overwatchsmut · 5 years
Can i have a fluffy smut for McCree and his short & shy but kind f!s/o please ?
Thank you for your request!~ Hope you enjoy it. I took a soft approach when writing this so I hope you aren’t too disappointed.
You walked through the empty halls of the Overwatch head quarters searching for your dashing cowboy. “Where on Earth is he?” you thought to yourself as you walked aimlessly through the large halls. Suddenly you felt someone’s hands cover your face - 
“Y-you scared me,” you muttered, you knew it was Jesse from the smell of his cologne. 
“Geez, you got eyes in the back of your head of somethin’?” He chuckled, tracing his hands down from your face to around your waist. 
You shook your head softly as he pulled you close, you could feel his pounding heart pressed against your back.
“I recognized your cologne” you smiled to yourself.
The scent of his cologne washed over you - you were practically mesmerized. He then, without warning, took a moment to smell your neck. The feeling of his mouth close to your neck made your face melt.
“My cologne huh? I gotta say darlin’ you smell a lot nicer than I do”
This sent you over the edge - you were insanely embarrassed. You quickly pulled away from him, turned to him, and hid your face in the palm of your hands. Your face felt like fire in your hands. You could hear him chuckle to himself, satisfied with his plot to get you ‘riled-up’. 
“I’m sorry I couldn’t help myself, you’re just too gosh darn cute” he continued to chuckle to himself, before approaching you again.
He softly pulled your hands away from your face,cupped your face, and aimed your view up at him. He was considerably taller than you, at least a foot taller at most. Staring up at him like this made you more embarrassed, so you closed your eyes. 
“I-I love you,” you said shyly, hoping he wouldn’t hear, but this cowboy had good ears. 
“I love you too darlin’“ he muttered softly, reaching down to kiss you softly.
The two of you kissed for a long time, before finally pulling away from each other. He looked down at you with a soft smile, and kissed your head again.Taking a hold of your hand, he began pulling you toward the door, 
“Come on pipsqueak, let’s get goin’“ 
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overwatchsmut · 5 years
Hello! I'm new to your blog and I was just wondering if requests are open?
Hello friend,
It’s been a while since I’ve written anything on here. I guess just for fun I’ll take a request or two.
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overwatchsmut · 5 years
Rules: Requests & Blog
Request Rules
I aim to keep any/all of my requests as gender neutral as possible to appeal to everyone. However, there have been a few occasions where I’ve written with my female audience in mind. Please do not hesitate to be as specific as possible when requesting!~(‘∀’●)♡
I support all sexual and gender orientations and will write any request with any sexual/gender orientation specified via the request
If your sexual orientation is not specified in a matchup-related request, I will assume that you are open to all genders. If this is not the case, please feel free to message me privately and I will redo the matchup.
I will accept poly-related requests at my own discretion 
As stated before, please be specific that it is a poly-related request or I will assume it is the same request for each character separately.
Tracer related poly-requests will only be between Tracer, Emily and a female/gender neutral reader.
All Tracer related content will strictly be written in a female/gender neutral perspective to adhere with cannon
I only accept reader-related submissions
Unfortunately, I want to keep my blog as a catered to my readers as much as possible. In turn, I will not be accepting any ship-related requests (Ex. McHanzo) unless it is in the form of a poly-related request
No NSFW-related content will be written for the following characters:
Winston, Bastion, & Orisa
However, I will accept romantic-related requests for these characters at my own discretion
All NSFW-related content:
I will not accept NSFW content with the following: Scat, Watersports, Rape/Noncon, Gore/Vore, incest and Underage/Minor 
All of my NSFW content will have a warning before the story begins stating that it is NSFW and will be tagged NSFW in tags
Blog Rules
I enjoy interacting with my followers so please feel free to message me whenever about whatever, I will get back to as soon as possible 
In all honesty, I struggle heavily with social interaction and don’t have a lot of friends, so anything is appreciated.
If for whatever reason, I encounter troublesome blogs in my comment section on my posts there will be no leniency
I will automatically block you
My blog is a safe place for everyone and I do not tolerate abusive behavior of any kind
Thank you for reading! I hope that everyone that bothered to look through this understands my limitations and will take them into consideration when sending me requests and when being active on my blog! 
These will be updated and re-blogged as needed  (o^ ^o)
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overwatchsmut · 6 years
Not a request or anything, just wanted to say welcome back!
Thank you, it means a lot. (@^◡^)
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overwatchsmut · 6 years
Could I see some cute, fluffy smut between Roadrat and a tall, thin, trans woman s/o, who is shy and easily flustered.
Thank you for your patience, I really hope this was worth the wait! 人(_ _*)
“Whatcha’ got cookin’ up love?” Jamison smiled approaching you from behind, his hands slowly wrapping themselves around you – Jamison loved giving you hugs from behind.
