ownfact · 4 years
Vermilion Lakes, Banff, Alberta, Canada
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  #graphicdesign #contentmarketing #commerce #digitalmarketer
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ownfact · 4 years
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ADD A MAP, COUNT DOWN TIMER, POLL, SURVEY, EVENT CALENDAR IN YOUR NEWSLETTER.Do you need to design MAILCHIMP EMAIL TEMPLATE, NEWSLETTER? You are in the right place. I have proper knowledge of Modern & Beautiful Mailchimp Email Template, Newsletter Design. It is simple to use with a Drag & Drop editor.I can accomplish your project perfectly & guarantee you the best value for the price in the market.WHAT YOU WILL GETA well-designed custom newsletterFully editable & responsiveModern, Eye-catchy & Clean DesignEasy layout with a lot of controls.E-Commerce TemplateBrand announcement  Products marketing/promotionStorytelling (What you’ve been up to.)Follow-Up/ Engaging EmailEducation/Events PromotionDate-specific campaign TemplateSimple text Template with links/logo/header imageLanding Page Templates. Social Media/PDF/ Audio/Video attachmentsSend a Survey, Include a map, etc.WHAT SETS ME APART:A high degree of creativitySkilled & ExperiencedTest before sendFast turn aroundSupport 24/7I’ll also manage CAMPAIGN, AUTOMATION.For more details, please visit  bit.ly/3ao6FxJ
#digitalmarketingtips #digitalmarketingbusiness #socialmediamarketing
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ownfact · 4 years
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#digitalmarketing #emailmarketing #facebook
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ownfact · 4 years
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#advertising #digitalmarketingstrategy #contentmarketing
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ownfact · 4 years
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#digitalmarketing #entrepreneurship #email
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ownfact · 4 years
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I will promote any business or product in USA by facebook marketing
I will promote any business or product in USA by Facebook marketing
#branding #onlinemarketing #fashion #media
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ownfact · 4 years
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#photography #digitalmarketingagency #digitalmarketingbusiness #commerce
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ownfact · 4 years
12 eye-opening ways to get more Instagram followers in 2020
12 ways to get more Instagram followers     
 Do you want more Instagram followers? Don’t we all? With over 1 billion monthly users, an ultra-smart algorithm, and tons of clever creative brands, getting more followers, isn’t well, nearly as easy as it used to be. But it isn’t impossible. Here at Social Tipster, we’ve uncovered some really great strategies to help you grow your account in 2020. So let’s take a look!
   #1 Get crackin’ on IGTV    IGTV Video is definitely, the future of Instagram. Tons of brands are now creating and sharing, video series on IGTV and it isn’t oversaturated yet, so this is a really good way to stand out. If you’re thinking about launching your first IGTV series this year, now’s the times start planning. It could do a lot for your follower count.
   #2 Partner with micro-influencers    Instagram influencer marketing is one of the top ways for brands to reach new audiences quickly and it’s all about the micro-influencers. Why? Well, based on our research, micro-influencers get a higher engagement rate on their Instagram posts than really big influencers. so it can mean better results for your business.
   #3 Branded hashtags    Use a branded hashtag to create an Instagram community. There are tons of examples of businesses creating unique branded hashtags that get picked up and shared by thousands, even millions of users.
 Getting your followers in the habit of posting with your branded hashtag is an incredible way to drive more discovery on Instagram not to mention it can be a really awesome source for user-generated content. Use this amazing     hashtag generator     to ease your research.
     How to Generate Leads With Instagram Stories in 2020 
       #4 Get into the related accounts suggestions on Instagram    Okay so this one’s a little complicated, but getting into Instagram’s suggested accounts is a great hack to get more followers and basically what it boils down to is that the keywords in your Instagram name and the relationships that you have with other accounts are super important.
 By liking, engaging, and following accounts that are similar to yours you can show up as a suggestion when someone else follows those accounts.
   #5 Branded and complete Instagram profile    Number five tip on  ways to get more Instagram followers is to  have a branded and complete Instagram profile. We have been singing the praises for a beautiful Instagram aesthetic for quite some time but it’s as important as ever.
 If you want to get more Instagram followers this year you need to pay attention to what your Instagram profile looks like as a whole including your, feed, bio, profile pic, stories highlights, and more.
 The reason this is so important is that when someone visits your Instagram account you really want to convert that from a visitor into a follower. You want them to hit that follow button so they need to understand what your business is about at a really quick glance by looking at your profile.
     #6 Post more video content to your feed    The sixth tip on  ways to get more Instagram followers  is to post more video content to your feed. So like we’ve mentioned, video content is blowing up on Instagram. It tends to getmore engagement than photo posts and  videos take up more space on the explore page  so it could be a really great way to boost your discoverability.
 You don’t have to add really highly produced video content in order to take advantage of how video gets you more followers, you can use apps like pixel loop to add like an animated element to an existing photo which then saves it as a video. You could post a boomerang or again all of those show up as videos on Instagram and those are really easy ways to kind of add a bit more variety to your feed.
   #7 Share more selfies    I am NOT kidding, research shows that photos that include a face get an average  38 percent more engagement  on Instagram.
 So posting a selfie could be a great way to get your content and profile in front of a lot more people and you know what, trust me I did this last year and I got a ton of follower growth because I was just sharing my face in almost all of my photos and it got people to really feel like they were a lot more connected to me and my growth increased.
   How to Increase Your Instagram Saves in 2020 
       #8 Explore Instagram advertising    So Instagram is a really competitive marketplace for brands but there is some real opportunity to break through that noise by running great ads that target new audiences and here’s more good news. Running an Instagram advertising campaign isn’t that hard.
   #9 Promote your Instagram content on other platforms    Another important tip on  ways to get more Instagram followers is to  promote your Instagram content on other platforms.
 Cross-promoting your Instagram content onto other channels like Facebook, Pinterest, and even your newsletter or your blog is a really easy way to guide your existing followers to your Instagram account, and if you take our fifth tip on the building a complete Instagram profile there’s a good chance those new visitors will hit the follow button.
   How to get more visibility on Instagram in 2020 
       #10 Create a custom Instagram stories filter for your brand    So this might sound a little wild but AR Filters on Instagram stories blew up in 2019 and we only expect this trend to continue and now that spark AR studio is in open. Better, anyone and everyone can design and create Instagram stories filters for their brand.
 This is a really great way to get your name out there. When someone uses your AR filter your account name will appear at the top of their story. So everyone who watches their story will be able to see that you created the filter.
   #11 Collaborate with amazing brands    The power of collaborating with like-minded and complementary brands is huge it means you can introduce your profile to a new and engaged audience that you never reached before based on our experience when an Instagram user discovers your profile through a co-marketing campaign they’re way more likely to hit that follow button.
   How to Set Up Instagram Gift Cards Stickers and food order button 2020 
       #12 Write longer captions on your posts that tell a story    Instagram used to be all about the visuals, a cohesive aesthetic, high-quality photography and on-brand images were a must, and while you still need to be thinking about your grid, we’re seeing Instagram captions take center stage. In fact, we’ve spoken with a ton of influencers who have told us that writing longer captions helps them grow their accounts.
   Recap    Growing your account can often seem like a challenge when you follow the right techniques and strategies you can definitely get more followers. So let us know in the comments which of these tips surprised you the most or which ones have actually really worked for you thank you so much.
   How to Use Instagram Tagging for More Exposure in 2020
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ownfact · 4 years
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Sending Automated Messages on #Twitter with Jarvee (Tutorial)
This tutorial will teach you how to send automatic messages on #Twitter using Jarvee. You’re also going to learn how to respond to DMs automatically.
