outingfemmecaedes · 3 years
a lot of damage control happened on the low. or so she wants to make us think. ive been friendly with her for like a year or something and i know she was deflecting a lot and didn't know how to go into all this stuff because the allegations were serious so she sorts ignored them for a while? a few weeks ago however i found out she was snooping into the whole thing mostly because she knows the urls of most her victims except for damon and one of the people she attacked over damon about 2-3 years ago. those she can't find anywhere and she was really irritated over it.
my friend told me "no yknow she probably wants to speak to them privately to clear things up" which i the peacemaker think would be a great idea. brandi talking to her victims and apologizing privately at least if she ain't gonna do it publicly. i was scared for these people bc i didn't know if that was that or if she was possibly looking for a way to attack em. it just sucks a ton because as a mutual and fellow sex worker i liked her and i don't want to cut her off or anything since she didn't attack me, but i support all victims and i hope she decides to set the record straight with them over just lurking their blogs waiting for them to post something about her or having random people look for their social media and/or sending them petty anons (which she did to damon and the ppl related to that incident a lot back on the day, until they all disappeared on her)
I would like to wish and believe one day she will get the help she needs and apologize. Unfortunately that day still has not come and I fear that it may never will. We can only hope.
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outingfemmecaedes · 3 years
I just looked back on the "overlapping illnesses" category, and I have Disocciative Identity Disorder, and I can remember when I had opened up to her about it back when we first started talking, she immediately tried to pretend that she had it too. It was one of the most diminishing things I've ever experienced, and in the long run her constant need to always have like...the worst life? At all times? It got exhausting and it's what led to my finally blocking her. In fact, when we first met, my boyfriend was literally in the hospital and she just kept pressuring me for in character shit while I kept telling her "I'm literally sitting at the hospital with my boyfriend".
She honestly has no regards for how she treats other people, and it's unacceptable behavior.
It really is unacceptable behavior. I wish she will soon realize it.
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outingfemmecaedes · 3 years
the amount of gaslighting I'm witnessing. i'm currently mutuals with her and i've been mutuals with people she was friends with for years now, and seeing brandi discarding these claims and saying they're just her joking or not being serious when i know for a fact she was 100% serious about her celebrity obsession and pretending (yes, pretending, as in faking) to be a witch. it's so disrespectful. you're gonna hurt all these people and then act like they're crazy? i hope she heals, i really do, because someone who acts this way simply shows how unhappy and lonely they are in life.
and it's not fair other people have to pay for it.
I'm sad to say that it truly does suck and we all hope at one point she can hel properly and get the help she needs.
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outingfemmecaedes · 3 years
To the anon who says Brandi plans to call someone out as a r*pist. Please provide actually proof of this conversation, and also I do believe Brandi has the ability to hurt people, like any other human being, but I do not think she would publicly falsely accuse someone of r*ping her. It would look bad on her image and she would only privately do such things. As again, that I have proof of her doing.
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outingfemmecaedes · 3 years
Lies. Brandi's best friend orchestrated all of this to make Brandi look crazy. You are all extremely ableist.
I'm afraid you have the wrong impression of all of this. Nothing about this is ableist. Abuse is Abuse no matter what. If you look through the screenshots you can see where multiple times people tried to help her and tell her that the way she is acting isn't okay and she only used mental illness as an excuse and refused to change. We just want more people to be aware so that Brandi can get the help she needs. Nothing about this is hate but out of concern and this may be the only way she will listen. No where in here have we made fun of her. You can see through the screenshots yourself or you can let the blind lead the blind. It is your choice in the end for I already know I cannot make everyone believe me even with the amount of proof we have all gathered.
Also the definition of ableism is
"discrimination in favor of able-body people"
We are talking about her actions online towards others not her disabilities. Please look up definitions of things before calling someone that.
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outingfemmecaedes · 3 years
Wait so she thought she was in a real relationship with Cody Fern and his partner Eric too? Can you share more details about that please? Like she thought they were talking to her on the internet or she claimed she was actually meeting up with them? That’s....disturbing to say the least.
You can see a lot of it in the Crazy Celebrity part, but yes. She would go as far as to make fake accounts to message her friends as the celebrity, send herself "anonymous" things making it seem like Cody, get "visions" of them getting married and having kids to help her fame, and even as far as assuming people she met online were the celebrity just because she didn't know what they looked like.
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outingfemmecaedes · 3 years
As someone who could be considered one of Brandi's first victim's even tho I hate that word and how it's changed over the years. And to feel that way would make me feel like I'm weak, I just wanted to say I used to love rp here. Even if I did find myself every few months to a year jumping from one muse and fandom to another, but knowing her, interacting with her and how possessive. And fucking weird she got and what people told me. And also how she treated someone extremely close to me. It made me want nothing to do with her. I probably would have distant myself regardless of what happened either way...after all I pride myself in having a good sense on people. But when she started dragging my name through the mud, and playing victim mode with what could have been a simple and gentle departure as writers turned ugly. Like I'm sorry, but as storylines progressed and I found I had more in common with my other partner I didn't want to feel like I was dragging things out with both writers, so I made my call, so to speak. I picked who made me feel comfortable. Did the things I find in a way influence that decision yes and no, because in the end I still made my own choice. And it could have been simple, I would have let her down easy. But no she HAD to start drama and make shit up as she went. She had to go and fuck up what she had until it got, so bad I've in sense come to despise rp here. To where my mindset has gone from "what muse and fandom will I I join this week?" to. "What if she finds me again and starts her shit up again?."
