ourmomzone-blog · 4 years
How Scholarships For Single Mothers Help You
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On the off chance that there are individuals who are profiting much from the current organization, it is the single parents. Also, this is generally excellent news in reality. Different plans have been made to help offer help and help to them to deal with their home, their bills just as school reserves. There are different awards and grants for single parents who wish to come back to concentrate in schools. Thusly they can turn out to be more self-autonomous as opposed to depending on government for their essential day by day needs.
About 33% of ladies in the US and perhaps more don't live with their spouses. What's more, a significantly greater level of them are dealing with their home and youngsters without anyone else. Such circumstance isn't pretty and luckily, the legislature is contributing to support the single parents.
There are grants for single parents that come in various manners. Some are from privately owned businesses who will offer grants to them to go to class with the goal that they can have their GRE national scores expanded. Some will expect you to repay after school and once you have begun working, with a specific degree of intrigue. Out of every one of, the grants for single parents by the legislature are the best which doesn't require reimbursement. You won't need to repay once you get the award. There are grants for single parents as much as $10,000 and with this, a single parent can effectively return to school and in this manner improve her life how to survive financially as a single mom.
This is absolutely uplifting news, as you won't need to endure your weights in solitude any more extended in light of the fact that the administration is there to assist you with your requirements. That you should simply go get what has been given to you. On the web there are numerous associations which spent significant time in helping individuals to guarantee their grants and you can present your application to them. They will assist you with process and acquire cash for you.
Likewise, in the event that you as of now have a school as a main priority, you can check up with the money related guide office to check whether there are arrangements made accessible for you to guarantee grants. In the event that there is, it is all the better for you. Before long you will graduate and grin again realizing that you are presently able to land your fantasy position.
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ourmomzone-blog · 4 years
Tips to Become a Successful Single Mother
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To turn into an effective single parent you ought to pick your battles with the kids, over clothing types, staple, shower calendar, and buddies. You ought to likewise do likewise with the dad of your children over youngster support, bringing up your kid, and appearance; with desk work from Public Service Agencies, perspectives of case manager and help.
Make your life your primary goal. Decide five noteworthy areas throughout your life, for example, yourself, kids, calling, public activity, church, humanitarian effort, and so forth. Mastermind them as indicated by their significance and inside each area figure out what exercises you generally participate in, at that point settle on which will start things out. In the event that it's anything but a fundamental concern, turn it down. Make your psyche up a while later on the off chance that it is important to add to your rundown.
An effective single parent stays alert. Build up targets. At the point when you get veered off return to the correct course. Rundown your destinations, consistently timetables, and commitment where you can undoubtedly observe them.
Examine about your feelings with solid buddies or a therapist. Unexpressed emotions will explode over the long haul.
Enjoy a reprieve and quit contemplating obligations. It is okay to take a one dawn for yourself. On the off chance that you are unreasonably blameworthy, simply get a half-sunrise. Those brief hours will cause your psyche to unwind. Use an opportunity to ruin yourself. At the point when the mother feels decent, everyone feels pleasant also!
Aim for something. Presence without any goals can be pointless so attempt to have a desire. In any case, don't just wind up there. Make attainable destinations and remember to list the subtleties of those targets all the while. The where, when and how of the target will assist you with staying on the correct course in your endeavor to accomplish them.
Keep your buddies since they are fundamental. Try not to neglect to recall your companions from path back and in no way, shape or form be frightened to have more. They develop your reality and advise you that you are as yet an adult. One increasingly outstanding variable with respect to fellowship is discovering how to turn into a companion. Confidence, reliability and commitment ought to be there and you should have these attributes for suffering kinship.
Welcome the autonomy you have. As a single parent, it gives you more autonomy. You settle on your decisions and you don't need to be responsible to anyone. You can go anyplace at whatever point you wish to without intensive arranging and you can uninhibitedly discover progressively about yourself as an individual. Make the most of your autonomy single mother quotes.
Gain from your slip-ups. They are unavoidable to happen again on the off chance that you don't fix the issue right away. There are a couple of things that are hard to comprehend toward the beginning and we may not see that it is as of now an issue, yet in the event that it happens more than once you ought to know that something isn't right some place. Picking up information and developing is consistent in this way, get a sign promptly and stay away from much pressure.
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ourmomzone-blog · 4 years
Make Mother's Day Memorable
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Mother, You are a Beginning
· Beginning of an untold story, written with the ink of Love.
· Beginning of the world, sculpted by nurturing and care.
· Beginning of the foundation, built on honesty, respect and kindness.
Mother, You are a companion
· Companion who accepts me absolutely
· Companion who calms my fears cogently
· Companion who forgives me promptly
Mother, You are a celebration
· Celebration of profound love, which I delight in endlessly
· Celebration of moral excellence, which I commend exclusively
· Celebration of vitality, which I marvel at especially
Mother, You are a conclusion
· Conclusion to my fears, when you taught me to take life head-on
· Conclusion to my insecurities, when you coached me to believe in the self
· Conclusion to my sorrows, when each time you smile at me you gave a warm hug to my soul mothers day gift ideas.
