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Gotta love it when SJWs shit all over western society yet stuff like slavery is still alive and well in many eastern societies :)
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@keyhollow you’re good at wrapping your big brain around SJW logic. Care to help us understand how U.S. citizens not being automatically registered to vote could be considered racist?
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Why Islam Isn’t the Religion of Peace.
As a liberal-minded individual, I genuinely believe that Islam’s teachings are intolerant, hateful, and violent. Religion of peace? Give me a break. Almost no organized religions can make this claim with any sort of sincerity.
Let’s be VERY clear on this, I am NOT attacking Muslim people. I know that the majority of Muslims are not violent zealots, blindly following their religion. I understand that the majority of Muslims are, in fact, good people. This is a criticism of the teachings of the Muslim faith based on my own personally held morality as a secular individual.
Like it or not, the Quran and the Hadith are host to a staggering amount of horrific teachings. This seems to be the main point a lot of secular Islamic apologists ignore on the grounds of being fearful that they will be labeled “Islamophobic”. Nevertheless, these books promote misogyny, homophobia, physical mutilation for criminal infractions, subjugation of other religions, killing of unbelievers, and much more.
In regards to inheritance, the Quran clearly states that men are to have twice the inheritance of that of a woman.
“The male shall have the equal of the portion of two females”
(Quran 4:11)
Building on top of that sexism, let’s look at a verse that states women are effectively the property of men.
“Your wives are as a tilth unto you; so approach your tilth when or how ye will…”
(Quran 2:223)
The word “tilth” literally means “cultivation of land” in other words, piece of property. This verse tells men to treat their wives in the same way they treat their land. Let’s move on from sexism, to violence.
“Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and his Messenger have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgement of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.”
(Quran 9:29)
Well that certainly seems peaceful. Beat others into submission until they either convert to your religion or pay you reparations for not converting. If for whatever reason, that verse doesn’t prove to you that Islam teaches violence, then have a look at the ones below.
“Kill disbelievers wherever you find them. If they attack you, then kill them. Such is the reward of disbelievers.”
(Quran 2:191)
Those who disbelieve will be forced to drink boiling water, and will face a painful doom.
(Quran 6:70)
Those who consider the Quran to be “mere fables” will be branded on the nose.
(Quran 68:15-16)
“Killing Unbelievers is a small matter to us.”
(Tabari 9:69)
“I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”
(Quran 8:12)
Do I even need to go over why the above verses are absolutely appalling? Let’s move forward to criminal punishments under the guidance of Islam.
“As for the thief, both male and female, cut off their hands. It is the reward of their own deeds, an exemplary punishment from Allah. Allah is mighty, wise.”
(Quran 5:38)
Well, gee, Allah seems like a real fair fellow. Chop off the hands of people who steal. Sorry, but I think that’s a little barbaric for something as petty as theft. While we’re going over barbarianism for minor infractions, let’s look at another “crime” punishable by death in Islam.
“The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, ‘Whoever you find doing the action of the people of Loot, execute the one who does it and the one to whom it is done.’”
Abu Dawud (4462)
For those of you who aren’t overly familiar with bronze-age fairy tales, “doing the action of the people of Loot” is referring to homosexual acts. This verse very blatantly states that homosexuality is to be punished by death. Lovely, isn’t it? Execute people for being gay.
I could go on forever as to why Islam preaches intolerance, hatred and violence, but this post is already so long I’m sure most people won’t even read it. However, if you’re going to reply to it, send me a message, a death threat, call me racist, or intolerant, please, I implore you, read the post FIRST. 
Again, this is a criticism of the Islamic faith and the teachings found within the Quran and Hadith, and NOT an attack on Muslims as people. 
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Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Unconscious bias or not, you can still tout body positivity without being attracted to heavy people. This argument of “You aren’t attracted to heavy girls so therefore you are fatphobic” is like saying “you clearly hate all people with big foreheads because you don’t find big foreheads attractive.” Calling people fatphobic for not wanting to date fat people is scummy at best. They’re not even writing them off as human beings, they’re just electing not to be involved romantically/sexually with them which is a 100% personal choice that no one other that the person making that choice should have any say in whatsoever. 
--   Also that whole fatphobic thing of only accepting certain parts of a big girls body. Like being all  “I like girls with thick thighs” but the moment those thick thighs come attached to other body parts like thick arms, big bellies, double chins yall are like :// --
You absolutely are guilt-tripping people here. You are telling them that because they don’t find large bellies or thick arms attractive it automatically makes them fatphobic. As for telling people off who are “patting themselves on the back for their progressiveness” that makes no sense at all. Shouldn’t you be happy that people are preaching fat acceptance even if they don’t happen to personally find fat people attractive?
Can some people in the wlw community admit that yall are hypocritical. I’m talking about your fatphobia.
