paci-transformers · 4 days
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paci-transformers · 6 days
MTMTE vol 42 ending summarized in 7 seconds
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paci-transformers · 10 days
You know...
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...maybe lying to each other about how it felt to take the Matrix was a bad idea.
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paci-transformers · 14 days
Why is it so hard to find content of IDW Prowl where he's not reduced to "the asshole character used for comedic/tragic plot instigator purposes"?
Is he kind of a pathetic wet cat war crimes man? Yeah. Is that *all* he is? No.
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paci-transformers · 16 days
Why is it whenever people draw the human "girls" (and I'm using that term loosely because certain chaos gremlins are a grey area in gender) in various main Transformers continuities (usually TFP, IDW, TFA, and TFE), they almost always use IDW Whirl in his holoform instead of Verity Carlo?
I mean. She has more than enough panel time to be a well known character, right?
Nothing against people that prefer Whirl, but it just feels kinda weird to me. The rest are human, or at least partially human in some characters' cases, so it doesn't make much sense to me that a lot of people ignore Verity exists. I mean, she's literally a Wrecker, just like Miko is. Do people just not like Verity in specific...?
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paci-transformers · 20 days
Do you think, just maybe, Rodimus is always running away from settling down because he's afraid to make a home for himself that might just get torn away from him in the end...?
Nyon was his home, and he lost that. He had to destroy it, and couldn't do anything about it if he wanted everyone else to survive.
During the war, he would've never stayed in one place for too long. Never long enough to settle down, at least, not in between battles and wartime assignments. Never long enough to call anywhere "home", especially after Cybertron itself was taken from him by a war he originally wanted no part in.
After the war ended, and the planet was reformatted, he left Cybertron saying that the neutrals didn't want them there. He couldn't call Cybertron "home", either, even when Prowl tried to tell him that it was, and Rodimus started his quest on the Lost Light.
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But, during his time on the Lost Light, he settled down. He let it become a home to him, just as all his friends did.
And then Getaway took that home away. Rodimus dared, even for just a single moment, to let down his guard and see the Lost Light as his home. He'd finally found a place he felt safe and happy again, only for it to be ripped away from him just like Nyon was. Like Cybertron was. And Rodimus was angry.
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More than anything, he kept fighting to find and catch up to Getaway, just to get the Lost Light-- his home, his crew's home-- back. That rage, and that longing for where he felt happiness, drove his actions to the point he was willing to petition "gods" to resurrect himself and his crew from the Afterspark. Just like Rodimus says himself...
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And, when the quest inevitably ends, and there are two versions of the Lost Light, we see that the Rodimus on the "high jinks and high peril" Lost Light is truly happy. He's excited, because he finally kept his home, and his friends.
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But the Rodimus that lost the Lost Light, and had all of his friends scattered, doesn't handle things very well after.
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Maybe the reason that Rodimus is always running isn't that he's throwing a tantrum, like Bumblebee suggests he does in The Death of Optimus Prime...
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...but, in reality, Rodimus doesn't want to settle down, only to lose everything all over again.
After all, he wasn't that old when he lost the first home he ever knew. Why would he want to put himself through the pain of losing his home all over again?
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paci-transformers · 22 days
You ever just think about how it's kind of a big plot hole that Primax 1114.26 Gamma (the Functionist universe) managed to remain mostly on track timeline-wise until the Functionist Council killed the Senate?
I mean. Think about it.
We learn in MTMTE's Elegant Chaos arc that Brainstorm's timecases are necessary to cause the war. We learn, mainly during the related issues leading up to the Dark Cybertron arc, that Shockwave needed the war to have the resources and means to produce the finalized Regenesis project. We later learn that, without the Regenesis project, Shockwave doesn't go back in time and cause the rise of the thirteen Primes. That already throws off history, as the first Cybertronian civil war is needed to give way to Nova Prime's reign and reunification of Cybertron.
But, in the Functionist universe, there isn't a war. There aren't any MTOs, so there's no Brainstorm. Without Brainstorm, there's no time cases, and nothing to cause the war to break out. Without the war, Shockwave doesn't finish the Regenesis project, and therefore doesn't get sent back in time to assume the identity of Onyx Prime, create the necessary bootstrap paradox, and cause the rise of the thirteen Primes.
With these aspects missing from the timeline altogether, how exactly did the Functionist universe stay on track with Primax 1005.19 Gamma (the main IDW1 universe)? It feels like a rather large oversight, when you think into it more thoroughly.
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paci-transformers · 29 days
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paci-transformers · 1 month
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I still have no clue how to use Daz3D properly, but an attempt was made
Transparent version under the cut
! Do not re-upload !
(bow edited from one of the Zelda games, Rodimus model by dancing-robots on DeviantArt)
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paci-transformers · 1 month
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I was originally going to use the render as a reference for a drawn version, and I might do so later anyways, but it's going here for now.
Maybe someone with more patience than me will get some inspiration from it or something. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(Rodimus model by dancing-robots on DeviantArt, the bow is just the Bow of Light I converted a while ago from one of the Zelda games and edited to fit because it's what I had on hand at the time)
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paci-transformers · 1 month
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It has almost reached Peak 113
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paci-transformers · 1 month
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paci-transformers · 1 month
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well. that could've gone better.
! do not re-upload !
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paci-transformers · 2 months
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-"Goodbye, bitch."
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paci-transformers · 2 months
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excuse me while I go internally scream. have a wip that I already regret starting.
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paci-transformers · 2 months
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have a whirly-bird
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paci-transformers · 2 months
have 30 seconds of Sims 4 holoform Whirl dancing.
(I... really don't know. I was bored.)
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