palm-kimjiyeon · 9 years
kei feels her heart soften at the sight of her cousin blinking back tears, and a fleeting thought of letting her go flashes across her mind. kei remembers when she was yeeun’s age, she attended and even hosted parties freely. it is only right to give yeeun the freedom that she had experienced, especially since yeeun has grown up being coddled and protected by her parents enough. despite all the logical reasons not to let yeeun go, kei can sense her excitement at finally being able to grow up and experience a life that any other normal teenager should have.
another thought, however, arises as fast as the previous one disappeared. even if she temporarily puts aside the fact that yeeun is blatantly ignoring her previous lecture, which was supposed to shed light on the priorities yeeun should have, kei cannot ignore how yeeun had failed to bring up a single word about the party she was attending tonight. how many times has yeeun attended parties without telling her?
with that, kei folds her arms across her chest and shakes her head as she lets one single syllable out.
kei’s tone is firm, leaving absolutely no space for argument, a complete switch from her usual way of speaking. she has to do this, she has to be firm on yeeun, she has to enforce rules on yeeun, because it’s her responsibility to take care of her baby-like cousin. kei may seem like a dizzy airhead sometimes, but even she knows how much this world can hurt a person. this is especially so for a person like yeeun, someone who has never seen the world for what it really is. it is up to her to protect yeeun from getting hurt, as far as she can.
〈 superwoman。 〉
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palm-kimjiyeon · 9 years
the frown on kei’s face only deepens as she ponders over a way to leave out the hurtful words that have been exchanged carelessly on this topic. she’s usually not afraid to be straightforward, if it helps to convince the other party to see things the way that they should. but even she knows that directly telling ayumi about what she has heard is going to be hurtful, and that might be an understatement.
when kei sometimes hears people whispering about ayumi, a part of her feels slightly hurt for ayumi, although that is quickly overshadowed by the confusion and distaste she feels towards her actions. however, she believes that no matter what sort of wrongdoing a person has committed, it still does not warrant the use of hurtful words like the kind that have been used on ayumi way too often for kei’s liking.
“you probably have the story completely wrong.”
kei processes ayumi’s words, and once again, the thought of dropping the conversation rises. word travels around palm fast, it’s the effect of being on a small island. the reliability of what you hear, however, is a complete different story.
in the end, kei decides that if what she has heard isn’t accurate, then she’s here to find out.
“they say that you’d do things to, um, degrade yourself, for benefits.” kei stops for a moment to think through her choice of words before continuing. “why would you do something like that, out of free will?”
— 「 more than meets the eye. 」
and there it is. ayumi had guessed right. at least the girl - kei, she thinks - seems slightly uneasy, instead of just ranting at her. it’s happened before. it also sounds like she has a completely skewed view on what exactly had happened then.
ayumi clears her throat. “um, can you tell me what exactly it is you heard?” she makes a flopping motion with her hands to say it’s not kei’s fault for hearing the wrong thing. “just. you know, the way gossip travels… you probably have the story completely wrong?” she smiles apologetically for full effect.
this is always so strange to talk about. people always have their preconceptions and more often than not, once they find out what they thought was the truth was in fact completely false, they beg to hear the actual tale. talking about it always leaves ayumi a little uncomfortable - if she tries hard enough she can feel ghostly hands gliding over her skin - but it does help. it reminds her that that’s the past, she’s here now, and she survived.
and, of course, there’s a sick sense of curiosity to know just what it is the rumor mill has created this time.
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palm-kimjiyeon · 9 years
hi, hi!
so, like, i finally got a plot list up! there’s still very little plots, because i’m still working on it. . and procrastinating a lot, at that. ; ; but do check it out here, and drop me an ask if you’d like to plot! < 3
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palm-kimjiyeon · 9 years
“yeah, that’s what they call me.” kei nods, curling her lips up into a small polite smile.
now that she has gotten the ball rolling, kei is faced with the problem of how to continue this conversation. it was rather awkward, to say the least. it is definitely not an unusual occurrence for kei to preach at people, but it might just be the first time she has ever dealt with such a sensitive and personal topic.
maybe that’s why she was holding back. is she really in the place to pose a question on this girl’s personal life? a string of doubts runs through kei’s mind, raising the possibility of letting go of the upcoming conversation.
then again, it wasn’t like her to give up a chance to potentially pull someone back on to the right track. kei pushed away all doubts to the back of her head, and continued to speak.
“i— i heard of your scandals.”
a frown makes its way on to kei’s face as she thinks about all the nasty words that have been muttered about ayumi.
“why would you do something like that?”
— 「 more than meets the eye. 」
   ayumi was tired; fleur’s had been very busy today, locals and tourists alike. a few of the tourists who’d recognized her tried to start conversation, but she had to politely decline; it made her feel guilty, even though she knew there was nothing she was really at fault for. a few of the ruder locals, on the other hand, would shoot her dirty glances, or ask kei to handle their orders entirely.
   speaking of glances, ayumi knew kei had been watching her throughout the day. the two of them had never really worked together too closely, their schedules just didn’t line up, or something. when the other girl asks to talk, just as the store should be closing, ayumi’s not surprised.
   “we can talk! your name’s kei?” she responds, making sure to keep her voice upbeat even though she has a feeling she knows exactly what it is they’re going to be talking about.
