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hey guys!! sorry for being offline so long, i was hanging out with some friends and i haven't had time to get on. i'm at my mom's house now, and we don't have any internet here so i'm probably not gonna be active for a few more days. there's a slight chance that i'll go to my grandma's house later though, so i might be able to do some starters/replies tonight. thank you all for your patience! i'll try to get this blog up and running soon.
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characters that go through hell yet still believe in the goodness of humanity, still hope for the best despite everything, refuse to let darkness consume them because someone somewhere is always going to be good are literally my favourite, because they give me that little hope too
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“ozai loved ursa!!!!1!” lmao... go read the search and try to tell me that again :^)
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       he can’t help but raise an eyebrow. he gets hit in the face        with a marble && now suddenly some kid is trying to make        friends with him ; the kid who hit him with said marble. some        first impression he made.
          ❛   ah, it’s nico.   ❜
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        ❛ nice to meet you, nico! ❜
         he holds out a tattooed hand for nico to shake, flashing          a bright grin. it’s then that he notices the guy’s strange attire,          and his smile gives way to a perplexed frown. despite his          confusion, he decides to save the question for later. there          are more important things to deal with right now, anyways.
            ❛ oh, did you see where my marble went                 after it... uh, hit you in the face? ❜
                  cue nervous laughter. nice going, aang.
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       so it’s one of THOSE days.
       can a demigod walk through a door without getting hit in the face        with something ? apparently not. after getting hit with … whatever         that was – he glances at the boy with clear annoyance.
       ❛   can you watch where you throw your toys, or – whatever that was ?   ❜
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     ❛ heh, i’ll be more careful next time. sorry! ❜
     aang can’t help but think that this boy looks like      a miniature zuko, from the shaggy black hair to      his snappy demeanor. of course, he doesn’t voice      these thoughts; that would be rude, and the other      boy doesn’t look like he’s in the mood for joking      around.
          ❛ my name’s aang, by the way. what’s yours? ❜
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deathsummoning​ liked for a starter!
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           ❛ whoa, look out! ❜
      the last thing aang expected was to botch an airbending       trick as simple as the marble spin, yet here he was. the       tiny traitor went flying out of his hands, bouncing against       (and denting) every hard surface in the room. the (unin-       tended) projectile came to a sudden halt as it hit a parti-       cularly grumpy -- and slightly INTIMIDATING -- looking       boy standing in the doorway with a final thump. 
                      ❛ oops-- uh, sorry about that!❜
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mutuals ❤ this post for a short starter!!
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                                it’s easy to do nothing,                                 but it’s hard to forgive.
                                                                                           art credit:  x
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