pagdatochristian17 · 4 years
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As we grow older and older our career change from time to time to, but when the time came that you will only choose one career pick the one that fit to you and you wanted to be. The career that we imagine is inspired by other people when we saw them and your family advices. Career is always start with without plan you cannot start or go directly as easy that you think so you should make or think a plan first before you pursue it so that someday you will be successful.
We have a lot of careers to choose but only one you should pursue and its up to you if you want to be successful, make your dreams come true and goals in life into reality. You can also find a career through your personality that suits to you, also your skills and talents. When I will enter college I have always dreamed to become neurosurgeon I know that it is not easy but I will do my best to make it happen, be successful and help people when they needed.
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pagdatochristian17 · 4 years
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In this lesson, we tackled about what is family. So to start let's defined family first. Family is known as the basic unit of the society and a primary agent of the socialization and this is also the starting of our life. The family is also our first teacher they teach us how to walk, to talk, to respect, to care and to be responsible child. They are are also the reason why we have a shelter, clothes and food, our family also influenced us by their advices and their way how they teach their child when it doing bad. But not only to our blood related but also to others like your friends, and your cousins that consider as your extended family.
Even though you are an orphan child or adoption child you can have family, even though your not blood related but loves you and care for you. We all know that their are a lot of single parent right now and it can affect it to the child but always give your best to give them a better family without any husband or boyfriend. Do your best bond with your families because not all the time you will bond each other and all you have and got has an ending. So starting now cherish all the memories with them forever because they made you cry, laugh and angry, Bring the all the memories for you all the time put it in your heart and soul for you to remember all the families that you have.
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pagdatochristian17 · 4 years
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As the time past by our Society/community is changing into new environment. That is created by the people who lives and new in that place. It will change the culture and others perspective. Every one in that society have their own roles and it's up to them how they can contribute in the community, to help in creating a Society/Community with no harm, having a good relationship to others within the environment.
Society and Community has a big role in our life because of this we can lived harmony. To sustain all this relationship there are leaders who guides and implement law for the people. The people who lived in that area will follow the laws and adapt their environment and fulfill your responsibilities to bw a good leader in the future to our Community/Society.
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pagdatochristian17 · 4 years
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As our self and mind grow and observed more in the environment, all that we can observe is will matter to us and it will stock in our mind that we don't understand. We will experience new environment and our relationship towards the people. This is important for us to be confident and strengthen our relationship in our family, friends and even to the person we want to married. Our relationship in adolescence is very important for us to build because this is the reason how others view yourself, based on your ability and capabilities towards your family and peers. It's also about love the way you know you will establish your relationship towards that person whom you loved.
This love they defined it with no certain meaning because all people have their own definition of love. The attraction that you feel towards that certain person has different meaning. Some meet each other through the use of social media. In this world we should be mindful because everything happens in your life is just temporary and has ending, right now love those people who build up relationships towards you. But it always up to us how we handle that situation, always cherish all the memories you've been together and keep it forever in your heart and soul.
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pagdatochristian17 · 4 years
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In this lesson, we discussed about all the components and emotions. Emotion is defined as a compound and usually used by others to determine the person feelings. Also how we can determine and differentiate all the kinds of emotions, and how it will work, what will happen to us if that emotion effects and what we will do to manage that. When we starting to grow all that emotions will be develop and we can easily aware if what happening to us. Also this will be happen too if we couldn't express directly that emotion.
Emotions is a part of our daily life without it we cannot easily express our true feelings and aware in our mental health. This has a three components such as: Physical change, cognitive evaluation and behavioral part. The emotions that we always experienced are sadness, anger and happiness, sometimes we cannot control it but this is the ways we can easily express because we will not grow as a good person and this can damage our mental health. But we should learn how to handle it so that we couldn't hurt others. In this way we will grow as a better person and live a good life. Control your emotions and learn how to manage it for your own good.
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pagdatochristian17 · 4 years
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Psychological well-being refers to inter- and intraindividual levels of positive functioning that can include one's relatedness with others and self- referent attitudes that include one's sense of mas- tery and personal growth. Subjective well being reflects dimensions of affect judgments of life satisfaction. It affects how we think, feel, and act as we cope with life. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood and aging.
Finding balance between positive and negative emotions. Staying positive doesn't mean that you never feel negative emotions, such as sadness or anger. You need to feel them so that you can move through difficult situations. They can help you to respond to a problem. But you don't want those emotions to take over.
If you are experiencing symptoms of any mental health condition, it is important to contact a medical professional who can help you. Eating right and exercising can help some people improve their mental health. However, others may need medication or counseling to see changes. By partnering with a medical expert, you will be better able to find out what’s right for you.
