p1xx13-pixxie · 3 months
What to do if you find yourself homless- written by someone who has actually been homeless
Most important: Spend the money you have on a motel. Churches probably will not actually help and shelters can be dangerous or turn you away. At a motel you have free breakfast, access to running water, and a lockable place to sleep. Do not waste money on a gym membership like the popular version of this post says to do, YMCA memberships are like $40.
2. Contact family and friends. Now is not the time to worry about being a burden. Your survival and safety comes first and that is all that matters, anyone worth having in your life will agree.
3. Start a gofundme. Even if someone can’t offer you a place to stay, they might be willing to toss out $5 so you can eat today.
4. Libraries have free wifi. Apply to any and all jobs you can think of if you aren’t already working.
5. Any home is a good home. Even if it’s a dingy apartment in a bad neighborhood. If its cheap and you can afford it, snatch it up. 
6. Pancake mix and peanut butter are filling, cheap, and last a long time.
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p1xx13-pixxie · 10 months
“… are you a dumbass?”
(what happened before "how the stars align . . ⭐🌠" ?)
Okay, so maybe you accidentally took his smooth words and his sweet voice the wrong way, mistaking it for flirting. So what? it won't cause any trouble..
okay, no. God, how fucking wrong you was.
Strolling around Inazuma city is a daily thing for you. What's better than wasting your time when you have other things you probably should be doing? The thrill of it is simply amazing.
Well, this time-- your dangerously idiotic friends wanted to come along. The tall, ginger headed guy who can't stop yapping his mouth off to the blondie beside you, with her little companion who is... unfortunately just as annoying as the ginger. Cute though.
Along with the four of you was a-- as strong and muscular as he seemed, another idiot (worse than the ginger.) named Itto.
How did you get the guy with the brain the size of an atom and cause ruckus around the city to become your friend? No fucking clue. Along with him came a girl who puts him in his place, Shinobu.
And one last boy with you, Thoma. Who helps clean around whenever he comes over. Out of all of them... He's the most helpful.
So what were you guys doing out? You had decided to be nice and buy all of you a plane ride to Liyue. You and the Blondie, Lumine, was diehard Yun Jin fans, so originally it was for you two, but Childe found out and quickly told everyone else. Shinobu and Thoma didn't wanna go, but Itto pleaded.
So why when you and them get on the plane, Childe and Lumine are yapping their asses off.
"Cut that shit out." You attempted to hiss at them, but they wouldn't fucking listen. so, grabbing them by the back of their necks and shaking them senselessly. "Be quiet."
"Yes ma'am." Childe murmured, while Lumine nodded her head.
.... .... "Quite the ride.. yeah?" Itto murmured. Shinobu hushed him up.
So here you are! Liyue.
And the moment you get there these fucking idiots are blabbering again.
"I wanna go eat." Childe mumbled. "Of course you do, Fat ass." "K. Y. S."
"Didn't you get pimp slapped by a bitch with a bowl cut?" "And didn't you get bodied by me?"
Ouh. Damn. " is there a single moment in your life where you have stopped talking?"
"Ummm..... i dont think so." "That was a rhetorical question."
"Oh." You tried to block them out, but the only thing you got out of that was bumping into someone. You WAS keeping your head down and pressing your hands against your ears all dramatically.
"..Sorry about that." A voice said, to which you opened your eyes to a boy who looked like.. that one actor--?? "You don't look from here. Inazuma?" To which you nodded, suspiciously. "Well, would you like me to help you around, ma'am?" He hummed, his scarlet eyes visibily softened. .. ' what the fuck is happening.'
"Ummm.... n-no thank you. I have a map." You said. '
. . .
. . .
Even Lumine had to look at you like a dumbass.
.. ' -- no, no- he's just.. flirting. yeah! you're doing the right thing.' you thought. You could head childe murmur something about "..whos the pretty boy?"
The boy sweetly smiled in acknowledgment and waved you off, to which Lumine walked up to you and put a hand on your shoulder. "...Y/N, dear.." "are you a dumbass?"
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p1xx13-pixxie · 1 year
I’ll be back I promise (I have no fuxking idea)
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p1xx13-pixxie · 1 year
I’m out here writing 17 chapter books on character.ai but I don’t got the energy to write a fanfic
shit not fair
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p1xx13-pixxie · 1 year
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greetings!! im pixxie, you can call me vix! i go by she/them what i write . . nsfw reader x character fluff (more will be added to this list) what I do NOT write. .
yandere angst character x character (unless in a reader x character ofc) no pedo shit. and etc.
(more or less will be changed to this list) __________________ masterlist
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p1xx13-pixxie · 1 year
masterlist !! (coming soon)
genshin xiao fucking you into... (nsfw)
kazuha actor au (how the stars align)
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p1xx13-pixxie · 1 year
how the stars align. . .
(kazuha actor au)
( mm, be aware- this is simply the masterlist for ahead of time, there is no estimated time of the stories coming out.)
"are you a dumbass?"
what a flirt.
an idol in liyue
restaurant day ______________ chapter 2...
