pagingdoctorchicken ¡ 5 years
Shane as though dazed, followed Lyell's lead into the kitchen. The reality that he had broken into someone else's to fight a racoon for a someone else's life stock was smoothly setting in as the aches and pains did the same. He whinced as the other man gently tendes to his wounds. His eye lids threatened to fall as the other dabbed at the small bite wound on his hand.
Shane quietly hummed in response to Lyell's soft voice as his would continued to be cleaned. Some different tones to illustrate different emotions were all he mustered as he continued to mull over the events in his alcohol slowed mind. Thoughts of doubt and self deprecation began cropping up like weeds. First he broke one of the buildings and now Luell was forced to take care of him for his foolish decision of going toe to toe with a woodland creature.
The word "gun" seemed to break the spell sleepiness seemed to have wrapped Shane in. Blood rushed hot to his cheeks as his brain floundered to find words to express his embarrassment. "No worries.... I uh..... Did break into your coop," he mumbled avoiding eye contact with the tall man.
Shane glanced quickly from the floor to Lyell's face as his large hand knocked the loose pieces of straw and clumped mud from his shoulders. "I should probably leave," he murmured quiet, face and neck red from embarassment and the warth of the house compared to the storm outside. "I've caused you enough trouble by acting stupid already. I'll.... Just walk myself ho- .... To Marnie's." Despite the rain still falling and the temperature dropping, Shane would rather suffer the weather than be more of a bother to this Lyell than he already is.
Shane heaved himself from his half fallen position back onto unsteady feet. The adrenaline leaving his body left him feeling just as unsteady as the drinks before left him. Shuffling along the walls of the coop he made his way to the side door, darting through as one of the still upset hens dashed towards him.
Shane swung the door shut before leaning heavily against it. Now that the need for bullhead bravery had pasted, all of the aches of his short adventure pushed to the forefront. Straw and feathers covered Shane as they stuck the mud and slowly seeping blood from his injuries. He stiffly ambles to the center of Lyell’s small home hand reaching to hold his now bruising shoulder.
The man shuffles his feet awkwardly as he waited for Lyell. It didn’t seem right to sit on any of the furniture in this state. Exhaustion began its slow trickle into Shane’s mind as he allowed his head to hang from his stiff neck and his eyes to slip shut.
As he return, kit in hand, Lyell was quick to guide Shane into the chair at the dining table. He was quiet for a while, pulling out everything he needed as he became lost in his thoughts. It wasn’t everyday someone went through hell for his hens. He was the only one who really did that. 
As he started dabbing one of Shane’s wounds clean, Lyell softly started to speak. “That was real good of you, keeping my birds safe like that.” The man grunted and rubbed some neosporin over a deep peck mark. He gently put a band-aid over it, taking great care not to hurt the man. “
“Real sorry about their temper though.” He started on a different mark, carefully removing mud from it with a damp rag. “My girls don’t really like strangers…But with time they’ll grow used to you.” He said without thought, as if Shane would be returning to visit his hens after such a incident. “Marnie’s told me you take care of her chickens, you must care a whole a lot about them…If you’d do this for some you don’t take care of.” 
He put a band-aid on the last wound and then started brushing straw and mud from the man’s frame. The floor was getting dirty but he could clean that later. “Sorry for pulling a gun on your too, I didn’t realize it was you in there.” 
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pagingdoctorchicken ¡ 5 years
Maybe Over Coffee?
Havery let out a quiet sigh as he finish the display for the new roast of coffee the little corner cafe was about to begin selling. Standing back he admired his work with sleepy eyes. Sure working a part time job wasn't hard but medical school was difficult enough without the added pressure of stay up late to work he closing shift at the Roasted Goat Co. The may not be fantastic but it was flexible hoyrs and allowed him some financial security. Since most people didn't seem interested in a cup of joe late in the evening it also gave Harvey time to study quitely at one of the corner tables, sipping on discounted coffee while highlight and scribbling messy notes in the margins.
Slowly he ambled back behind the counter to tidy up any misplaced cups or tools, the long back of his mullet fell just over his shoulders as he looked downward. Smooth jazz filled the small dining area as Harvey began to wash spoons and mugs left by earlier employees. The steam from the hit water fogged his think frame glasses as he worked. Allowing the mist to continue to build on the lenses he continued to wash, his eyebrows pinching in slight annoyance.
