palmercalv · 4 years
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Palmer sat with her chin in her hand, a yawn escaping her lips. Her eyes were met with another pair. “What hurts worse?” She started, sitting up and crossing her legs. “Emotional pain or physical pain?” The dark haired girl already knew her answer. There wasn’t anything that could beat the pain she felt when she broke her ankle in high school. A jump up to reach the volleyball and a loss of balance when her feet hit the ground once more. An ankle roll that caused a bone to pop out. Palmer didn’t let herself feel emotional pain for long. Emotional pain only ever held her back. // @rosasamuels​
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palmercalv · 4 years
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“Everything about this screams a recipe for disaster.” She held her flashlight, shining it as far as it could go to see what she would be getting herself into. They stood at the entrance of the underground tunnels of Radcliffe. They weren’t even supposed to be there, but curiosity killed the cat.  Palmer’s head turned to face the other behind her. “Should I go first?” She asked. There was no fear, however she wasn’t sure how sturdy the ceiling and walls of the tunnel were. The girl did not want them to fall and end up having to run full speed for the exit, like a scene from Indian Jones. // @fialovas​
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palmercalv · 4 years
jumping on the bandwagon jdfkdjskfds. i feel the threads i have with palmer are too far gone or i just don’t have muse for them so here we are. if u want something from her like this pls
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palmercalv · 4 years
“Oh okay.” Mira smiled softly, glad she wasn’t being a burden to her roommate. “I think that’s a great idea.” She agreed, mustering up the energy to get up. She had been sitting for a little while so her foot decided to take a little snooze, experiencing slight pins and needles as she stood. “I just realized I haven’t eaten yet today.” Mira admitted. She had a bad habit with forgetting to eat, most times she just doesn’t feel hungry or is doing so much that she forgets. 
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Palmer shook her head at the other. “You haven’t eaten?” She questioned as she stood, ready to make the trip up the stairs. “Well, we’re going to an all you can eat buffet then.” Palmer let out a laugh, her arm slipping around her roommates waist. “Besides, we need a a lot of time to gossip.” A smirk pulled at the corner of her lip. The girl started her way to the stairs, making her way to their room. 
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palmercalv · 4 years
📱| dominic
dominic: :(
dominic: ok is that all?
palmer: if i tell you ur just gonna come check
palmer: do you want that to be all?
palmer: can't i just text a friend?
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palmercalv · 4 years
📱| dominic
dominic: it's against the rules so yea
dominic: what dorm are u in again?
palmer: against the rules
palmer: blah blah blah
palmer: not telling you!
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palmercalv · 4 years
📱| dominic
dominic: well the iguana would have to leave for one
dominic: do u have an iguana in ur dorm?
palmer: absolutely not..
palmer: i told you it was for a friend
palmer: you would really make me get rid of it???
palmer: i mean my friend??
palmer: a bit fckin rude
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palmercalv · 4 years
📱| dominic
palmer: so.. what would be the consequences if someone got caught with an iguana in their dorm?
palmer: asking for a friend btw
palmer: not for me...
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palmercalv · 4 years
Jude wasn’t a fan of drunks like this – he’d experienced enough of them to know the slightest word could prompt a stutter in their blink, coax out a harsher slur. Palmer, in this condition, even against the buzz of his high and the four beers he’d managed, subtly tensed his molars. He felt a shred more alert, which Jude never liked being. Aware was Jude’s least favourite thing to be. Conscious, too. “Dunno, bit confusing. Imprinted on a fuckin’ baby. I’d say that’s, uh… Bit confusing,” he nipped in the bud, another drag to punctuate. He wasn’t going to indulge it, the implication. Frankly, his goal at this point was just to smoke as quickly as possible, duck out of the conversation and avoid it altogether – or that was his goal, at least, until she yanked on his his head like it was simply a fallen mannequin piece, hollowed out with plastic that couldn’t blink. As if to prove her wrong, Jude did just that in utter disbelief. “The fuck are you–… Alright,” came with a subtle attempt to rid her hands, chin jogged sideways, nose wrinkling as a projector slide in his brain slipped, one overlapping another. He was there and he was home. On the street and sat on a sofa, breath in his face from a white wine spritzer. You’re….. pretty. “I said alright,” he snapped, elastic stretched to capacity, hand lifting to pull her wrist down. He might as well have tossed it to the curb like a discarded crisp packet, for the way he flung it from his grasp, cigarette already having dropped in the midst of the scuffle. Jude let out a ragged sigh, lips parted in frustration, stooping to pluck it up. It’d only rolled about a foot’s length, stopped by the crack of the pavement. He gave it a last pull before deeming it useless, dirt flecked near the end, tossed to scuff beneath a Dr. Marten boot. “Right,” he announced, voice no longer sanded of it’s edges – firmer, this time, like he was accessing an authority he’d gained from experience, one he’d only ever been forced to the point of using. He started producing his phone. “Gonna book you an Uber before you fuckin’… squat down and piss on a homeless man that looks like me. Dunno. Seems like something you’d do to make a point, frankly.”