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palm-kimjiyeon · 9 years
yeeun looks the best when she’s dressed up in a dress, preferably one that brings out her bubbly character. that’s the first thought that crosses kei’s mind, so she proceeds to look through yeeun’s wardrobe for something like that.
yeeun and kei have been close when they were young, but when yeeun arrived at palm island and it was decided that she would move in with kei, she felt like it was her duty to take care of the younger girl, just as she would with a little sister. maybe it’s because of yeeun’s frustratingly naive nature, or maybe it’s because kei is just being responsible, like she always is. either way, from then on, the bond between the two girls became even stronger than before, and they were now practically unbreakable. kei loves yeeun more than anything, and she would always put yeeun at the top of her list of priorities. always.
when kei spots a black dress with a heart shaped cut-out on the back that would reach yeeun’s mid-thigh when worn, a satisfied grin makes its way on her face as she snaps her finger in approval.
“ah, i think i just found the one! this dress would look great–” kei stops mid-sentence as she processes the situation.
“the taxi is coming to pick you up in five minutes?” kei fixes her gaze on the girl before her, and narrows her eyes in an attempt to look intimidating.
“please don’t tell me you’re going to another party.”
〈 superwoman。 〉
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palm-kimjiyeon · 9 years
— 「 more than meets the eye. 」
the crowd today was massive. a soft tired sigh escapes kei's lips as she wipes a table half-heartedly, her eyes wandering around the store. they eventually stop on the only other person present in the store right now — ayumi, the girl who was assigned to close the store with her today.
a flood of thoughts rush through her mind as she observes the pink-haired girl in front of her, consisting mainly of one question that has been on her mind ever since she stepped into the store and realized that she was working with ayumi today. why would she degrade herself like that? they have never met before today, but kei has definitely heard of ayumi. word in palm travels around rather fast, especially if it's something as big as ayumi's scandal.
kei has been thinking of asking ayumi about it for the whole day, but she couldn’t possibly bring up something like that in front of so many people, could she? right now, they were alone in the store, which meant that it was the perfect time to talk to ayumi.
to kei, it has always been a responsibility to pull the people that she meets out of whatever negative situation they are in, and to change them for the better. it was like a duty of some sort, and she’s going to do just that tonight.
“hey, ayumi, right?” her voice rings through the quiet store, breaking the silence. “can we talk?”
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palm-kimjiyeon · 9 years
kei is sitting in front of her desk, with her full focus on the essay that she has to rush out to hand in tomorrow, when her cousin stumbles into their shared room. the already present frown on her face deepens at the sudden intrusion as she turns her body to face yeeun, her cousin, scurry around the room. kei wonders what’s up with the other girl, but then decides to brush it off and turn back to her work, intent on finishing whatever she was working on before this disturbance. in any case, yeeun’s always been panicky over minor things, and kei bets that this time isn’t any different.
it doesn't take too long, however, before another interruption comes her way. a loud shriek comes from behind her, and she turns around for the second time tonight.
the word comes out of kei's mouth in a slightly annoyed tone before she can help it, and she immediately throws a palm over her mouth, then proceeds to correct herself.
"i'm sorry, i'm just a little caught up with my work right now." she elicits a soft sigh before standing up and taking a few steps to yeeun's side. slinging an arm over the younger girl's shoulder, she looks down at her beloved cousin, who has recently gotten her hair dyed ash-brown. the color goes extremely well with yeeun's big eyes, making her look a lot more fresher than she ever has. deep down, kei felt a huge sense of pride in her little cousin for being brave enough to step out of her comfort zone.
"so, tell me. what's getting you worked up, little one?"
curly ash-brown hair that cascades down the shoulders. “pretty hair!” the hairdresser had exclaimed, with his thick palm satoori that yeeun barely understood.
and for the first time in seventeen years, yeeun’s hair is not black. it feels symbolic, yeeun muses, like she’s becoming a brand new person and not the girl that stayed in her dorm every weekend debating over which scientist was more successful – einstein or newton. before she can get lost in her train of a sappy monologue about how she has changed, her phone vibrates, an alarm that reminds her that she has approximately ten minutes before her taxi arrives to pick her out to a club downtown.
yeeun lets out a gasp before scurrying to her room. she still needs to get dressed. despite the rush, there’s a bright smile on her face, a blush growing up her cheek. excitement has enveloped the young girl, the yearning of a certain moment that involved a boy’s lips, a dark room and straying hands, flooding her thoughts. maybe tonight at the club she’ll be visiting, she’ll get lucky again, she muses, a film roll of possible scenarios playing through her head.
first thing’s first, she reminds herself as she stares at her wardrobe, eyes wide in desperation. as soon as she got the green light to stay in palm islands, she had ran out to buy the latest “must have” items, according to a teen magazine. however, she has to admit, she isn’t really good at dressing up, she never really had any practice – after all, the only acceptable clothing to wear in a lab is well, a lab coat. seven minutes left. yeeun’s close to tears because she’s not going to make it, she’ll never get the cab and the boy to kiss, oh my god.
so, she calls the first person that comes to her mind, her superwoman, her lifesaver, her housemate, her cousin, kei. “kei unnie!” she shrieks.
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palm-kimjiyeon · 9 years
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kei picspam requested by anon
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palm-kimjiyeon · 9 years
— intro.
hello, hello! i’m kei’s mun, and you can call me am! thank you all so much for the welcomes, it means a lot! i’ll get around to replying them right after i’m done with this post.
i’m really new to this whole majicky, and i haven’t got an aim set up yet, but when i do, hopefully it’ll be easier to plot and stuff! i. . also haven’t gotten a plot page set up, because i’m horrible at getting stuff done and stop procrastinating.
but as of now, drop me an ask if you’d like to plot. < 3
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palm-kimjiyeon · 9 years
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Kei’s aegyo ♡
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