Mother's Day has been celebrated by people for many years all over the world. Mother's Day in India is around the corner. To be precise, Mother's Day date is Sunday 14 May. So make your Mom enjoy this year's Mother's Day in entirety by wishing her Happy Mother's Day along with a greeting card and a warm hug. You must consider to give a bouquet of flowers and a Gift. In case, you live in a different city or country, you can express your feelings for your mom by calling and greeting her over the phone and arranging to deliver a gift for her through online portals. Rest assured that your Mom would be proud of you. Your Mom might say that being loved forever by her children is all she could ask for herself on a Mother's Day.
The fact of the matter is that this is one day (Mother's Day) of the year to celebrate Mom and make your Mom feel very special. So, let us make sure that this year Mother's Day is an enjoyable and memorable occasion for Mom.
Surprise your Mother with some special activity based on her interest such as Outing and Trips or Fun at Home.
To make her feel Special on Mother's Day, you can take your Mom out for a nice family movie in the evening followed by a mother's day buffet dinner in a good restaurant in the city to celebrate Mother's Day. Ensure that the restaurant in consideration serves food of her choice. After all, it is Her day and she must be happy all the way throughout the day. Being Mother's Day, it is possible that the restaurant you intend to go to might not be in a position to accept you due to bookings made in advance by others celebrating mother's day too. View this, ensure that you make reservations in advance to avoid disappointments. I am sure that you do not want to experience unpleasant incidents during the day.
· A picnic with family members might be just Mom needs.
· Drive down to a unique destination of your Mother's choice. Or go to a place where your father first met your mother and both agreed to marry.
· Stay at home and play games whole day and thus enjoy active and challenging pursuits on Mother's Day. It would be great fun.
Mom is one human being who never says 'No' for anything to her children and is gifted with such a lot of patience when it comes to dealing with her kids. As mother, she is naturally protective of her children. She does her best to ensure that her children remain healthy, happy and progress in their respective life. When your mother says that you get all your best traits from her, she means that you have the same charming smile and the same brilliant mind as she has. Quite true that children grow up with traits quite similar to their own mother.
A father may turn his back on his child, husbands may desert their wives and wives their husbands and brothers and sisters may become enemies. But Mother's love for her children never dies. Mothers are so great. God has given mothers so much patience that mothers can withstand difficult moments without a flinch. Mothers never complain.
Mother has been the greatest teacher, a teacher of compassion, love and fearlessness. If love is sweet as a flower, then mother is that sweet flower for love. In the hindsight, we must accept that today whatever we are we have inherited from our beloved mother.
Mom is not just a word, it means more than one could ever express in words. A Mom is the dearest friend, caring mother, supportive, loving, amazing and a gem that is so precious, which money can never buy.
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ourmomzone-blog · 4 years
Inexpensive Gift Ideas For Mother's Day
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Mother is a portrait of love, care, affection and sacrifice for her children. The most important woman in an individual's life is her/his mother. Mother is undoubtedly the most precious gift of god. To honor the spirit of motherhood, mother's day is celebrated all over the world with great prompt. It's time to say a cute thanks to your mother for her selfless love and unmatched affection. Honor the divine lady of your life by celebrating Mother's Day with your mom. Mother's Day is an occasion when individuals express their love and respect that they have for their mother. It's time to pamper her for all she has done for us over the years. On Mother's Day you can tell your Mom mother's day gifts amazon.
There are numerous ways to celebrate mothers day in the lapse of your mother and facilitate her with your loving feelings. Celebrate Mother's Day by presenting unique gifts to your mom. Make this day memorable by expressing your feelings with touching SMS messages, quotes and poems on this Mother's Day. Besides this, there are a number of other options available to make this day an ever lasting memory in your mother's memory. It's time to tell your mother that she will always be important to you throughout your life and you will continue to love her for ever. Here are some special gift ideas for your on mothers day.
Present a special gift to your mom. Flowers, Jewelery, Sarees, Watches, Home Appliances and Chocolates are the most popular ones. A tour with your mother is also a great option so plan out a surprising tour. Accompany her to the destination of her choice like a hill station, adventure destination, pilgrimage destination, exotic beach, etc. Make her relish your presence and feel the warmth of your love and affection. The presence of complete family members can also make your mom feel proud. Host a family dinner and celebrate mother's day with everyone to make the moment special for your mother in the presence of all loved ones.
Besides these, there are some trendy options also. Hit the latest movie in the multiplex of her choice. Watch out for the latest movie of favorite actor or actress of your mother and and have a splendid time. You can also prepare some home made gift items for your mother like candles, flowers etc. Decorating your home on this occasion is a pleasant option. Pamper your mom a promise of love, care and affection. A commitment which makes her cherish the fact that she is loved and will be loved till the very end of this world. Prepare the favorite dish of your mother on your own and surprise her by presenting her favorite temptation prepared by you. Go shopping at her favorite market and enjoy a splendid shopping spree with your loving mom. Make her recall your childhood by presenting your pics from childhood till date and let her fly in the ocean of emotions. Take her for a royal stay in the palaces of Rajasthan. Choose from a number of kingly palaces like Amber palace, Umaid Bhawan palace, Lake palace etc and make your mom feel the pleasures of a queen.