Yall will act like this is just a straight guy thing. But you guys are the same. You preach body positivity yet dont actually practice it. Yall will say junk like “Yea I wouldnt want to date a girl with cellulite. Its just personal preference.” Like coolcool so you guys arent recognising that the preference stems from fatphobia?
Also that whole fatphobic thing of only accepting certain parts of a big girls body. Like being all “I like girls with thick thighs” but the moment those thick thighs come attached to other body parts like thick arms, big bellies, double chins yall are like ://
And that whole notion that large wlw are predatory like?? This is especially true for butch wlw who are also fat. Like oh when its a conventionally attractive, feminine, slim wlw yall are like “Aw shes being flirty” but somehow that same behaviour is creepy and predatory the moment she isnt.
You cant say you are body positive if you only like the idealised version of a plus size body you have in your head. Like. You cant say you arent fatphobic if you only accept plus size girls who are smaller than a size 12.
I get that we are all trying to be more accepting of larger bodies and its good that we are at least trying but we gotta realise that this is an issue in our community.
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My god are people not allowed to have preferences when it comes to dating anymore? Telling anyone that they have to find certain physical traits attractive or they’re a bigoted asshole is absurd. Physical attraction is a huge part of dating for pretty much anyone so by pushing the idea that you have to date people who you don’t find attractive is downright manipulative. Some people like heavy girls, others don’t. Guilt tripping people like this on the grounds that it might hurt the feelings of overweight women should people not want to date them is a disturbing mindset to say the least.
Can some people in the wlw community admit that yall are hypocritical. I’m talking about your fatphobia.
Yall will act like this is just a straight guy thing. But you guys are the same. You preach body positivity yet dont actually practice it. Yall will say junk like “Yea I wouldnt want to date a girl with cellulite. Its just personal preference.” Like coolcool so you guys arent recognising that the preference stems from fatphobia?
Also that whole fatphobic thing of only accepting certain parts of a big girls body. Like being all “I like girls with thick thighs” but the moment those thick thighs come attached to other body parts like thick arms, big bellies, double chins yall are like ://
And that whole notion that large wlw are predatory like?? This is especially true for butch wlw who are also fat. Like oh when its a conventionally attractive, feminine, slim wlw yall are like “Aw shes being flirty” but somehow that same behaviour is creepy and predatory the moment she isnt.
You cant say you are body positive if you only like the idealised version of a plus size body you have in your head. Like. You cant say you arent fatphobic if you only accept plus size girls who are smaller than a size 12.
I get that we are all trying to be more accepting of larger bodies and its good that we are at least trying but we gotta realise that this is an issue in our community.
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Why Thin Privilege and Fatphobia Aren’t real.
Now, let’s be VERY clear on something. This is a criticism of the concepts of fatphobia and thin privilege as well as the common arguments used to support them and NOT an attack on obese people. I have nothing against people who are overweight, but I refuse to be called an oppressor because I happen to be at a weight that a medical doctor considers healthy.
As a homosexual, the term  “Fatphobia” utterly sickens me. Why? Because as a homosexual, I have had to deal with legitimate discrimination: Homophobia. Gay people have been executed, legally prosecuted, tortured, and denied rights for thousands of years by countless cultures around the world. As a rational person might imagine, I find it a little insulting that obesity is being placed on the same level as homosexuality or any other sexual orientation for that matter, when it comes to discrimination. Fat people as a group have never had to deal with any of the above. You are not oppressed because of your weight. People might make fun of you, people might be prejudiced against you, because people are assholes. Literally every single person on the planet has to deal with assholes regardless of weight. I had crooked teeth growing up and got bullied all the time for it. Lots of people with crooked teeth get made fun of. You don’t see anyone bitching about “crooked-teeth-phobia”. Besides, if you’re so convinced that you are perfect at the weight you currently sit at, then these people who are picking on you shouldn’t phase you to begin with.
Another thing I see people who subscribe to the idea of fatphobia complaining about is doctors assuming that any health problem they have is a result of their weight. Here’s some shocking news, being obese DOES IN FACT typically carry a long list of health hazards with it. If you are obese and experiencing a health concern, of course your doctor is going to place suspicion on your weight being a contributing factor because, as mentioned above, being obese can cause a shit load of health issues. They’re doctors, medical professionals. They know a hell of a lot more about health and wellness than you do and your hurt feelings do not justify brushing off a doctor’s professional opinion when it comes to your physical well being.
Now, onto “Thin Privilege”. What exactly can a thin person do that a fat person can’t? Nothing. That’s what. A fat person enjoys all the same rights and freedoms as a scrawny person does. 
“But we have to pay more money for clothing!”-  Here’s another shocking revelation for you: Larger articles of clothing require more cloth to produce and thus, more material means having to pay more money for said item.
“But we have to buy two tickets on airplanes!”- Here again, I will hearken back to basic economics. If you are so large that you take up two seats on a plane, you will be expected to pay for that other seat because that seat could have been sold to another person.