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pagingdoctorchicken ¡ 5 years
Shane heaved himself from his half fallen postion back onto unsteady feet. The adrenaline leaving his body left him feeling just as unsteady as the drinks before left him. Shuffling along the walls of the coop he made his way to the side door, darting through as one of the still upset hens dashed towards him.
Shane swung the door shut before leaning heavily against it. Now that the need for bullhead bravery had pasted, all of the aches of his short adventure pushed to the forefront. Straw and feathers covered Shane as they stuck the mud and slowly seeping blood from his injuries. He stiffly ambles to the center of Lyell's small home hand reaching to hold his now bruising shoulder.
The man shuffles his feet awkwardly as he waited for Lyell. It didn't seem right to sit on any of the furniture in this state. Exhaustion began its slow trickle into Shane's mind as he allowed his head to hang from his stiff neck and his eyes to slip shut.
Between all the squawking surrounding him, Shane didn’t even notice Lyell at first. He continued to cower in the corner from the relentless assault of beaks and claws until the other man spoke. He slowly moved his arms from covering his face, careful to not further agitate the already upset flock. Slowly the hens seemed to calm down with Lyell’s presence and allowed Shane so room to breathe.
“I was walking-” Shane was briefly cut off by a flappping of wings by one of the still angry hens. “-Walking and I heard the flock going crazy. There was a raccoon and I had to get it out.” Shane’s breath began to even out as pulled himself to his feet wincing slightly.
He finally he looked at the other man, jumping back and slipping on the hay covered floor as he noticed the gun in Lyell’s hand. He caught himself on the edge of the feed tray and held his right hand up in surrender, blood from the bite flowing down the side of his wrist into his sleeve.
His gun lowered considerably when Shane reacted. The usual cold look to his face had warmed. His stare gentle as he looked over the pecked sore man. Lyell took in a deep breath, “Don’t worry I won’t shoot you.” Carefully he leaned the rifle up against the coops wall. Lyell turned his back to Shane and closed the entrance to the small building. The door was a mess, something he would have to fix in the morning. But until then he pulled it firmly inward, causing it to stick closed. That would keep any pest out at least. 
“Come on.” He slurred, grabbing his rifle and making his way through the side door of the coop into his house.”We’ll get those pecks cleaned up.” If it was anyone else he would have offered a hand at getting up, but Shane seemed to be a prideful the last time. 
Inside his small house, Lyell put his gun away into his gun cabinet, not really checking to make sure Shane followed before heading to his bathroom and fetching the first aid kit.
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pagingdoctorchicken ¡ 5 years
Between all the squawking surrounding him, Shane didn't even notice Lyell at first. He continued to cower in the corner from the relentless assault of beaks and claws until the other man spoke. He slowly moved his arms from covering his face, careful to not further agitate the already upset flock. Slowly the hens seemed to calm down with Lyell's presence and allowed Shane so room to breathe.
"I was walking-" Shane was briefly cut off by a flappping of wings by one of the still angry hens. "-Walking and I heard the flock going crazy. There was a raccoon and I had to get it out." Shane's breath began to even out as pulled himself to his feet wincing slightly.
He finally he looked at the other man, jumping back and slipping on the hay covered floor as he noticed the gun in Lyell's hand. He caught himself on the edge of the feed tray and held his right hand up in surrender, blood from the bite flowing down the side of his wrist into his sleeve.
Rain continued to beat down on Shane’s head even through the branches of the trees covering the forest. He glanced to his left as he pasted the lake, blinking rapidly against the droplets of water dripping down his face into his eyes. He should be getting close to Lyell’s farm. Just a short visit he kept telling himself, just to see what its like.
As Shane continued to amble through the forest, a loud squawk cut through sound of rain. Shane paused for a moment, swaying as listened. Another squawk followed by a loud chitter broke through the stillness of the night before Shane broke into a stumbling run towards the sound.
As he broke through the tree line surrounding Lyell’s farm, Shane scanned the area looking for signs of trouble. Loud thumping and scratching from the chicken coop caught his attention quickly and the following noises of distress caused him to rush towards it. Quickly he made it to the wooden fence surrounding the small chicken yard, placing one hand on to a post to spring himself over without breaking stride.
