ozeneren · 3 months
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I had a fantastic birthday party last week and received this lovely gift from some very special people in my life.
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ozeneren · 3 months
Thank you dearest @srbachchan for remembering me on my birthday again! ❤️❤️❤️
DAY 5973
Jalsa, Mumbai June 25/26, 2024 Tue/Wed 2:07 AM
Birthday - EF - Anamika Gupta .. 🙏🌹
Ef Özen Eren Wednesday, 26 June .. and all ur prayers and wishes for this special day for the Ef ..
the Agenda .. an act of predetermined thought and conveyance .. what shall bring attention recognition be the intent .. any express that can remotely be given the spin, and mastered is the guile and expertise of such ..
it is lamentable , ignominious to witness the impotency of content .. to somehow in any which manner , to be able to draw attention in storied form, just so it can be put up and seen or read , in favourable condition to them that devise it ..
devise .. for the right is not needed to be devised ..
pity ..
never ever underestimate the generation that follows , or is about to follow .. they are aware and alive to every situation and knowledged to hold their own in debate or discussion ..
we are enriched by the circumstance that often fall upon us .. and then we find a way .. even when there be none ..
"In today's digital age, the ubiquitous nature of content has paradoxically led to a dilution of its potency. With the democratization of content creation, anyone with an internet connection can produce and distribute information, leading to an oversaturation of the digital landscape. This phenomenon has profound implications, rendering content less impactful and more ephemeral.
First, the sheer volume of content available online has created a paradox of choice. Every minute, hundreds of hours of video are uploaded to platforms like YouTube, thousands of blog posts are published, and millions of social media updates are posted. This relentless flow of information makes it difficult for any single piece of content to stand out. The audience, overwhelmed by options, often resorts to skimming or entirely ignoring vast amounts of content, diminishing its overall impact.
Moreover, the quality of content has become highly variable. While the ease of content creation has empowered many voices, it has also led to an influx of low-quality, poorly researched, and sometimes misleading or false information. This glut of mediocre content competes with high-quality, well-researched pieces, making it challenging for audiences to discern value and trustworthiness. As a result, even content of genuine worth can struggle to achieve the recognition and engagement it deserves.
Another critical factor contributing to the impotency of content is the algorithm-driven nature of content distribution. Social media platforms and search engines prioritize content based on engagement metrics such as likes, shares, and comments rather than the inherent quality or informational value. This prioritization often leads to the virality of sensational, clickbait content at the expense of substantive, insightful work. Consequently, the attention economy favors superficial engagement over deep, meaningful interactions with content.
Additionally, the fast-paced consumption habits of modern audiences further erode the potency of content. The average attention span has dwindled in the face of constant digital distractions. People increasingly consume content in bite-sized formats, such as tweets or short videos, which limits their exposure to in-depth analysis or comprehensive narratives. This shift towards brevity undermines the ability of content to foster nuanced understanding or sustained engagement.
The commercialization of content also plays a significant role in its diminishing impact. Content marketing has become a dominant strategy for businesses, leading to a proliferation of branded content. While this can provide value, it also contributes to the noise and can sometimes prioritize promotional messages over genuine, informative content. The blending of editorial and advertising content can lead to skepticism and diminished trust among audiences, further reducing the impact of the content they encounter.
Lastly, the fleeting nature of digital content means that it often has a very short lifespan. Unlike traditional media, which could have a lasting presence, digital content is quickly buried under the avalanche of new information. This ephemeral existence means that even impactful content can be forgotten rapidly as attention shifts to the next trending topic.
In conclusion, the impotency of content in today's times is a multifaceted issue stemming from the overwhelming volume of information, variable quality, algorithm-driven distribution, changing consumption habits, commercialization, and the ephemeral nature of digital content. To reclaim the potency of content, creators and platforms must prioritize quality, foster trust, and find ways to engage audiences meaningfully and sustainably amidst the cacophony of the digital age."
Love and more ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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ozeneren · 4 months
June 9, 2024 Sunday- Sudden Rain
Soaking wet chickens!
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Rainy day cake:
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ozeneren · 4 months
May 27, 2024 Monday - Memorial Day Trip To Colorado
We had a wonderful trip to Colorado Springs area for the Memorial Day weekend. Now, driving back to Texas. Here are some pictures from the trip:
Manitou Springs
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The Airplane Restaurant, Colorado Springs.
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Inside the Airplane Restaurant
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ozeneren · 5 months
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ozeneren · 5 months
April 16, 2024 Tuesday - Wonder of wonders!
There was a horse in the sky this morning.
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ozeneren · 7 months
March 6, 2024 Wednesday - Anniversary of My Blog
Today is the 11th anniversary of my blog.
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ozeneren · 1 year
June 24, 2023 Saturday - 106°F
Today is a very hot day. I've been cleaning and cooking all day.
We're about to leave for Wolfforth, Texas for a restaurant I've been wanting to try for some time. Its name is Chez Sami. I heard they have fantastic food. French cuisine.
As I was getting ready, this little cutie in the living room cabinet caught my eye.
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It's a gift from Zagreb from my sister!
Hope you have a nice day!
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ozeneren · 1 year
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ozeneren · 1 year
May 31, 2023 Wednesday - Surprise gift of tea
A surprise gift of tea made my day at work! Thank you!! I took this picture in the morning.
See my new cactus in my Mexican talavera flower pot.
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ozeneren · 1 year
May 1, 2023 - Coffee after work
Privately celebrated May Day after work.
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ozeneren · 2 years
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It's my 10 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
March 6, 2013 - March 8, 2023
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ozeneren · 2 years
Thank you, dearest Amitabh Bachchan for remembering me on my birthday! 🌹@srbachchan
DAY 5248
Hyds, Koh                   June 25,  2022                  Sat  11:17 PM
the Ef family loves and wishes all .. the gratitude and the wellness for safety and well being .. 🌷🌷
💜 , June 26 .. birthday wishes to Ef Anamika Gupta , and Ef Özen Eren .. 🌸🌸 And to Ef Rajesh Kejriwal from Kolkata .. celebrating his 33rd Wedding Anniversary on the 26th .. the love of happiness and togetherness .. 💐💕💍
A most enlightening evening, spent in the company of the stalwarts of the Film World in this part of the Country .. Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam ..there ideas and views and knowledge .. their interests in cinema and where it is going .. the love and appreciation of their choices .. 
and they are ot just any one .. they are huge .. giants in their own right .. and creative ability .. the starts superstars and beyond and what they think and hold dear .. 
aah .. wish I could spend more time with them  ..
but tomorrow is early again .. and more after the work for more work in another direction .. one that is to follow the work that could end in a day or two .. 
good night dearest ones .. 
and my love for the love you give ..
the Ef meet was just so emotional .. you give me more than what I deserve ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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ozeneren · 3 years
DAY 5103
Jalsa, Mumbai                  Feb 6,  2022                Sun 11:24 AM
She has left us ..
The voice of a million centuries has left us .. her voice resounds now in the Heavens  !
Prayers for calm and peace .. 🙏
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Amitabh Bachchan
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ozeneren · 3 years
Rose cookies
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ozeneren · 3 years
December 28, 2021 Tuesday - Winter Reading
Winter Break 2021-2022 is a sad time for me. I have lost a dear friend and mentor.
Reading an old childhood favorite about friendship, The Paul Street Boys (by Ferenc Molnár), helps a little.
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ozeneren · 3 years
October 2, 2021 Saturday - South Plains Fair
Lubbock's annual South Plains Fair is here! Having fun on a Saturday afternoon!!
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