overstalking · 5 years
Camping was so much fun! Being surrounded by nature, sleeping under the stars, and getting to jump in the nearby lake was way better than going to a party you couldn’t remember in the morning, in her opinion anyway. Fauna couldn’t think of a better way to end the summer. She and her friends were going to spend the last four days before school started just enjoying each other.
It looked like the typical scene out of a movie. A group of teenagers laughing around a campfire under a full moon. Fauna had a bright smile on her face, looking like a little angel in the glow of the flames. Her golden blonde locks were pulled up into a ponytail, bangs framing her soft cheeks. The girl’s bright blue eyes floated around her friends, pink lips pulled up into a bright smile. Despite the gentle heat of a summer night, she was in her cheer hoodie, covering up the little one-piece she’d slipped on in case she felt like doing some late night swimming. Marshmallow was sticking to her fingers as she brought a s'more to her mouth, munching happily as she sat on her sleeping bag.
The young lady hummed happily as someone started up a radio, her bell-like voice chiming along to the song that played. It covered the muted sound of branches breaking under feet somewhere off in the nearby forest. It really was like a scene out of a horror movie, a group of too happy teens enjoying themselves late in the night while something awful stalked them.
They called her Lullaby.
An old urban legend, the Lullaby was named for her rumored, slow, quiet demeanor, lulling those unfortunate enough to encounter her to a somber, quiet demise. Some said she was a vengeful specter or woman scorned by a past lover, but Lullaby cared not for the old tales.
Because she was in love again, and there was no better feeling than being in love again.
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overstalking · 5 years
Hey! First of all, I really appreciate all the work you have done for our thirsty soul. I am having an idea currently and I was wondering if you could make it into a reality? Basically, Overwatch mission crosses path with Hanzo where (fem)Reader is an ow agent and when Hanzo shoots his ult- I mean his Dragons the dragons refuse to hurt her. That makes him curious but Reader is pretty injured so she tries to take cover from him but Hanzo decides to chase her.
The quiet whizz of something flying past your head had been what alerted you to the attack. It’d barely missed you, and that was only because it’d jabbed into the throat of one of your comrades. The next one had slashed through your side before you could move out of the way. 
It’d started a bit of a frenzy. You’d all been told to be extremely careful when looking into Hanzo Shimada. While he had never made a move outright to do anything against Overwatch, and Angela was insistent on the matter of his joining, he was known to be aggressive with anyone who came to close. Your unit had been told to keep an eye on his movements, get a feel for his routine so that Angela would know when to send his recruiter in. 
So far, you had believed that you’d all been doing a good job at it. Hanzo spent most of his time traveling from job to job, returning to his home when he was done. Occasionally, he’d step out to buy groceries or head to some small restaurant. There were many times when he would be training out in the yard, for long stretches of time. Sometimes he’d worked so hard that it looked like it hurt, from what you read in his file it must have been some form of punishment he was giving himself. All in all, you had all agreed that there had been enough distance to make sure that Hanzo had not seen any of you. Hanzo had not made even a single facial expression that indicated that there was something that felt off so you all felt pretty safe. Perhaps he has tired of the charade or felt that he was now too annoyed to deal with it anymore but he finally decided to attack your unit. Hanzo had picked off the majority of those with you. You’d watched with horror in your eyes as they choked on their own blood, flopping around on the ground like a fish out of water. There hadn’t even been a chance for you to drag them with you behind the walls of a building, not without risking the same fate as your fallen friends. There was only you and one of the older soldiers who had come along with you. Angela had assured that he was well trained and would know when was a good time to pull back from the recon mission if there was any threat that Hanzo may be catching on. Right now, his face was hard like he was thinking very hard about something. The two of you had been stood there for a few minutes, terrified that Hanzo would open fire as soon as you peeked out to check on the situation. “Come out. I know you are there,” Hanzo shouted from afar, you swore you could hear some steps. “We have to get out of here, we stay any longer and he’ll come here. We might have a chance at close range but it’ll be bad if he hits us from that close,” the soldier mumbled, staring down at the sniper in his hands before continuing, “Sorry he’s a much better shot than I am.” 
