to see everyone else trying to keep their mouths shut. He wondered what kind of secrets would be spilled tonight. When he spotted his older brother across the room, Ron walked over towards him. 
“Hey, Perce. You having a good time? Personally, I think it’s a bit stuffy in here. The food is shite. Not a pumpkin pasty in sight.”
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ourkingweasley · 4 years
The only reason that Ron came to these stuffy events was because of the food. He’d come with Hermione as her date, but truthfully, he was only looking forward to the food. The events always turned out to be a mess. There were a list of past events in his mind that had ended in some sort of chaos and yet - the Ministry continued to put on different events. He’d been crowding the buffet table for a while and sipping on the champagne until he began to feel the effects of the truth potion working on him. He should have known better, but then again - when did Ron Weasley know better. He didn’t know how to keep his mouth shut either. When he ran into Astoria Greengrass, Ron’s brow furrowed. “Aren’t you engaged to Malfoy?” He asked, a scoff leaving his lips. “Are you okay?” He asked before gesturing to his head. “You know, in the head?” 
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ourkingweasley · 4 years
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ourkingweasley · 4 years
Charlie wasn’t getting on with Percy right now, especially after his reaction to the news that he’d given him, but did that mean he was going to skip the opportunity to embarrass Percy on his birthday? Absolutely not. He knew that George was going to pull it out of the bag with the amount of surprises at this party. He was also aware that he hadn’t told some of his family members about the news, so Harriet’s presence might come as a shock to them. 
His hand slipped from Harriet’s waist as he leaned forward to ruffle Ron’s hair. “Yeah Ronnie, leave the cake alone. When it’s your birthday you can have the cake first. Gotta save it for Perce, not that he deserves it,” he joked softly, his hand finding Harriet’s waist again, sending a smile her direction. “Hang on, are we shouting surprise when he walks in?” 
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Bill watched with a mixture of confusion and amusement as George tried to get everyones attention, nearly deafening him in the process, but saving his daughters. After George released Vic’s ears, Bill stepped over to pick up the two year old and held her on his hip. “Using my daughter as bait?” he asked “I like it.” If there was one person Percy wouldn’t ignore, it was Vic. The plan was foolproof.
“Ron the whole point of a birthday cake is you eat it when the birthday person is here.” Bill rolled his eyes at his youngest brother, before handing Vic to Fleur who was reaching for her mother. This was one of the biggest family get togethers in a long time, and there were a few new additions. Some of which he still wasn’t sure what the exact relationship was with the sibling, but he’d ask Angelina and Penelope at some point. “What else would we shout? Boo?” Bill said as he looked at Charlie. 
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Ron’s patience was wearing thin, not that he had any patience in the first place. There were a number of people in a crowded space, which was normal for any sort of Weasley party. However, he didn’t care about anything but the birthday cake that they were keeping away from him. It was a cake they wouldn’t get to for hours if they were going to be waiting for Percy who always showed up fashionably late. Especially if he’d caught wind of what was going on. 
“What makes you think he’s actually going to show up?” Ron grumbled grumpily, his eyes still on the cake despite his brothers warnings against it. Why couldn’t his mum make him his own cake? This wasn’t fair. 
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ourkingweasley · 4 years
“I’m okay, Ronnie.” He said, giving his youngest son an affectionate nudge with his shoulder. It was sweet the way they had all fussed over him since he’d gotten back. Arthur wasn’t the one used to be the person getting fussed over after a lifetime of doing all the fussing himself. His family cared and that’s what Arthur took away from it all.
“How’re you and Hermione getting along? Not going to decide on another break are you, because I think it would send Molly over the edge.” He teased. “Though I’m sure your brothers would be glad to have her heat off their love lives.”
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Since Midsummer, Ron had spent a lot of time worrying about his father. His kidnapping had rocked the Weasley family to their core and also managed to bring them closer together. If that were possible. Ron had spent a lot of time at his father’s bedside, watching and waiting for him to heal. Hoping that he’d be alright. His dad insisted that he was okay and Ron nodded, hoping that he would tell him otherwise. 