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ourmomzone-blog · 4 years
What to Do When You're Bored on a Friday Night
It's a Friday night and you don't have a date or perhaps your girlfriend ditched you last minute for a slumber party with her gals. Your buddies are all out in the bar having fun, 2 hours away.
What would you do? What is there for a guy to do on a Friday night?
I, for one, know that many simply just lay back, relax, turn on the disco lights (if you have one at home), or maybe watch a ball game. But there are other fun things to do when you're bored at home, especially since the late 90s, when the Internet started to boom.
Go Online
When you're bored at home with nothing to do, you should go online and surf the web. I've done that for the past 13 years and I haven't stopped since. In fact, I don't think there's been one night where I didn't go on the Internet. I mean there might have been a couple of nights when there was a blackout and I had no choice. But boy, does the Internet cure boredom!
Something that you can do on the Internet when bored, for example, is to go to Entertainment type sites. There are many web sites out there, where you can spend hours and hours of flipping through blog posts, videos, pictures, etc. And you can really have a good time without having to talk to anyone at all.
Find Sites With 1000s of Hours of Videos, Images, Stuff to Read
Some of the good web sites actually have thousands 1000s of hours of content, where you can watch videos of sexy women, look at awesome pictures you've never seen before, chat, meet friends and more.
You can gather a few web sites that you find interesting that have really good stuff updated daily. Don't forget to bookmark or subscribe to them so you always have the latest in your email inbox what to do when your bored on the internet.
Look for Funnies, Sexies, Cuties, Crazies and Tech!
The fact is, if you're bored at home and you have nothing to do, I suggest you hop on and start surfing and keeping a good shortlist of web sites that bring you funny, sexy, cute, and crazy stuff with a spice of tech.
Remember that, and you'll be sure to have a whole bunch of good stuff to look at and watch and read when you get bored.
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ourmomzone-blog · 4 years
How Can Work at Home Moms Be Successful With an Online Business?
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Are you a mom that wants to start working from home but are not sure this is a good idea for you? There are many moms that feel this way.
You should know that many moms do work at home and run their own successful Internet business.
This means that you can be to. As a mother you already have a busy schedule so how can you possibly start your own online business and be successful with it?
There are some very important things that you need to do in order to make this dream happen for you. Here are the most important things for any mom to do in order to achieve success with any business you start.
1. The first thing you must do is schedule when you will work in focus entirely on your business. With you being so busy already with your children and your daily life this is very important to do.
It doesn't matter when you work even if it is at night after everyone else is in bed. A key point to remember is being successful only happens if you work on your business every day.
The harder you work the quicker you will be successful with your business. Take time to sit down and figure out your best times to work where it won't interfere with your mom duties.
2. Market your business when you do get time to work on it. Traffic is the number one thing that you need in order to be successful with any business.
Advertising and promotion is the most important thing in getting website visitors. This is why it's crucial to take the time to learn how to promote your business and then put into action what you've learned 101 things to do when your bored book .
3. Don't give up. This may seem like a weird thing to tell mothers about their business but it is vital to success. Too many mothers start a business and don't give themselves or their business time to succeed.
Don't make this same mistake. Building a successful business is going to take time, hard work and patience just like being a mom does.
These are the most important things for any mom to do in order to achieve success from your home business. Being a mom is the hardest job you will ever have which will make building a successful online business much easier.
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ourmomzone-blog · 4 years
Helpful Tips for Choosing the Best Portable DVD Players for Kids
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Portable devices have given people comfort while moving from one place to another because of there lightweight and size. These devices are very appealing most specially with kids. For kids who love watching movies, portable DVD players for kids are best for them. They can use it at home or even bring it to just about anywhere especially on road trips that takes long hours and might bore the children. With a portable DVD player for kids in the backseat, it will be a wonderful and entertaining ride. If parents want to purchase portable DVD players for kids, they must keep in mind that it would be easy for their kids to use it.
There a lot of portable DVD players in the market today, that is equipped with kid-friendly features. These are the best portable DVD players for kids because they can use it without much supervision from the parents. There might be people that would advise the parents to buy portable DVD players for kids that are a cheap unit considering that the kid might just mistreat the device. Well, that would the option of the parents. Some cheap devices may just have shorter lifespan compared to the top quality devices what to do when you're bored .
When buying the best portable DVD players for kids, parents should think small in selecting the portable DVD player especially if they are expecting it to be transported a lot. It would be easier for the kid to carry around since it is not too bulky and very light. It will be easier to pack when going for travel hence it would put a less weight on the luggage. The most recommended screen size is 7 inches but if the parents want a wider and clearer view, the 9-inch screen would be the appropriate choice.
The most important thing about portable DVD players for kids is the battery life. This is very important in order to last until a movie or two is done otherwise the kids would be bored for the rest of the trip. Make sure that the battery life is living up to the manufacturer's claim.
The next thing to consider in choosing the best portable DVD players for kids is the easy-to-use features since the kids are going to be the one to use it. Look for models that have clearly labeled buttons. Choose the models that can be easily used by the children.
Another thing to look for when choosing the best player is, there must be a headphone jack on the device. One would be right if only one kid would be using it. But if there would be two kids that would share the device, choose the one with two headphone jacks or buy a Y-adapter so that both kids can watch and listen at the same time.
