palishere · 9 months
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Don’t tell me Sam wasn’t thinking about this tho
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palishere · 10 months
I know a certain @deeranger who would completely agree
Sometimes I worry about how seeing Sam Winchester tied up and tortured always feels intensely sexual. Like.
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They really showed that on network tv!
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And then I realize… it says less about me and more about the people making the show. They really said “yeah, let’s make this powerful man powerless and have long, lingering shots of blades dragged over his skin, let’s drench him in water and leave him dripping wet, let’s have his shirt ripped open to expose his tits, let’s have the light glisten off his sweat and make his pretty pretty face full of defiance.”
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This is on them, not me.
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palishere · 1 year
All of these
thinkin bout..... fake pity voice................
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palishere · 2 years
How would you like to fuck Sam Winchester? 😏 I mean.... What's your fantasy?
I mean, if it's just me and Sam... In person I'm pretty passive and submissive... :blush: It'd be something silly, like he'd been out all day, or maybe he's been gone for two or three days, on the road with that devilish brother of his. I doubt i'd even know he was home and before I know it, he's grabbing me in a massive bear hug from behind, holding me tightly to his body. Which is all well and good until his lips touch the back of my neck... Then I'd melt straight back into him...
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palishere · 2 years
Sweet as pie
It’s not often Sam dresses up for Halloween… But when he does, he picks a costume his brother is sure to, umm… appreciate? 😏
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palishere · 2 years
Armed & Dangerous part 2
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Sam Winchester
Warnings: Gun!kink, gunplay, established Wincest, hints of dubcon but it’s really totally consensual, questionable ways of resolving pent-up frustration, pretend blowjob, object insertion       
Word count: 500 exactly
Summary: During a physical confrontation Dean discovers something new about his little brother: Apparently, Sam has a serious gun kink?? Well… They probably shouldn’t explore it any further because it’s pretty damn messed up… Right?
A/N: This is for @impala-dreamer​‘s drabble challenge. I picked SPN and the prompt “something kinky” for this one. You can read part 1 of this drabble as a stand-alone or as a build-up for this one.
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The metal effortlessly slides into Sam’s mouth, his lips instantly sealing around the barrel. Dean’s handgun feels heavy and tastes like discharge residue, makes Sam let out a keening noise from deep in his chest. His mind’s spinning. Drool’s running down his chin now as his big brother slowly begins to pulls the gun back out, dragging it against his tongue.  
“That’s it, Sammy…”
Dean sounds out of breath. He looks it too, face flushed and droplets of sweat beading near his hairline.
“Go on, get it nice and clean…” he pants and pushes the barrel back into Sam’s mouth. 
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palishere · 2 years
I think my breath just hitched and got caught in my own throat reading this...
Armed & Dangerous
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Sam Winchester 
Warnings: Gun!kink, gunplay, established Wincest, mild violence, hints of dubcon but it’s totally consensual, questionable ways of resolving pent-up frustration, no actual sex       
Word count: 500 exactly
Summary: Dean is cleaning his gun when Sam’s attitude finally makes him snap… But it doesn’t at all go the way he expects. And he’s about to discover something new about his little brother. 
A/N: This is for @impala-dreamer​‘s drabble challenge. I picked SPN and the prompt “weapons”. And hey, this time I actually managed to keep the WC at “only” 500!? *Gasp* 
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The white cloth drags over the barrel of the Colt handgun, wiping at the oil residue and specks of dirt staining it. Sam’s eyes are following every move of Dean’s capable hands as he cleans his gun, brows furrowed in concentration. Sitting on one of the beds in the motel room, Dean shoots Sam a brief glance when silence seems to drag out a little longer than usual. Sure, they’ve been butting heads a lot lately, but usually that doesn’t equal any of them being silent. Not like this, anyway.
“What?” Dean says, lifting his gaze for half a second to eye his little brother up and down.
“Nothing,” Sam just says. His voice sounds a little strained, a little tight in his throat. Clearly, he’s lying. 
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palishere · 2 years
Only 3 copies made :D and I have a copy!!!! :D i am legit the luckiest fangirl ever!!
