palepsych-blog · 10 years
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palepsych-blog · 10 years
I cannot count the times I have apologized for how I feel or who I am.
(via p0esia-me)
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palepsych-blog · 10 years
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this cat is everything
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palepsych-blog · 10 years
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974K notes · View notes
palepsych-blog · 10 years
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396K notes · View notes
palepsych-blog · 10 years
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846 notes · View notes
palepsych-blog · 10 years
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111 notes · View notes
palepsych-blog · 10 years
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913 notes · View notes
palepsych-blog · 10 years
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285 notes · View notes
palepsych-blog · 10 years
Lockwood and Co. Fancast - Cameron Monaghan as Quill Kipps
"We were in a tightish spot there. We had it under control, but still" - Lockwood took a deep breath - “that flare came in handy.” Kipps grinned. “Don’t mention it. We just saw three clueless locals running for their lives. Kat here had to throw first and ask questions later. We never guessed the idiots were you.”
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palepsych-blog · 10 years
So, I just slept seven hours, which is twice as long as I usually sleep, so I’m a little disoriented.
Lockwood (via incorrectlockwoodandcoquotes)
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palepsych-blog · 10 years
[ text → some nerd (jaime) ] That's one big misconception right there. I didn't think I had the need to tell you this but I never did the do yet. Surprise! Not so much. But really, even if I had, my life's still a trainwreck. Do! Not! Put! Your! Hentai! Assumptions! Into! My! Life!
[ text → some nerd (jaime) ] Man. Sucks for you. What's making you feel that way?   
[ text → some nerd (jaime) ] Wanna grab some coffee? I'll treat you Starbucks and some pizza. MAYBE that way you can tell me up close what's bothering your little head.
[ text ] last i checked, you were doing /just/ fine shoving your dick up kyo’s ass. pretty sure your life is all smooth sailing right now. [ text ] all of the above? a little more than just that? i’m startin to feel out of it, anthony. dunno how to describe it. [ text ] hollow? thats not the word im looking for, but i suppose its as close as it’ll get…
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palepsych-blog · 10 years
10, 20, 30, 40, 50
Violate my privacy.
10. Do you think your life will change dramatically before 2015?I'm less expectant when it comes to dramatic changes, but surely enough if fate plans something more then I'll prepare for the best and worst. But one thing I know, I... really want a new tv.
20. Name something you have to do tomorrow?Grocery shopping, it's Sunday!
30. Does anyone hate you?Probably. Anyone would hate my guts.
40. Did you have a good day yesterday?It was decent, more to tiring in fact. But it was worth the hard work to come back home to my lovely bed.
50. Don’t tell me lies, is the last person you texted attractive?Yes, and he's mine. (insert dry cocky laughing)
0 notes
palepsych-blog · 10 years
12 and 13
Violate my privacy.
12. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?"Good for you." "Be happy." (sad face)
13. Are you good at hiding your feelings?In terms of expressions, I sure am good at keeping my stoic expression, but if I'm being interrogated I don't think I'm able to hide enough since I can spill out more than intended. Some people can see through me clearly too, and maybe because it's obvious I'm not good when it comes to hiding how upset I am.
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palepsych-blog · 10 years
4, 9, 3, 2.
Violate my privacy.
2. Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now? I... am not too sure about that one. I could ask Kyo if I... need a punch on my face.
3. Do you prefer to be friends with girls or boys?Both are fine, though sometimes-- undoubtedly, some girls have a lot more issues than I'd expected.
4. Would you ever smile at a stranger?I hardly wouldn't.
9. Do you wear jeans or sweats more?I wear jeans more in the day, and sweats at night.
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palepsych-blog · 10 years
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too cute
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palepsych-blog · 10 years
(/ he glances at you every once in a while in adoration, finding himself too absorbed in keeping his gaze on you while you talk and mumble-- forgetting to even answer whatever you've been asking him since he barely heard what you were saying as he's in his own world, far too deep where he only sees you and only you-- though he'd occasionally nod and answer with simple "Mm", chuckling as once your eyes met with his, watching how you get flustered and taking in the sight of your flushed cheeks that you seemingly try to hide. He couldn't help it but to squeeze his beloved's hand upon arriving at the restaurant, turning his gaze at the wandering eyes that shot their curious glances at you, possessively pulling you with him while following a waitress to the table in a secluded spot, quite content that they understood the privacy needed by him with you. ) Thank you. (/ he manages a small smile at the waitress, later on fixing his attention back at you as he sits you down on the chair and finds his way to sit across you, smiling the gentle smile he usually has on. ) What'd you like to eat?
( ; arching a suspicious brow, he covers his mouth with his palm in a playful, yet dramatic effect to then roll his shoulders backwards a little, chuckling at his words before dismissing them. ) Wow, I’m scared. I can’t be sleeping at your place anymore, who knows. I might wake up dead… You’d still see me, though? ( ; wrinkling his nose at the thought, he shudders and holds on tight onto your long digits, rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand in a soothing manner. At your suggestion, he turns to look at you, brows furrows in a poor attempt to not blush. keep it together, the manly disposition he had been trying so hard to keep. clearing his throat, he nods a few times, as though he was still pondering upon it, when in reality, he was getting slightly excited. ) Well - if you want to, then of course… it’ll be lame, but I’ll look hella cool doing it. ( ; tugging at your hand carelessly, he drags you to the restaurant at the corner, pushing the door open to be greeted by waiters and waitresses, welcoming them with smiles which made him like quite the shy boy he had always been. ) Table for… two, please?
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