If the parents are able to purchase a more sophisticated unit, they can choose the one with a dual screen feature. This device is advisable to choose as the appropriate player for kids if two children will be sharing the device since the screen of the device is small, a dual screen portable DVD player would be appropriate so both children can have a clearer view of the action. This can also avoid both children from quarreling and squabbling over who should hold the device.
These are my helpful tips on how to choose the best portable DVD players for kids. There are reviews on choosing the best models that you can refer to. Parents should think of the comfort for their kids not only at home but anywhere they go. If these tips would be taken into consideration, the kids would have a better understanding of what the technology has to offer them.
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ourmomzone-blog · 4 years
Salmon Entrees With A Lemon Twist - Two Delicious Salmon Recipes
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Lemon and salmon are delicious flavors to combine, and along with just a touch of something else, you can create a healthy, great tasting meal. Garlic and lemon make a delicious combination to flavor any salmon dish, as do lemon and rosemary. All three, meaning, garlic, rosemary, as well as lemon would perhaps be too much - however, a subtle combination of one special spice and a twist of delicious lemon will make your dinner fish into the perfect dish. The two recipes below are for a lemon-garlic salmon and a lemon and rosemary dish, both savory and superb for a seafood dinner you and your guests and family will certainly love. Many people especially love to use garlic when they cook. This first recipe is a classic combination of lemon and garlic used to marinate and flavor salmon fillets. Whether you prefer your salmon grilled or broiled, you can make a delightful lemon and garlic salmon dish with this marinade. Seafood is a very healthy way to eat. It is high in protein, low in calories, and full of essential nutrients for your body. To make the marinade for this mouthwatering meal you will need the following ingredients: salt, pepper, a tablespoon of onion powder, a teaspoon of red pepper flakes, 1/4 cup of olive oil, 1/4 cup of lemon juice, four minced cloves of garlic, approximately two tablespoons of chopped cilantro, a tablespoon of chopped green onions, three tablespoons of balsamic vinegar, and two tablespoons of white sugar. First, combine the onion powder, red pepper flakes and salt and pepper (to taste) and use the mixture to season four fillets of fresh salmon. Next, set the fillets aside in a baking dish while you prepare the marinade. Mix olive oil, lemon juice, freshly minced cloves of garlic, the three tablespoons of balsamic vinegar, the two tablespoons of sugar, the tablespoon of chopped green onions, and the two tablespoons of chopped cilantro together in a large mixing bowl to create your marinade. Next, pour the fresh marinade over your salmon and let it soak for at least six hours - preferably overnight. When you are ready to bake your salmon, preheat the oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit and arrange the fish on a broiling sheet. Place the fish in the oven and bake for five minutes, then increase the temperature in the oven to 500 degrees, flip your fillets and broil them for five minutes longer before you remove the fish and let them cool slightly before you serve them. The fish is well-paired with a white wine, such as a chardonnay or sauvignon blanc. For a side dish, garlic and herb pasta or rice is an excellent choice. I always love to serve a nice fruit and nut salad while the fish are broiling so that when they are finished, the guests are almost finished with appetizers and the salmon can be served piping hot. Rosemary and lemon are also a savory combination for cooking a delicious salmon dish. Even more than the garlic-lemon marinade recipe, I love the taste of salmon and rosemary with a delicious twist of lemon. So here's the mouth-watering feature of this article: a lovely lemon and rosemary salmon dish. Ideally, the lemon and rosemary salmon recipe is suggested to be served with wild rice, fresh bread and an oil and vinegar mixture for dipping, as well as a fresh garden salad. A choice bottle of Pinot Noir is an excellent idea for a wine to go with your meal. The entire meal has a very romantic flare and a full, delicious flavor made to order for you and your loved one. Light a candle or two and add a nice centerpiece to the table setting to complete the ambiance for a lovely evening for two 15 minute meals 5 ingredients. The following are the ingredients you will need: two lemons. Cut the first lemon into four sections and thinly slice the second for flavor and garnish. You will need four sprigs of fresh rosemary, two skinless, boneless salmon fillets, sea salt (to taste), and roughly one tablespoon of olive oil. This simple recipe will be a dinnertime delight for you and your special someone, so follow the instructions for a wonderful, romantic meal.
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ourmomzone-blog · 4 years
Grocery Shopping For Weight Loss - How To Do It Right And Lose Weight Fast
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If you have recently embraced a weight loss diet for the first time, re-stacking your kitchen can be a bewildering task. What are the right things to pick at the grocery store and what kind of strategies work best? Here are some tips and suggestions to make your grocery shopping for weight loss a success.
Learn To Read and Interpret Labels
Successful grocery shopping for losing weight requires very attentive eyes and mind. Commercial labels that begin with 'light' or 'lite' can be highly misleading, and sometimes manufacturers count on people not reading the fine print or being aware of what they are picking. Sometimes 'lite mayo', 'light dressing' or 'light cookies' may refer to the lower fat in these products. But guess what? To compensate for the low fat, manufacturers often add more sugar or syrup, and the 'light' version actually ends up having more calories than the regular! Remember, a weight loss diet is not primarily about cutting fat, but cutting calories. So, the next time you want to put something 'light' in your cart, make sure you check the calories and compare it to the regular version.