I’m so excited!!!  😁
I can’t believe I actually made these… My first fanwork book is a whopping 471 pages and the second 393. That’s pretty wild. The SPN universe apparently inspires me more than I thought! 😅  
The books consist of my fanart and fanfiction made between 2018 and 2022 (April). They are not for sale and only 3 copies of each book exist. In other words: I do not profit from this in any way, shape or form.
Anyway… I just wanted to share my excitement with you guys…!     
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palishere · 2 years
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palishere · 2 years
Different take on “My Bloody Valentine” (S05E14), anyone?  😈
This is just a little preview - don’t want stupid Tumblr to flag me, so if you want to see the whole image, go to my Twitter right HERE! 
Anyway, my point is… I bet even demons get hungry for something when Famine works his magic… And what’s more delicious than a chained up Sam?
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palishere · 2 years
So, uhh… Fruit is healthy.  Sam is horny. And Dean’s hypnotherapy session worked.  That’s basically what this tweet is all about:
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And I needed some inspiration to draw a little. Ended up with this weird “apple commercial”-ish thing!  😂 WTF. Sorry, it’s so sfw, but this time you’ll have to imagine the rest!
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palishere · 2 years
Only if you can... Needing a snippet of Sam being held captive by someone who wants to make him feel /gooood/. Even if the hunter doesn't want it. Points for forcedBJ and a hint of hair worship.
Why, hello nonnie!! 😁
I scribbled this piece of nonsense below... No hair worship though, 'cause I suck and I'm tired af, but you get the rest! 😅 Hope you like! ❤️
Word count: 2,186
Pairing: OMC/Sam Winchester
Warnings: Noncon, sloppy oral, forced orgasm, Sammy's not a happy puppy
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Feel Good
"Easy now, Sam. There's no need to be so dramatic," the man's voice chuckles somewhere in the darkness surrounding the young hunter. The blindfold covering his eyes is tight enough to lightly pinch his skin and it shuts out all light. It's scary to be robbed of one of his senses, and Sam squirms in his restraints harder yet.
"Screw you!" he hisses, yanking at the ropes tying him to the chair hard enough to make the piece of furniture wobble dangerously.
"Ah-ah... Behave," the voice scolds, but it doesn't sound angry. Not yet, anyway. Sam wants to punch its owner in the face, wants to scream and kick and fight back with everything he's got, but he's barely able to flinch when a large hand pops open the button on his jeans and snakes inside.
"No...!" he gaps, breath hitching in his throat when warm fingers follow the thin line of soft hair on his belly down to his pelvic bone.
"Yes," the man merely states, and his breath is right in Sam's ear, hot and wanton and scary. And before the hunter can even begin to formulate any kind of response the man's fingers slip into the thickening hair growth just above his dick.
"Stop it!!" Sam spits, breath getting caught in his throat. But the man just chuckles, a dark and amused sort of sound that leaves the small hairs on the back of the hunter's neck standing up straight.
"Ssh, hold still, I just wanna -"
"No! Get your goddamn hands off me!!" Sam yells, thrashing in the chair so hard that it almost tips over. But it's like the man doesn't hear him. Instead, the fingers keep traveling south to wrap around the hunter's dick, completely ignoring his protests.
Something close to a squeak escapes Sam when the man begins to stroke him, eager fingers pulling at the soft flesh. He automatically tries to jerk away, but the ropes securing him to the heavy wooden chair don't budge at all - instead, they keep his hands solidly tied behind the back rest and his thighs spread obscenely wide, tied to the legs of the sturdy piece of furniture. He's stuck.
"I swear to God, if you don't stop touching me I'm gonna tear you to shreds!" Sam hisses, anger mixing with the panic already brewing in the pits of his stomach.
"No, you're not," the man chuckes.
"You see, I'm gonna make you feel all better...." he continues, and suddenly there are fingers popping open the buttons on his shirt as well, exposing his chest.
"I'm gonna make you feel so good, Sam, " he says - and suddenly something wet and hot engulfs the hunter's right nipple.