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Palmer didn’t expect the other to snap at her, her arm forced back into it’s resting place. The motion was enough to sober her, only a bit. She didn’t want to say anything more. Her smile turned into a straight line. Palmer knew that she may have gone overboard. She wasn’t one that normally drank so much, but Palmer had finished a big test earlier and wanted to reward herself for her hard work. She had no intention of running into Jude, or even talk to him, but in her state, she barely had control over what she did. “That was rude.” She let out, her dark hues focused on the ground as he pulled out his phone. “I don’t need an Uber.” The girl let out. Palmer was becoming stubborn and didn’t want his help, all because he hurt her feelings a little bit. “I can walk.” She started, her eyes finally meeting his again. “I’ll assure you that I won’t piss on anyone on my way.” Her tone implied her annoyance. A hand ran through the strands of her dark hair before she started to take a few steps, slowly to test the waters. It was never her intention to upset him, however it seemed that that was exactly what she did. Palmer didn’t want to cause anymore trouble, so she figured it was best to leave the situation without his help. Her steps were unbalanced, but she was determined to get home by herself. “Let’s hope someone doesn’t try to kidnap me.” She let out, her head turned over her shoulder. Palmer stopped and turned on her heels, her hands raised slightly. “See I can do it.”
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palmercalv · 4 years
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          you sound like my mom,  was he wanted to say, but it came out as a playfully grumbled,  “  deal.  ”   the male hopped up from the table, standing over the girl for a moment before offering a hand out towards her.  “  are you ready for your first question  ?  ”  straps of his backpack were yanked further up his shoulders, as if he was getting ready to go.  “  walk with me.  ”  without noticing, he’ll hold onto her hand a little longer after pulling palmer to her feet. the trek to the exit began with an ascending set of stairs,  “  question number one.  ”  voice bounced with every step. coupling it with enthusiam had him sounding like a god damn talk show host, about to interview their first guest.  NOW WELCOMING, PALMER CALVERY.  “  what’s your favorite place on campus  ?  and you can’t say the library. obviously.  ”
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Palmer looked up at Sage before she took his offered hand. “Yep!” Came our as she stood from the chair, eager to find out what was in store. “And just where are we going?” Her eyes looked up at Sage through her eyelashes. Palmer didn’t mind the lingering hand hold, she had barely even noticed it. She strolled down the stairs along side of him, her shoes echoing throughout and her hair bouncing with each step. Her head turned to listen to the question he had. She was thinking that he’d drive in and start with the deep stuff, but that’s not what he did at all. “Don’t worry. The library is my least favorite place.” Palmer let out with a laugh. “I’d say the lake.” The brunette nodded as she answered. “Starting with the easy ones I see.” Palmer raised her perfectly chiseled eyebrows. “I hope they get better.”
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palmercalv · 4 years
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Mira gave her roommate a soft, tried smiled as she plopped down beside her. “Just a little bit. I have the windows open to air it out though.” She reassured her, thinking the smell should be all wafted out in a little while. “I didn’t keep you up all night, did I?” She asked, worried that she was the reason for her exhaustion.
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Palmer leaned back against the back of the loveseat. “No, I normally don’t sleep very well.” The girl reassured. “Don’t worry.” A small smile appeared on her lips. She had assumed that the room would be tolerable now. “Wanna head back up, so I can drop my books off? We can get lunch or something.” The brunette sat up, pulling her books to her chest.