So, yeah I'm still fucking mad and for all I care she can still be pressed either way as long as she stays fucked off outta my life that's where I'll leave things.
I'm sorry She put you through that. I hope you have found a safe place to have muses again and enjoy what you once enjoy. No one should live in fear like that.
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outingfemmecaedes · 3 years
Please do not send me any famous person's personal info to try and get them to be warned about Brandi. If anything I do not know how comfortable that person is having their email or whatever being out their and do not want to invade such privacy. If you are deeply concerned you can always send those people pictures of the screenshots that have been provided.
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outingfemmecaedes · 3 years
A handful of victims, myself included, have put our testimonies together covering the last few years. A handful. How can something as vile as utilizing survivors from sexual violence to fulfill her Cody Fern fantasies, be a joke? How can being possessed by a “realm walker”, be a joke? How can being described how I was supposedly murdered in another life while knowing my attacker was actively stalking me, be a joke?
We remember things. We still hurt from things. We have heard, talked to, and understood each other. And this thing she does? Abusing her friends to the point they have to cut themselves loose just to be vilified later? It's horrible. I can't be told and I won't be told I'm flattering myself or exaggerating. I can't and I won't be told I an being self-centered for voicing my pain.
Try and explain how you saw a friend mourning the death of her grandfather, recovering from the sexual assault you oh-so-kindly glorified, and thought it was perfectly acceptable to accuse her of being a snake for supposedly stealing someone away from you. Try and explain how you got the next person to stalk and screenshot her social media. Try and explain how despite all of the trauma you caused on her to the point she became paranoid, it only worsened after she came to find you've done the exact same thing to so many others.
You call it victimization, we call it accountability. — 🐍🌿
We aren't even asking you to hurt yourself or do some stupid task. We don't want you to grovel at our feet for forgiveness. All we wish is for you to hold yourself accountable for your actions. Take responsibility for the pain and suffering you have caused. Get the help you need. None of us wanted to do this to you but you couldn't let things go and push came to shove Brandi. Here we are.
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outingfemmecaedes · 3 years
I should like to say that upon multiple occasions, Brandi used threats of suicide in order to get myself and a few others to perform sexual acts upon her via astral plane and through 'cyber sex'.
Brandi. Please get help. Idk how you think this is okay and that you did nothing wrong still with all the proof shown, but I'm very concerned for you. I wish to be able to strive and be a better person. I'm sorry Brandi put you through that and many others. You didn't deserve such treatment.
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outingfemmecaedes · 3 years
The majority of her victims who are r*pe survivors have stories of her forcing them to listen to her r*pe fantasies or trying to m*lest them as soon as she finds out they are survivors.
This is highly not okay, and I hope the survivors never have to deal with such a thing again.
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outingfemmecaedes · 3 years
i used to write/be friends with brandi and honestly at one point during the peak of her being convinced she was persephone she came to me complimenting a headcanon i wrote about a muse i write: persephone from lore olympus. it made me really uncomfortable at the time because she went 'ohmygosh how did you know i liked this animal?' tbh i'd just decided persephone had a certain kind of pet because i thought'd be cute. There were a couple more interactions like this where she'd praise me for something or backhandedly critique something about my muse. but the scary thing now is that brandi treated me very differently than anyone else. I was very sheltered from her behavior. in essence now i feel like i was a pet she was trying to shelter from everything. eventually i did see screenshots from a friend whom she'd harassed and sort of just stopped paying attention to her. in the end though i blocked brandi due to her blatant disregard for her health mental and physical. it's really hurtful to see that behavior as a fellow disabled person, it's like a slap to the face.
We all hope that Brandi will get the help she needs mentally and physically. So that she can own up to her mistakes/make up for them. Till then we shall all heal from the pain she caused. I'm so sorry she treated you in such a way you deserved better.
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outingfemmecaedes · 3 years
Last but not least is the HIGH TRIGGER WARNING. Where Brandi goes in on a lot of things that happened to her sexually, but at the same time I has used those to gain money off of people out of pity. Which in the long run make actually victims of these type of situations look BAD. Most of the time I am the type of believe someone's story of these things, but it is hard to believe if you use it to get money.
Also she admits to having a cnc kink.
She also mentions FORCING herself to have a miscarriage. Which how describes is periodically punching herself. Which 1 you cannot do. 2 what she describes is PMS precramps. 3 if you get a miscarriage you go into a deep depression afterward whether you wanted the kid or not.
I added it all inna google doc because again it is HIGHLY triggering to read of things she says. So I do say to read with CAUTION. And only click it if you are 18+ and can HANDLE such topics.
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outingfemmecaedes · 3 years
Crazy Claims pt 2
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outingfemmecaedes · 3 years
Now onto the second to last category. Where I should remind anyone that if you want to share your stories/experiences with Brandi on here as well. I have set asks to have anonymous on if you wish so.
Anyways the next part is more crazy claims she has made. Making gay guys go straight for her, making fake screenshots about someone elses abuser and saying she is getting stuff about it (even though she was never a part of that situation) using her mental illnesses that she may, or may not, have (she is self diagnosed) to get out of the bad shit she has done and making the other people feel guilty.
Crazy Claims pt 1
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outingfemmecaedes · 3 years
Crazy Celeb Obsess pt 6 last part
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outingfemmecaedes · 3 years
Crazy Celeb Obsess pt 5
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