oyeerps · 4 years
What are Aias's dreams in life?
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Aias:- I’m a rather old-fashioned one: a loving wife and a big family. I think I’m kind of half there, but I don’t want to leech off of  others. Xonav’s aunt is a very nice lady and I’d like to one day repay all the kindness his family had given me and my sister. I also always wanted to down an Ultralisk myself. Not sure where would I fit it’s head though. And I’d love to finally see Mi’Nerra find her significant other. She is always so disconnected.
ooc: cameo from @macabrecabra‘s Cerendak, the toll Tal’Darim
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oyeerps · 4 years
A jet of ice cold water shot toward the intruder at high velocity.
"Begone,  creature of glitter!" Xonav demanded in a mock zealot tone.
Imagine your OTP
Person A: *starts to fill bath with bubble bath but has to rush off to check the doorbell*
Person B: *just rang the doorbell to lure person A away from bubble bath*
Person A: *comes back to see person B has claimed the bath as their own*
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oyeerps · 4 years
Firiah: Ah, yes… the old conundrum. *walks fingers across desk* Books or people? People rarely know what they want. Books do, their reasonings already laid out. And it’s only time ‘till one explores all it’s secrets. *props head with hand, her eyes crease coyly*
Never have I ever neglected to answer or dishonestly answered one of these questions (for the ones who have done this)
Delarix: Some things are better left unknown, I think.
Hannya: So what? It’s not like lying is the worst thing I’ve done.
Khasuri: My personal experiences aren’t that important, really. The medical advice was more pressing.
Feodosia: Ask me your little questions on your own time, not as part of a game, and maybe I’ll answer.
Tekar, like a liar: I’ve been honest. You think a bachelor librarian has had that interesting of a life? I’ve been doing this since I was old enough to own my own shop.
Polaris: I’m not obligated to answer you. You should be grateful that I’m not killing you.
Preyasi: You don’t need to know anything about me.
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oyeerps · 5 years
And to get on the canon x OC thing. Uh… Xonav did almost hit on Hierarch Artanis once? It was pretty hilarious. That was the RP where Xonav and Azuna got hitched.
what are your characters relationships to others OCs? do you have a canon and OC pairing?
My dear child, are you in for a loooong story. Because I have like a shit ton of chars and I hoarded like 2-3 dozen RPs while I had more time to be active around these parts.
Here is a quick run down on my more frequently used chars. However if you’d like to hear more on others you’ll have to go in the OC master list and pick a specific OC for the ask. It also has a quick run down on relationships with other OCs. (unfortunately a lot of peeps I used to rp with had their rp-blogs deactivated or deleted mostly because of the recent purge… It’s really dismaying because a lot of RPs happened under read mores and now I literally can’t read back anything on my new laptop.)
Mi'Nerra - She is the alpha witch of these parts. She has a brother Aias and keeps 3 Probes as “cats”/personal assistants. Xonav and Min are exes and tolerate each other. Min is on a pretty good rapport with a bunch of Tal'darim. She is BFFs with Arashnul and lets her crash in her place. She is also okay with Ari’s boyfriend, Mazkalar, and kinda adopted their family. She is also on very good terms with Neveux (and I ship them, they are not together tho) and they work a lot together. Also, because Tremanix and Arsurus belong to her immediate social circle she looks out for them, because damn, are those 2 like to lost puppies/bunnies. She is mostly on neutral terms w other OCs who are mentioned here.
Xonav - He is a Shadowguard nerazim. He goes between sarcastic broody a-hole and goofie chill a-hole. He is dating Azuna and they have a doggo son named Prince Fluffers. He is BFFs with Aias and Immardar. Immardar is his go to prank-bread buddy in crime. He likes to bother Neveux, but otherwise he tries to stay neutral with him. He (prolly) knows a lot of Specs OCs and he is protective towards Arsurus and Tal'Shar (they live in his neighborhood).
Aias - is a good boy. A giant puppy who also happens to be a Zealot. Mi'Nerra is his big sister. He is BFFs with Xonav and I assume he is on good terms with Immardar and Azuna. He likes to be on good terms with people and be generally nice. He is Tremanix’s boyfriend and they are diabetes inducingly cute together. Because Xonav technically adopted Aias as a brother he also knows about Arsurus and co and as such feels protective about them. (I think there was something about him taking on Tal'Shar as an apprentice?) He doesn’t really mix with Tal'darim but he tries to stay on neutral terms with them.
I also have to mention Hedrak. He is a wierd, not so well made Protoss-Zerg hybrid. He is wolf papa to Arsurus because the kid once wandered off into the wilderness and ran into him and that’s when Hedrak’s Protoss part kicked back in. He protecc.
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oyeerps · 5 years
what are your characters relationships to others OCs? do you have a canon and OC pairing?