Despite the rain and adrenalin beginning to sober him up some, the drinks from earlier still affected Shane’s coordination. As he leaped his back foot caught the edge of the fence sending him crashing down into the wet chicken scratched ground. He gasp for air as the struggle back to his feet, shoes slipping on the wet grass as he half crawled to the coop.
Shane tripped his way up the step until the was kneeling in front of the door, his hand pulling the handle only to find it locked. Shanes loud approach only seemed to spur on the chaos in side, the panicked noises and scampering growing louder. Without thinking Shane pulled himself up with the handle and threw his full weight against the door. With a splintering crack the frame gave way, sending the inebriated man stumbling to the floor again.
As he pushed himself onto his hands and knees Shane found himself staring eye to eye with a raccoon, what little light was outside reflecting brightly in its eyes. Shane let out a loud shout as he jumped to his feet making his way quickly toward the creature, sliding on the straw covering the coop’s floor. The raccoon matched Shane with a screech of its own skittering further back into a corner of the coop. As Shane swatted at the raccoon it retaliated with a sharp bite before all but flying out of the coop into to the woods.
Shane turned to follow its movements before collapsing against the back wall of the coop. Before he could catch his breath, the sharp pecks and scratches if frightened chickens rained down on him. All he could do was curl into himself and cover his face against the onslaught, the adrenaline  quickly fading as dizziness and aching pain began seeping in.
Dark brown boots stepped through growing puddles that soaked the grassy floor of the forest. Lyell walked with his hand tucked into his coat pocket. His body swaying ever so slightly, a night of heavy drinking making his head swim in the way he liked. 
While intoxicated, Lyell’s mind still managed to turn and work with thoughts. Thoughts of Shane’s rough personality. It hadn’t been his intention to offend the man. But he was very bad at comforting others verbally. Touch was much more adequate but he doubted Shane would appreciate that.
He squinted towards his tiny, comfortable farm. His good eye catching the gentle glow of his porch light through the heavy rain. Lyell walked rather slowly, enjoying how the rain soaked right through his clothes. Leaving his body trembling with a slight chill.
As he approached his property, the very faint sound squawking caught his attention. He picked up pace; the closer he got the louder his hen’s cries became. “Damn pest.” He growled making a bee line into his house. Lyell snatched his gun from the cabinet and and hurried off to the coop. 
He went to open the door, only to see that it had been busted in. Worry quickly set into his mind as he cocked his gun with his one hand. He burst into the coop, his eye squinted and gun pointing at-Shane?
Lyell lower his gun, watching as his hens assaulted him. He didn’t say a word, not until he counted all his birds. Satisfied that they were all there, he huffed out a grunt and stepped towards the man. “What in the world are you doing?”
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pagingdoctorchicken ¡ 6 years
((Im trying to make shanes room in roomstyler but there are no sconces.....))
((EDIT: nevermind im just dumb))
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pagingdoctorchicken ¡ 6 years
Rain continued to beat down on Shane's head even through the branches of the trees covering the forest. He glanced to his left as he pasted the lake, blinking rapidly against the droplets of water dripping down his face into his eyes. He should be getting close to Lyell's farm. Just a short visit he kept telling himself, just to see what its like.
As Shane continued to amble through the forest, a loud squawk cut through sound of rain. Shane paused for a moment, swaying as listened. Another squawk followed by a loud chitter broke through the stillness of the night before Shane broke into a stumbling run towards the sound.
As he broke through the tree line surrounding Lyell's farm, Shane scanned the area looking for signs of trouble. Loud thumping and scratching from the chicken coop caught his attention quickly and the following noises of distress caused him to rush towards it. Quickly he made it to the wooden fence surrounding the small chicken yard, placing one hand on to a post to spring himself over without breaking stride.
Despite the rain and adrenalin beginning to sober him up some, the drinks from earlier still affected Shane's coordination. As he leaped his back foot caught the edge of the fence sending him crashing down into the wet chicken scratched ground. He gasp for air as the struggle back to his feet, shoes slipping on the wet grass as he half crawled to the coop.
Shane tripped his way up the step until the was kneeling in front of the door, his hand pulling the handle only to find it locked. Shanes loud approach only seemed to spur on the chaos in side, the panicked noises and scampering growing louder. Without thinking Shane pulled himself up with the handle and threw his full weight against the door. With a splintering crack the frame gave way, sending the inebriated man stumbling to the floor again.