“J– Jamison, I’m trying to cook …” you muttered, your face was beyond red then and you could feel it heating up more. 
“Ain’t it more fun that way? You get’a cook while I get’a hold the woman I love. Ya’ know what, I think ya’ look best with those cheeks lookin’ all rosy” he teased, only making you more flustered.
Once dinner was finished, you and Mako sat beside one another on your couch waiting for Jamison to pick out a movie for the three of you. As the two of you ate, Mako, very shyly, took your hand and held it softly. Taking a peak in his direction, the two of you locked eyes, only for him to mouth ‘I love you’.
“I-I love you too,” you smiled up at him, giving him a soft peck on the cheek – you were as red as a tomato.
Finally settling on a movie, Jamison joined the two of you on the couch – the three of you stayed stalemated on that couch all evening cuddled under a blanket. 
You held onto both of their hands while the movie played – you could feel your  head growing heavy, now rested on Mako’s shoulder, you could feel your eyes slowly closing. 
“Look, she’s asleep,” Jamison muttered to his large friend and he combed his fingers through your hair. 
“I really don’t know what we did’ta deserve a gal like her – I don’t wanna imagine my life without her,” he continued, to which Mako nodded.
Their love for you was evident – you were their soulmate.
Completely asleep, Mako lifted you from the couch and headed to bedroom where he then tucked you in. Both men, very carefully, climbed into bed with you – each at your sides, they cuddle to your body. 
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overwatchsmut · 6 years
Ur blog is such a safe space, thank you
(´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ I am very glad to hear that. The last thing this Earth needs is another place where everyone can’t be their truest self. 
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overwatchsmut · 7 years
Are you still doing matchups?
I won’t be doing any new matchups until I’ve finished the requests in my box, but once my requests are back up, yes they’ll be open. ( ´﹀` )
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overwatchsmut · 7 years
damn mommy you fine as fuck
(✿ ͡◕ ᴗ◕)つ━━✫・*。
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overwatchsmut · 7 years
You're account gives me life (●♡∀♡)
I know that this message is really old, but thank you so much ^____^
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overwatchsmut · 7 years
Yo!!!!! Hi ^—^ good luck with your blog!!!!
Thank you so much! (・ω・)
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overwatchsmut · 7 years
i fucking love your avatar omg samurai champloo is the best
Thanks! I wish I knew who the artist was because id definitely commission some works like this from them. ( ´ ▽ ` )b
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overwatchsmut · 7 years
Daddy! Soldier 76/Jack Morrison head canons for the summer? (Like what must dos for the Summer season and treating the reader?)
Thank you for your request! Because my perverted brain wasn’t entirely sure what you meant by Daddy!76, I offered both a nsfw & sfw options. (^///^)
sfw version (if you legitimately meant father76)
Jack takes full advantage of it and takes you on an all out camping trip. He’ll start off by teaching you how to put up a tent, to showing you how to make a camp fire, and the both of you will end the day with s’mores
He likes to take you along when he goes fishing out on the lake, he’s very patient when teaching you how to cast your line and goes into detail about keeping your line in your sight ( ;D puns); I would imagine him sitting on his boat humming to himself while he watches for bite
During the middle of Summer, Jack spends most of his time grilling pool side, watching sports, and other common dad activities; Oh Jack Morrison how you fit into the classic Dad cliche perfectly ~
When it feels like hell is at your front doorstep, Jack turns into the ultimate super-dad and takes you places to keep cool; his most common place of choice is your local ice cream shop where the both of you grab a cone of your favorite ice cream flavors 
nsfw version (if you’re a dirty sinner like myself and meant ‘daddy’76)
Jack offers to take you along with him when he goes camping, although its far more romantic than you’d ever imagined; he’s set a tent for the both of you to share and he’s even gone through the trouble of preparing a homemade meal for the both of you to enjoy under the stars next to the camp fire
After dinner, the both of you lay out on sleeping bags and gaze up at the stars, during this Jack takes the moment to point out each constellation; “Although I love looking at the stars, I’d rather gaze at something the shines much brighter” he’d say while turning over to face you
When the both of you are in the tent, the both of you sit in front one another until finally he’ll start. The both of you share a heated session of passionate love-making, he’s very dominant and while pleasuring you he asks that you call him daddy, to which you oblige 
On other nights while camping, he’ll take the adventurous approach and suggest that the both of you go skinny dipping in the lake to “cool off”; while in the water, he loves looking at your wet-naked body and while reach out to grope the place he know you love being touched 
As the both of you leave the water, Jack comes from behind you and wraps his body around yours, his fully erect member pressing at your lower back. Your able to feel his hot breath on the back of you neck, it makes the hair there stand up, he mutters out all the things he wants to do you and how badly he craves your body
His hands begin to explore your body once more, they trace over your curves and over every inch of you until finally stopping at the spot between your legs; “Tell me what you want Daddy to do to you little one” he lets out another hot breath onto your ear and in no times begins to pleasure you
Summer nights between the both of you are very hot and heavy, but very long and romantic; he can hardly keep his hands off you (;
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overwatchsmut · 7 years
I saw that Kubo reference mfkdkdkfk in the hanzo request!!👀 I cried like a baby after that movie.