“Don’t even worry about that, when should we-” 
Your words were cut off when there was a sudden, thunderous roar that filled your ears. It was deafening, like tigers screaming in your ears or a rollercoaster shooting past you. It was too late to do anything by the time you realized what it was. 
The building you’d been stationed behind quickly collapsed as two huge, blue dragons tore it down. They swirled around each other, righteous fury clear in their glowing eyes as they destroyed everything in their path. One began its descent on your comrade and you were desperately wishing that’d you’d just gotten an arrow stuck through your neck. That would’ve probably hurt less. It was like there were real claws tearing through him, blood beginning to spurt out like it’d been a plastic bag that got torn open. The warm fluid spurted onto you in a scene straight out of a horror film. You could hardly believe that there was that much blood in the human body. And then the second dragon was coming straight for you. 
Eye snapped shut, pressing together tightly because you hoped that it would be quick and mostly painless if you couldn’t see what was going on. But there was nothing. It was suddenly very warm but there was no pain. Perhaps these beasts were merciful in that their victims didn’t feel a thing when they were killed. Your eyes opened and you were completely shocked at the sight before you. 
The dragon, huge and terrifying, had wrapped itself around you in some kind of odd embrace. The other one stared down at you before mimicking the motion, curling around you like a cacoon. Your eyes were wide with terror and awe, shocked that they hadn’t shred you to ribbons like the man who had been standing beside you. 
“What is this?” 
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overstalking · 5 years
If you can, please buy me a coffee
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overstalking · 5 years
Can I request a continuation of Blackwatch Genji x Nurse reader? A patient gets unruly and strikes the reader and Genji finds out somehow. And the Nurse obviously doesn't want him hurting the patient because they probably weren't mentally sound at the time.
The news had swept through the base like wildfire and nobody wanted to be around when it finally got to Genji. 
You had assured everyone that it was nothing. Anyone would be freaked out when they suddenly woke up, after their unconscious body had been dragged from the field, and found someone hovering over them. You’d had a lot worse happen to you when you were little. Sure, the slap was hard enough to knock you to the ground and start a bruise but it was something you could handle. And the soldier had apologized profusely, for a few days, and even bought you lunch when you were particularly busy in the infirmary. In your opinion, he’d more than made up for the little scrap. 
Even with skin that was surely turning blue on your cheek, you smiled and did your job without any issues. Genji was out on a particularly long mission, a couple of days, so by the time he’d come by for his regular visits the bruise on your cheek had taken on a deep purple that you could say didn’t look great. It looked a whole lot worse than it felt. 
The stoic man you’d come to be pretty affectionate of strolled in through the doors of the infirmary, a large plush peach tucked under on arm and a little box of sweets held in the other. The other nurses held their breath as he passed by, you were turned away and he hadn’t been back long enough to hear about what happened. Everyone but you had taken notice of the fact that Genji liked you quite a bit. It’d been a little sweet to see the way he would soften up around you. But they had also seen the terrifying way he would stare at anyone who stood to close or talked to you in a manner that was too friendly. His normal stares sent shivers down people’s spines but this new kind was on a whole other level. 
You heard your name being called by a familiar voice, smiling as you turned away from the paperwork in your hands to greet Genji. Some questions and concern had been expected but not what came next. 
A surprised squeak left your lips as a hand went up to cup your chin, the hold gentle but firm. Your eyes were wide as your head was turned up towards Genji, shocked because he had never gotten this close and personal with you before. His face, the amount he allowed others to see, looked as stoic as always but his eyes looked like they were on fire. 
“Who did this to you?” 