When you learn to become more aware of what you are choosing for your weight loss plan, you may even realize that in some products, the calorie and/or fat difference between regular and light products is so insignificant as to not matter. So, you might as well ignore the light mayo with five calories less per serving. Except for a compromise in taste, you will not be gaining any weight loss benefit. For a 'light' product to be truly beneficial, it should have at least 30% less calories than the original, and about 25% less fats grocery shopping on a budget .
Plan in Advance
Before you go grocery shopping for weight loss, have a clear plan in place and know your inventories well. The idea is that you should have enough healthy food items at home to last you till your next grocery trip. If you don't have healthy ingredients at hand the next time you are home tired or working, you will be tempted to simply order a pizza and be done with it. If you have to have a pizza, get one when you really want it or want to treat yourself for sticking to your fat loss diet, rather than out of hunger.
Shopping for Fruits and Vegetables
It is best if your vegetable shopping is also done according to a weekly meal plan. It will save you the burden of planning and preparing during the week, when you are busy. Also, make sure that your grocery trip involves a visit to the fruit stall. Fruits are the healthiest snack possible in any weight loss diet, and the best answer to those sugar cravings. They are also an essential source of vital micro-nutrients, including minerals and vitamins.
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ourmomzone-blog · 4 years
Eating Healthy - Tips For Grocery Shopping
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Everyone knows that they should eat a healthy and balanced diet. However, sometimes it seems that we go to the grocery store and we end up with a lot of foods that we just don't need. And, most of them are not good for us. With everyone so busy these days - it can be hard to get the right foods for you and your family. However, it can be done. Here are some tips to help you when you head to the grocery store.
The first thing that you want to do is to plan your meals for a week ahead of time. This will take a little time on your part - but it is well worth it to help you achieve your goal of healthy eating. Plan out the grocery items that you will need and make a list of these before you head to the store. The secret is - stick to your list! Don't get sidetracked by the cookies and candy that they place everywhere. You are on a mission how to budget groceries!
Don't skip any of the major food groups - but make healthy food decisions. For breads, you want to make sure that you buy whole grain breads or multi-grain breads. Another excellent choice for sandwiches is whole grain pita pockets.
In the meat section, healthy choices are skinless chicken breasts, salmon, red meat (yes, red meat is good for you as long as it is lean and little marbling), and ground turkey (an excellent substitution for hamburger). Lunch meat is fine - as long as you read the labels. Make sure that it is low in sodium.
The most important section on your grocery trip is the produce section. Take some time in this area and fill up that cart. You want to make sure that you are getting plenty of fruits and vegetables. Some of your fruit purchases should be: apples, mangoes, bananas, oranges, and cherries. Healthy veggies include: sweet potatoes, broccoli, spinach (great for salads and smoothies), and carrots. Carrots are one of my staples because they are so easy to grab when I need a quick and healthy afternoon snack.
Staying on track with eating healthier is so much easier with your plan of attack at the grocery store. It keeps your refrigerator and pantry stocked with foods that are good for you and your family. If those chips and cookies aren't around and in view, everyone is less likely to crave them!
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ourmomzone-blog · 4 years
Jigsaw Puzzles - Fun For the Whole Family
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Jigsaw Puzzles are fun for the entire family from the youngest kids to eldest members of the group. They range from easy to extremely challenging and one can be found to please every member of the family.
Jigsaw puzzlers are people from every walk of life. Some folks are introverts who enjoy the oneness and peace and quiet of piecing together of puzzles and others are extroverts and Type A personalities who enjoy putting together the pictures at the end of busy day. Most children have enjoyed putting together a puzzle for some the love of the childhood hobby grows into adulthood and their senior years. Many a senior citizen center routinely has a partially completed puzzle on a table with a few folks around seeking out that next perfect piece family get together meaning.
Puzzlers routinely have a style of assembling the pieces. Some look for all the straight edges while others look for like colors and features. Many insist that all the pieces are turned upright prior to starting the puzzle and also insist that all pieces are laid out flat with not a one on top of another. In some families it is tradition that the youngest is given the honor of assembling the final piece. Some leave puzzles out for weeks and months and work on them in at a leisurely pace while others attach them as if they are a task to be conquered.
There are versions made from wood, heavy cardboard, foam, plastic, metal and even chocolate. They come in all shapes and sizes including square, rectangles, spheres, 3D, and in the shapes of buildings, vehicles and even long sentences.
Puzzles come in all kinds of designs with some being made from personal photos. Others are made from famous art works, or children drawings. Still more are theme related like flowers, birds, trains, or any animal. Some of the more popular options include works by Thomas Kinkade, that pick up the play of the light that he is so famous for. Modern puzzles also include movie prints and scenes from popular TV shows. They come in muted, almost monotone shades, shades of black and white, and in bright neon colors. Some glow in the dark or have shimmering sparkle effects embedded in them. There are electronic puzzles and online puzzles.