As he pushed himself onto his hands and knees Shane found himself staring eye to eye with a raccoon, what little light was outside reflecting brightly in its eyes. Shane let out a loud shout as he jumped to his feet making his way quickly toward the creature, sliding on the straw covering the coop's floor. The raccon matched Shane with a screech of its own skittering further back into a corner of the coop. As Shane swatted at the raccoon it retaliated with a sharp bite before all but flying out of the coop into to the woods.
Shane turned to follow its movements before collapsing against the back wall of the coop. Before he could catch his breath, the sharp pecks and scratches if frightened chickens rained down on him. All he could do was curl into himself and cover his face against the onslaught, the adrenalin quickly fading as dizziness and aching pain began seeping in.
Shane nodded solemnly. He appreciated Lyell not pressing for more information even if he was speaking like a guru. Shane tried to not let it get to him. He knew Lyell meant well and wasn’t speaking down to him. The thoughts of doubt and ill placed frustration still itched at his mind.
The blanket silence between two fell heavy on Shane’s shoulders. Shane prepared to steel himself for more self imposed isolation. People being around him only reminded him of the hole he had dug himself into. They didn’t seem to create the light at the end of the tunnel, only deepened the shadows he huddled into.
It was the moment that Lyell spoke his kind words of advice and invitation that pulled Shane fully into his thoughts. He drained all the ale that was left in his glass before slamming it back down. “I appreciate the pity,” he all but spat not looking at Lyell.
He stood from the stool, pushing against the bar to steady himself before taking a few steps towards the door. “I’m not sure what you want from me,” Shane swayed a bit as he spoke, cheeks flushed slightly from the alcohol and anxiety fulled anger, “but whatever it is I can’t give it to you. And even if i could you wouldn’t want it anyway.” He started his uneasy stride towards the exit of the saloon, the drinks starting to catch up to him.
He stumbled out into the still pouring rain and headed toward to ranch. The rain only seemed to bring to life the feelings of turmoil Shane felt brewing in his chest. He stopped at the door to Marnie’s house and stared in the direction of Lyell’s farm as if he could see it through the trees. Before he knew it he was headed through the forest towards it. Just a look to reassure that it wasn’t for him. That he wouldn’t be any more useful there than he was anywhere else.
He was truly and utterly unfazed by Shane’s aggression. Lyell looked at him coldly, really he was seeing through him. It was plain to see there was something going on with the man. He had been alive long enough to have seen it all. Emotions were easy to read, but somehow difficult to handle. So he cut himself off from his and did his best to ignore the other’s around him. 
Silence filled the area around him. His imposing demeanor only amplified his lack his reaction. He didn’t say word, just allowed Shane to throw his fit and turned back to his mug to finish his drink. As Shane left he glanced over his shoulder, his brows furrowed slightly. Despite his efforts to throw his emotions away he felt somewhat concerned for the man. 
But none the less he wouldn’t go chasing after him. It wasn’t his business or his problem. 
At Lyells farm, it was hardly as quiet as he was. But it wasn’t the song of crickets or the questions of owls that filled the night. But the loud, desperate clucking of a group of hens. As Lyell drank his beer, a single raccoon dared to approach his usually guarded coop. It’s little hands expertly unlatched the  hen’s door; pushing it upward and slipping inside under the cover of the night. Teeth bared and claws ready, it chased Lyell’s hens about the coop. Rabid in it’s attempt to capture one of the birds.
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pagingdoctorchicken ¡ 6 years
100 follower giveaway
Thank you everyone who recently followed. I’m really excited to interact with you all. To celebrate my 100th mile stone I’m giving away two art prizes.
First place is head to waist fully colored drawing of any character youd like.
Second place is a fully colored bust drawing of any character youd like.
To enter the giveaway reblog this post. Liking does not count. This giveaway only applies to sdv ask and rp blogs.
You must be following me to win.
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pagingdoctorchicken ¡ 6 years
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last night I dreamed I found these sweaters buried in my wardrobe, and when I woke up I really wanted to own them, but also consider: Shane
yes, I confess I stole the chicken sprites, but the sweaters definitely had the ingame sprites knitted in and I was lazy ÂŻ\_(:/)_/ÂŻ
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pagingdoctorchicken ¡ 6 years
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let 👏 shane 👏 have 👏 pudge !!