My dear child, are you in for a loooong story. Because I have like a shit ton of chars and I hoarded like 2-3 dozen RPs while I had more time to be active around these parts.
Here is a quick run down on my more frequently used chars. However if you’d like to hear more on others you’ll have to go in the OC master list and pick a specific OC for the ask. It also has a quick run down on relationships with other OCs. (unfortunately a lot of peeps I used to rp with had their rp-blogs deactivated or deleted mostly because of the recent purge… It’s really dismaying because a lot of RPs happened under read mores and now I literally can’t read back anything on my new laptop.)
Mi'Nerra - She is the alpha witch of these parts. She has a brother Aias and keeps 3 Probes as “cats”/personal assistants. Xonav and Min are exes and tolerate each other. Min is on a pretty good rapport with a bunch of Tal'darim. She is BFFs with Arashnul and lets her crash in her place. She is also okay with Ari’s boyfriend, Mazkalar, and kinda adopted their family. She is also on very good terms with Neveux (and I ship them, they are not together tho) and they work a lot together. Also, because Tremanix and Arsurus belong to her immediate social circle she looks out for them, because damn, are those 2 like to lost puppies/bunnies. She is mostly on neutral terms w other OCs who are mentioned here.
Xonav - He is a Shadowguard nerazim. He goes between sarcastic broody a-hole and goofie chill a-hole. He is dating Azuna and they have a doggo son named Prince Fluffers. He is BFFs with Aias and Immardar. Immardar is his go to prank-bread buddy in crime. He likes to bother Neveux, but otherwise he tries to stay neutral with him. He (prolly) knows a lot of Specs OCs and he is protective towards Arsurus and Tal'Shar (they live in his neighborhood).
Aias - is a good boy. A giant puppy who also happens to be a Zealot. Mi'Nerra is his big sister. He is BFFs with Xonav and I assume he is on good terms with Immardar and Azuna. He likes to be on good terms with people and be generally nice. He is Tremanix’s boyfriend and they are diabetes inducingly cute together. Because Xonav technically adopted Aias as a brother he also knows about Arsurus and co and as such feels protective about them. (I think there was something about him taking on Tal'Shar as an apprentice?) He doesn’t really mix with Tal'darim but he tries to stay on neutral terms with them.
I also have to mention Hedrak. He is a wierd, not so well made Protoss-Zerg hybrid. He is wolf papa to Arsurus because the kid once wandered off into the wilderness and ran into him and that’s when Hedrak’s Protoss part kicked back in. He protecc.
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oyeerps · 5 years
She does have a boy friend who follows her around like a puppy. Like a really big puppy. Who is also a Zealot.
14 for Tremanix?
Her parents are dead! And so is her adoptive mother! She’s literally this panel from 8-bit theater!
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oyeerps · 5 years
I’mma say the controversial stuff:
Boobs are fun :D
But all respect for the biologically sensible. A spieces that photosynthesises in canon is unlikely to need them. It’s ridiculous, but:
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Incoming Protoss Rant
So there are a lot of things I see in the fandom that make little sense like people forgetting that their brains are in their crest and damaged/removal of said crest will also cause damage/removal of their brain, or how people completely butcher Alarak’s character and have him do and tolerate things that he would never ever do. But one thing that bugs me the most is how people decide how Protoss aging works.
Yes, Protoss live to be 1,000 years old but it makes no fucking sense when people are like “MY PROTOSS OC IS THE EQUIVALENT OF A 6 YEAR OLD CAUSE HE’S 60 YEARS OLD!”
Like NO, THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS. Like seriously, A highly advanced species like Protoss aren’t going to be an infant for  30 years and mature as a child for 200 years. That makes absolutely zero sense and I do not understand why people think that’s okay.
If anything a Protoss grows faster than a human. Just because they live longer doesn’t mean they’re babies longer. I seriously don’t understand why this is such a hard concept to grasp.
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oyeerps · 5 years
Firiah: *just casually slides in and leans on the receptionist desk* Do you read people too?
Never have I ever neglected to answer or dishonestly answered one of these questions (for the ones who have done this)
Delarix: Some things are better left unknown, I think.
Hannya: So what? It’s not like lying is the worst thing I’ve done.
Khasuri: My personal experiences aren’t that important, really. The medical advice was more pressing.
Feodosia: Ask me your little questions on your own time, not as part of a game, and maybe I’ll answer.
Tekar, like a liar: I’ve been honest. You think a bachelor librarian has had that interesting of a life? I’ve been doing this since I was old enough to own my own shop.
Polaris: I’m not obligated to answer you. You should be grateful that I’m not killing you.
Preyasi: You don’t need to know anything about me.
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oyeerps · 5 years
Tekar, a lot of things can happen in a library. XD
Never have I ever neglected to answer or dishonestly answered one of these questions (for the ones who have done this)
Delarix: Some things are better left unknown, I think.