 Of course, the first thing you’ll need to do is to    get your copy of Jarvee    so that you can be able to follow along (  you can get a 5-day trial – they only ask for your email to send the login details to  ).
  How to send automated messages on #Twitter with Jarvee    
 Jarvee gives you 3 options for sending automated messages on #Twitter.
  Send Message To New Followers  Auto Reply To New Message  Use Extracted Users   You can use any one of those or you can use them all.
 Personally, I haven’t been using the   Use Extracted Users   option because I haven’t yet found the need for it, so I’m just going to show you how to use the other two:  Send Message To New Followers  and  Auto Reply To New Message .
 To set up automated messages on Jarvee, click on  TOOLS -> Details  (See image below). The CONTACT MEMBER options will open so that you can choose which options to work with.
 Remember that your user interface may look different from mine but the functions are the same.
    How to send automated messages to new followers on #Twitter with Jarvee.    
 To send messages to new followers, click on the tab that says  Send Message To New Followers  and make sure to check the box circled in orange on the image above.
 Here you will only need to write the message you want to send to new followers. Once you’ve typed in your message, go to the tab that says  Send Messages .
   There are my own settings but you’re at liberty to adjust your own settings to your liking. When you’re done, toggle the  STATUS  button to  ON  and Jarvee will start sending your message to new followers.
  How to automatically reply to new messages on #Twitter with Jarvee    
 Here you will click on the tab that says  Auto-Reply To New Messages  and after typing in your message, you’ll only need to toggle the  STATUS  to  ON . Jarvee will now start to auto-reply to new messages sent to your #Twitter from other users.
 You’re all set!
 PART 2:  Using Spin Syntax to send different messages to different users on Twitter   Social platforms do not like it very much when we use automation tools on their platforms and Twitter is no exception.
 Say for instance you’re running 100 Twitter accounts on Jarvee and you want them to send an automated message “  Hi, check out this new item on sale today at 50% off [insert link]  “.
 If you send that message to 20 users on each account per day, that’s 2000 EXACT text per day. This can easily get you flagged on Twitter and will consequently slow down your marketing campaigns.
 Luckily, Jarvee allows you to use spin syntax that will send the same message in different variants.
 In this tutorial, I will teach you how to do exactly that.
 Let’s take our example above and use it to create ‘different’ messages using the spin syntax. I’ll list just a few:
  Hi, check out this new item on sale today at 50% off [  your affiliate link  ]  Hey John, check out this new item on sale today at 50% off [  your affiliate link  ]  Hello, there’s a new item on sale at 50% off [  your affiliate link  ]   From these 3 messages alone you can come up with so many variants with the help of spin syntax.
 Let’s give it a try.
 First, we’ll create this simple line of text:
 The letters  a ,  b  and  c  represent the 3 message variants we have created above. So, if you want Jarvee to send those 3 messages to 3 different people, the syntax should look like:
   Hello, there’s a new item on sale at 50% off [  your affiliate link  ]  
 Here we have replaced each letter with one of the messages we created.
 That’s the basic concept of how the spin syntax works and what it should look like.
  … but we’re not the type of internet marketers that settle for basic, right?   So, we’re going to make that a little more sophisticated and see how many more messages we can get from that. Jarvee offers you certain tokens that you can include in your messages. One of those tokens is [FIRSTNAME] which when used in a message, it will mention the 1st name of the user who you’re sending the message to.
 For instance, if you send the message  Hi [FIRSTNAME]?  to a user on Twitter called Jane Elliot, the message sent will look like this:  Hi Jane? 
 With that in mind, let’s see what we can do with that.
  Hey, check out this new item on sale today at 50% off [  your affiliate link  ]  Hi  [FIRSTNAME] , check out this  item on sale today at 60% off [  your affiliate link  ]  Hi  [FIRSTNAME], there’s a new item on sale at 50% off [  your affiliate link  ]   Now let’s copy that and place them in our simple syntax text:  a 
 Our new message should now look like the following:
   Hello  [FIRSTNAME] , check out this  item on sale today at 40% off [  your affiliate link  ]  
 You can copy that message and paste it on this page:    http://sp1n.me/index.html    to see how many different messages have come out of those 3 lines.
   As you can see,   out of 3 messages, we’ve created 33 different messages  !
 Use the comments section to post your questions and I’ll be happy to answer them.
 Until next time!
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ownfact · 4 years
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How to Optimize #Instagram Posts for More Engagement in 2020
How to Optimize #Instagram Posts for More Engagement     
 Are you working hard to create content on #Instagram, and just feeling like your content isn’t going where you want it to go? We’re gonna look at various components of an #Instagram feed post and how to optimize each one, to get you better results. I’m also going to share with you some of my favorite tips for creating consistently branded content that your audience will immediately recognize as yours.
 So the first thing we’ll look at is:
   Post format: Photos, videos, carousels, What works best?    Algorithmically, #Instagram doesn’t have a preference over photos versus videos. If your audience prefers videos, you’re will need to create more videos. to determine this you’ll have to look at your own metrics, but carousels are my little hack that I want you to try out. #Instagram Carousel posts are the ad variety of a hybrid type of post of both video and image types (multi-image or video posts). You can add up to 10 images and/or videos in one large post.
 I don’t recommend using carousels all the time because it can be overwhelming to your audience, but a carousel post allows you to do 2 to 10 photos, or videos in one post that they can swipe through to see more content.
   Why use carousels    Why do I love these as a hack?, It doubles the chance for exposure. If someone sees your post on the first image and doesn’t react to it, #Instagram will show it to them again the next time they log in with most likely the second image. However, sometimes the algorithm will actually determine another image in the sequence to show them that they think that person is more likely to engage with. So you have double the chance to get exposure and engagement.
 The next component we wanna look at is your actual post content. The actual creative that you’ve put in there. Here’s a couple of things to think about:
   Colour blue    The color blue is proven to get about 20 to 30% more engagement. People react to the color blue. Have a blue sky, a blue product,a blue label, blue clothing, Something in your image with a pop of blue can help boost that engagement.
   People    People also connect with people. So rather than putting your product on a box on a shelf, have somebody holding that product or using it. You can shoot the image over their shoulders or It can be just their hand, Maybe just their feet sitting in a chair. The moment you add a human component to your creative,your engagement goes up.
   Light and minimal background    Another favorite hack of mine is to have a very minimal background and a light background. white or gray, something that is very muted, and then a bold pop of color that really stands out in the feed. This encourages your viewers to slow the scroll and pay more attention to that content.
   Animals    One of our favorite things, animals. Everybody loves cute animals, puppies, kittens, sheep, pigs, you name it. If you can put an animal component into your image, you’re probably gonna get more engagement. One of my personal hacks is that I use my image, with two or three simple words overlaid on that post that tells people exactly what is going to be in that caption. I use this for new Instagram features and updates.,It immediately gets people to stop, pay attention, and read that caption generating more engagement, and more impressions on my content.
   The caption    The next component of your content is the caption. This is super important to driving conversions, so we will make sure you’re doing it really well. My first tip is to have a really good strong first sentence of your caption because the captions actually get truncated, with “dot dot dot” more so people are really only reading the first two lines of your caption, and if that doesn’t get their attention, they’re going to scroll past.
 Think of your first sentence like a great blog post title, or a great email subject header.,Use capital letters, add emojis. Do something to really draw people’s attention into that caption so they click on the “dot dot dot” more, and read the whole caption. Additionally, in your caption, you might want to consider adding hashtags. They’re incredibly powerful in increasing engagement for your content. Use this free    hashtag generator    to ensure you find relevant hashtags easily.