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pagingdoctorchicken ¡ 6 years
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Shane taking time to explain his mental state to his goddaughter is canon in my head
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pagingdoctorchicken ¡ 6 years
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*sweating* My bias is showing….
I drew these a while back, they were meant to be doodles mostly but they got outta hand and I keep tweaking em and I feel like I just needa post em before I forget again”””
For all my fellow blue chicken boy lovers and dweeby doctor worshippers. Enjoy the blushie nerds
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pagingdoctorchicken ¡ 6 years
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He is just,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the grumpiest man,,,,,
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pagingdoctorchicken ¡ 6 years
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?! Soft !?
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pagingdoctorchicken ¡ 6 years
Shane nodded solemnly. He appreciated Lyell not pressing for more information even if he was speaking like a guru. Shane tried to not let it get to him. He knew Lyell meant well and wasn't speaking down to him. The thoughts of doubt and ill placed frustration still itched at his mind.
The blanket silence between two fell heavy on Shane's shoulders. Shane prepared to steel himself for more self imposed isolation. People being around him only reminded him of the hole he had dug himself into. They didn't seem to create the light at the end of the tunnel, only deepened the shadows he huddled into.
It was the moment that Lyell spoke his kind words of advice and invitation that pulled Shane fully into his thoughts. He drained all the ale that was left in his glass before slamming it back down. "I appreciate the pity," he all but spat not looking at Lyell.
He stood from the stool, pushing against the bar to steady himself before taking a few steps towards the door. "I'm not sure what you want from me," Shane swayed a bit as he spoke, cheeks flushed slightly from the alcohol and anxiety fulled anger, "but whatever it is I can't give it to you. And even if i could you wouldn't want it anyway." He started his uneasy stride towards the exit of the saloon, the drinks starting to catch up to him.
He stumbled out into the still pouring rain and headed toward to ranch. The rain only seemed to bring to life the feelings of turmoil Shane felt brewing in his chest. He stopped at the door to Marnie's house and stared in the direction of Lyell's farm as if he could see it through the trees. Before he knew it he was headed through the forest towards it. Just a look to reassure that it wasn't for him. That he wouldn't be any more useful there than he was anywhere else.
Shane chuckled as Lyell talked about Joja. He shook his head and tipped back his new drink that Gus dropped off with Lyell’s. You can count on Joja cheap if nothing else. “Well congrats on your release,” Shane said have laughing, “May it last long and be sweet.”
The lightness that was coloring the conversation suddenly fell away when Lyell mentioned the war. Shane shifted back and forth uncomfortably on the stool, a stern but thoughtful look on his face. It was obvious he was trying to carefully plan out his thoughts before speaking.Shane swallowed several large gulps from his drink before answering.
“I came to get away from the city I guess,” a soft sadness filled his words. He absent mindly rubbed the palm of the hand not holding his glass on his knee again. His green eyes glancing around at nothing as he fell silent in thought. “Jas needed somewhere quiet and Marnie is a good lady. She’ll have someone to look after if anything happens….” Shane’s words trailed off again feelings and thoughts unsaid sitting heavy on his slouched shoulders. He brought his glass to his lips as an obvious excuse to not speak anymore.
His head turned, his good eye catching the shift of Shane’s expression. He hadn’t meant to dampen the mood, his time in the military was just apart of his life. Something he couldn’t just ignore. But something told him it was deeper then that. Sure it was common for people to become uncomfortable when he spoke of it but the way Shane trailed off, words being left unsaid. Lyell could read there was more on his mind. 
Lyell hummed, his lips pursing slightly with thought. “ It’s a good place, Pelican town. Great place to raise a child.” He kept his eye trained on Shane, his face becoming still and emotionless as he studied the fine lines of the man’s features.” Even better a place to find your head.” He looked away then, tipping the glass of his beverage to his lips so he could swallow a mouth full of beer. “ The city has a way of clouding you up, it’s real toxic if you’re not careful.” 
There was a pause, a moment of silence handing in the air as he considered his next words carefully. His own tone had become neutral, along with the details of his expression. “Living here, in the country. It’s cleansing.” He rested his hand on top the counter, his attention flicking over the roughness of his knuckles. 
There was a moment where he became lost in his thoughts. Lyell grew strangely quiet, as if he had drifted into another world. He recalled his own unspoken words. How often he would trail off to hide whatever pain it would bring. Whatever discomfort it could cause another. That pain is why he came to Pelican town. He needed to wash himself of sorrow, if only for a little while. 
