oursongofhealing · 2 years
Deuce is being temporarily moved to @xdcwntherabbithole !
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oursongofhealing · 3 years
@oursongofhealing​: Machina…
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“Strike, er I mean, yes?”
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     “Isn’t that a little much..?”
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oursongofhealing · 3 years
Machina was up early--super early to prepare for his girlfriend's birthday. He had asked permission to use the chocobo ranch for an hour to make a surprise party for her. Running to the ranch, he set everything up, a nice table and all, flowers and the desserts--but the cake was going to be brought by a special guest. He went to the girls' dorm and waited for her. As soon as he spotted her leaving, he took her hand and guided her back to the ranch. "Come with me, okay?" Once they are there, he whistled and chocobo chicks came running to circled around their feet. He guided her to the table and made sure is seated and comfortable then waved his hand and Lulu came running dragging a tiny cart, enough for it to drag it with its own strength. "Tada~ Your cake! Lulu was my accomplice this time, hehe~" there come Machy-Machy with another cart and this time it was more flowers. "Happy birthday, Deuce!" grinning happily at her before he leaned to kiss her.
Deuce’s bday! | @sentofight
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     The confusion was immediate when her hand was seized by Machina and she was led elsewhere as soon as she exited the dorm. What could be the hurry? Cinque and the others seemed to have been puzzled initially when she looked back at them, but she saw that soon they had smiles on their faces. What did they know that she didn’t? Eyes looked back at Machina as he continued to guide her. To the ranch, was it? It was their favorite place to spend time together, so perhaps he simply wanted to have a date today? Naturally, Deuce had no complaints over this.
   Machina wanted to lead, so she could only follow his instructions, a big smile spread across her face. When they reached the ranch and all the chicks came circling around them at the sound of his whistle, she couldn’t help giggling as she watched them chirp away. How precious! The sight served as a temporary distraction and as she soon lifted her gaze and saw the layout, a light gasp escaped her lips as a hand came up just over her mouth. Yes, it was her birthday, and yes, she had hoped to spend it with Machina, but simply that would be enough for her. To see the set up right before, how long had it taken him? How early had he gotten up? The lengths he went to for her always made her heart melt like so and her smile returned, accompanied by a racing heart.
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   “Machina, this is so lovely~” The delight was so clear and bright on her features that if she were any brighter, she could very well outshine even the sun at this rate.
   But the biggest surprise was yet to come. Once seated, she thought that would be it, that they would begin dining together right away. But when she saw him waving his hand, her eyes followed to look where he was gesturing to. Seeing Lulu appear with that cart and cake had Deuce lightly gasping again, this time covering her mouth with both hands. Emotions welled up and, in all honesty, the flutist wished to burst into tears. Even if they were tears of joy, she couldn’t let them cause Machina any panic. She was so spoiled... ever since their relationship began, Machina had always spoiled her. Tears managed to well up in her eyes regardless of her attempts to hold them back and she raised a hand to wipe her eyes and grin, cheeks flushed with color as he pressed that kiss to her lips. “I’ve said it before, but Machina... you really are the best. Thank you... thank you for everything. Thank you for all your love and kindness. I don’t think I will ever be able to tell you just how much you mean to me, so thank you and I love you. So much~”
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oursongofhealing · 3 years
machina leans in when deuce is tending to her flowers to steal a kiss from her cheek, "no, I'm not jealous of the flowers what are you talking about peshaw" no he is glaring at the flowerpot for stealing his girlfriend from him.
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     “M-Machina!” Flustered noises escaped Deuce’s lips as a hand reached up to touch the cheek he had pressed a kiss to, other hand nearly dropping the watering can it was holding after she had finished watering the flowers. He had surprised her to say the least. Wait, jealous of the flowers? Oh, dear. Was she not giving him enough attention. Surprise melted away to be replaced with a warm smile and small laugher as she set the can down and moved closer to him. “I’m done now, so there isn’t a need to be mad at the flowers. Um... I thought maybe we could tend to the flowers together from now on.”
   The surprising clingy and affectionate side to him compared to the impression he gave when they had first met never failed to catch her off guard, but she loved everything about him. It was cute to see him pout every so often. Hand reached over to gently hold his and her smile grew. “Machina is still my number one, I promise.”
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oursongofhealing · 3 years
The more things change the more they stay the same.