   Be more engaged on Instagram     
 Another sneaky hack that I have for you is for you to be more engaged on Instagram. Instagram will reward you with more reach if you are actively involved in the platform. Make sure to log in at least once a day to like, comment, scroll, watch a story or two, because your positive time on the platform, will actually result in more reach, and exposure for your content. So don’t post and ghost. Instead, show up regularly for your audience. It’s going to help everybody in the long run. If you are too busy to do this, I recommend using this    social media automation tool   , that will do all these tasks on your behalf and guarantee exponential growth for your business or social account.
   Well branded and consistently branded content    Its now time for the bonus. I’m going to share with you a couple of hacks to create well branded and consistently branded content, that your audience will immediately recognize as your own when they’re scrolling through the feed. One of my favorite tips is to pick only 2 or 3 Instagram filters when creating your content. You want these to be very similar and consistent across the color spectrum. If you pick a yellow tone filter keep all your filters in that tone, or a blue tone filter, keep them all the same. If you’re creating food type content, look at filters that have a high saturation, brighter tones are a great way to really pull out the contrast in food. If your brand is more vintage style, give a little bit more of an antique look to your content that can also stay true to all of your branding.
 One of the things people often ask me about is adding a watermark or a logo. I don’t recommend this, It’s actually very off-putting for most people to see your logo splashed across your content. So try not to do this. Find creative ways with your content to create consistency. Another trick that I often recommend is being unique with how you take your camera angles. Get down low, shoot on a slight angle stand up higher. If you’re always shooting from a certain perspective that is aesthetically your own, it will create an immediate subliminal connection when people are viewing that content.
 So if you’re ready to take your Instagram content to the next level follow these and other tips on our website and have fun growing your account.
   Instagram hashtags not working 2020 (SOLVED)
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ownfact · 4 years
How to unfollow everyone on Instagram in 2020
How do I unfollow everyone on Instagram?    
 Every once in awhile we get an email from our readers asking how to unfollow everyone on Instagram. Some even want to know the   best Instagram unfollow app   so that they can attempt to   mass unfollow everyone on Instagram   in an instant. Instead of responding to the emails individually, we thought it would be more convenient if we’d create a comprehensive guide on how to unfollow everyone on Instagram. We should first look at some of the reasons you’d want to unfollow everyone on Instagram before exploring the best    instagram unfollow app   
  Reasons for unfollowing everyone on Instagram      Start a clean slate     Sometimes you just really need a clean slate, you’ve followed the same people for 6 years, seen the same old content. You feel you’ve outgrown the content the people that you follow post, frankly, it gets monotonous and boring. This may be your cue to unfollow everyone on Instagram.
    Clean up timeline     You may not want to unfollow everyone on Instagram. But you may have users who frequently post undesirable content, unfollowing such users can help clean up your timeline.
    You’ve reached your follow limit     Instagram allows you to follow a maximum of 7500 users for each account. In order to be able to follow more people, you’ll need to unfollow some of the users you are following in order to make room to follow others.
    You’ve changed your business model     If you are running a business account and you’ve changed your business model, it would make sense to unfollow users from your previous niche, in order to make room for following new users in the new niche you’ve ventured into.
    You’re unable to view posts from close friends and family     When following too many users on Instagram, your feed can easily get clogged by posts from people you don’t have a close relationship with, so much so that you won’t be able to view posts from people you actually care about. In such a case the easy thing to do would be to unfollow everyone else except those you would wish to keep around.
   Related:    Who unfollowed me on Instagram  ?  A tutorial on how to find out who unfollowed you on Instagram .    How to know if you need to unfollow everyone on Instagram   Here’s what your follower/following ratio says about you  (the number represents the ratio of your following compared to the number of followers you have – 400 is <0.5x of 1,000, 500-1,000 is 0.5-1x of 1,000, etc.):
  <0.5 Spammer:  You are inexperienced with Instagram automation tools and are spamming followers in hope for follows back.
  0.5-1 Suspicious:  You are likely to be using Instagram automation tools, but are following the wrong people or have poor quality content leading to poor follow back rates.
  1-2 Normal:  You have some success with Instagram automation, but need to focus on other strategies to drive more engagement.
  2-10 Micro-Influencer:  Users that are either master of Instagram automation or has incredible content to grow their account.
  10+ Influencer:  Likely to be micro-celebrities or rising stars that are popular on other social media channels.
 If you’re in the <0.5 Spammer or 0.5-1 Suspicious bracket and you want to add some credibility to your channel, you need to mass unfollow on Instagram.
  Who should you include when performing a mass unfollow on Instagram?   Here’s a composition of followers that may necessitate  you to unfollow everyone on Instagram
   Inactive accounts     Bot/Fake accounts    Those who haven’t followed you back      The conventional way of unfollowing everyone on Instagram     1.   Sign in to Instagram and then press the “Profile” button.      2.   Press the “following” box that displays the number of people you’re following on Instagram.      3.   Press the green “Following” button next to the first person on the list to stop following that person. Make sure the button becomes a blue Follow button.      4.   Repeat the previous step for up to 200 people that Instagram displays in the list.      5.   Sign out of Instagram or continue to use it but don’t follow or unfollow anyone. Wait about an hour and then repeat the previous steps to unfollow another 200 people until you’ve unfollowed everyone on your list.   As obviously noted the above process is tedious and frankly, nerve-wracking, don’t worry we have a simpler method    Apps to unfollow everyone on Instagram   There are many  unfollow app  in the market today that claim to have this functionality including the option to   remove followers on Instagram  , caution, however, should be observed, Instagram has made several upgrades that may result in a ban if you tried unfollowing everyone on Instagram. As a matter of fact, an attempt to unfollow 500 users at a go may plunge you into a blocked or banned account. There is however a   Social Media Automation tool   that has stood the test of time and is frankly unrivaled.   JARVEE   is an intelligent tool that mimics normal human behavior and runs on autopilot. This is to say that, after successfully setting up, you sit back while  JARVEE  does the job for you.
    Go here and download a free trial    of this advanced social media automation tool for free. The trial period is 5 days which is time enough to unfollow everyone on Instagram. (No credit card details required)
  PS: JARVEE also supports   Facebook,   Google+,   Twitter  ,   Pinterest  , Tumblr, LinkedIn, and   Youtube   platforms. 
  Once you’ve registered and installed the tool, use the details sent to your email to log in to the app.  Here you are going to add your Instagram account (s)-depending on the downloaded package you can automate as many Instagram accounts as possible.  To add your account on  JARVEE , click on  SOCIAL PROFILE  on the left Menu bar.  Now click on  ADD PROFILE  and select  INSTAGRAM .  Fill in your Instagram login details and click  VERIFY.   Once your account is  VALIDATED , you can now click on  TOOLS  on the left Menu bar. Here you will see all the accounts that you have added on JARVEE.  To set up auto unfollow, click on the name of the account whose users you want to unfollow.  A new interface will appear with all the features available for Instagram. Since we are only interested in auto unfollowing, you’re going to click on the  UNFOLLOW  tab.  Here you have a myriad of options to go with  At this point, you need to decide whether you want to unfollow everyone or a select group of people.     Manual Way to Unfollow People On Instagram  
 In order to  unfollow everyone on Instagram  manually, follow these steps:
    Tap your profile icon on the Instagram application.  Click on the  “Following ” section and see the list of people who you follow.  Whoever you want to unfollow, click on the “ Following ” section which is written next side of the name of the person.  Confirm your request with Y/N questions.      Unfollow everyone on Instagram   Since Instagram will not allow you to  mass unfollow  instantly, we’re going to spread the unfollowing task over the 5 days trial period. Ideally, you’ll need to allocate the number of users you wish to unfollow proportionately to the 5 days trial period. For instance, if you need to unfollow 500 users, then you’ll have JARVEE unfollow 100 users per day.