( coming soon)
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p1xx13-pixxie · 1 year
xiao fucking you into oblivion after he gets teleported into your world
i was listening to avril lavigne only because i wanted to hear the "come come kitty kitty" part and i walked upstairs as it was pitch black in most of the rooms and i just got a lewd idea literally :skull: mentions of kidnapping (no you aren't kidnapped :skull:) degrading and butterfly position _________________________________ it was what? 2:34am? you were on your computer, looking at xiao fanfics, you had nothing better to do- and your life was really.. really boring, and it was so boring you couldn't help but read. the fantasy of xiao loving you was so overpowering, and you couldn't help but look at fine ass fanart. you stretched your body out lazily- realizing your eyes was beginning to burn, and that alerted you to get up and get drinks from the kitchen, ranging from a powerade to cokes, sadly your uncle, ma, grandma, nor dad bought energy drinks, so you was just.. surviving. your family went out on a vacation, and since you had bad experiences from where they wanted to go, you denied their questions of you wanting to go. so you was home alone. on the other hand.. xiao didn't know what to do, as far as he could tell right now, he was in a house that was larger than the average one hes seen, having more rooms than the standard room in wangshuu inn, - and using his common sense- he wasn't in a hotel, and he knows for a fact that he didn't teleport here on purpose. every now and then, he would hear feet moving, and he would look up at you in the dark room he was in, and you would walk pass him everytime, but he realized he felt odd, he didn't feel the karmic debt, he felt really relieved, ( little did he know it was because he was in a different world, where those gods' energy couldn't come) he also felt a bit more humanly, he felt weaker- but atleast he felt relief. but feeling humanly comes at a prince. archons, when he saw you walk pass the few times, you would put your hand in your shirt and just.. itch? but the thing is- it would pop out while you did so, so he kept catching glimpses of your tit. and then you would yawn that was so similiar to the noises he would overhear when on the balcony of the inn, to which verr goldet responded "really? an adeptus- this old.. doesn't know what the noises were? well, they were having-..." his memory doesn't want to say such an embarassing word. the 3rd time he saw you accidently pop your tit, and yawn afterward- you stared in the room - he was .. caught off gaurd, progressively feeling uneasy- he felt like you was staring directly intp his soul, narrowing your eyes, really- you was just messing around in your head thinking "el em ef ay oh, what if there was a random person just staring at me" you swiftly turned on your heel and just walked back where your computer was.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
you felt yourself getting sleepy again, for fucks sake. you just didn't know it was gonna be a different outcome this time. you checked the fridge. fuck, you was out of drinks, your house was actually fairly medium sized, but you loved to eat so you had two fridges, but since you didn't use it much- you forgot where it was... so you began checking your house, minus the rooms you knew for sure it wasn't in.
you had verbally explained your plan, so xiao knew what you was doing, and god he was not ready to be caught. something about your presence made him nervous, afterall.. he's been feeling some heat down there for a while now... he came up with a plan, he would quickly move to a room you already searched, as you refused to turn on the lights- claiming it would hurt your eyes too much. so he planned to take advantage of you wanting to not hurt your pretty little eyes from flashing light and this plan worked for a while, but he ran out of rooms to hide in- because she knew she would keep going in a loop due to her forgetfulness. so when she almost turned on the last light, he quickly snatched her up capturing her arms with one arm around her upper waist and one hand on her mouth, but- after you processed the situation, you quickly squirmed, and your ass happened to be squirming the most, which was on his heat, which wasn't good- "fuck, shut up and stop moving." oh, oh you could recognize that voice from a mile away, but you thought your "kidnapper" just sounded like him out of irony, and you squirmed even more, but you realized it wasn't working, and you ended up just slobbing on his hand, making him feel the wetness of his glove, disgusted, he moved his hand, freeing her head- which meant freeing her upper body from being immobile. but you was suprised at how quickly he let your upper body go, causing you to bend over on his arm, that was still holding on you. xiao went quiet, you could feel a predatory stare on your back, looking back the best you could, he.. really looked like xiao. ___________________________________________ " hah, ha... fuck.. ha...." all you could hear was you getting pounded into, your whimpers , and xiaos grunts, along with your dog-like whimpers,
"i.. can barely.. think.. with you... poundin'... into me like this...ha... mph..."
you tried speaking the best you could, clenching as you felt yourself about to come.
"ha.. stop clench..ha.. clenching,, slut.." he hissed, he doesn't even remember what came over him, but when he saw you all bent over, and your loose shirt hanging off, revealing you having no bra on, he couldn't resist when you looked at him. xiao still made sure he had consent and thank the archons you said yes, unaware of how down bad you was for him anyway. god, the way your hair bounced forward and back as he bent you over on a table in the room, and the way your chest bounced as he had you in butterfly position,
" please.. go.. hah! . . . faster.. 'iao.. m' need more.. '"
you cried. the tears building up in the corners of your eyes as you clenched your teeth. whimpering like the pathetic bitch you were. oh, you was so pretty, you felt heavenly, he hasn't had his way with someone in a long time, he doesn't even remember when he did at that. he was tempted to find a way to bring you back to liyue, so he could bend you over again and pound you in greater speeds with more adeptus powers, so he could hear your whimpers and pleas even louder. he wouldn't tell you while he was in you, but in his mind he would praise you like "so pretty.. pretty.. dont want her to go.. gotta find a way to take her with me.. '' and so he did, giving less than a fuck about your family, he wanted to mate for life. ___
hello! this is my first time writing ACTUAL smut so please tell me what i can do better
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