But that took leaving everything he had behind. His apartment, his belongings, his job. Not everyone could do that. Shane’s job had followed him, bring with it the same infection that brewed in the city. A idea came to mind, but he scuffed it away. Would Shane take a job at his farm? 
He needed the help, honestly without two arms he was finding certain task rather. Complicated. Without thinking, he spoke up. Breaking the quiet wall that fell between them. “ The city has followed you my friend, Joja isn’t good for this town…If you ever want change, come to my place.” He finished off the last of his beer, “ I can put you to work. Probably pay better to. Just a thought.” 
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pagingdoctorchicken ¡ 6 years
Shane chuckled as Lyell talked about Joja. He shook his head and tipped back his new drink that Gus dropped off with Lyell's. You can count on Joja cheap if nothing else. "Well congrats on your release," Shane said have laughing, "May it last long and be sweet."
The lightness that was coloring the conversation suddenly fell away when Lyell mentioned the war. Shane shifted back and forth uncomfortably on the stool, a stern but thoughtful look on his face. It was obvious he was trying to carefully plan out his thoughts before speaking.Shane swallowed several large gulps from his drink before answering.
"I came to get away from the city I guess," a soft sadness filled his words. He absent mindly rubbed the palm of the hand not holding his glass on his knee again. His green eyes glancing around at nothing as he fell silent in thought. "Jas needed somewhere quiet and Marnie is a good lady. She'll have someone to look after if anything happens...." Shane's words trailed off again feelings and thoughts unsaid sitting heavy on his slouched shoulders. He brought his glass to his lips as an obvious excuse to not speak anymore.
Shane let his head hang slightly as he smiled, slowly relaxing more and more as the two spoke. He glupped more of his drink, not emptying it as quickly as the man next him. Shane learned a while ago there’s no point in trying to match drink for drink, keep going long enough and you’ll both end up in the same place.
He sighed as Lyell sent him emphatic glances. “I didn’t do too much kneeling today just lifting as squatting. Kneeling is my special hell for tomorrow,” Shane all but groaned. Just the thought of dealing the thousands of can was enough to have him chug down the rest of his beer, the loud thunk of the empty glass was enough of a signal to Gus to come over after he finished tending to the other patrons.
Shane let out a dry chuckle at Lyell’s question as he dug into his pocket to once again fish out some money. “Even Joja is above the law enough to get way with cutting out breaks entirely,” Shane mumbled as he counted out what he needed from the coins before setting them on the bar for Gus to retrieve when he was ready to drop off the next drink. “We get a twenty minute lunch but the break room is a disaster,” he said, a small sneer pulling at his lips. “Employees are supposed to be in charge of keeping it clean but who would waste their lunch or stay after to do that?” he continued, “What did you do for Joja? Doesn’t sound like you were cooperate or anything.”
It was all details he already was aware of. Having worked a similar position three years back. Before he was shipped off to fight in the Gotoro war. Lyell swallowed a good mouthful of beer, finishing off his third mug with a sigh. “ Well.” He started gruffly as he signaled Gus for another. “ I started off stocking and unloading trucks. Wasn’t very good with people.” Gus set his new mug down and Lyell payed him upfront. “ Then after about a year I was moved up to ‘team leader.’ “
He tipped back a drink, barely feeling the affects of his quick drinking. After so many years of drinking, it took a while for him to get even buzzed. “Nothing really changed if I’m honest I just got a two dollar raise and a different uniform.” Lyell turned slightly, facing his body partially towards Shane. The longer they spoke and the more he drank the more at ease he felt around the man. 
“I worked there for two years before I enlisted in the military.” He looked down into his beer. Becoming somewhat melancholy as he remembered his time in service.  “Was in the military for a year before I was discharged.” He drank slower, this time savoring the flavor of his beer instead of downing it to try and relax. “Moved here shortly after…” He sighed, his lips pressing together tightly.
“What brings you to the valley?” 
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pagingdoctorchicken ¡ 6 years
Marnie's Ranch household theory:
So I started down a bit of a rabbit hole trying to figure out if there was a canon reason Shane was in Stardew Valley. Which basically led me to who are Jas's parents and how is Marnie both Shane's and Jas's aunt.