 To achieve this, copy the setting as illustrated in the image below when you’re done toggle the status button to start the unfollow operation.
    Unfollow a select group of people   In this section, you’re going to decide on the users you DO NOT intend to unfollow. You’re going to achieve this by placing their user names in a  WHITELIST . You may also wish not to unfollow users that have interacted with your content. This will help keep your engagement going. Just make sure to check the two boxes that say ‘ do not unfollow likers ‘ and ‘ do not unfollow commenters ‘
 Under  USER FILTERS,  there’s an option to use the  WHITELIST . Make sure you have it checked and place the user names of the users you’d like to continue following. Once this is done, you can now toggle the STATUS button to start the process.
  Other apps include, but are not limited to:    #1. Cleaner for Instagram [Android]   This is a multi-function app for Instagram. Using this app you can delete multiple photos at a time, Mass Block & Unblock, Mass Unfollow etc.
 To Mass Unfollow, Follow the steps:
  Step 1:  First  Download & Install : Cleaner for the Instagram app on your Android device.
  Step 2:  Launch this app and login with your Instagram account username and password.
  Step 3:  Tap on ‘Following’ from the bottom bar and go with the ‘Quick Select’ blue button. Here you will many options to select the ‘following’ users. Just Tap on ‘Select All’ to unfollow all at once
  Step 4:  Now Simply Tap on  ‘Flash’  blue floating icon and Tap on the  ‘Unfollow’  option, as shown in the above image.
  Also Read: How To View & Download Instagram Profile Picture [Full Size] 
  #2. Mass Unfollow for Instagram [iOS Devices – iPhone/iPad]   ‘Mass Unfollow for Instagram’ is one of the best tools for iOS Devices to clean up your Instagram account. Using this tool you do the following task:
  Bulk block/unblock/unfollow users  Bulk delete posts  Bulk unlike posts & more…      It’s very simple to use this tool.    First  Download & Install:  Mass Unfollow for Instagram App on your iOS device (iPhone/iPad).  Login in this App with your Instagram Credentials. After that simply  select  the users from  ‘Following’  tab at the bottom bar and  Unfollow  all in a tap.    #3. Unfollow for Instagram – Non-followers & Fans [Android]    ‘Unfollow for Instagram’  is a simple Instagram Manager tool that shows you all the users who don’t follow you back and give you an option to unfollow singe or multiple users in a single tap.
  To  Mass Unfollow , First Download & Install: Unfollower for Instagram App on your Android device. Then Login with Instagram Username and password.  It will scan your Account and tell you Followers/non-followers stats. To unfollow the users who don’t follow you back, tap on  ‘Non-Followers’  Tab.  Now simply tap on  ‘Unfollow’  button from the bottom bar to unfollow all non-followers.    Download Link:  Unfollow for Instagram
  #4. Cleaner for Ins [iOS Devices – iPhone & iPad]   This is another best tool to clean up your Instagram account on your iOS devices. Steps are similar to the above ones. So Download this app from the below-given link and Unfollow Tons of people with a single tap.
  #5. Unfollowers for Instagram – Follow Cop [Android]   Follow Cop is an ultimate and elegant utility tool to manage your Instagram account. It gives you details of your Followers, Non-followers, Recent Followers etc from your account. Also, you can  Mass Unfollow  [upto 15 people in a click] from your Instagram Account.
 Steps are similar to the above ones. Download this app from the link given below and start to Clean up your Instagram account is FREE.
 That’s it.
   Feel free to reach us in the comment section or on email for any assistance. 
  Recommended:   How To Grow Your Business on Twitter in 2019  .
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ownfact · 4 years
How to get more visibility on #Instagram in 2020
How to get more visibility on #Instagram     
 Now the first tip that I have for you to make sure you’re getting as much visibility as possible on #Instagram whenever you post something is to create shareable content. Now, this kind of sounds like a no brainer tip, but a lot of people actually don’t know how to create shareable content and what shareable content actually means.,Shareable content is beneficial for your account because you need to create content pieces that make it easy for someone else to share on their platforms as well. Not just liking and commenting, but actual sharing.
 The reason why this is important is when someone is sharing your content, their audience then has access to your content and that’s going to increase the number of eyeballs and visibility that you’re getting on that particular post or content piece.
   How exactly do you create shareable content     
 Now, how exactly do you create shareable content? Now, a lot of people are going to advise you to make captions that actually make people think or make people want to share, but the problem that I find when you’re writing captions is that it’s so long and when someone is sharing that post all they’re seeing is the photo and not necessarily the caption.
 That’s why what sometimes I like to do is I actually break up my captions and I turn it into a  carousel  onto my profile. All you need to do is take your caption and put it into a notepad and then break it up into multiple pieces and turn it into a carousel. This is going to be really awesome because if someone really loved your caption, they actually have a photocopy of that caption that’s going to make it easy for them to share on their story or any other platform that they have.
   How to master #Instagram hashtag research in 2020 
     The second tip  to get more visibility on #Instagram  is to create quotable moments. What this means is if you have a really engaging caption, why not take one sentence of that caption that actually is really impactful and turn it into a quote that you put as a carousel in your photo. Let me give you an example of what I like to do.,I actually have created a Twitter account for myself that has the username that is similar to my handle and what I do is after every post, I actually create a quotable moment that makes it easy for someone to share because let’s be real.
 Not everyone wants to share the photo of you, Instead, they like to share quotes, And what I found in my account is actually whenever I post a quote on my profile, it gets a lot of saves and a lot of shares compared to my other posts. This is why I continue to do it because that actually increases the reach on that piece of content, which then brings more profile views onto my profile. So if you’re struggling with creating sharable content, these are the top two tips that I have for you to make it easy for your audience to actually share the amazing work that you’re already doing.
   How #Instagram Hashtags Work in 2020 
     Now, beyond just creating shareable content on #Instagram, another tip that I have for you that’s going to help you increase your reach  and get more visibility on Instagram  is using the right hashtags. I know that a lot of you guys right now have less than maybe 100,000 followers on Instagram and for accounts that aren’t really that big on Instagram, I highly advise that you do not use big massive hashtags. Use this simple     hashtag generator tool     to ease your hashtag research process.
 The problem is when you’re using hashtags that are way too big, you’re going to get, drowned out by the competition. What I actually recommend is choosing the right hashtags that are niche-oriented, which are actually related to the content that you’re posting. Similarly, it is important to choose hashtags that are less in size. The reason for this is when you actually get targeted in your hashtag strategy, you’re going to be able to achieve amazing results.
 Now, so far in this article, I shared with you guys my top tips on how to get  more visibility on Instagram. hope this piece is helpful. Stick around for more tips on Instagram and other social media platforms 
   How to Use Instagram Stories to Promote Your Products: 5 Power Tips in 2020
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ownfact · 4 years
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What does unlisted mean on youtube? (2020 updated)
What does unlisted mean on youtube? Let’s find out     
   YouTube   is a free  video-sharing website  that makes it easy to watch online videos. You can even create and upload your own videos to share with others.
 Originally created in 2005, YouTube is now one of the most popular sites on the Web, with visitors watching more than  6 billion hours  of video every month.
 While almost all content producers on the platform exist under the YouTube Creator umbrella, the community is so vast that variances exist across its ranks.
 It is therefore important for each individual who wishes to become a  YouTuber to gather all information in order to matter in the viciously competitive world of Youtube.