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pagdatochristian17 · 4 years
In lesson six, we discussed about the brain, parts of the brain, its function and its power that has an effects in human life. When your going to your adolescence stage, the brain has a big role on the process. The brain is considered as the most powerful part of the body. Anyway the human brain and its parts has their own functions like controlling, creating thoughs, responding and regulates, that's why brain is considered to be a powerhouse parts of the body because of it we can live with emotions and can think in this world.
The brain is the processor why humans grow and change on how to adapt the situation happening in the environment. Also we discuss about some of the parts of the brain and its function like the forebrain that considered as the biggest part of the brain that mostly consist of another part called cerebrum and its function to controls speech, reasoning, learning, emotional control and memory. The power of each part of the brain have a big impact in human life like if one of the part is malfunctioning their will be changed in a certain person. And lastly I learn a lot about the brain and its part because it is a good lesson for us to know that brain is the most powerful in all parts of the body.
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pagdatochristian17 · 4 years
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Stressful life experiences, including major events and common hassles, threaten the well-being of adolescents. stress Starting at puberty, girls report more stressors in their lives than boys do. These stressors include concerns about physical appearance and body dissatisfaction, interpersonal relationships, school problems, and higher rates of sexual abuse and harassment.
Adolescence is a time when youth face a variety of new potentially stressful experiences, but also have strong desires to deal with life events independently. The very events they seek, such as romantic relationships, friendships, and academic challenges, bring new sources of stress. Adolescents increasingly turn to peers for support, but peers are also just developing the skills to provide good advice and help. Youth benefit from adult guidance, but it can be a challenge for adults to adapt their support to adolescent needs for autonomy and self-reliance. At the same time that cognitive strategies for coping are improving, puberty brings biological and neurological changes that can boost reactivity to stress and also interfere with rational problem solving.
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pagdatochristian17 · 4 years
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Learning through success and failure is part of the challenge of the learning process for the adolescent. they can become self conscious; thinking they are being watched by others, and at other times want to behave as if they were on a centre stage and perform for a non existent audience.
Your values are what you believe in, what you think is right or wrong, and what is most important to you. Decisions that you’ll make will be based on your values. Have a plan of what you want and how to go about getting it. Never wait till you get to the bridge before looking for ways to cross it decide ahead what you want achieved by the time make decisions, get facts about each choice and think properly about them.
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pagdatochristian17 · 4 years
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Adolescence is a time of great change for young people. It is a time when physical changes are happening at an accelerated rate. But adolescence is not just marked by physical changes young people are also experiencing cognitive, social/emotional and interpersonal changes as well. As they grow and develop, young people are influenced by outside factors such as: parents, peers, community, culture, religion, school, world events and the media. Adolescence is the period of transition between childhood and adulthood. It includes some big changes to the body, and to the way a young person relates to the world.
Many middle adolescents have more arguments with their parents as they struggle for more independence. They may spend less time with family and more time with friends. They are very concerned about their appearance, and peer pressure may peak at this age. Teens entering early adulthood have a stronger sense of their own individuality now and can identify their own values.
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pagdatochristian17 · 4 years
- Being Mindful With The Self
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Be mindful to your self so that you can aware what changes you develop and to know the things you want to discover to your self. Through mindful living practices, we can find more happiness, joy, and meaning in our lives. That said, “being mindful is not as easy as it sounds”. It is a habit that you have to develop. The mindful self is conceptualized as a mindfulness enlightened self view.
I suggest that the mindful self may also be an applicable concept with which to describe and predict the higher level of self-development of those who grow up there personality. We can manage or control ourself if we take time to are self to choice are needs and wants in life. The positivity of being mindful to your self you can feel the changes like self experiencing and easy to understand your self.
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pagdatochristian17 · 4 years
-Getting To Know One’s Self
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Why is knowing yourself so important? We always ask are self who we are in the future, what we become or what personal development improve to us? Knowing and understanding your self would help you to make much better decisions it will improve your decision making habits and teaching appropriate goals and altogether living more productivity and progressive and life. Getting to know your self is to know what you are and what you are not like. Many people feel great urgency these days around personal growth. They want to become better human beings and what to change something in their life that can make there comfortable and gloomy.
Self-awareness is the first step to self improvement. Self-awareness is knowing what makes you tick. It's understanding your own needs and desires, knowing what your strengths and weaknesses are, and being able to accurately assess your emotions. People who are self-aware know who they are at their core. We tend to reach our goals in life to be successful by progressing our self.
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pagdatochristian17 · 4 years
"The New Media Create Positive And Negative Change In Today’s Era."