“We’re good. Well, we were. Merlin, I need to go talk to her,” he muttered, rubbing the back of his neck nervously with his uninjured hand. He knew that he was in for a bollocking. He deserved it. Ron laughed, “I try not to drive mum anymore crazy than she already is.” 
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ourkingweasley · 4 years
You make me feel safe
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ourkingweasley · 4 years
You make me proud
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ourkingweasley · 4 years
Terry let out a breath he didn’t knew he was holding. That was a relief, Hermione had already been through so much and everytime he’d spoken to her in the past few months she’d been kind and understanding. He would hate for anything to happen to her, especially if he knew a coworker was responsible for it. “Well, I don’t think I’m really one that can comment on not thinking things through,” Terry said thinking back to the numerious fistfights he and Michael had gotten in in their school years. Most of the time between the two of them and most of the time ending with Terry on the ground. “I’m sure she understand you were just worried about her, just try not to do it again. I’m already listening to the dramatics between Michael and Lisa don’t need another one,” he joked with a laugh.
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The last thing that Ron wanted to do was to ruin what was going on between him and Hermione. The fact that they were finally in a relationship was something that still surprised him. He’d spent years thinking that she didn’t feel the same. They’d both spent years wasting time when they should have just been together. He didn’t want to ruin anything and yet - he was hauling off and punching Malfoy and not listening to his girlfriend. Ron listened to Terry, a laugh leaving his lips, “It isn’t one of my strong suits either. Not when I’m angry.” He finished his drink, before standing up from the bar. “Thanks for the talk and the look over, mate. I should go find Hermione now,” Ron murmured, before leaving to find his more than likely angry girlfriend. 
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ourkingweasley · 4 years
Percy’s late surprise birthday party had been quite the event. Although, there weren’t many dinners or events in the Weasley family that didn’t end up a disaster. It was quite obvious that Percy wasn’t going to enjoy a surprise. However, Ron wasn’t expecting to be the one surprised. Learning that Charlie had a girlfriend was something, but the fact that she was pregnant blew his mind. Learning that he was one of the last people to learn about these details should have been surprising, but it wasn’t. Ron had grown quite used to being forgotten about in a family of seven. Still, he was quite miffed. However, Ron put it aside to focus upon the work day. 
After the shop had emptied out and closed, Ron counted a couple of the supplies and wrote down the list of the inventory. Catching a glimpse of his brother, he asked, “What happened between you and Percy? You’re all right now, yeah?” He paused, before asking, “What’s going on with you?” 
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ourkingweasley · 4 years
no but okay can we talk about ron’s fear of spiders
like he has this fear bc of fred and george changing his toy into this huge spider, right? like damn, i’d be traumatized too, that’s pretty goddamn scary
and then in cos, ofc, hagrid’s ‘follow the spiders’ leads them into the forest and into the lair of giant ass spiders
and ron, being the loyal and brave friend he is, follows harry there anyway.
i mean it’s so bad that it’s his legitimate greatest fear, as shown in the boggart scene in poa. and yet, despite him being terrified of it, he still accompanies harry to the forest. 
idk how people think of ron as not a true gryffindor, or not as loyal or brave as harry or hermione. bc you’d think facing his greatest fear for his best friend, at the age of 12 or 13, would prove the opposite.
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ourkingweasley · 4 years
Madness was a trait that was common in the Weasley household. The fact that there had been seven siblings growing up under one roof  - what else did one expect? His parents were the mad ones for procreating that many times. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know that Percy wasn’t going to like the surprise party that they were throwing for him. However, Ron wasn’t one to say no to free food. In fact, he’d been trying to reach for the cake box since he’d first laid eyes on it. If George slapped him one more time, he was sure he was going to go mad. 
Ron nodded at the instructions that George rang out, his eyes observing the room around him. He looked around and then took a second look. Then a third. Who was the woman with Charlie? Was he missing something? Brow furrowing, Ron shook his head and focused back upon the box, sighing when George pushed him away again. “You can’t get a cake and expect me not to want to eat it, George,” Ron muttered, rubbing the back of his neck in frustration. 
