owlettea · 2 years
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Really wanna try to finish world building but i still need more ocs
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owlettea · 2 years
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✦ ✦ ✦ i try to write i sometimes draw brain-rot is real hand me a saw ✦ ✦ ✦
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owlettea · 2 years
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✦✦✦ Owlette ✦✦✦
✦ n a m e : Owlette Sabine White ✦ n i c k n a m e : Owlette, Lettie, Sabine ✦ a g e : 19 ✦ b i r t h d a y : April 14 ✦ z o d i a c : Aries ✦ g e n d e r : female/non-binary (she/her) ✦ s e x u a l i t y : aromantic asexual ✦ s p e c i e s : human ✦ o c c u p a t i o n : writer, artist, majishiyan
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✦ h e i g h t : 5'2" ✦ w e i g h t : 54 kg. ✦ s k i n c o l o r : pale skin (misty rose - F2E3E1) ✦ h a i r c o l o r : light pink (pale chestnut - D8B1B9) ✦ e y e c o l o r : bluish green (wintergreen dream - 419381) ✦ b l o o d t y p e : AB - ✦ l a n g u a g e : english
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✦ t r a i t s : ISTP, anemic, easily bruised, mostly apathetic but can show a bit of emotion, calm, mischievous, cunning but an airhead, practical, lazy and often tired, unsocial ✦ f a m i l y : Beatrice (mother/deceased), father (deadbeat), siblings (unknown) ✦ a f f i l i a t e s : the local librarian (friend), Chesicca (best friend), Varryn (mutual acquaintance), Hortensia (enemy)
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✦ l i k e s : strawberries, vanilla ice cream, pale colors, dress up, weekends, Chessica, libraries, museums, mice, stars ✦ d i s l i k e s : chocolate, bright colors, working, studying, Hortensia, noisy people, Hortensia ✦ h o b b i e s : reading, writing, drawing, sleeping, playing with majick
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✦ s t o r y : Owlette was born into a poor family during a cold blizzard in the middle of April. She had never met her father and does not care for him, and have lived only with her sickly mother Beatrice until she died when Owlette was five years old. From then on, Owlette had wandered scavenging the streets until she was forcefully taken to a rundown, uncaring state orphanage. She ran away to another town when she was 15 and though she remained as a wanderer, she began to have an interest in learning how to read and studied majick partially with the help of the local librarian. She was a quick learner and and was able to enroll into an academy where she meets her current friends Chessica and Varryn. She now spends most of her days studying at the academy, writing snippets of her life, sketching, avoiding nosy nagging Hortensia, and hanging out with her friends.
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✦ p f p f r o m : Picrewの「トコトコ王国」でつくったよ! https://picrew.me/share?cd=1HrO5SxlOa #Picrew #トコトコ王国
✦ a l l  r i g h t s  r e s e r v e d
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