painforpleasure · 2 years
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Odysseus Elytis, tr. by Athan Anagnostopoulos, from “Maria Nephele: A Poem In Two,”
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painforpleasure · 4 years
"Yes.....I'm yours"
Make me blush with 3 words, whump edition
I’ll start:
Delirious with fever
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painforpleasure · 4 years
whumper stepped closer slowly, taking his sweet time, enjoying the lovely scene. Whumpee paralyzed with fear, his injured ankle making it hard to escape. He freeze, because he knows there's no escape.
"would you look at that," starring down at whumpee.
Whumpee tried his best not to show any fear. but short moan as whumper grabbed his hair and pulled back his head.
"Did you hear that lovely sound? it's my favorite"
"Do you know what sound people make as they about to die?"
Whumpee grinned their teeth to hold the pain, but can't take it any longer when whumper forcefully pulled back the head.
"that's it! My favorite! the moan of pain"
Forcefully making whumpee made eye contact, tears beading at his eyes.
"don't you dare start crying. it's your own fault, you're practically asking me to punish you"
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painforpleasure · 4 years
I'm kinda new to this...
ohh...don't get me wrong.. i mean I'm new to this kinda writing sfuff. I'm not a writer, neiter an author, I can't draw the things that i had in my mind...
i love imagining my hero getting hurt since i was a kid...how do i tame them, how do i hurt them, the position, the tools, the circumstances, the "begging", etc...and, i do that not only to my fav people, but also the person i hate most...
Yes, that exact definition of...
"i may look calm on the outside, but believe me, I've killed u thousand times in my mind with different kind of ways"
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painforpleasure · 4 years
"why are you stopping? can't run anymore?"
" it is really satisfying to see you try so hard..."
Prompt #31
Seeing a chance to escape, the Whumpee dashes through the forest. Huffing and puffing, their lungs scream. Adrenaline rushes throughout the Whumpee as they jump and duck, dodging tree branches and avoiding tree roots. Then suddenly a pain floods the Whumpee’s ankle. The classic tripping and twisted ankle trope. 
Footsteps come closer and a shadow hovers over them, blocking out the sun. A smile forms on the figure’s face and they say, “Found you.” What happens next? I’m on the edge of my seat~
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painforpleasure · 4 years
Whumper Dialogue Prompts
(CW: creepy whumper)
“Damn, blood looks so good on you.”
“Shhhhhh, that wasn’t so bad.”
“I’ll give you something to scream about.”
“Oh, you think you can take me on, do you?”
“You know, I’m really getting tired of that mouth of yours.”
“That was fun!  Same time tomorrow?”
“I think we’re going to get along just swimmingly!”
“I would like to say that this won’t hurt, but to lie like that seems cruel.”
“Your silence will do you no favors.”
“Well, that’s more blood than I thought was gonna come out…can’t have you bleeding out too fast on me.”
“Oh, I didn’t tell you?  This is purely for pleasure.  I don’t care about your information.”
“Get in the car.”
“Trying to escape, are we?  Where did you think you could go where I couldn’t find you?”
“Good news!  I brought you a friend.”
“That was beautiful!  I wonder what happens when I do this.”
“You know, your lack of self-preservation is really concerning.”
“I appreciate your stoicism, but I wonder how silent you’ll be when I show you who else I’ve caught…”
“Oh, dear.  That looked like it hurt.”
“Did you miss me?”
“Who do you think is coming for you?  Everyone thinks you’re dead.”
“You underestimate my skills, dear.”
“Hmmmm, let’s see.  What shall I use next?”
“Shall we play a game?”
“If you behave, I might even let you breathe.”
“I’m sorry…I don’t want to do this…”
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