What is Neera Drink?
Pathaneer is a powerful and nutritious summer drink, pathaneer (palm neera) is a fermentable sweet drink extracted from palm trees. India has a natural wealth of palm trees, but seldom we do realise the benefits that are available very close to us. A natural alternative to aerated drinks
Neera Drink Benefits
·         Because of its fragility, palm neera must be stored in the refrigerator to prevent fermentation.
·         It has a low glycemic index, particularly for people with diabetes and fitness enthusiasts.
·         The alcohol content rises as a result of spontaneous fermentation at ambient temperature.
·         Fermentation causes a product to become sour and bitter.
·         Due to the constant risk of natural fermentation, we advise always keeping the product in the fridge.
·         Neera is a healthy energy drink full of essential nutrients.
·         Our products are coming to you within a few hours after being extracted from the palm tree.
·         Because of its short storage life, the product is difficult to retrieve and transport.
Let’s learn more about the Benefits of Pathaneer(Palm Neera)
Neera Health Benefits
Pathaneer As a summer drink
Prevents dehydration and thirst and is rich in vitamins and minerals like sodium, potassium, magnesium, and selenium, preventing dehydration. Rich in Vitamin C, A, Riboflavin, vitamin B2 and ph. neutral drink.
For liver health
Cleanses liver and maintains a healthy liver.
Is Neera good for diabetes?
Low GI product, highly recommended for diabetes patient
Pathaneer For heart health
Beneficial for cardiovascular health, obesity, pancreas, prostate, breast and colon health.
Pathaneer For Kidneys
Prevents urinary tract infections, prevents the formation of kidney stones and acts as a diuretic.
            Rich in glutamic acid
·         Rich in minerals like sodium, potassium, calcium and Magnesium.
·         Powerful body coolant.
Pathaneer For Obesity and Weight loss
Palm Neera (Pathaneer) contains Vitamin B6 also known as Pyridoxine, it controls, sugar, fats, and proteins in the body. It is required for brain development, nerves, the nervous system and skin health. Beneficial for Alzheimer’s disease.
·         Used for extracting palm sugar which is low in GI.
·         Helps in weight loss.
Benefits for Women
It’s highly beneficial for women during menstruation, and morning sickness, prevents menstrual cramps, and depression symptoms, Prevents Anaemia and enriches iron content in the blood.
·         Can be consumed during pregnancy for nausea and related symptoms,
·         Rich in vitamin C up to 43% of dietary requirement.
·         Prevents cancer, acne, migraine headaches, muscle cramps, eye fatigue, cataracts, and healthy and glowing skin.
·     Memory loss, high blood pressure 
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