  In this article we will endeavor to answer the question, What does unlisted mean on youtube? What is the difference between Public, Private and Unlisted? 
 Once you upload a video on Youtube, you can change the privacy settings for that video to either Public, Private or Unlisted.  This feature allows you to limit who gets to see your videos.
   Public    Google allows you to set the privacy setting of each individual video during the upload process. You can set each video to Public, Private or Unlisted. ‘ Public’  is the default setting and that means anybody can see your video. It has the following advantages
  A huge subscriber count is great for a business, and it can attract more customers.  It creates effective brand awareness.  It’s profitable with the right company or creative strategy.  It can make you a superstar on YouTube.     Private    Private videos are very different from public ones. Here you (the uploader) selects a list of users who can view your content. the video can only be viewed by those you invite.
 Youtube allows you to chose up to a maximum of 50 users to share the video with. These users need to have a google account and be logged in in order to view your video.
 Private videos do not appear in any Google (or any other) search results, video recommendations, or your (the uploader) video tab selection.
 Similarly, subscribers to your channel will not receive a notification when you upload a private video. The video will not even be available if the users you shared with try to reshare.
   Why upload private videos?     
 While thousands of videos are uploaded to the public each day, an increasing number of videos are made private. Some of the reasons for this are:
   Family videos    If you are far from your family, sharing videos is no doubt a way to stay connected.
 Your kid’s first step, their bike-riding lessons, family holidays, footage of your experiences in your location, etc.
 These videos are family-oriented, they are not for the whole world. For this reason, making them private ensures only the intended users view them.
   Professional content    Organizations may  use private videos for various reasons such as:
    Video resumes .  Resumes through a medium other than paper have been growing in popularity throughout the years. They allow employers to see the face and hear the voice of potential employees without even meeting them. Creating a strong video resume requires time, effort, and thought, which is why many employers are beginning to include a video resume as part of the application process.    Project collaboration.   Thanks to the internet, it’s possible to collaborate with users across the nation. People working on video projects might want to share content and ideas via YouTube. Instead of initiating a file transfer, a YouTube upload allows both parties to see the content they are working on piecing together. Just like any project with a release date, privacy on the video content is needed.    Internal uses.   Several companies use videos as part of their training program. Keeping the video uploaded on YouTube allows companies to encourage employees to watch the videos at home. Keeping the videos private keeps company information from being inappropriately publicly displayed.    Sample purposes.   Some videographers prefer keeping their work private. Freelance videographers, for instance, might use YouTube videos to share their portfolio of previous projects with potential clients. For a variety of reasons, they may want their content to be private instead of public. This keeps unwanted comments off their videos and keeps the page clean for potential clients.     Unlisted    Still wondering, What does unlisted mean on youtube? Well, An ‘Unlisted’ video is one that can only be viewed by users with the video link. Just like a private video, it won’t appear in any search result. It is however different from a private video in the following ways:
  You don’t need a YouTube account to watch the video, you can watch any unlisted video as long as you have the   video link    There’s no 50 person sharing limit, its unlimited to any number   Unlisted videos come in handy when you have a large group of people you want to share the video with, i.e more than the 50 users limit for private videos.
   Why upload Unlisted videos?     
 Some of the reasons you may want to go the ‘Unlisted’ way are:
    Sharing videos with friends and family who may exceed 50 in number.  When you wish to share a video with select customers or prospects  Getting video feedback from co-workers or other specific focus groups  Online resumes and portfolios to share during numerous job applications     You can choose to make any of your uploads an unlisted video in your YouTube account settings. Here’s how:
  Sign in to your YouTube Account  Go to your  My Videos  page  Select the video which you’d like to make an unlisted video. Click the  Edit  button to access the video’s settings.  Go to the Privacy section of the page. There you’ll see the option to mark your video as “unlisted”, “public”, or “private”.  Select unlisted.   Don’t forget to click the  Save Changes  button. Once you’ve done this your video will be an unlisted video.        Other tips for privacy on Youtube     Now that we have answered the question; What does unlisted mean on youtube, let’s look at other useful tips.
 While Youtube is the most popular site for uploading your videos, it is important to know what privacy settings to use in order to protect your content from misuse. With more than 6 billion hours of video watched each month on YouTube, there’s no telling what to expect. It’s best to protect yourself and adjust your privacy settings.
      Here are some tips on privacy while uploading youtube videos.
    Related:    Does Instagram notify when you screenshot a story?        Keep Videos Private    It’s fascinating for every one of us to showcase our video making skills with the world. It’s also a great way to earn a side income or even make a living out of it.  It’s however important to be keen on what videos to share publicly and which to keep safe and restrict to only a select group of people. This is especially important if you’re a professional and need to uphold a reputation.
 If you want to set your videos to private, follow these easy steps:
 Visit your Video Manager Find the video you’d like to set to private and click the  Edit  button In the “Privacy Settings” drop-down menu, select  Private  Click  Save Changes 
  Related:   How to tell if someone blocked you on Instagram       Adjust Account Privacy Settings    YouTube is an interactive website, and your videos aren’t the only thing you need to protect from the prying eyes of the public. Whether it’s liking videos, subscribing to them, or your contacts sending you messages and sharing your videos, it’s important to stay proactive in making sure you know who can track what you like and watch.
 If you want to set your account privacy settings, follow these easy steps:
 Click on your avatar and select  YouTube Settings  On the next screen, click on  Privacy  at the top left
 On that screen, you’re able to set up and check your account privacy settings. Under “Likes and Subscriptions,” you can check the box to make sure any videos you like and any channels you subscribe to stay private and confidential. Under “Search and Contacts,” you can control who can contact you, share your videos, and find you by email address.
  Related:   How to Monetize your Instagram       Edit Account Profile    Whether someone is on their mobile device, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer, people have access to your personal information if you share too much or don’t protect it. When filling out details including your name, age, company, interests, and uploading a profile picture, remember to only divulge information that can’t be used against you.
 Ensure that your cable internet service is protected by passwords so spyware cannot gain this information. It’s not mandatory to offer all information on your profile, it would be wise to leave out the email address and phone number sections to avoid fraud or scam.
  Related:   Best Jarvee Alternative       Control Channel Activity    If you choose to keep your videos and content public, then you may attract people who do not necessarily agree with your content. These users may flood your comment section with insults or spam your channel. Its therefore prudent to constantly keep an eye at the comments, video responses, and ratings to keep your channel safe.
 If you want to disable or preview and approve comments, follow these easy steps:
 Visit your  Video Manager  Find the video you’d like to edit and click the  Edit  button Click  Advanced Settings  Adjust your preferences under the “Comments and Responses” tab Click  Save Changes 
 If you selected to preview and approve comments, continue:
 Under “Allow Comments and “Allow Video Responses” select  Approved  Click your  Username  in the top right corner Click  Inbox  Click  Comments  on the left side of the page.
  Related:   Instagram hashtags for photographers       Check Your Account and Report Abuse    Keep a constant check on your account and make sure you update your settings according to your preferences. Log out of your account and check your page as a public user to see what’s being accessed and what’s not.
 If you notice bad behavior and abuse, make sure you report it. YouTube is a community, and if there is harassment, inappropriate remarks being made, or if someone is violating your privacy, site administrators need to know about it.
 We hope we have answered your question, What does unlisted mean on youtube. Good luck!
  Related:    Best Instagram unfollow app
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ownfact · 4 years
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Find out who’s not following you on #Instagram in 2020
Almost every one of us on #Instagram has at one point followed a bunch of people in the hope that they’ll follow us back.