“But comedians tell jokes about fat people!”- Literally every single group, ethnicity, race, sexuality, religion, and yes, body type, has been the brunt of a joke at the hands of a comedian. No group of people should be exempt from comedy to begin with.
“Other people’s weight loss is triggering!”-  I cannot believe that I actually have to bring this up because I have seen it enough times to take issue with it. If you are legitimately so weak-minded that the sight of someone having lost weight causes you to have a mental breakdown then I recommend you lock all your doors, close your blinds, smash your phone, and permanently unplug your computer. Because if another person’s weight loss is THAT unbearable to you then I shudder to think what would happen to your fragile brain if you actually witnessed something truly disturbing.
“Fat people are less likely to get promoted at work!”- Yeah, and you know who else is less likely to be promoted? Short people, people with bad teeth, people with lots of acne. Humans are prejudicial pieces of garbage and sadly, stereotypically attractive people are more likely to get promoted. It’s an unfortunate truth, but certainly not one that is exclusively experienced by fat people. If you’re so concerned with this issue, you have to include EVERYONE who possesses a physical trait that isn’t viewed as conventionally attractive.
To close out, instead of trying to complete the impossible task of changing inherent human biases, toughen up and learn to tell the assholes that criticize you for your weight to fuck off and be done with it. Pushing the idea that thin people are oppressors simply because they’re thin isn’t helping anything. You’re never going to get rid of all the assholes on the planet so you may as well learn to ignore them. 
TL;DR Don’t send me death threats unless you actually read the full post.
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Why Islam Isn’t the Religion of Peace.
As a liberal-minded individual, I genuinely believe that Islam’s teachings are intolerant, hateful, and violent. Religion of peace? Give me a break. Almost no organized religions can make this claim with any sort of sincerity.
Let’s be VERY clear on this, I am NOT attacking Muslim people. I know that the majority of Muslims are not violent zealots, blindly following their religion. I understand that the majority of Muslims are, in fact, good people. This is a criticism of the teachings of the Muslim faith based on my own personally held morality as a secular individual.
Like it or not, the Quran and the Hadith are host to a staggering amount of horrific teachings. This seems to be the main point a lot of secular Islamic apologists ignore on the grounds of being fearful that they will be labeled “Islamophobic”. Nevertheless, these books promote misogyny, homophobia, physical mutilation for criminal infractions, subjugation of other religions, killing of unbelievers, and much more.
In regards to inheritance, the Quran clearly states that men are to have twice the inheritance of that of a woman.
"The male shall have the equal of the portion of two females"
(Quran 4:11)
Building on top of that sexism, let’s look at a verse that states women are effectively the property of men.
"Your wives are as a tilth unto you; so approach your tilth when or how ye will..."
(Quran 2:223)
The word “tilth” literally means “cultivation of land” in other words, piece of property. This verse tells men to treat their wives in the same way they treat their land. Let’s move on from sexism, to violence.
“Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and his Messenger have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgement of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.”
(Quran 9:29)
Well that certainly seems peaceful. Beat others into submission until they either convert to your religion or pay you reparations for not converting. If for whatever reason, that verse doesn’t prove to you that Islam teaches violence, then have a look at the ones below.
“Kill disbelievers wherever you find them. If they attack you, then kill them. Such is the reward of disbelievers.”
(Quran 2:191)
Those who disbelieve will be forced to drink boiling water, and will face a painful doom.
(Quran 6:70)
Those who consider the Quran to be "mere fables" will be branded on the nose.
(Quran 68:15-16)
“Killing Unbelievers is a small matter to us.”
(Tabari 9:69)
“I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”
(Quran 8:12)
Do I even need to go over why the above verses are absolutely appalling? Let’s move forward to criminal punishments under the guidance of Islam.
“As for the thief, both male and female, cut off their hands. It is the reward of their own deeds, an exemplary punishment from Allah. Allah is mighty, wise.”
(Quran 5:38)
Well, gee, Allah seems like a real fair fellow. Chop off the hands of people who steal. Sorry, but I think that’s a little barbaric for something as petty as theft. While we’re going over barbarianism for minor infractions, let’s look at another “crime” punishable by death in Islam.
“The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, ‘Whoever you find doing the action of the people of Loot, execute the one who does it and the one to whom it is done.’”
Abu Dawud (4462)
For those of you who aren’t overly familiar with bronze-age fairy tales, “doing the action of the people of Loot” is referring to homosexual acts. This verse very blatantly states that homosexuality is to be punished by death. Lovely, isn’t it? Execute people for being gay.
I could go on forever as to why Islam preaches intolerance, hatred and violence, but this post is already so long I’m sure most people won’t even read it. However, if you’re going to reply to it, send me a message, a death threat, call me racist, or intolerant, please, I implore you, read the post FIRST. 
Again, this is a criticism of the Islamic faith and the teachings found within the Quran and Hadith, and NOT an attack on Muslims as people. 
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