Instantly Sam jolts in his seat, a whine getting stuck in his throat. The sensation of the stranger's mouth on him is as horrible as it is fiery and he doesn't know what to do with it. All he knows is that this intense assault on the small nubs is making them stiffen and turn rock hard in an instant. It doesn't help when the man begins to suck on them in earnest.
"Mmm," he moans , his tongue flicking the pebbled flesh and making the young man squirm in the chair. The stranger's hand is still busy stroking him and to Sam's utter horror he realizes that he's actually beginning to chub up slightly.
"So sensitive..." the man whispers, pulling off of Sam's now sore and reddened nipple with a pop.
"Can't neglect the other one," the stranger then says under his breath and sucks the left nipple into his mouth greedily. Sam lets out a bit-off grunt when teeth nibble at the tender nub and pull at it playfully.
"I'm gonna kill you!" he snarls, trapped hands twisting around behind the chair's back rest in a hopeless attempt at wrestling free.
"Tsk tsk... So many threats," the man just says in between his sucking and licking, his fingers skillfully working up and down the hunter's dick with scary expertise.
"You're going to want to thank me though. I'll make you feel so good, I promise. And I think you're liking it already," he adds, clearly not missing how Sam is now completely erect in his hand.
"Aren't you?"
The question hangs heavily in the air and Sam just wants to scream.
"Go to hell!" he spits. It's the only thing he can think of saying right now. Apparently, his brain can't collect itself enough to formulate anything better than that.
There's another one of those horrifying chuckles, all muffled against Sam's chest, and the hunter cringes. Then, finally the mouth pulls off of his abused nipple, leaving the flesh all swollen and raw. Sam shudders.
"Feels good, huh?" the stranger purrs and Sam wants nothing more right now than tear the man's larynx out with his bare hands.
"No!" he growls, squirming and twisting in the ropes. But somehow the protest feels kind of hollow.
"Then why's your dick all hard?"
And there it is. The stranger just perfectly voiced Sam's thoughts. But it isn't true, it can't be. He can't possibly be enjoying this. There's no way anyone could.
"Just look at you leaking like an animal, mm?" the man says and heat instantly flares up in Sam's cheeks, turning them a flushed pink. Because he's right. By now he's practically throbbing in his attacker's hand, far too hard and with pre-cum already oozing from the slit.
"No, I'm- it's not- it's not like that, I c-can't help -"
"Don't lie to yourself, Sam. You want this. There's no denying it," the man interrupts, hot breath fanning across Sam's chest in fast puffs of humid air.
"You're insane," Sam states, not wanting to address how the stranger's words jab at him, how they make his face burn even hotter with shame. Because, God help him, there's a grain of truth there.
"Maybe. But what does that make you?" the man asks and Sam just wants to disappear. Swallowing thickly he tries to recoil when he feels soft lips nibble their way down his abdomen. But of course the chair doesn't budge and neither does he.
"L-Look, just let me go. I don't want this," Sam says and he hates the way his voice shakes.
It's the only response he gets. That, and some wet kisses that creep lower and lower until they venture into his public hair. A thin noise tumbles out of his mouth at that and he digs his heels into the floor in a useless attempt at pushing himself back and away from the exploring mouth. But little does it help. He's still immobile, still trapped. Still helpless.
"Give in, Sam. Let me make you feel good," the stranger hums against his skin, fat tongue lapping through his public hair and drenching his skin in saliva.
"Let yourself have this."
And suddenly, lips close around Sam's dick, hot suction making him flinch and jolt in his restraints.
Something between a gasp and a whimper makes it out of his mouth before he has a chance to stop it and the world spins behind the blindfold as he is pummeled with sensation. Electric zaps shoot through him, zinging right up his spine and setting his groin alight with tingly heat. It's too much.
"Oh, God...!!" he grits out, hoarse and breathless.
"Stop, stop, just stop...!" he gasps, unable to sit still as the velvety mouth takes him in deeper. It feels like hot silk, all slick and smooth. It feels too good. It feels wrong. As slurping noises fill the room, the man swallows him down inch by throbbing inch. It's obscene. And it feels like his loins are on fire, a treacherous coil tightening somewhere inside.