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ourmomzone-blog · 4 years
Families Learning Together During Job Loss
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If we learn something during such a difficult time as job loss, it must be worth sharing! Have a few days off to catch your breath and then:
* Continue a routine of getting up at a reasonable time each day during the week, even if your children don't need you to get them off to school and go to bed at a reasonable time as you did when you were working. Don't think of it as time off.
* Have the right mind-set. This isn't a time when you are unemployed, with nothing to do, but rather in between jobs when you are reassessing and investing into your future. Make this a time to read some self-help books or The Bible where you can focus on what you can do, rather than what you can't. Cultivate a spirit of thankfulness for what you do have, rather than what you lack- and look after it!
* Broaden your outlook and reassess whether you want to stay in the same profession as before or try something new. You might need to take some new qualifications, in which case you will need to decide and look around to see whether you will be going for a job where you can train at the same time as working or take time out to train family get together party.
* Find one or two websites where you feel comfortable to look for a new job each day and buy your weekly local paper to also apply, if you find anything suitable.
* Keep communicating with your family, to keep them in the picture so that they can support you and go through this with you as a team. Tell them about the new things you are learning. Refuse to lay blame at anyone's feet or to speak negatively about your situation to your family without a positive plan. They will then be ready to celebrate with you when you find something new.
* Keep track of your feelings, ensuring that you don't take them out on your family. This could be a good time to try boxing, running or some other sport where you can release any feelings of frustration, anger or failure and benefit from the positive energy that sport gives you. Meditation and prayer are also helpful to bring a sense of peace and calm, especially when fear and panic are lurking at the door.
* Push yourself to get out into the community amongst people, where you are more likely to find open doors, inspiration and opportunities. Maybe your son's football team could do with your help or the local charity shop. Voluntary work is always a good way to enhance your CV as well.
* Spend some time bringing your CV up to scratch, looking for tips and help to make it better than before.
* Don't be put down by well-meaning suggestions to try this or that when you know that it isn't what you are looking for. Understand how hard it is for other people to know how to react in this situation and just appreciate their concern and support.
* Think outside of the box and be prepared to get to where you want to go professionally by a different route to what you might have expected. The world is changing and sometimes by changing with it we find our niche.
* Don't be tempted to believe that you will happier doing nothing, but maintain a love for work with the creativity and passion that this means. Set an example to your children, that you can run after your passion and dreams when they don't fall in your lap and show them that you know that hard work and sacrifice bring great rewards. They will certainly be watching and learning from you and will take the lessons they learn with them.
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ourmomzone-blog · 4 years
What Are the Struggles of a Single Mom?
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Do you find yourself worrying about how you're going to raise your kids all by yourself? The struggles of a single mom are not for the faint-hearted. As you know, single mothers have so many more issues to deal with on a daily basis than moms who have a "significant other" to help them out.
You have to work twice as hard as other moms. After all, for the most part, you are mom and dad, all in one package.
You get to be cook, maid, chauffeur, teacher and nurse all while holding down your full time job. If you want to know the definition of exhausted, look up "single mom" in the dictionary. Plus, as an added bonus, you get to do all the traditional "dad" chores as well like shovel the driveway, cut the grass and do household repairs successful single moms.
For most single moms, dating is quite difficult. Finding the time and energy to date is one thing. Having the money to pay for a babysitter and a night out is another. Then you always have to eye your potential dates as to their suitability to your family. After all, you're a mom and you don't want just anybody around your kids.
Many single moms are struggling from pay check to pay check and just trying to make ends meet. As you know, living on one income is extremely difficult.
Have you thought about starting an online business as a way to supplement your income? Before you shake your head, you should give this another look. Many online businesses can be started for under $500 (sometimes even less).
With an online business you don't have the same red tape issues that typical offline businesses have. For the most part, you don't need to collect sales taxes. You don't need a business bank account. You don't even need to register your business as you can make money using your own personal name.
You can create a website business by spending a few evenings a week working. If you learn the right methods, the work you do now slowly builds and you will reap the rewards down the road. It takes a few months to establish a website and generate traffic, but once you've got it setup, it runs on autopilot
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ourmomzone-blog · 4 years
Abundance & Poverty
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You could have it all, my empire of dirt.
I will let you down. I will make you hurt."
~Nine Inch Nails, "Hurt"
The lyrics to the song "Hurt" remind me of a man by the name of William Randolph Hearst. He made and lost fortunes from pioneering "yellow newspaper," a simple term for gossip papers that had a way of twisting the truth. He lived an eventful life; he employed Mark Twain, interviewed Hitler, and even ran for public office. It is widely rumored that he died alone and broke, after having so much of his focus on purchasing items for a home that he never finished. Today, we mainly know his legacy as Hearst Castle survive financially as a single mom.
"The greatest mentors are often those we choose to guide us even when the advice stops."
~Culture Inc. & The Seven Scrolls
One of my mentors, along with his wife, made a family decision to take in foster children. They had kids of their own, yet they felt called to take care of children outside of their nuclear family who were in need. Bill and his wife took in two siblings that came from a broken home where food was scarce and a history of abuse was the norm.
One day, Bill's wife had prepared dinner and the foster kids came into the dining area to eat. As dinner time came to an end, Bill noticed some odd behavior. Both kids were hiding chicken and bread in their pockets to eat later.