Same! I absolutely loved Kubo and I’m so happy its on Netflix because I’ve watched in on repeat these last couple of days. I also thought it would be a nice pun if I included it in the fic since Kubo’s father’s name is Hanzo. (* ^-^)人(^-^ *)
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overwatchsmut · 7 years
This isn't a request, I'm just asking for the near future: would y'all be able to do an imagine with a male reader?
Of course! I do have a couple of requests in my inbox for male readers, I’ve been meaning to get to them, I try to go chronologically with my requests so i dont skip over anyone. But thank you for bringing this up! I apologize to all my male readers, I haven’t forgotten about you!!!
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overwatchsmut · 7 years
YEAH! McCree, Genji, and Hanzo with there respective S/O and their first time doing something? That can be like spending the night together in the same bed, first kiss, or *first time*.
Thank you for your request! I love this ahh (♡˙︶˙♡) this was so much fun to write, hope you enjoy! Also points to anyone that can guess the movie quote I used in Hanzo’s little bit.
Hanzo (sharing his first kiss with his s/o)
After every long day at HQ, you and your long time significant other Hanzo, made it a point to share your walk home together. The both of you hardly saw each other during the work day, so your walks home meant a lot to the both of you, however today seemed off, he was being distant; Had you upset him?
As the both of you walked home, the sun was now setting and the sky filled with a beautiful mixture of orange and peach, it was beyond romantic. You’d occasionally stare up at the tall man and smile at him, this surprisingly made him turn away from you; W-Was he blushing?
Taking the opportunity to tease him, you took his hand and intertwined it with yours, his hand was warm and complimented yours which was cold; this was as far as your relationship had gone, subtle hand holding and occasional hugging, Hanzo was always respectful when it came to intimate situations like these
“What’s on your mind?” you’d asked him, only making the man more embarrassed than he had already been. He simply did not answer, instead he’d pulled you aside in between buildings and was now pressing you against one of the exterior walls; before you could process everything, Hanzo’s lips had found their way onto yours, he was now kissing you deeply
Pulling his lips away from yours, his face was hot as he’d looked down at you and with his right hand, he’d brought it to your cheek and stroked it with his thumb; the both of you shared no words than and before you knew it, you face too was now red
“You are my quest” He’d spoke softly, as he’d moved in hesitantly and with the nod of your head he’d kissed you once more; no words were spoken after that as the both of you walked home together, but you knew by the look of the man’s red face that the love between the both of you was stronger than ever
McCree (sharing a bed with his s/o for the first time)
You and Jesse had been together for a short time, the both of you were together long enough to establish a sense of respect and boundaries, but not together long enough to share a bed. In all honestly, the idea of sharing a bed with Jesse frightened you, would he try anything.. would you let him try anything? 
When the both of you had finished a home-cooked meal, you took your time cleaning the kitchen and Jesse being the gentleman he was, had no problem assisting you. As you washed dishes, he’d come up behind you wrapping his arms around your waist and laying his chin on your shoulder
Putting the last dish away, you turned around now face-to-face with the handsome cowboy; you knew deep in your heart you were falling madly in love with the huckleberry in front of you
He spent a long time just looking at you, then with his right index finger and thumb he’d lifted your chin to get a better look at you “Good golly, how did I get lucky enough to snag a beauty like you?”; you were a blushing mess and he’d taken the opportunity to plant a soft kiss on your lips, the kiss was long and sweet, his beard tickling your face you couldn’t help but laugh
In an attempt to waste time, you suggested that the both of you watch some movies and you did, however, midway through you’d passed out in Jesse’s lap. Noticing you were a sleep, he turned off the tv and spent a long time just watching you sleep, he’d occasionally stroke your hair, muttering everything he’d loved about you
When he found himself also falling into the trap known as sleep, he’d lifted you in his strong arms and carried you to your bedroom, before climbing into bed with you, he made sure that you were comfortable and covered; in bed with you, he pulled you into his chest and held you as the both of you slept
In the morning, you awoke to a warm feeling encompassing you body, your eyes fluttered open to a sleeping Jesse directly in front of you. He looked so peaceful when he slept; you realized than that all your worries were for nothing, he loved you, you knew this for sure now
Genji (first time with his significant other)
After a year of dating, you and your significant other Genji decided to take your love to the next level, to make love to one another; you trusted him more than anyone else and knew without a hint of doubt that you loved him and he loved you, you were happy
Leading you to his bedroom, Genji pressed you softly against his now closed door, he looked at you for a brief moment before pressing his lips against yours; the both of you shared long heated kisses, he’d even slipped his tongue into your mouth, exploring it and trailing his tongue over every inch of it
His lips pressed firmly against the skin on your neck, he’d gently sucked at your neck leaving multiple hickeys trailing from your neck to your collarbone; with your permission, he’d unbuttoned your blouse exposing your lacey bra, he then unbuttoned it revealing your bare chest
Leading you over to his bed, he lied you down on your back and removed your remaining clothing, before beginning he looked at you for a long time and asked “If you want to stop here I have no objections, know that my love for you goes beyond just this, although you body is a great temptation, your heart is what I cherish most.”