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palmercalv · 4 years
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Mirabella was hanging around in one of the common areas of Noland, sitting on a loveseat in the corner. She had to finally leave her room after the paint fumes started to be a little much. Mira worked on her art project all night, only getting a few hours of sleep in between. So she sat there, half asleep, zoned out as she fiddled with her clear quartz pendant necklace. She was so out of it that she didn’t even realize when someone came close. 
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Palmer was making her way back to their dorm when she spotted her roommate in the common area. The brunette was previously at the library to tutor a few students in their biology classes. Palmer plopped down beside the other as she let out a loud huff, causing her hair to spring upward. “I’m beat.” She let out, her books placed on her thighs. “Room still smell like paint?” The girl smirked at the Mira. Palmer knew she had been up all night working on some piece because she was also up, however she just wasn’t able to sleep. 
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palmercalv · 4 years
A conversation had been the last thing Ducky’d been planning for, in the quiet of the library - the one place he could think clearly, maybe - though not clear by much, still a weird film around his very thoughts. “Guess you could say that,” it came out in a mumble, before he cleared his throatm “ - Uh, yeah. No time. Very religious household, wasn’t even uh - allowed to watch Friends, ‘cos the uh, guys and gals mingled too much. Very sexual undertones,” there’d been no need for Ducky to lie - but he did, anyways. It was in some ways, an escape from reality - now that he’d been confronted with socialization. “Dunno about that - Adam Sandler’s a god, in my uh - humble opinion. Don’t remember what I watched but he gave a very remarkable performance. You got a favorite movie?”
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Palmer let out a laugh. “You aren’t missing much with Friend’s.” She shrugged. Nineties sitcoms weren’t her thing. She normally watched movies and shows that weren’t as known, however she did occasionally delve into a popular show or movie. “Doesn’t seem like much of a god to you if you don’t even remember the movie of his you saw.” She leaned her weight onto on of her legs, as she let out a stifled laugh. “My favorite would have to be What Happened to Monday.” She held the book tight to her chest, as she was eager to get back to the table to begin her research. “It’s about a set of septuplets in a world were there’s only one child per household allowed. I doubt you’d like it because it’s nothing like an Adam Sandler movie.” 
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palmercalv · 4 years
Jude blinked like a plate had been slammed in the sink at Palmer’s eruption, even reeling his head back an inch. From the state of her lipstick, she looked a bit like Harley Quinn after a particularly rogue tussle. He eyed it like she had a glob of houmous on her face five hours after snacking. By the way she was wobbling, a sailor manning stormy seas, it was only inevitable that she’d grasp his shoulder – still, Jude sighed smoke off to the side, expression unreadable. “Bit, uh… Bit of a blanket statement. You a Jacob and Bella fan? Just find out she ends up with Edward?” He ignored the potential implication of himself in her words, given their last conversation. It was rather awkward territory, territory he wouldn’t venture into willingly. When Palmer flung her hand, a pinky caught him on the temple. Jude reacted in delayed time. “Fuckin’ hell… She’s gone rogue. Inflatable sock man outside a car dealership. Nearly had an eye out.” Ashing his cigarette next to his Dr. Marten, he squinted slightly at her question, molars tensed. Deadly serious, apparently. “My advice? Invest in a cockroach farm. Feed them prosciutto ham, bulk them big and strong. Get them, uh… Get them trained in acrobatics. Miniature unicycles. Very promising market for that. Untapped gold.” Ignoring the lack of correlation, Jude nodded her way. “You good? Flopping around a bit. Bit of a, uh… An overcooked spaghetti aura to you.”