Bill sat both kids down. "Listen," he said. "I want you to take what is in your pockets and put it back on the table. You both need to understand that there will be plenty of food here every meal: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And if you are still hungry, you can go into the kitchen and my wife will provide snacks for you. We are a family here, and neither of you will ever have to go hungry for as long as you live in this home." I wish I had met Bill earlier in my life to hear his wisdom and adopt his spirit of abundance. Bill, has never stopped giving, and each year he has grown in terms of financial wealth to be one of the richest people I have ever met.
My family grew up on welfare for a season. I was born to a single mom, who, at seventeen, worked various jobs just to keep food on the table and a roof over our heads. She had a knack for survival, and an incredible work ethic. I have her to thank for many of the skills I draw from today.
I was always grateful for the help we received during the most difficult periods in our lives. Even with the assistance of welfare agencies, and a mother who worked hard and budgeted every penny, we didn't always have enough to make it from one week to the next. In those tough times, often the local church would drop off groceries at our home.
Although I drew many positive values from these experiences, I also developed some negative patterns. I became fearful of being poor. I witnessed the hardship that poverty brought on my family, and hardened my heart around the memories of having little.
As my fear overshadowed the blessings and small joys of our lives, I dismissed and forgot the great times and enjoyable moments. My mom had been beautiful and free. Despite the heavy burdens that she carried from day to day, she would still take the time to "play toys" with me on the floor. She would dance and act like a goofball. She was amazing. This was truly one of the most spiritually rich seasons of my life.
I am saddened, even now, to have buried my good memories with the bad. I thought money was the answer. This was, in my mind, the pathway to breaking free from misery. I would eventually learn how misguided I was in my own thinking.
As I grew older, I accumulated things. By the age of twenty-nine I owned four houses, two companies, and a decent sized bank account. I felt accomplished. I had separated myself from my childhood upbringing. I made it, or so I thought. As I contemplated my life and my success, I realized that I was alone, like Hearst, even in my marriage. I had spent most of my time and money on myself. Like the foster kids at the table, I was stuffing my own pockets instead of trusting there would be new, fresh things on the table tomorrow.
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ourmomzone-blog · 4 years
Mom-Preneurs Create Cash Flow Naturally
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This story begins on the dawn of the New Year, 2008. I was eves dropping on two single mom-preneurs engaged in a magnetic discussion about a pre-eminent wealth mastery /marketing expansion community that is creating serious cash flow. This was an answer to my midnight prayer-this mom-preneur needed to exponentially multiply her MLM lead generation yesterday. Having tasted the commissions of pre-qualified leads in the Life Insurance Industry, I knew that massive and online marketing must be part of the equation, but was discouraged by my MLM community. (I was told that it would be too complicated for me). I leaped into their conversation like a mother lion pursuing her prey. The next day I solidified my partnership with a top producing realtor single mom-preneur and was on the phone with my new marketing mentor.
Several days later I read an empowering quote from an article by Bobby Drish, master marketing coach; "Money Personality-Do You Think There Might Be A Connection?" MY Money Personality was the first one on the list. I felt as if he knew me like my own mother and most of you entrepreneurial mothers will too. Drish in quotes:
"HUNTERS-Highly educated, mostly women."-I congratulated the natural marketer in me for having already created my new inspirational image as a millionaire lioness. This serendipity told me that I am on the right track. Isn't this always the case when you follow your gut girls? By the way, this is the main reason I am sharing this story with you, to encourage you to pay attention to those coincidences that you are co-creating with the universe in each and every mundane and business moment encouraging words for single mothers.
He continues; "Typically like entrepreneurs but make decisions with their hearts." This love for our children does influence most all of our money decisions and this heart also gives us moms the ability to magnetize money magically for our children. I have observed that the truly abundant mothers have profoundly developed their heart capacity and make this a daily practice.
I like how he refers to the motherhood role as "Caretaking opportunities..." because challenges are an opportunity for personal growth whether we like it or want to accept it, motherhood does this to us every moment. Mothers are courageous, forces of nature with mysteriously hidden capacities of management mastery, problem solving perseverance, purposeful production, communications creativity, situational trust and transformation that emerge once we determine to face the multitude of tasks set before us daily. All of these daily practices place us as premier marketers and managers of our own business in a rapid, continuously transforming online marketplace. It may seem overwhelming to redirect your energies towards new marketing approaches, but it is well worth every new step you take AND, I have found that it does not have to be expensive.
"...and impulsive "gut" notions drive spending."-Moms do not have time to research and analyze every purchase. Intuition is our main navigating system and our children's needs are paramount regardless of the threat of debt. This is why it is important for us to follow Bobby's advice when HUNTERS are functioning as entrepreneurs. I call it the look before you leap approach. He suggests that we find a "cut throat marketing coach/mentor or sponsor." I have a forthcoming article concerning this subject which will be useful when hunting for your new coach or reevaluating the current one.
"Similar to entrepreneurs but lacking confidence..." I am not worried about my inexperience in certain areas of marketing or sales because I have access to a whole team of marketing pros and my hero, with his round table of 5 computers and I-phone at the hip is willing to respond at the speed of lightening to emails and phone calls at impractical hours without complaint freely offering me the next tech tip that gets me through the day.