 This can sometimes be a little frustrating when you find yourself following thousands of people and need to start unfollowing some but can’t figure out who’s not following you so that you can unfollow them and leave only those who followed you back.
 Sometimes you just want to know if a particular friend of yours has unfollowed you but they’re following so many people that checking if you’re present in their list could cause you to get a migraine.
  Related:     How to scrape followers of any user on #Instagram        How do you find out who’s not following you on #Instagram?   In this tutorial, I will walk you through how you can create a list of users who are not following you. We are going to use the     5-day free trial of Jarvee     to do this.
 1st, get the free trial of Jarvee, download, and install it. Now add your #Instagram account to Jarvee and then validate it.
 Once your account says  VALID , move on to the 4th tab at the top that says  Scrape Tools .  
 Here you’re going to enter your username in the ‘ Extract followings of usernames (separate them by comma) ‘ field and click on  EXTRACT FOLLOWINGS .
 Depending on how many users you’re following, Jarvee may need a few minutes to extract a full list of the people you’re following.
 Once the process is complete we’re going to scroll further down on the Scrape Tools page and paste that list in the ‘ CHECK FOLLOW STATUS ‘ field.  
 Now click  CHECK FOLLOW STATUS  to create a list of users who are not following you and those who are.
 If you wish to unfollow all users who are not following you on #Instagram, you can have Jarvee automatically unfollow for you.
 This is crucial because #Instagram does not allow us to unfollow too many people all at once. We can spread it out over a couple of days by letting Jarvee do the unfollowing, all by itself.
  How to unfollow people who are not following you on Instagram   The process above will help you create a list of the people who are not following you. Once you have that list, got to the  TOOLS  menu to the far left, click on it, and select  MORE TOOLS  next to your Instagram account’s name.
   Scroll further down and check these two options:
   Use whitelist    Unfollow specific users     
 The ‘ Use whitelist ‘ field is where you’ll paste a list of people you don’t want to unfollow (even if they don’t follow you). Now paste the whole list of people that don’t follow you in the field that says ‘ Unfollow specific users ‘.
  How to automate unfollowing people who unfollowed you   In order to avoid having to do this whole process in the future, you can simply set Jarvee to monitor your list of followers and when someone decides to unfollow you, Jarvee will automatically unfollow them.
 This is super easy to set up and can be done by checking these two places:
  Unfollow specific users  Auto extract users who unfollowed you    
 I hope this helps!
  Related:     What’s the best Tik Tok bot?
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ownfact · 4 years
Mass unfollow on Instagram in 2020 ( SOLVED)
A tutorial on how to mass unfollow on Instagram on AUTOPILOT!   While we can all agree that Instagram is a great social media platform to run a business on, it is also important to have your Instagram account looking professional. Sometimes this could mean having to unfollow a lot of users, particularly those who  did not follow you back , and since they do not interact with your posts, they could be causing your engagement to suffer. You might also be looking to unfollow users who, although they followed you back, do not like or comment on your posts.
 Sadly, Instagram does not come with the functionality for mass unfollowing users. As a matter of fact, Instagram discourages users from unfollowing too many people within a short period. If you attempt to manually unfollow, say, 500 users at one go, you could in a best-case scenario get an unfollow block that could last a day and in a worst-case scenario your Instagram account could get banned for violating Instagram’s terms of service.
  What’s the Instagram Unfollow Limit per Day?   Before embarking on the choice of Instagram unfollow app, its important to know the limits. Instagram unfollow limit varies for new and old Instagram accounts.
 For accounts that are more than 6 months old, the Instagram mass unfollow limit is  2000  per day with a gap of 12-22 seconds between each unfollow.
 For accounts that are less than 6 months old, the unfollow limit is  500  per day with a gap of 36-48 seconds per day. The per-hour limit is between  60-200  accounts.
  Why would you need to perform a mass unfollow on Instagram?   On Instagram, people make snap judgments based on what they see from your channel. One of the ways people judge your page is by the number of people you follow.
 Following too many people can signal that you’re a spammer, you poorly use an automation tool, or that there is something generally bad about your channel that is making people not want to follow you back.
 Whatever the reason is, following too many people without having an equal amount of followers is a signal to people that there is something fishy about your page. Fishiness is not how you build a successful Instagram page.
 If this situation describes you, a quick and easy way to redeem your page is to perform a mass unfollow on Instagram.
 Now, this is where you need a tool that you can set up to gradually unfollow on Instagram on autopilot.
    The best app to mass unfollow on Instagram   There are quite a few apps out there that claim to be the   best Instagram unfollow app  . They boast of having the functionality to mass unfollow on Instagram, however, you want to stay away from these apps because apart from the possibility of your Instagram account getting stolen, you risk having your account  permanently  deleted. If you want to mass unfollow on Instagram, you need a tool that will unfollow for you gradually on autopilot. An intelligent  tool that mimics how a normal Instagram user  would unfollow.
 Personally, I use JARVEE and have been since 2017 for all my social media automation needs. It’s a tool that I use to find out   who unfollowed me on Instagram   and it’s also the only tool I use to   unfollow everyone on Instagram  .
 You can get JARVEE  absolutely free  and use it for this purpose during the trial period. With JARVEE, you can have your account unfollowing users that you choose to while you focus your attention on other important areas of your business. The cool thing about this   social media automation tool   is that apart from unfollowing users on Instagram, you can also use it to grow, not just one, but several Instagram accounts on COMPLETE autopilot!
 Besides unfollowing everyone, Jarvee can also serve the purpose of   removing followers on Instagram  . It does this by making use of its ‘block’ feature. You’ll only need to set it up and it’ll do the rest for you on autopilot.      It doesn’t end there.
 JARVEE allows you to automate your social media activities on other platforms as well, including:
    Facebook    Twitter: it makes it super easy to   grow your business on Twitter      Pinterest       Youtube     Tumblr     Quora    and  LinkedIn  Google+   READ ALSO:   How to make money on Tik Tok in 2020  
  How to start mass unfollow on Instagram using JARVEE   NOTE: To make this tutorial quicker and a lot easier, grab the free trial of JARVEE NOW! and start following along.
      The first thing you need to do is to     get the  free trial of JARVEE    (don’t worry, they won’t ask for your credit card). Install it on your PC and login with the information sent to your email when you first registered. Once you are logged in, you will need to add your Instagram account(s) on JARVEE.  To add your account on JARVEE, click on  SOCIAL PROFILE  on the left Menu bar.  Now click on  ADD PROFILE  and select  INSTAGRAM .  Fill in your Instagram login details and click  VERIFY.   Once your account is  VALIDATED , you can now click on  TOOLS  on the left Menu bar. Here you will see all the accounts that you have added on JARVEE.  To set up auto unfollow, click on the name of the account whose users you want to unfollow.  A new interface will appear with all the features available for Instagram. Since we are only interested in auto unfollowing, you’re going to click on the  UNFOLLOW  tab.  Here you have a myriad of options to go with (see image below)      Once you’re done choosing your preferences, turn the STATUS on and sit back while JARVEE does the magic for you.   If you get stuck or need any assistance, feel free to leave us a comment below in the comments section and we’ll help you out.
  Before You Do A Mass Unfollow On Instagram, Read This   Today, Instagram has become so anti-spam and controlling that even regular users are affected by Instagram’s strict rules and restrictions on anything that might potentially be spam.
 Instagram has become tougher to spam and spam-like behavior on the platform during the years. And they won’t hesitate to take action if necessary.
 Let’s look at some useful ways that you can avoid getting permanently or temporarily banned or even block on Instagram.