Reassuring him that this is what you wanted and he continued, Genji although experienced always asked you for your permission before doing things, the both of you shared a session of long and passionate love; when you both finished, Genji held you in his arms for a long time until the both of you fell asleep
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overwatchsmut · 7 years
I really like your writing- you seen vvv cools- I will go now-
(*ノ∀`*) Aww thank you so much I greatly appreciate it!
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overwatchsmut · 7 years
hcs for their crush giving them and being good at massages, with mercy genji and/or lucio?
Thank you for your request!  This is such a cute little fluffy thing to write thank you for requesting this!  ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶
When you bring up the idea of a massage, she almost immediately insists that she doesn’t need a massage, although, with some subtle pushing you manage to get her to agree; when she removes her top, her face is pink and she can hardly utter out a word, she doesn’t bother to make eye contact with you
Once she’s laying down and your hands get to work, she manages to relax her body into the massage table, but the feeling of your hands on her body drives her insane;you then ask her where most of her pain is and she tells it is in her shoulder area 
She likes it when you rub her shoulder area, all day carrying a huge staff can put a strain on someone, even if you’ve been doing it for a long time. You make sure to oil your hands properly, not to excess, you work your from her shoulders all the way to her upper back; a few minutes pass by and you notice she’s passed out, she’s in heaven
She has multiple knots in her back indicating that she’s been in a quite a deal of pain for some time now, when the massage is over you make it a point to mention it to her, but she brushes it off nothing; she insists that she’s the doctor and she knows what is best for herself
As a thank you for the massage, she takes you out for coffee and the both of you get to know each other better!~
You don’t bother to ask him whether he wants one or not, you simply creep up behind him and subtly start massaging his back. At first he assumes you’re just messing with him, but when he notices you’re really going all out, he insists that you don’t need to; you simply brush it off and see as how good it feels, he doesn’t bother to make any more protests
You manage to convince him to take off his shirt and when he does, you can tell almost immediately that he’s very toned. His dark skin is not only smooth to touch, but his back muscles enticing, however you manage not to drool over them; as a joke, he flexes for you, but that doesn’t really help your excitement
As you work you magic into his back, he takes this time to ask you personal questions, something that you hadn’t expected; he asks you about you ambitions, personal goals, and if you’re willing to share, what you want out of life
With his back facing your chest, he’d reached back and pulled your legs closer to him along with your body. Pressed up against his back, he began rubbing your feet, he even commented on how cute they were; not only to get give a massage, but you managed to receive one in return.
By the end of both of your massages, the both of you seemed a lot closer, he showed you a new more personal side of himself and naturally enough, you found yourself falling for the handsome Brazilian
(I really couldn’t stop imagining his uprising skin for this so please read this with that in mind)
When you offered him a message, he was a little hesitant to allow you to touch his body, but with some convincing, he allowed you to come close. His only human arm was covered in scars and the skin was beyond worn out, you wondered how anyone was able to live looking like this; deep down you always felt bad for him, but never dared to express this to him
He took note of your staring, but instead of frustration, he let out a small chuckled as he turned back to greet your intrigued face, “Do my scars scare you?” he asked you in a low, but cool tone. Simply nodding to him, he turned back, looked forward, and straightened his back; he thus began to tell you the story of how he became this way
By the end of the story, rather than massaging his arm you were holding it tightly close to your chest. Genji was taken back by this, but because of his feelings for you, he did not retract his arm, instead he pulled you in front of him
He spoke no words as he abruptly spun you forward, your back facing him, he sat you down in front of where he sat and softly began massaging you. His human arm was strong and precise, making sure to rub into your skin with care and his cybernetic arm was heavy and allowed more pressure, none-the-less it was an excellent massage
By the end of his massage, he revealed his truest feelings for you and in turn you too revealed yours. Things seemed to go easy sailing for the both of you as he’d later decided to fully transform himself into full cybernetics; you supported him to your fullest abilities
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