outermostthoughts · 1 year
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"It does me greate payne to seye Hamlette, which in afore tymes would have been kleped a ghoste storye of moste entertayning charachtiere, is seyne now in theyse lower deyes as worthye of performanse before Royale eyes." - someone missing the point just as much, but in 1600
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outermostthoughts · 1 year
wtf if you have a cod hyperfixation just go fishing
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i'll be honest. if someone told me they're joining the military because of a "cod hyperfixation" I would maybe shove them down a flight of stairs
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outermostthoughts · 1 year
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This is more punk than the whole of punk history.
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outermostthoughts · 1 year
"You have to admit, giving up your location like that is a pretty alpha move."
"You know, I would have to agree. It is pretty alpha. Because, from everything I've observed, the DUMBER an action is, the MORE ALPHA it seems to be! "
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Before I leave this here humble abode, Andrew, I have just one more inquiry, if you will. I noticed that you enjoy a good slice of that sweet Italian delicacy we call pizza. But Andrew…were you aware when you posted that monologue of yours that Jerry’s Pizza is a pizza chain that can only be found in Romania? I’m a Southern man myself, raised to be polite and all that so forgive me for saying this but you dumb son of a bitch did you really prioritize defending your member so much that you didn’t think to hide such incriminating evidence?
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outermostthoughts · 1 year
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outermostthoughts · 1 year
For me, there are two options for the spray. Either
It's a random hydroxycholoquine type pharmaceutical that wouldn't work, OR
It's an experimental monoclonal antibody treatment costing tens of thousands of dollars per dose, but it's being utterly pissed away because Miles wanted it in a cool metal spray bottle and wouldn't listen to anyone who told him that's not how infusions work
A storytelling moment I love in Glass Onion is the throat spray. It works in the metanarrative as an excuse to not have any of the actors wear masks despite the setting, but it works in story too.
We're assuming this is set in late 2020 due to the Among Us popularity, so we're looking at peak first wave pandemic. The fact Miles has a throat spray that can, through some magic, stop the transmission of Covid for at least 4 days at the height of its spread, and the fact that, evidently, he has made no effort to mass distribute it, means either
1. This thing hasn't passed FDA approval and Miles still felt comfortable giving it to his 'friends', foreshadowing his apathy towards regulation and safety standards with Klear.
2. He's a selfish arsehole.
Both work.
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outermostthoughts · 3 years
This seems like an unnecessarily unempathetic take, especially that last addition. I'm a (more or less) cishet white man, and I felt intensely victimized by religion in a way that pushed me towards atheism. Plenty of religions are based on controlling people through shame and guilt, and being raised in them can be inherently traumatic. Just being white and a man isn't going to shield you from that.
the athiesm of women/people of color/lgbt people is absolutely different than the athiesm of cishet white men and i feel like people forget that a lot
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outermostthoughts · 4 years
AU where Tony knew Aunt May and Uncle Ben in college so that in Iron Man 2 when Peter goes to the Stark Expo it becomes a “Charles and Ellen Mulaney meet Bill Clinton” scenario in the Parker household.
Peter: My aunt gets the invitation to the Stark Expo in the mail, and she goes, “We gotta go! We gotta go see Tony!” and without looking at her and just turning the page in a newspaper my uncle goes, “Why? It’s not like he’s going to remember you.“ 
With great power comes great responsibility. Same motherfucker.
So my aunt says, “Fine, I’ll take Peter.”
And I go, “Heck yeah!” and I slide out into the living room in my Iron Man mask and we walk out the door.
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outermostthoughts · 4 years
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still astounded by this literal weaponization of feminism against the working class. thanks for that liberal queens, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas
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outermostthoughts · 4 years
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The Brooklyn Citizen, New York, January 10, 1929
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outermostthoughts · 4 years
the neurodivergent experience is thinking you’re sharing fun, interesting or helpful information in a normal human conversational fashion while they think you’re an asshole lecturing them or looking down at them like they’re stupid and also that no matter how many times you have this experience you always think you’re doing it the right way this time
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outermostthoughts · 4 years
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Don’t let them tell you they aren’t nazis.
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outermostthoughts · 4 years
When Nietzsche said “God is dead,” he wasn’t being an atheistic edgelord. He was mourning for Europe as it cast off its faith in favor of the nihilistic cult of money and machinery.
Whatever critiques Nietzsche had of Christianity, he was far more afraid of the anti-social godlessness inspired by industrial society.
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outermostthoughts · 4 years
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This is important.
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outermostthoughts · 4 years
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#MLKalsoSaid via Twitter
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outermostthoughts · 4 years
AU where the clones and the droids unionize and collectively go on strike and stand threateningly around important government buildings until they get their rights 
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outermostthoughts · 4 years
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