paiganfestivals · 6 years
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like my content? leaving tumblr? 
follow my instagram! (i post my art, outfits, food, & cute daily life stuff–more personal stuff than i post here anymore)
i also have a newly made finsta (which mostly exists bc i’m still closeted in most of my daily life so i keep my primary ig for family/work/etc….so there i talk about my gf, post less aesthetic-oriented stuff, more casual talk about shit in stories, etc. it is private so i’ll only add folks i recognize!)
follow my twitter! (i talk about art, design, my industry, and video games, and am gonna start crossposting to there from my IG)
pledge to my patreon! (i post progress shots of shop items, talk about planning and the business, and you can get a sweet lil shop discount!) 
and you can also always find my work at my website, or my shop! 
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paiganfestivals · 6 years
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mondays, amirite
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paiganfestivals · 6 years
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mall goth silkie chicken
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paiganfestivals · 6 years
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no peace
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paiganfestivals · 6 years
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she starts toxic flame wars online for fun about video games she doesn’t even care that much about
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paiganfestivals · 6 years
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tiny warm ups….fat paigecat with period pains and sketch of ali absently playing barfstone for the hell of it 
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paiganfestivals · 6 years
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theeeeeere she isssss, miss ameriiiiiica
Resh, my beloved “”“human””” wizard
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paiganfestivals · 6 years
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my current dnd character’s portrait is coming along nicely
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paiganfestivals · 6 years
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i probably haven’t talked about this yet, but since it’s still p visible on my shop’s site under this one listing i thought it’s fine to go ahead and talk about it 
this is the new item description and how it will look w/ the updated site redesign when it launches, i’m working on making the icons for the “Highlights” section right now and i have one that is an arm flexing for the call out “extra sturdy” and am working my tail off to make it Abundantly clear that it is a lady arm lmao
i’m so excited about this…i just paid my development team for another major revision and they’re going to be working on it tonight, after that happens i’ll have to whip up all these icons, find some more photos to fill some content slots (even if they’re gonna be temporary) and then do another round to make sure everything is working as intended and then i’m hoping to launch! i’m still debating on whether i want to launch the site with the new collection or not….the pros of waiting are obv that it will be doubly exciting and look fantastic, but the pros of doing it /before/ my next release would be feeling really sure that everything works as intended since i’d hate to have bugs or have trouble for any customers (especially folks who are completely new to the brand) on the day of my launch? 
anyway….im very much feelin it….
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paiganfestivals · 7 years
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close up of alison (my spider wife) from my silly furry drawing
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paiganfestivals · 7 years
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haley possum ( @yodelbat ) closeup bc sweet sweet sleepy possum friend
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paiganfestivals · 7 years
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paige cat (me) closeup bc dumpster quality
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paiganfestivals · 7 years
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paiganfestivals · 7 years
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i knew i wanted to make a drawing to celebrate 2 of my fave peoples’ birthdays but it’s taking me literally forever to actually finish it lol so i thought i’d put a pink filter on it and post a bit of it just so my ride or die possum friend @yodelbat knows i’m always thinkin about her >:3 
happy birthday haley!!!!! you are a big cutie and the most incredible friend and i miss making art with you so bad i end up moping about it on the regular! 
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paiganfestivals · 7 years
finally got the time today to figure out my embroidery machine, and after 2+ hours of reading articles, watching youtube videos, and googling to find a PDF of my machine’s manual (since i bought it secondhand) i was able to figure it out :3 
i still need to learn how to upload my own designs to it, and will have to figure out how to make more complicated designs with multiple colors eventually, but for now i’m just so happy i finally got around to figuring it out and i learned a LOT today about how it works and how to produce the kind of results i’m wanting. 
i’m super excited about getting to incorporate embroidery into my clothes as well as just general art practice, and will make sure to post more about the process !!! also it’s just really fun to watch!!! 
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paiganfestivals · 7 years
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a doodle dedicated to the cute confused face/gesture the wife makes when she’s unsure of what to do next in the video game
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paiganfestivals · 7 years
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undead shrine maiden with very sick nike platform sandals
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