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ourmomzone-blog · 4 years
Singling Out Discrimination
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In the increased busyness of the world today, how does one balance the responsibilities of being a partner, parent, and employee without suffering one's personal health and overall well-being? It is quite challenging. Managers tend to have more empathy on employees who have children and may tend to have provisions to make life easier for those with a family (which also includes taking care of parents). But with much emphasis being placed on family-friendly workplaces, single people are feeling discriminated falling in love with a single mom quotes.
Years ago I was participating in a focus group and a woman expressed her experience of indirect discrimination for being a single person. She felt that her peers relied on her and somewhat expected her to 'stay back' to complete a last minute deadlines or troubleshoot emergencies because she did not have 'family' obligations. Being single myself, I was astounded to hear of her experience as I hadn't had such an occurrence happen to me, possibly because I was male.
Singles (i.e., those with no serious partner and/or children) struggle to attain the same empathy or acknowledgement that they may 'have a life' as well as other responsibilities which may take priority over work. Dr. Mary Young, a work/family expert in Boston, stated that singles wanted to be able to leave work on time and not feel guilty, similar to their 'working parents' colleagues. Many singles feel that their needs are trivialized or dismissed; they want support for their needs outside of work, and want to feel that they have legitimate personal needs, just like those with families.
Bella DePaulo, the author of Singled Out, coined the term 'singleism' -negative stereotyping, stigmatizing, and discrimination against people who are single. Though many anti-discrimination policies include marital status, singles may still subtly feel increased pressure and work demands on them for managers may assume they have less responsibility at home. In her book "The Baby Boon: How Family-Friendly America Cheats the Childless", Elinor Burkett highlights the changing demographics in the workplace between the growing numbers of mothers in the workforce as well as a new growing group: childless adults. She also points out the inequalities in tax breaks, workplace and government entitlements while providing insight to solutions in catering to the childless worker.
Syndicated columnist Dr. Julianne Malveaux quoted a worker at a Fortune 500 company which had received high marks for its family focus: "My co-workers say they need to leave early to pick their children up from school, and I'm expected to work an hour or so longer to accommodate them. But none of them would work late so that I could go to the opera or to the doctor. I'm all for juggling work and family, but we all have obligations and interests, and mine should count for as much as theirs do."
Single people do have all the obligations that family people have except they have to tackle them all without a spouse to handle half the workload. Ask any single parent about that challenge. Additionally, just because a worker is single doesn't mean there's no partner or significant other sharing the worker's life. Many people choose to remain single due to other commitments they have in their life; taking time to have a relationship or raise a family may not be an option in their life at the moment.
Organizations need to identify the demographics of their workforce to cater to their needs, including their marital and 'family' status. This will assist in developing programs for the single person which may increase the person's loyalty to the organization. For example, one way to cater to singles with regards to benefits is to offer a "cafeteria" style benefits programs, which allow each worker to choose an array of benefits that best suits his or her family or personal needs. A working mom might select employer-subsidized childcare, while a single worker might choose a sabbatical or paid tuition as a benefit.
The composition of the workforce is changing and will continue to change, especially as our workforce ages. Just as most parents chose to have children, singles are single by choice or because of a partner's death, and they don't think they should have to pay for their situation by doing more in the workplace.
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ourmomzone-blog · 4 years
Scholarship For Mothers Program - An Opportunity For Single Mothers to Have a Better Future
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It does not matter whether you are black or white, from the city or from the suburbs, a child or an adult, a man or a woman because education is the right of every citizen. One of the building blocks of the society is no other than good and quality education because it serves as the foundation of learning and knowledge. Single mothers also serve as integral members of the society because they are the ones inculcating values and leanings to their children because of the scholarship for the mother program, they can guide their children more, and they can as well function as good members of the corporate world.
We can never deny the fact that these single mothers are definitely facing a hard struggle in their emotional and financial lives as well. Because their role is both a mother and a father to their children, they need to work more in order for them to address the needs of their children. To answer this problem, the government under the rule of President Obama devised of a way on how to send back these single mothers to school.
This program is certainly the means by which single mothers and their children will have good standing in the society. Aside from that, these mothers will no longer have to worry about their daily expenses, books, and fair as well. This is because the government of the United States will be the one to shoulder them all.
What are the benefits from the program?
If you are a single mother, and you would want to continue in studying, this may be the biggest break and blessing for you. In availing the program, there are steps you need to follow and requirements you need to submit to the school, university, or academy of your choice. Your financial assistance will also depend on your income but, to get a big amount of it, you must be able to prove a certain institution that you are really eligible to get full assistance inspirational stories of single mothers .
If you have never gone to college, there are several institutions that will offer you counseling on what course to take up. They will assess your skills, capabilities, and interest to ensure that your scholarship grant will be a success and not will go into waste. Aside from that, you can still work even though you are studying because this scholarship program allows you to study during your flexible hours.
You can apply for a scholarship for the mother program from non-profit organizations, government, and private entities. A quick search online can give all the needed information on how to apply for such scholarships, deadline dates, required documents, eligibility requirements, and other pertinent information. Increase your knowledge and you can land a good job.
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