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She would be lying if said she had any clue about what was happening around her. Palmer may have had one too many for someone that had travelled to the bar alone. The brunette knew that she would be grateful in the morning for running into someone she knew, that being said if Jude didn’t decide to strand her.  “At least Jacob wasn’t confusing.” Her head tilted to the side, her eyes still locked on the other’s. Of course, she had to get a jab in while she was under the influence. After she had noticed her pinky had swiped his temple, her mouth opened in awe. Palmer’s hands flew to the sides of his face, like a mother would if she were caring for a her child. “I’m so sorry!” She let out, turning his head in her hands to get a better look. Though, she jerked his head more than turned it like it was a bobble head and not a human head. Palmer jerked his head back to place as she listened to him speak. His words were falling together as she stared at him, her expression was blank, but anyone could tell if was more of a longing than a stare. Jude was starting to sound like a parent in Charlie Brown, gibberish. Maybe it was the small pill she had taken before she started drinking, or maybe she was in a trance. Palmer liked him and there was no denying it, though her sober self knew as soon as the chase was over, she’d be over him. Drunk Palmer? She didn’t care. “You’re..... pretty.” She let out, her words slurred and slow. She examined his facial features, a smile upon her lips as she did. However, the longer she stared the more distorted he got, resulting in a disgusted expression. Her hands fell by her side, finally getting pulled from her trace. “I am fine.” She said sternly, swaying slightly because she hardly had any balance. “I may or may not have had a teensy weensy too much.” Her eyes squinted as her index finger and thumb showing a tiny bit of space between them, a giggle passing through her lips.
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palmercalv · 4 years
Jude stood over an air grate, back of his flannel shirt blasted up to hover in a perpetual villain’s cape – his sleeves were billowing, too, four times bigger, and his stubble was scruffier than a brown bagged lunch mauled through the paper by an alley cat. “Just got a, uh… a penchant for a carrot, you know? Fuckin’… could nibble on it, raw. Wouldn’t care. Dirty, even. Might elicit a thrill,” he made conversation with somebody smoking there, careless to the stick of tears on their eyelashes. “Yeah? Well I’ve got a penchant for her loving me back. We can’t all get what we fucking want.” Still, his makeshift cape billowed. Jude’s eyes slid towards another loiterer, post the stranger’s outburst, amusement only obvious by a glint in his eyes. “Fuck. Sombre, uh… Sombre atmosphere. You, uh… You got any advice for him?”
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She had one too many drinks in the bar, stumbling every step she took. Palmer’s hand placed against her head, pushing her hair up slightly thinking it would make it look better, but in reality it looked like she had just woke from a long slumber. The girl’s hand flew into the air, waving bye to the bartenders as she passed. “See you soon!” Her words slurred. Palmer pushed open the door with as much force as she had, the door swinging open and slamming against the wall behind it. The cool air hit her hot face as she stepped out with a giggle, almost tripping over the bottom frame. She had only picked up on the last bit of the conversation when she found herself because Jude. Palmer was digging in her bag for a cigarette, not having any luck. “I’d say fuck it!” She let out a huge grin upon her smeared lipstick lips. Her arm reached out for the third party, while her free hand fell on Jude’s shoulder. “We all know love sucks...just, fuck it.” Palmer threw her hand in the air as she giggled. “Go have fun, forget about the girl!” Her dark hues met Jude’s, still wearing a grin. “Let’s hear your advice,” it came as her eyebrows raised. “C’mon now.” 
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palmercalv · 4 years
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Emma Mackey – for WWD January 2020.
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palmercalv · 4 years
“Oh, please. A lady never tells. Besides, my room is like, wall to wall violations,” she assured with a flippant wave of her hand. “Candles, tapestries, alcohol. If the people that had come to fix the heating unit in my room had looked under by bed, I would’ve been totally fucked.” Dragging a hand through her hair, she leaned back against the bookcase, popping her phone out of her pocket. “I’m literally dreading going back to work. It’s so boring. I don’t even have homework to fill the time. Maybe I should pick out a book to read or something, hm? What do you think would be interesting to learn about? And don’t say iguanas.” Her nose scrunched as she laughed. “They look cute and all, but I don’t really think they’re my thing.” 
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“I think I am going to have to put his or her enclosure in a big rubbermaid tote to sneak it in.” Palmer imagined herself walking into Noland with a large rubbermaid and being the only one that knew what was really inside. She couldn’t help but to laugh slightly. “Then during room checks, I’ll have to put it back in and slide it under my bed.” Palmer scanned the shelf for a book that the other may enjoy. Though, she wasn’t big on books herself, she had read a few that she couldn’t put down. She had only read about animals when she wanted to own one. “Hm.” She let out, her eyes meeting Jen’s again. “Maybe something fluffy?” Palmer reached up, standing on her tip toes and pulled down a book. “Pandas?”
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