So lets addressed Jas's parents first. There is already a war going on in canon. Its stated it Sam's 3 heart even that the soldiers are not doing well. It would be very possible that Jas's parents died in or do to the war despite there only being indirect dialogue or evidence to support it.
Now with Shane being Jas's godfather (stated in canon in a single piece of Jas's dialogue on sundays) it would make sense for not Jas to go live with Marnie without Shane following. (I'm going to assume if there gap where he wasn't there it would be because he had to transfer his Joja Mart job and wait for the one on Stardew to open.) Taking Jas out of the city and away from the direct effect of the war even if he couldn't follow. (Plus he knows he's got issues with drinking and Marnie is probably his fall back plan for Jas.)
Now to Marnie. It would make sense given the age difference between Shane and Jas for Marnie to be Shane's aunt and Jas's GREAT aunt. Which makes more sense for her not being in direct charge of caring for Jas.
TD/LR; Jas's parents died in or because the war, Marnie is her great aunt, and since Shane need help taking care of his god daughter,  moved in with Marnie in the valley.
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pagingdoctorchicken ¡ 6 years
Shane let his head hang slightly as he smiled, slowly relaxing more and more as the two spoke. He glupped more of his drink, not emptying it as quickly as the man next him. Shane learned a while ago there's no point in trying to match drink for drink, keep going long enough and you'll both end up in the same place.
He sighed as Lyell sent him emphatic glances. "I didn't do too much kneeling today just lifting as squating. Kneeling is my special hell for tomorrow," Shane all but groaned. Just the thought of dealing the thousands of can was enough to have him chug down the rest of his beer, the loud thunk of the empty glass was enough of a signal to Gus to come over after he finished tending to the other patrons.
Shane let out a dry chuckle at Lyell's question as he dug into his pocket to once again fish out some money. "Even Joja is above the law enough to get way with cutting out breaks entirely," Shane mumbled as he counted out what he needed from the coins before setting them on the bar for Gus to retrieve when he was ready to drop off the next drink. "We get a twenty minute lunch but the break room is a disaster," he said, a small sneer pulling at his lips. "Employees are supposed to be in charge of keeping it clean but who would waste their lunch or stay after to do that?" he continued, "What did you do for Joja? Doesn't sound like you were cooperate or anything."
Shane nodded at his answer. There were times where rain was nice and others where it was just plain annoying. Shane watched Lyell drain the glass of beer, a smile pulling at his lips. As a fast drinker himself, it was nice to have option of someone other than Pam to share a drunken night of with.
Shane caught Gus’s attention before he left to the taps signalling for another beer as he fished the money from his pocket of his uniform pants. He was close to emptying his glass and there was no point in having Gus make a second trip so quickly. Fresh glasses of beer appeared by the time Shane pulled out his money, setting it gently next to Lyell’s for Gus to take.
He finished the last dregs of his first drink before setting aside the glass and answering Lyell’s question with a sigh. “Yeah. We got a new shipment of cola in and the shipping guy is nursing a sprained shoulder,” Shane paused to pull his fresh glass over and take a long swig, “So I had unload most of the boxes. Its gonna be a long day of shelving in front and in back tomorrow.”
Shane absentmindedly rubbed his knee as he gulped down more of his beer. Between the rain and the lifting, his knee was beginning to ache and would only be made worse with the kneeling and further movement of the heavy boxes the following day.
“Mine was probably drier though,” Shane said, a small tired smile appearing on his face, “Pretty sure getting drenched in sweat doesn’t count against rain.”
He gave a snort, “ Seems pretty equal to me. Both of em make you plenty wet doesn’t it?” Lyell gulped down his beer, draining it to its half way point before setting the mug down with a content sigh. “ Working in the rain is so bad, keeps you cool I guess.” 
There’s a pause, Lyell mulling over his own words. It was rather pleasant, a rainy work day. As long as he didn’t have to work the field that is. And if he had gotten enough sleep before dawn. But sleep was something he was always behind on.”Shelf work is pretty tedious, much worse.” He sympathized, his expression emphatic as he looked Shane’s direction. “Hard on the knees too, all that kneeling.”
Lyell finished off his beer and  signaled Gus for another. He came by quickly, accepting Lyell’s money and replacing his mug with a fresh beer. The man could drink his weight in beer if Gus let him.“Joja still gives breaks right? Or have they gotten rid of that since I quit?”
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