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location: the burrow
status: @mollywobblxs @arthur-percivalweasley @billtheweasley @fleurisabelleweasley @charliewhqs @harrietfawley @percyweasley-arc @oliverdwood @chaserkatie​ @penxclearwater​ @angelinahqs @ourkingweasley @booksandcleverness-arc @hjpotter-arc​@ginnyxweasleys @gabriellexdelacour​
George waved his arm above his head to try to get everyone’s attention. “Percy walks in.” It wasn’t really effective. That’s what happened when you got his whole family together. No one stopped talking. He took one of his products out of his pocket instead, throwing the Bombtastic Bomb onto the table and bending down to cover Vic’s ears with his hands. If there was one good thing that the war took, it was one of his ears. It helped in times like this. When the noise had gone off, he released Vic and stood up. Taking a moment to slap Ron’s hands away from the cake box.
“Okay. One more time. Percy walks in then Vic greets him and brings him in here. We’re all hiding, you got that? He sees the note and the box on the table. He comes over, reads the note, and opens up the box. That’s when we all pop out and yell surprise! And act like we definitely didn’t forget to throw him a party or get him any gifts, okay? Everyone got it?” He failed to mention exactly what would happen when the box was opened but that was okay. If Ron stopped messing with it. George slapped Ron’s hand away again, pushing his younger brother back away from table. “It’s not for you.”
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ourkingweasley · 4 years
It was in these moments that Percy didn’t realize how far apart he was from his family. They had grown together in his absence and though Percy had been let back in like nothing happened, he could feel the tension. He didn’t know if he was imagining it or overthinking but he could sense it. Percy looked at his father and just reassured himself that he was here now. 
“It’s…alright. Yes. You don’t have to worry about it. I know we have our differences so it’s something for George and I to settle.” Percy scratched at his neck nervously before hunching over, his usual posture and confidence leaving him. “I’m sorry if I’m not around as much. You’re not-I mean, you’re not upset with me are you? Like the others?”
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The Weasley family was a close knit bunch of individuals. Ron loved all of his siblings despite the fact that they didn’t always see eye to eye. The time that they’d spent not speaking to Percy had been difficult. The family missed him, but his elder brother was stubborn. The problem was he’d gotten that from his parents. The entire Weasley family was stubborn. If anything, Ron was just happy they were no longer at odds. Things could be awkward, but at least they were on speaking terms. 
“If you say so,” Ron murmured, not feeling too good about the situation between his elder brothers. Maybe he’d ask George what was going on. His brow furrowed at Percy’s next question and Ron quickly shook his head as his gaze centered upon his brother. “No, Perce. I’m not upset with you. I know that you’re busy, but I’m glad that you’re coming around when you can.” 
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ourkingweasley · 4 years
“You know how she gets.” George explained, not giving in to his younger brother’s panic. He was tempted to feed it but this was a love issue. Ron was absolutely useless when he was sulking over Hermione and he really didn’t want to deal with that in the shop. “Don’t tell me that.” He had already stopped himself from going to find Malfoy once. “You think you can get him to hit you? Then I’d have a great excuse.”
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Ron nodded sullenly, knowing all too well how his girlfriend could get. She was scary when she got into one of her moods. He’d experienced her wrath a number of times over the years. He wasn’t particularly looking forward to it now that they were dating. Ron wasn’t good at talking or working it out. He didn’t want to make things worse. “I don’t think that he will,” Ron muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. “He barely put up a fight when I hit him before.” It had been odd, but Ron was lucky to get out unscathed. Finishing his drink, he stood from the bar, certain that he was going to face doom. “I’m going to find Hermione, I guess.” 
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ourkingweasley · 4 years
There had been a lot that Percy had missed when he chased after his own ambitions. What drove him to do was childish and selfish reasons that he couldn’t stomach even still. The regrets built up until they were a heavy burden. He felt obligated to know his family more, they were his anchor after all. But he knew what his family thought and perhaps that was why he stayed an arms length still. 