"P-Please don't...!" he whines and he wants to curl in on himself from shame when it almost comes out as a moan. But the man isn't stopping. Instead, he seems to be doubling his efforts, tongue swirling and flicking against the veiny flesh and making it eagerly bounce against the roof of his mouth. And Sam's hips automatically stutter. The jerky movement is small and fleeting but it doesn't go by unnoticed.
"Mmmfff," the stranger moans happily around Sam's length, his lips stretched thin around the wide girth. And the young hunter swears he must be flushing a deep beet red by now, the color surely spreading all the way down to his chest. He has never felt this humiliated before in his life. This dirty. This... Sick.
"No, no, no....!" he gasps and he squeezes his eyes shut even tighter behind the blindfold - because a telltale tightness is building quickly in his groin, all hot and dense and tingly. He knows what this is, knows where he's headed. But he can't. Oh God, he can't.
"Mmmmrrr," the man moans around him, vibrations from his voice shooting through the hard flesh and zapping through the hunter like a sudden rush of heat that leaves him breathless. His hips jerk forward of their own accord, driving his dick further down the tight throat. The man makes a strangled sound, but he doesn't pull back. Instead, he lets the thick length burrow right past his uvula while he does his best to suppress his gag reflex. He doesn't really succeed, because he splutters loudly, ropes of drool hanging from his chin when Sam can't help but roll his hips again. And, oh God, it feels amazing. It's so warm and smooth and tight and it's so beyond fucked up, but still he can't help the way his back is beginning to arch and his toes are curling in his boots. He's close. He's so close. The realization slaps him across the face and he wants to die, wants to dig himself a big hole to jump into and never come back.
The stranger is moaning obscenely around him now, the wet noises his mouth makes loud and filthy like those in a bad porno. Sam isn't exactly quiet himself. He's trying to bite back the sounds that want to rip from his throat, but he is only partly succeeding. He's panting heavily, only interrupted by some helpless gasps and keening noises that he fails to hold back. He's almost there. Almost. Just one little push is all it would take and he would pass the point of no return in an instant. But he can't. He shouldn't. But somehow he thinks he kind of wants to. His balls have drawn up tight already and his dick is aching for release, all red and swollen and twitching inside that hot mouth.
"Please, oh God, please, please...!" he babbles, voice raw and urgent. But he isn't sure what he's begging for. Not anymore. Does he want the man to stop? Or does he want him to continue?
"Mmm?" the man hums and Sam finds himself frantically thrusting into that amazing mouth below. He's desperate. Everything feels like it's seizing up, but still it's not quite enough, he needs something more, that last straw. The blindfold has turned wet by now - as wet as his dick - and helplessly he's squirming in the chair, mindlessly begging for something he isn't sure what is. It hurts.
"Oh, fuck, God, oh, please...!?" he moans, hips jerking and trapped hands balling into milky white fists. It's too much and not enough all at once, his dick hurts and he needs to cum so badly and he needs more -
Suddenly fingers close around his nipples, grabbing a hold of the tender nubs like tweezers - and then they twist. Hard.
Pain shoots through the sore flesh like a lightning bolt, fierce and red-hot. Agonizing. And it's all it takes.
With a strangled shout, Sam goes as rigid and tense as a bowstring, back arching and body seizing. And he's gone. Ropes of cum shoot from his dick in hard spurts to coat the inside of the hot mouth below in sticky white. As the man repeatedly swallows around him, his throat ripples and hugs him even tighter, squeezing, and Sam can't help the pathetic sound slipping out of his mouth in response. His hips violently jerk, trying to chase after the last bits of the orgasm. A wet tongue laps at him, suckles on the head of his dick as it cleans away every drop of his release. And then, suddenly, it's all over.
As the orgasmic haze lifts, Sam finds himself tumbling back into the present. As he slams headfirst into reality, his stomach drops. Oh, God. What has he done?
