paletteoffeelings · 6 months
Your Forever Person
Hello beautiful people🤭. Welcome back to “Palette of Feelings”🎉I’ve noticed my previous posts explored pretty heavy topics. So today, I wanted to “switch it up”. Remember, life's palette is vast, and we're here to explore every shade together. While not as weighty, today’s topic still holds immense meaning— Soulmates. What comes to mind when you hear that word? Maybe, two halves of the same whole? Or that person who completes you?
Although this word may seem like a cliché to many. For me, it’s more than the 21st-century romance ideal, we often find ourselves tangled in. It's a concept that extends far beyond the walls of a romantic narrative. Soulmates are often mistakenly confined to romantic partners, however, these profound connections can manifest in the most unexpected places. To me, a soulmate isn't just your average connection, it goes deeper, creating a profound, spiritual understanding that touches the essence of who we are. Deep right 😂?
I chose to explore this topic because I was inspired. They say it's rare to find a soulmate, and when you do you must hold on to them. I’ve been blessed to discover one of my soulmates in an unexpected place— My niece. In the tender bond shared with this young soul, I've found a connection that surpasses the ordinary. The sound of her laughter and being in her presence brings me comfort and joy. Our connection goes beyond the typical familial ties; it's a deep, unspoken understanding that transcends words. She is the other half of my whole.
I hope this realization prompts us to rethink the conventional notion of soulmates and encourages us to cherish the diverse relationships that shape our lives. Whether it's a loyal pet, a kindred spirit in a best friend, or an undeniable connection with a family member, soulmates play a crucial role in shaping our lives, connecting the various aspects to form a collage of love and companionship. By expanding our view, we open ourselves to the different ways soulmates can improve our journey, emphasizing that love has no limits!
Thanks for reading! As always, same time and place. Smooches and Deuces!
Yours truly,
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“J'adore” created by Sarai Lawrence
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paletteoffeelings · 7 months
Embracing Our Uniqueness
Welcome back beautiful people to “Pallete of Feelings”!🤭Today, I want to talk to y’all about a topic that is all too familiar to most. In a world that constantly bombards us with images of what perfection is, it is easy to feel as though we’re constantly falling short. Insecurities are the universal experience of feeling like we don't measure up. Let's be honest, we've all experienced those instances when lingering doubts about our appearance, the choices we make, or even our abilities rise to the forefront.
Whether we like it or not, insecurities wield significant influence over our confidence and who we are. The persistent doubt about our looks, decisions, and abilities are not individual weights, we all struggle in the battle with insecurities. We are so worried about what others may think without acknowledging that most people are too wrapped up in their own self-doubt to scrutinize ours. All the energy spent worrying could be better invested in embracing who we truly are.
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“In Between the Cracks” by Sarai Lawrence
It's time to shift the narrative! Instead of letting insecurities dictate our worth, let's celebrate our weirdness, differences, and unique abilities. There's beauty in our imperfections! What if we approached life with the understanding that it's okay not to have it all together? By doing so, we can pave the way for genuine connections and a deeper sense of self-acceptance.
Thanks for reading! As always, same time and place. Smooches and Deuces!
Yours truly,
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paletteoffeelings · 7 months
Hello beautiful people! A warm welcome to “Palette of Feelings!” This little corner of the internet isn't “just a blog”. It's an authentic space where one’s emotions can run free, and where creativity knows no bounds. My name is Sarai but you can call me Rai, and I am 17 years old.
In “Palette of Feelings” there’s absolutely NO room for judgment here, just a genuine exploration of the hectic, messy, beautiful journey we call life. This blog is a haven where Art takes center stage and the canvas becomes your confidant, where every sketch, color, and stroke illustrates a story only you can narrate. Whether you are an experienced artist or now starting to dip your toes into the vivacious waters of creativity, YOU belong here. Here we are a family, a community where your true authentic self is not just accepted, but embraced. Let go of judgment, shed the layers of societal expectations, and embrace the beauty of being unapologetically yourself. Everyone has a story to tell, and I wanna hear yours.
The roots of “Palette of Feelings” dig deep into my personal experiences, particularly a season of loss. Both of my grandparents passed away within a year due to cancer. This loss broke me. These pillars that supported my life were suddenly gone. Leaving a profound pain that words cannot capture. But, in that grief, I found art, or more like, it found me. I was able to channel every crack that was made in my foundation, into my art. Though this may be a bit heavy for my first post, I want you guys to know the real me. The me that suffered profound losses, heartache, etc. This list goes on, but I want this space to be a reminder that vulnerability isn't a weakness, it's a courageous step towards healing.
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“Gone but not Forgotten” created by Sarai Lawrence
So, here’s to opening up, being vulnerable, and uncovering therapeutic healing through Art. “Palette of Feelings" is my invitation for you to join me on this beautiful, raw journey. A journey where the canvas witnesses the unspoken stories of our hearts.
Thank you for taking the time to check out my blog, I hope to see you here next week, at the same time and place. Smooches and Deuces!
Yours Truly,
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