That saying seemed to fit this moment very well for Celestia. Though the time and seasons has changed, she had remainded the same. She had come to the Akadamia as part of a delegation to open trades between the Dominion of Rubrum and the Kingdom of Concordia. Like the first time she had come to the Akadamia she had gotten distracted by the scenery and had lost her way, again.
❝ Oh, It seem we meet once more as we did before. ❞ Celestia chuckled as she recognized the young lady. ❝ How fare you Deuce? ❞
     To enjoy the weather after spending so much time studying indoors was a breath of fresh air, quite literally. Though the flutist did her best to keep up with her studies in addition to her training, staying inside for too long often proved to dampen her mood. Being outside on such a lovely day was the immediate cure, prompting her to hum a small tune as she basked in the sunlight. It wasn’t until she heard a familiar voice near her person that Deuce returned to reality and focused on who was approaching her. Why, a familiar face to go along with that familiar voice!
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   Lips curved into a smile immediately as her improved mood improved even further. “Oh! Lady Celestia! It’s very nice to see you again, ma’am. I’m doing well, thank you. I hope you are, as well! Have you come for a meeting again?”
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oursongofhealing · 3 years
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But anyway, I’ve been trying to be active again across all my blogs, especially my dear daughter here. There’s a lot I gotta do across them all, but I’m getting there. Reminder I also have Jack and Cinque over on my multi if anyone’s interested! I’m doing my best and I’m sure everyone else is too!
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oursongofhealing · 3 years
He’ll always dance to her flute, you know
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oursongofhealing · 3 years
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     “Every memory should be cherished, no matter how big or small it may be.”
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oursongofhealing · 3 years
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     “Someday... we will all wake up and find that it was all simply a bad dream.”
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oursongofhealing · 3 years
asking for a friend but what would deuce for halloween?
Unprompted | @sentofight​
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     “Well, it isn’t much, but I was thinking about dressing up as a witch with Cinque. She really wanted to wear something similar together, so I couldn’t possibly say no. She insisted it has to be a dress, too.”
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oursongofhealing · 3 years
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Happy Birthday Deuce~!!!
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oursongofhealing · 3 years
Imagine Deuce in Kingdom Hearts universe just trying to live her life and help people, but she gets caught up in all the shenanigans because she was nice to someone important and now nothing will ever be the same again.
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oursongofhealing · 3 years
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You seem to enjoy each others' company 💖
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oursongofhealing · 3 years
"Deuce! Deuce! Open your hand like this--yes, aaand" Machina places his hand on top of hers. Watch his smile grow bigger when he closes his hand on hers. "They fit ... your hand is so cute~ hehehe~"
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     Hearing that voice she loved call her name was always a guarantee to bring a smile to the flutist's face. And when he made the request for her to open her hand, the smile remained even with her curiosity, wondering what he was trying to show her. “Like this?” What could he be showing her? The moment he placed his hand upon hers and commented how they fit, she felt her heart skip a beat and her all the warmth rose up into her face. Cute? No, this was cute! It was so sweet! “And I hope it will always be a perfect fit~”
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oursongofhealing · 3 years
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❝…I’ve never given it much thought. I’m used to the officer’s uniform now.❞ It was true. Since advocating for the role of commander, some things just lost sense or importance to him. Yet the compliment transpired refreshing, and knew Deuce said it as both a means to do well and by sincerity. In response, Kurasame patted her head softly. ❝Goes against attire regulations, but it pleases me you’re pleased, cadet. Thank you.❞
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     How unexpected. To be patted on her head by their commanding officer was definitely not something Deuce had ever anticipated experiencing. As surprising as it was, however, it was pleasing and her smile was renewed with a soft laugh, cheeks lightly painted pink. It may be best not to draw too much attention to the gesture. “You’re welcome. I suppose it wouldn’t set a good example for the rest of us if you broke those rules, even though quite a few of us don’t follow regulations closely ourselves.”
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oursongofhealing · 3 years
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❝…❞ The officer remained silent at the comment, though far from normal reasons. ❝It’s been long since I wore something blue.❞
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     “It’s very lovely. You should wear it more! Um, that is to say... That’s just what I think. I’m certain you have colors you’re fond of, right?”
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oursongofhealing · 3 years
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     “That color looks good on you!”
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