Hannya: So what? It’s not like lying is the worst thing I’ve done.
Khasuri: My personal experiences aren’t that important, really. The medical advice was more pressing.
Feodosia: Ask me your little questions on your own time, not as part of a game, and maybe I’ll answer.
Tekar, like a liar: I’ve been honest. You think a bachelor librarian has had that interesting of a life? I’ve been doing this since I was old enough to own my own shop.
Polaris: I’m not obligated to answer you. You should be grateful that I’m not killing you.
Preyasi: You don’t need to know anything about me.
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oyeerps · 5 years
Yeah boiiii
“I just want to lay in a pile of warm laundry and eat bread.”
— Slytherin when they’re sad
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oyeerps · 6 years
Definitely good date idea. :D
hey everybody, welcome to the very first Wierd Biology Redux! 
so you think you want to know more about the Ocean Sunfish, or Mola Mola(molamolamola), hmmm? can’t say I blame you. they are pretty great.
so without further ado, let’s bring this ship back around and learn a few more facts about these majestic idiots and their relatives!
there are actually three seperate species in the Mola genus, including our old friend the Ocean Sunfish. These are: *DRUMROLL*
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Mola mola, the Ocean Sunfish (big ‘n lumpy)
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Mola ramsayi, the Southern Sunfish (sleek n’ pretty)
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and Mola tecta, the Hoodwinker Sunfish (big n’ full of secrets)
the Ocean Sunfish and Hoodwinker Sunfish are about the same size, reaching up to ten feet in length and weighing up to two tons (BIG boys, absolutely enormous, 10/10). 
the Southern Sunfish is significantly slimmer and more obscure, though it also reaches lengths of around ten feet.
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the Hoodwinker Sunfish was discovered only recently through genetic analysis. it is so named because it had been ‘hiding in plain sight’ for years, almost identical to the Southern Sunfish except for its size. 
(I disagree, scientists are merely unobservent. look at those pictures. those fish look nothing alike. they probably don’t even speak the same language. but do scientists care? nnOOOoo.)
ANYWAY back on topic, here’s some videos of Molas swimming around like adorable morons. I love them. 
and finally, we’ll close with a video that I really couldn’t figure out what to do with. look at it. who even does that? don’t do that.  
(it’s funny as shit, though)
anyway I hope you enjoyed our brief return to Mola Molamolamola today.
rock on, Molas, rock on.
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oyeerps · 6 years
Is there a part to the game after I save Tremanix where I can split the twin Tal'darim open? Or something the like? :'D
Tremanix? :D
I should think Aias already knows this route!
In a dating sim, you’d have to make the first move. Put flowers in her nerve cords, call her pretty, and play her gifting game when she tries to repay your kindness. Don’t ask prying questions about her medicine, don’t make fun of her nerves. Do hold her when she’s having a panic attack, do make sure she’s drinking water. At halfway point, you have an option to take her on vacation somewhere; pick the ocean. In the cutscene at the end of that day, she’ll explain what her medication does. If you don’t pick the prying route, she’ll explain why she has to take it, and ask if you really want to date someone who’s damaged like she is. Of course you want to date her, but she needs a little reassurance now and then. She’s a nervous sort. Take her to work the next morning, and watch her blossom into a beautiful flower because she’s so happy to be loved. Watch her find her voice, her morals, the things she lost after her mother died and she was kidnapped by the Fist.
And then watch her cling to life after twin Tal’darim slice her open from her neck to her hips. >:3
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oyeerps · 6 years
Xonav: You had an ex-wife?
Immadar for OC route? :D ~oyee
man, Immy’s dating route would be a Ride. he wouldn’t even be one of the main options, he’d start out as the tutorial date, and he’d be in the hints area to give advice and be chill. but! you could Date More by visiting the hints menu and picking certain hard-to-access options, retaking the tutorial, things like that. and while it would be really difficult to get him to actively reject you, he’d be the hardest to endgame with, too, because even he doesn’t know if he differentiates between friendship and romance, he’s got Serious Baggage about his ex-wife/girlfriend that would have to be dealt with, and you’d have to manage to trigger the Big Reveal halfway into that or else it’d be unresolvable. and so you’d go into it thinking that he was just gonna be your cute and friendly boy and you’d be SLAMMED WITH ANGST AND SUFFERING and it may well be the most challenging route in the entire game. but it’d be worth it, in the end. he’s a very sweet boy.
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oyeerps · 6 years
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aaannnnddd me the one terran
I hope i gave our characters justice to this.
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oyeerps · 7 years
Skarath in G3?
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Based on >>this template. Might do a few more.
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oyeerps · 7 years
This blog is in sleepy mode but hope ya peeps like it. =)
Alarak in H2!!!!
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Another drawing another Protoss
Based on >>this template. Might do a few more.
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oyeerps · 7 years
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