   What is an Instagram shadowban?    Typically, when you get banned from Instagram, you receive a notice that your account is reported. However, you don’t receive any notification with an Instagram shadowban; you only see your engagement decreases.
 Another clear clue that your account might be shadowbanned is when your hashtags don’t work. Instagram punishes accounts that are not playing fair or those who might have got unlucky by simply using the wrong hashtags, etc.
   How can I beat the Instagram shadowban?      1. Don’t mass follow and like    While this article is about mass unfollowing on Instagram, there is a risk associated with a mass following, For instance, by trying to grow a notable number of likes and followers at one time, you will receive a temporary block from Instagram. The reason for this would be because they considered the limits on follows and likes.
 PS: Kindly note these figures religiously:
   The maximum number of likes per hour is 60.   The maximum number of follows per hour is 60.  The maximum number of messages per hour is 60.  But if your account is just new, the limits are different:  A maximum number of likes per hour is 30  A maximum number of comments per hour is 30  A maximum number of following/unfollow per hour is 30.   Violating Instagram rules causes a temporary block. It involves limiting the profile’s function; You can’t comment, like, follow or write in Direct Messages for some time (from 2 hours to 2 weeks). If you are lucky to get blocked temporarily, don’t do anything with your profile, Just give it a little rest before it is completely restored.
   2. Don’t share Images/Videos Violating Social Network Rules              Photos and videos with naked bodies, sexual content, and violence are considered unsuitable. Whatever your goals are, posting such inappropriate content can get you banned, so be careful.
   3.User complaint    Someone might find your account a threat, so they click the Report button. If other people report your account too, Instagram will sooner or later block your profile. People would complain of different reasons such as mass liking, mass following, abuses, inappropriate content, spam, etc.
   4. Complete your Instagram Profile    Add a little bio in your profile. Also, make sure you have a real profile picture. This brings validity to your profile and avoids unnecessary focus on your account from Instagram.
   5. Post Regularly    You must post pictures on Instagram and remember that posting regularly is what matters. An active display of social profiles can mainly save you from getting blocked.    Jarvee    can save you the trouble by auto-scheduling posts so that you can focus on other matters.
   6. Copyright Infringement    Copyright is a serious issue on Instagram. All pictures in your account have to be either yours or permitted by the owner. If you want to share someone else’s picture, tag him/her in the photo (provided he/she has an Instagram account). If you use pictures for a commercial purpose, you have to ask the owner’s permission too. Additionally, if you post a video with music that you don’t have the rights, Instagram will certainly remove it.
 If you ignore the copyright rules, the author can report you to Instagram for using the photo without their permission, and you would be blocked for copyright infringement.
   7. The different IP address and device    If you log into your account from various devices and approve it via SMS, Instagram is less likely to ban you. Though, if you log in with different devices and IP-addresses, Instagram may think scammers hacked your account. The social network responds to it instantly and blocks the profile for your own safety.
   8. Perform reasonable actions    Keep your follow/unfollow activities balanced. Bulk actions might seem aggressive, which may deactivate your account, and even worse, that you might get temporarily blocked.
 In some cases, all you should do is giving some rest to your account. Try to log in after some time such as 24 hours. It would help you to return your account.
   9.Verify your email    This is an easy but highly crucial way to avoid getting blocked or banned. When you verify your email, you prove that you are a real person.
   10. Do not comment too many emojis         For some reason, Instagram doesn’t like it when you comment emojis excessively. Limit yourself to leave fewer emojis per comment.         11. Do not copy your comments over and over    Instagram keeps an extra eye on repeated comments. The reason is that Instagram may consider you a bot.
   12. Do not spam-comment    As I mentioned commenting is Instagram’s biggest problem when it is about spam on the platform. While spam-liking is used as a way to get more attention to the accounts, it isn’t harmful to anyone. However, Instagram is pretty strict with how many comments you leave on posts in a short time.
   13. Do not spam-like posts    Liking a large number of posts in a short time is known as a spammy action. But when you start liking excessively, it is a sign to Instagram that you’re acting spammy.
  If you’re new to Instagram   If you are new to Instagram, before you start following other profiles, make sure you post for yourself. Generally, a good start includes posting pictures regularly.
 What should you do for not looking spammy?
 · Avoid editing your captions after posting a photo.
 · Stop using hashtags in your comments put them in the caption.
 · Don’t post too many posts every day (up to 3).
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ownfact · 4 years
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How many people can you follow on #Instagram in 2020 (follow/unfollow)
There are different strategies for growing a following on #Instagram. Some people prefer to pay for    reliable growth services   , others do it the organic way by posting great content and using hashtags that rank while the rest of us prefer the old and tested follow-unfollow method.
 Compared to previous years, the limits for following and unfollowing have reduced so much that we aren’t able to grow our #Instagram pages as fast as we would like.
 Because I still prefer the follow unfollow strategy, I’ve found limits that work for me whether I’m doing it manually or using automation. I’m going to share with you the #Instagram limits I play within but I’d also like to caution that these may also be affected by other factors.
 If you’re going to use the limits I’m about to suggest to you it is important that you do everything I’ll recommend in order to avoid getting action blocks. Let’s get started.
  How many people can you follow on #Instagram per day?  There are two approaches to how many people you can follow per day. I find that I’m able to follow more people when I do it manually as opposed to when I use automation.
 Before I go into details, it is important to always warm your account up when you’re starting. In my case for instance, when I’m starting to grow a new #Instagram account I will follow between 10 – 15 users the first week and then increase that number by 15-20 every other week until I reach the daily limits.
 I’ll illustrate that for you:
  Week1: follow 10-15 users per day  Week2: follow 25-35 users per day  Week3: follow 40-55 users per day  Week4: follow 55-75 users per day … and so forth   This is how I warm up my #Instagram whether I’m following manually or when using an   automation tool  .
   These numbers also apply to my daily unfollow limits when I’m warming up the account.  
 How many people can you manually follow on Instagram per day?  As I mentioned earlier, manually following on Instagram allows me to follow slightly more people per day. My daily limits are not significantly different because I like to avoid follow blocks at all cost but I know of other people who do more than myself.
 I have my total for the whole month set at 3500 follows and 3500 unfollows. I have two ways of going about the daily limits:
   follow 100-120 users per day ,  unfollow 100-120 users per day  …or   follow 220-250 users per day for 15 days ,  unfollow 220-250 users per day for 15 days    I don’t usually like after following because they’ve led to action blocks, in my experience. Maybe once in a while, I’ll like a post that appeals to me but I don’t do it regularly.
 How many people can you follow on Instagram per day using automation?  When it comes to automation, there are a few things to take into consideration when you’re planning to use the follow/unfollow method to grow your Instagram following.
 Firstly, you need a tool that emulates a mobile device so that it won’t get flagged by Instagram. My tool of choice is    Jarvee    because apart from emulating an Android device, it comes with so many functions. There’s so much more I can do with this tool that I wouldn’t be able to do on the app.
 Also, Jarvee is not limited to Instagram alone, in fact, you can use it to automate Facebook,   Twitter  , YouTube, LinkedIn,   Pinterest  , Quora, and    TikTok   .
 Secondly, if you’re planning to automate more than 5 accounts at once, you’re going to need   good mobile proxies  . 1 mobile proxy will easily handle 3-5 different Instagram accounts.
 Jarvee also allows you to use ‘slave’ Instagram accounts. These are accounts that you create for no other purpose but to use for scrapping all the data needed for use by your main account. For instance, if you want to follow users of @entrepreneur, Jarvee will use the slave accounts to scroll through @entrepreneur’s list of followers and collect the usernames of their followers according to the filters you set. These will then be sent to your main account(s) so that they can follow them.