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Source: https://wpmu.mah.se/nmict162group5/tag/new-media/
We all know that New Media is always reachable in just one click anytime and anywhere. New media is allow us to easily communicate to our families and friends who live far away, this considered to us information tool and communication tool. Print and Broadcast media is changed by New media that would result to faster processing of information but it can make you lazy and decrease social interaction to others. Despite of being this easily theirs a lot of negativity will occur like false information, emotional reactions and sometimes it can leads us to depression because your privacy will be invade and give you false comments that can low down your mental health. This means far away families, easier and faster to connect with them. New media also big help to us, especially to our studies the information you want is just one click and you see it but always remember to think and understand before you choose an article. Also this can educate us on various situations using technologies introduced by New Media to make our lives easier.
Source: https://shadownetmc.com/5-negative-and-5-positive-effects-of-social-media-on-youth/
Therefore, transactions can be done using New media and so face to face interaction much be made very impossible. People will be glad to use this platform because they have seen that it much easier and can save their time at all cost. In five years people will more active in New media and leads to least social interaction to people. If they addicted in this media they will become a robot if they don’t control it like what I’ve seen in the documentary the title is Social dilemma about how people engaged to technologies and control their mind of his/her and became a robots. New media create big change to our lives like how we received information, share our emotions and our communication that can leads to forgot other types of media that give too a great impact and to our daily lives. Even though New media create big changes that make our work easier and faster but the inverse is give you a lot of negativity that can suffer a lot of people in every aspects, therefore we should be mindful and always choose what is the best for your life and others that can lead you to become a better person in this era.
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pagdatochristian17 · 4 years
“Understanding the Relevance of Information Literacy in the Midst of Social Era”
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We know that were leaving in place full of information and in the social era of media. We are now abundance of information that is fake or fact that the news we have seen and read in the media because people is accepting the new invention that cause big impact in the society. Information literacy is use to know the certain information if is relevant to your studies by evaluating. Information literacy is very needed to humanity by the fact that without information literacy they cannot easily track down and critically evaluate if the information if good or bad. Nowadays with just one touch you can post and share any kinds of information that can produce news in social world. But first we should think because it might damage our mental health and your social media account, in this generation a lot of media platforms are appearing in time to time so that we can gathered information easily but not all information we evaluate is useful to us and for some cases we need the ability of being a information literate so that we can able to locate easily, organize and evaluate the certain information we gathered, therefore we use if effectively if necessary.
In the midst of social era, internet is the common tool to get information. Being an information literate is very needed because the information in this era is circulating around the social media platform. We can use our ability to gathered information in this era because its very critical to us that can result big impact to your life and people. We all know that some information in the internet is fake made by toxic people who want to confuse and suffer the readers. As a citizen in this modern world we should be aware and understand the accuracy of the information given so that you will not easily trick by false information seen in the social media cites. Durian this era theirs a lot of false information pop out every time in social media, this is a good opportunity to raise awareness to the people that needed help because becoming a information literate is a ability to become knowledgeable and we can get our right to have a freedom we want.
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pagdatochristian17 · 4 years
We all know that we live in place where full of information may be bad or good that everything moves fast including the news and information that can we get through radio, television, computer, newspaper, magazine, and cellphone, technology advancement is extremely evolving year by year because of the people who live in doing the job to published information, theirs a lot of information in the media. Both media and technology upgrade together in a way that we can easy to access information in just using technology, even though that is the cause you still need to understand and evaluate the information to avoid harm and always put in your mind that don’t plagiarized others work if theirs no consent with the owner, also you can use some tools and skills the information that you get or gathered from the media. It is really important to us students to become a media and information literate individual, so that we can easily seek for answers and some information that we needed and light up your intelligence provided by the media that we use in our studies. Media and information Literacy does not only help us in organizing ideas but also we can gain information that needed and that will also give a big help to others.
Becoming media and information literate individual is an honor because they are the the interpretation machine to give a legitimate and truthful information that can we use to discover some information that can harm others we can always put in mind that we can help them in raising our voices and express what is right. As a responsible citizen, we should always pick only what is right and credits information for a better understanding of situation. It goes Beyond our limits to advocate, interpret and create media and media information this is our duty to recognize information when needed and use it precisely. It is so important to avoid fake news, misinterpretation and misunderstanding information that could cause argument and harm. Media and information coms hand in hand, and both of them are great. And lastly because of social media our power and responsibility becomes larger and powerful because of the help by the people who valued the media and information literate. Be skillful, Be mindful and always choose the right pick cause our world need it, be a good influence to all new generation in how to be a good media and information literate.
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