The man on his knees in front of him pulls off with a wet sound and Sam's spent dick slips out of his mouth. It's obscene. Glistening with saliva the heavy appendage rests on the seat between his legs, still semi-hard. Shuddering, the hunter tries to come to terms with the fact that he just came down his captor's throat - and fails. He can't understand it. He simply can't. And he won't.
"See? I told you I'd make you feel good," the stranger says, and Sam can actually hear the smile on the bastard's face.
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palishere · 2 years
Hello I just wanted to randomly pop into your inbox to tell you that I am absolutely in love with your blog and your work! My personal faves have to be Anonymous Devotion and Making The Cut because I’m a slut for good Sam content especially when it involves his beautiful hair lmaoo. I personally believe that Dean would have an even bigger love/fascination/possible fetish for his baby brother’s hair than Sam’s stalker though 👀. I could see Dean playing out a kinky scene similar to Sam’s prior run ins with his stalker as a way to replace any bad memories sam could still have. And also for Dean to even out Sam’s uneven locks of hair and perhaps start his own collection of his baby’s hair(?). I digress hahaha I hope your holidays have been wonderful and I wish you the best for the upcoming new year!
Eeeep!!!! 😮
Thank you so, so much for this lovely ask, dear nonnie! It truly made my day!! ❤️ I'm beyond thrilled to hear that the content I make is actually appreciated! Woot! *Grins from ear to ear like a mad woman*
Oh, and Sam's hair! Yes!!!! All of the fucking yes! That luscious mane is magnificent and should be worshipped!!! No doubt about it! Because no matter which version, Sam's hair is always glorious. So, ahem, *clears throat*, allow me to present some evidence, your honor....
There's the soft, windy version:
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And the flippy version:
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The sleepy, tussled version:
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Even the wet version:
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And for the love of God, we cannot forget the pulled version:
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*Deep stuttered sigh*
And THIS, your honor, is why so many panties are ruined every friggin day...! And that includes Dean's, as a matter of fact. No matter if he chooses to wear the satiny pink ones or just his regular boxer briefs, he is just as guilty as the rest of us! 😏
I bet he dreams about running his fingers through those beautiful locks every time Sam is sleeping. I bet he takes a deep whiff every time they hug too.... And Sam is oblivious, hasn't got a clue what's going on in his big brother's fantasies once his hand slip under the covers at night when he thinks Sam has fallen asleep...? It's a well-kept secret, after all. Maybe he'll never know how Dean truly feels? Or maybe Dean has one too many shots of whiskey one day and accidentally blurts it all out? I don't know. You decide! I know what I think though.... 😏
Ah, and now I'm rambling.... My apologies. But please know that your ask made me really friggin happy! Thank you. I repay you with a a squeal of excitement along with an attack hug and some wet kisses! And I wish you a hell of an awesome New Year!!
MWAH!!!! 💋
For the ppl who don't know what "hair fetish" fics nonnie is referring to, here are the links:
"Anonymous Devotion" (prequel)
"Making the Cut"
(Heed the warnings though, both are dark)
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palishere · 3 years
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Beauty and the bee.
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palishere · 3 years
Happy tandem brothers!
Because that’s what they really deserve instead of rebar and heartbreak… 😌
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palishere · 3 years
Truly the work of a genious!
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The Killing Moon - Sam and Dean are in over their heads when they investigate a town plagued by werewolves. My contest entry for deancaneatmypie’s Supernatural Episode Contest at Deviant Art.
* please reblog to show support. do not repost in whole or in part *
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palishere · 3 years
Oh! How clever! I'd love to see what orhers come up with too! Hehe
Challenge time:
Can you write a couple of sentences/fanfic using EVERY letter of the english alphabet. :p Example you ask?
"The snarky comment to the bloody vampire was quickly forgotten just as the exit blurred out of place, this was crazy, they had to keep fighting."
Your turn!
That's hard! What kind of fuckery is this? I tried to keep it as short as I could... Which I think broke my brain.
The bizarre squelching sound his body made when the poltergeist fucked into him was just very sexy.
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