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overstalking · 5 years
Bliss (Chapter 1)
     Her eyes were what stood out the most, so blue that it almost looked unnatural. The girl’s face was slim and delicate looking, framed by a waterfall of gold that went down her back and ended at the tops of her thighs. It looked like it could swallow her up with how small she was, making her look entirely breakable.     
     In the seconds that Mari looked away, her coach demanding that they all get back to work, the girl disappeared; gone so quick that Mari had to wonder for a second if she’d actually seen anything at all. But Mari didn’t think she was smart enough to make up someone that beautiful.
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overstalking · 5 years
When Zarya confronts Sombra it isn't just about her identity oh no Zarya has gone a step further and found reader, Sombra's little secret. She found the secret bunker, busted down the door, and found to her surprise Sombra's sweetheart reader.
     Figuring anything out about Sombra was one of the most difficult missions that Zarya had ever been sent on, especially when she also had to juggle working with one of those machines. But there had been some crumbs the two of them had been able to pick up on, things that the hacker probably didn’t want anyone to know about. It’d been some kind of miracle that Zarya had been able to find out about the purchase of a strange bunker, one that she’d put under a few of the names as Talon, presumably so that it couldn’t be traced back to her.   
     But seeing all those names in one place had made Zarya a little suspicious and backtracking had led her to the same name she had found to be Sombra’s real name, Olivia. But there was something even more precious to the woman than the name that had been shrouded in mystery. 
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overstalking · 5 years
I’ve posted my first original fiction piece on Patreon
Feel free to check it out, I’ll post a teaser here!
Tiny giggles filled the air as she broke through the break in the trees, the sound growing louder as her bare feet stepped over the freshly fallen leaves. They’d only just started yellowing, the edges curling slightly and the body still soft against the soles of her feet. 
    The deeper she went, the more blurred around the edges everything seemed. It didn’t matter that it was probably three in the morning or that she’d been scared out of her mind when she woke up to the sound of tapping on her window, the second floor was too high for any normal person to be playing some kind of prank. Right now, her eyes were doing their best to focus on what was around her. The laughter was loud and playful music accompanied it, lilting flutes and the strong strumming of a lute filling the air around her. The song made the girl twirl on the balls of her feet as she walked forward. 
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overstalking · 5 years
Some of the things I’ll be posting on my Patreon
- The continuation of the Spirted Away!AU
- The continuation of the Poly!McHanzo
- The continuation of the Oni!Hanzo
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overstalking · 5 years
So, here’s the link to my paetreon. Anything helps and I posted a small blurb of fiction already
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overstalking · 5 years
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Wow, okay, hello again. So I know I said I’d be back but life got crazy and financial aid stopped going through. I can’t super afford to write for free anymore. Like, I’ll post little things here cause I know people can’t pay for stuff (or don’t want to and that’s all chill). And also, I’ve branched out my writing so it’ll include things outside of Overwatch (like my fantasy work).
Anyway, that’s what has been up!
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overstalking · 5 years
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Opening requests cause I have a few part 2/3 lined up for some of the fics. Gimme your requests y’all.
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overstalking · 5 years
Alpha Doomfist is smitten by a sweet reader. The daughter of a powerful figure of talon but oh so ignorant of what's going on. He wants to keep her that way by any means possible.
Meeting your mom’s co-workers was always a fun time, even if she would hover over you at all of the events. Again and again, you’d remind her that you weren’t a little girl anymore and if she trusted the people she worked so little then maybe she should have a change in place of employment. She’d laugh and pat you on the head, calling you sweet pea before reminding you that her job was too important to leave. 
It was a little weird, you never really knew what your mom did for a living even though you’d asked her plenty of times. All she would say was that the company she worked for was changing the world. Plenty of times you’d asked her why you weren’t allowed off the grounds of the villa the two of you shared, to which she would respond that there was a lot of fighting going on and it was best the two of you keep out of that mess. Being kept in the villa allowed you to focus on all kinds of things, like reading and gardening. Your mom never really let you around computers or televisions, the office, your mother’s, that held the only ones in the villa were always kept locked tight. So, the only times you got to know about things outside of your home were when your mom let you tag along to these social events. 
