"Oh okay. Bye Sven!"
"So mr.Right, what type of meeting does Sven have to get ready for? Is it serious?"
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Right: actually, it is serious but it’s not too serious, only i know what it really has, i just asked him to gather the clan in one room, either through radio or being physically there, at least a way for them to listen.
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"You sound like you really like Burt. Well if he makes you that happy then I am sure he is a delight."
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Sven: he really is, i really should get going tho...
Right: yes you do sven, you have somethings to get done before the meeting later
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Sven: i’ll get that done papa! then i can get back to burnin!
Right: yes... of course svenny
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oh okay. Go ahead and burn me if you like.
Sven: but i can’t see you, your just a voice
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Skyorlar, but you can call me Lar or Larry.
Right: well, it’s nice to meet you Larry
Sven: i wish i could burn you...
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ouch. Anyways, I'm not wanting to cause trouble.
Right: I see, well what's your name newbie?
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Hello Sven. Much hello
Sven: ooo! Hello random new person!
Right: and there's another one... hi
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(Hi, I never asked here. Whats going on with this?
{Right now you're just hanging out with a few of the different characters, not to much is happening outside of just the chatting :)}
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"Well, the act of burning people is fun, but then you might have to deal with authorities. That's not fun." -Jade Anon
Right: trust me, he's not the one to deal with all of that, most of the time he just throws something flammable into a building once were done then just runs... although he does have the habit of randomly lighting up buildings while running away...
Sven: sorry dad~ but it's just fun to hear the screams!
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"Well Burt sounds really nice. I cant wait to meet him. So what started your love of burning things?"
Sven: hmm, well my love for burning things happened... anyway! Burty is really nice! His laugh is really cute as well, he's the only one I won't burn!
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"So Sven, are there anyone you like hanging around with? It must get lonely in that room." *Still hides behind Right*
Sven: I like spending time with burty!! He's really sweet and loves to listen to me talk! Sometimes he's busy tho and I don't get to see him though..
Right: he doesn't spend all his time in that room, he only does it when he really wants to burn something, most likely you'll find him around Curtis otherwise
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"Awww!! I flustered you? That's adorable!" There was another series of giggles. "Currently, she/her feels good! I don't mind he/him either but feminine pronouns seem nice! Also everyone of you is valid. Don't forget that!" -Jade Anon
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Daz: alright miss, also i ain’t cute
Crystal: your valid as well!
Xion just proceeds to giggle, looking at you happily
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"Oh wow been doing a lot of deliverys here today. I have a gift for a mr. Svensson."
M!A a Shark puff with a toppat.
"Also dont worry all of my stuffed animals are fire proof and will not get easily damaged guarentee." Stuffed animal anon
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Sven: shark... sharkie... can’t burn sadly... i wont burn you
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"I mean, burning people CANNNN be fun BUUUUT it's not recommended. Believe me, I'd know!" -Jade Anon
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Sven: why exactly is it not recommended? its great!
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Ay, we talkin about ARSON up in here? Arson ie the shit! Right next ta murder!
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Sven: arson is fun! hell have you ever tried to kill someone with a hot knife? the screams are fun!
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Sven: burning people is fun!
Right: please Svenny.. let’s not burn Evie.. she didn’t do anything wrong.
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You should burn Evie next! That'd be fun! :D --arson anon
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Sven: great idea! love your personality bud! it WOULD be fun!
Right: Svenny please... lets not do that...
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"Hey Sven! Neat fire you got going. What'cha burning?" -Jade Anon
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Sven: oh i’m just burnin a couple things! wood mainly, some others things unimportant! also it’s nice to meetcha to E v i e.
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hey look, its sven’s reference :)
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