The comment drew a glance from Percy, folding his hands together. There were still differences but at least Percy wasn’t voicing them as much as he could. “Very well. I’m glad business is doing well.” It was a family business after all. It was Fred and George’s legacy and he knew that it was part of Ron’s now as well. He still that his brother had more potential for more than settling for George’s joke shop. “Oh, it’s nothing. Really. Had…a bit of a disagreement. A minor affair.”
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There wasn’t much that Ron loved more than the shop. When his brother had offered him a job, at first, he’d been hesitant. He didn’t know how he’d do. However, it was clear within a short amount of time that working with George wasn’t a job at all. It was something that he enjoyed. As much as he could tell that his older brother disapproved of it. 
“Thanks,” Ron murmured, rubbing the back of his neck. He looked over at Percy with a raised brow as he waited for his brother to tell him what was going on. George hadn’t said anything, but Ron had been preoccupied. Maybe he just hadn’t noticed. “Are you sure it’s all right?” 
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ourkingweasley · 4 years
“He didn’t hurt her did he?” Terry asked, his brows instantly knotting in confusion. He wasn’t sure how to take the information, it sounded like something had gone down and it probably had if Ron had punched Malfoy over it. That was hardly what a healer should be doing in a hospital and Malfoy could suffer consequences if it was reported. Was the former Slytherin really dumb enough to do that? “You can report the offense.”
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Ron shook his head at Terry’s question. As far as he knew, Draco hadn’t done anything in that manner to Hermione. If something like that would have happened, he would have hoped that his girlfriend would have came to him sooner than she actually did. He assumed now the reason that she waited was because she knew he was going to react in the way that he did. Ron rubbed the back of his neck, feeling a bit embarrassed by his behaviour. “I didn’t actually get that far. I kind of ran off the moment she told me so that I could deck him. I don’t think anything happened. I know Hermione would have reported it. I just... My anger got the best of me. I know that it upset her, but that’s all.” 
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ourkingweasley · 4 years
“She might.” George admitted. Hermione was fearsome, not someone he enjoyed trifling with. And he enjoyed trifling with practically everyone. “You did it for her. She’ll understand that probably? And you only punched him, what? Once? It could have been worse. He’s done worse.” Malfoy had done worse to him. In George’s mind, Ron was in the right here. “She might be cross for a bit but not forever.”
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“She might?!” Ron asked, his eyes wide with a fear that only most could understand. Hermione Granger was a force to be reckoned with and when angry, she was a fearsome creature. When he’d gone after Malfoy, he hadn’t exactly been thinking. His anger had gotten the best of him. Now that he was thinking clearly again, he knew how he’d been mistaken in not pausing to listen to his girlfriend. “She’s going to be pissed, but I’d do it again. It felt bloody good,” Ron mumbled stubbornly as he took a drink. 
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ourkingweasley · 4 years
Terry had a… removed relationship from Malfoy. Of course he’d been something of an enemy during their Hogwarts years. They hadn’t really spoken to each other much outside of classes and the occasional run in but at some point it had become pretty obvious where the Slytherin boy stood and it hadn’t been with DA. Then they’d graduated and the war had ended and they hadn’t had much contact again until Terry entered the healer program and they’d become coworkers. Still with minimal contact but Draco had supposedly changed. Terry trusted Ron’s judgement on that maybe a little more than his own eyes. “With the damage to your hand it seemed like you got a good punch in, I’d bet on it.” Terry chuckled lightly. “Why’d you punch him anyways?”
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Most of his time at Hogwarts, he’d been bullied in some aspect by Draco Malfoy. His girlfriend had been tortured in Draco’s manor while Draco stood by and watched. They weren’t on the best terms and Ron doubted that they’d ever see eye to eye. He should have listened to Hermione before just punching Malfoy, but he didn’t really regret punching the boy who had made his younger years a bit of a living hell. At Terry’s comment, Ron’s sullenness perked up a little bit, but not for long. After taking a sip of his drink, he replied, “Hermione had a run in with him at ST. Mungo’s. I guess it didn’t go well.” 
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