 A big grin was on your face as you skirted through the throng of people, having just made it away from the woman who had been so protective of you. You were grateful for how well she took care of you and how much love shone in her eyes when she looked at you but there were times where you had to have some fun on your own! Little, delighted laughs left your lips as you ducked under arms and twirled around bodies, all the while looking over your shoulder to make sure your mom wasn’t catching up with you. 
It was at that moment that you rammed right into someone, looking up and squeaking out an, “Sorry!” even as you began stumbling right into the ground. 
You clenched your eyes shut and prepared to feel the pain of slamming into the ground but were shocked when a hand wrapped around your waist. “Woah there, you’d had better be more careful, young lady,” a deep voice flowed into your ears, eyes opening to see a tall, handsome man smiling down at you. Your cheeks flushed as you were made to stand on your feet once more, letting out a flustered laugh when he released you and asked, “Are you alright?” 
“Oh! Yeah, totally! Sorry, I shouldn’t have been running around like that.”
“Do not worry so much, it is a party. Enjoy yourself however you’d like. All I ask in return is your name.” 
The request made you smile, happily letting your name out in a chipper voice that seemed to make his own smile warm up to more than just politeness. 
“What’s your name?” 
“Akande, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” 
The conversation would have continued if a hand hadn’t come out to lightly grab you by the wrist and yank you back, a small protest leaving your lips but dying before it could get very far when you saw your mom looking particularly angry. She’d pulled you to stand behind her as she scolded you, “You know better than to run off like that!” 
Akande coughed lightly to catch the attention of the two of you before he spoke, “Madam, it’s so good to see you. I had no idea your daughter was so lovely, have you been hiding her from us?”
“Of course not, I just prefer she stays out of trouble.” 
“As would I,” he answered, nearly yellow eyes flickering over to you before he continued, “I will see you around some other time, yes?” 
“Su-!” your own answer was cut off as your mother pulled you away, waiting until you were a couple of yards away to scold you again. But you looked back as you walked and caught the sight of the man still staring straight at you as the distance widened. 
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overstalking · 5 years
Alright, folks, I’ve saved 14 requests and will now delete the rest!
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I will go through those and, after I have, will reopen the requests,
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overstalking · 5 years
I’m reading into things too much oops It says your requests are open, but you said see you soon? Are requests really open?
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Not right now, sorry! I’ll edit it so it says closed, I was focusing on saving some of the asks before I cleared them.
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overstalking · 5 years
Officially Returning
Alright ya’ll, things have finally calmed down enough for me that I’ve decided to come back to this blog and get back to writing! However, in order to do this properly, I am making changes and doing some stuff. 
1. I’ll be saving a few asks that I thought would be interesting or fun to write on but will be deleting the majority of them to start off fresh. (Please don’t be upset if yours isn’t one of the ones that gets saved, just send me a new one when I open requests.)
2. I will be doing the whole Requests Open/Requests Closed thing. When I first started the blog I never thought I’d get any form of popularity, though I am super grateful for it! 
3. I won’t be doing Match Up’s anymore (sorry!) because I prefer just writing things. 
4. I will try (emphasis on try since I’m bad at teach) to do a masterlist and one that lets ya’ll know what's coming up.
5. I am contemplating getting a mod to co-run the blog with me since I work and go to school full-time but that is to be looked at since this one is connected to my main which I have an issue sharing. 
I’ll see ya’ll soon and can’t wait to put out cool stuff for you!
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overstalking · 5 years
I wonder.. if anyone would still be around if I started posting again.
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overstalking · 6 years
Hey you still around? Haven't heard from you for a while and I'm a bit worried
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Yes! I am still around, as just taking an extended vacation before I’m thrust back into the whirlwind of school and work! Thank you for the concern, I’ll be back in business with this blog once I get caught up on laundry!
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