 This is useful because it helps to lift most of the weight from your main accounts and therefore reduces follow blocks.
 So, how many people can you follow per day on Instagram using automation?  Here too, I use two options:
   follow 80-100 users per day, unfollow 80-100 users per day  … or   follow 175-200 users per day for 15 days and then unfollow 175-200 users per day for 15 days    This allows me to follow a maximum of 3000 per month and unfollow a maximum of 3000 per month.
 You can try this by yourself by getting the    5-day free trial of Jarvee    just to see how well it works. They won’t ask for your payment information and so you only need your email to get started.
 Once you’ve registered they’ll send you a log-in password to your email and link to download Jarvee. Since you’re probably going to try it with less than 5 Instagram accounts, you’re not going to need proxies (unless you intend to Install Jarvee on a VPS so that it can run 24/7 even when your PC is shut down).
    If you need any help you can leave a comment in the comments section.
 I’m also available on:
  Skype: Diablo2562  Telegram:  https://t.me/socialtipster    Until next time!
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ownfact · 4 years
How to Use #Instagram Stories to Promote Your Products: 5 Power Tips in 2020
How to Use #Instagram Stories to Promote Your Products     
 You already know a lot about #Instagram Stories, but you may be struggling with how to use, #Instagram Stories as a promotional tool. That’s what we will be guiding you through today. Let’s bring some strategy to your #Instagram Story’s game and see how to use #Instagram Stories to promote your products starting with these five tips.
   #1 Countdown Feature on #Instagram Stories    So my first tip is to use the Countdown Feature on Instagram Stories which you’ll find on the top right-hand side of the screen under the Stickers tab. The Countdown feature can be used in two different ways:
 You can either use it to count down to a special launch, whether that’s a promotion of a new product or maybe a special offer that you may have, Or you can use it while the launch is actually live, and count down the number of hours that are remaining. This is really powerful because it allows your audience the choice to tap on the countdown itself and subscribe to know when the countdown has finished. Not only is this brilliant because it notifies them, but it also creates a sense of urgency, which us marketers know is a super-powerful marketing tactic.
   #2 Highlight section    Tip number two on How to Use Instagram Stories to Promote Your Products. You probably already using your highlight section but do you switch it up during your promotion?, Your highlight section on your page, is prime real estate.,And especially over a promotion, you’re gonna be getting a ton of new views on your profile.
 Consider using the highlight section to educate your customer about your promotion, share customer feedback, and drive sales. And yes, those are separate highlights. I don’t want you putting all this into one highlight. It should feel really easy for them to just click on something, get a quick rehearse of exactly what they thought they were going to look at and then move on to the next.
 I want to share some highlight topic recommendations with you but keep in mind that these do vary depending on which industry you’re in, and what business you have. The first example of a highlight, that every business should have is:
   About Us section    This should tell you everything about who you are, what you do, who you serve, and how you serve.
 The second one I highly recommend are:
    Testimonials    Testimonials are a great way to have social proof and anyone visiting your profile will get an immediate impression of the type of work that you do. The third one that I recommend,is to have a:
    Location highlight    If you have a physical location, this is so helpful, because people want to know how to find you and where you are, where to park, things of that nature. If you have an online business, then even having something that shows them how they can work with you,where do they have to go online. Making it clear and straight forward as to how they can get what they’re looking for. Another great example is to have a:
    Portfolio section    So whatever it is that you sell, having it there so that people can visually see exactly what it is they will get is always going to be helpful with sales.,Another thing that you can do with your highlights is to have a section specifically devoted to your:
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       IGTV channel    In case you didn’t know there is a way, regardless of how many followers you have to swipe up on your stories and let people go and watch your IGTV video. Essentially what you’re going to do is to take those stories where you’re promoting people to swipe up to your IGTV channel and you’re gonna put them all into one highlight so that people can very quickly and easily just browse through your stories to see which IGTV video they’d like to go and see and they can swipe up to be taken directly to that video.
 Last but not least having a highlight that talks all about your promotion and very clearly explains what the promotion is what they get, is there a discount, how long does it last. The third tip is all about creating Social Proof using:
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       #3 Instagram Stories    What I want you to do, is host a giveaway. Encourage your customers to post a testimonial to their Instagram Stories where they tag you and in return, they are entered to a one hundred dollar Amazon gift card. What this is going to result in is tons of your customers actually creating stories, where they are talking about why they love your product and in return, you’re then able to repost those stories to your story which generates more excitement and more momentum during your promotion.
 My fourth tip is for those viewers, who are:
   #4 Selling a limited number of your product or service    What I’m going to ask you to do is to go on Instagram Stories and essentially you’re going to post a grid from one to 20 if you’re selling 20 and let your audience know that every few hours you’re going be updating them letting them know how many have sold.
 Let’s say that you sold 15 in the first hour you will mark out all 15 to signify to them that 15 have been sold. This creates a  sense of urgency , it creates a s ense of scarcity  and it also creates a sense of  social proof .,My fifth tip is to:
   #5 go live during your promotion    I want you to use the Stickers feature on Instagram Stories which you can find on the top right-hand side of the screen. Tap on Questions and what I want you to do is prompt your audience to ask you a question about your promotion. From there you’re going to leave it for up to 24 hours. Then you will go live and when you do, on the bottom right-hand side of the screen you will see a little Questions box. You tap on the Question box all of the questions your audience has asked you in that question sticker are going to populate the bottom of your screen.
 You will select the question that you want to reply to, it’s then going to pup-up on all of your viewer’s Instagram live interface giving you the opportunity to answer everyone’s question so that they are then closer to the sale. If you wait for more than 24 hours and then go live to try and answer those questions they will not be available for you.
   Bonus: common business mistakes     
 The next step I wanna share with you, are the common business mistakes.
 The  first one  is a lack of context. I hate looking at a business’s Instagram story and they’re sharing something that clearly means something to them but they give zero context. And it’s like, “What am I looking at? I have no idea.” So try to remember that your audience is not watching everything that you do. They don’t always know who you are, they may have followed you on a whim one day. You wanna make sure that you’re bringing them along, telling a story and keeping everything in context.
  The second  common mistake that I see businesses making is that they are not personal enough. They’re keeping everything so formal. We definitely do wat to let people into who we are what we do as a team, as a business, and you know those Corky little personal details are often what makes people want to keep following along with the story. So do not shy away from those more personal shares.
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      The third  common mistake businesses make on their stories is that they are too self-promotional. You want to have content in there that’s valuable that people are actually walking away with feelings like, “Wow, I learned something.”,Or this was beneficial, or educational, funny, inspiring. Do not always be promoting all of the great things that have happened or testimonials.
 Switch it up, a good ratio is like 80 to 20.,80% high-value content and 20% promotional because trust me the last thing that you want to do is train your audience to swipe every single time they see your stories.
  The fourth  mistake businesses are making on Instagram Stories is that they are not putting themselves in the shoes of their audience. They are not thinking about how their viewers are consuming their content. Are your viewers listening silently? If they are, then you should consider captioning.
 Lots of people are just tapping through they’re not really looking at what’s happening. So how do you create something that’s visually appealing that’s going to get people to stop and actually want to consume the content? Is it possible for you to maybe even mix up the content that you’re creating whether it’s images and videos and just trying to make it as varied as possible to increase the likelihood that your audience is actually going to engage with your content?
 And the last mistake I see businesses making is that they are not listening to what their audience wants.,You need to learn how to navigate your insights and get feedback from your customers so that you know exactly what it is that they’re looking for.
 Have fun and good luck with your endeavors. Check out this amazing     Instagram automation software    
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