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Mama Pamela? My family didn't let me come over for christmas because I'm transgender, I need a hug ='(
*gives the biggest hug* I’m sorry I didn’t answer this sooner lovely... I hope you enjoyed your Christmas despite them.. You deserve to live as you and hopefully one day they can see that. Until then I’m here for you dear. 
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Going to be quiet for the holidays, much love to you all and your families, and I’m always here for you if you need a motherly christmas hug <3 
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Hello Mrs. Voorhees,, can,, you tell me where the best deals are for sketch books? I'm buying them for a special boy for his birthday,, uwu
Of course dear, we always have stacks of sketch books in the discount bin towards the front of the store, I’m sure you can find one that isn’t too tacky left up there: 
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Maybe they just need a stern talking to?  They seem like good boys, underneath it all.. Yes he did, though he was a bit.. abrupt about it..  O-oh yes um-- *remembers that she didn't use the meat at all and also burned it in a fire in the backyard* It was delightful thank you.. 
God dang it….
I need to hire new employees.
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hey Pamela here a new book i hope that anon fells bad and have a great day
In hindsight I suppose they were only trying to help explain to me.. But I’d have rather not ever known.. The mental imagery is haunting.. Thank you dear I hope I can get to it soon!
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*runs in the store* Y O L O
*chases with a knife* Naughty child!! >:(
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i'm think of making a blog like this is it a good idea
OOC: I think its fun to get into the mindsets of characters but it can be a bit taxing, but this environment is friendly and accepting enough and honestly is all for shits and giggles anyways so what harm could it do? Just don’t push yourself too hard and have fun with it, and if it gets too much its always okay to break and come back. Give it a try for awhile see how you do, because your experience with it will always be different from mine so I can’t directly tell you if its a good idea or not, just offer some advice
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What is wrong with your current workers, dear? Chop seems like he is doing well, delivering your.. -- Gift mystery meat on his break? That’s the making of a good employee.. Or perhaps I am wrong..
God dang it….
I need to hire new employees.
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No Pamela you're fine this isn't your fault at all it's that damned annoymous' fault we love you
Thank you dear.. 
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I don’t understand what I have done to deserve such vulgarity in my inbox.. I have tried to keep it tidy and clean and decent here..  I’m sorry to have posted this obscene question. 
yiffing is of sexual aspects within furry fandom include erotic art and furry-themed cybersex. The term "yiff" is sometimes used to indicate sexual activity or sexual material within the fandom—this applies to sexual activity and interaction within the subculture whether in the form of cybersex or offline.
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I love how you have sort of adopted everyone cause you are the best mom anything could ask for
Everyone deserves a kind and understanding parent.And I’d like to try and be that for everyone.
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yiffing is of sexual aspects within furry fandom include erotic art and furry-themed cybersex. The term "yiff" is sometimes used to indicate sexual activity or sexual material within the fandom—this applies to sexual activity and interaction within the subculture whether in the form of cybersex or offline.
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Awh that’s sweet.. I’ll show you where they are *goes to the kids section*  how old is your little brother?
Drayton said you ordered some meat-- So here ya go! NICE HUNK OF MEAT! JUST FOR YOU! *drops on counter* I also can't seem to keep the meat paper around it. Now MY HANDS ARE STAINED-- that's okay. *wipes on own shirt*
O-Oh…. a-ahh lovely.. um.. Tell Drayton thank you dearly.. ahah…ah–*looks at suspicious mystery meat* Let me.. just get a baggy.. No don’t wipe your hands there Mr.! Come over here *pulls out handkerchief and licks it and then cleans chop like the mom she is*  
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Oh that’s okay I can understand :)!  It is a lovely jacket none the less.  It’s good you are staying warm as the weather continues to get colder! The wind lately goes right through me! Try not to grow old if you can ahah!
I hope you don't mind, but your jacket is very interesting! Where did you find it?
Oh this? Its actually very old, the coat at least. It doesn’t belong to me, originally. I’m glad you like it but I don’t feel comfortable telling you where it came from, I’m sorry.
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Here you go, It’s not much just some Peanut butter and Jelly *hands half a sandwich* And here you can have my banana too.  *pats on top of hood * <3 
One crumb please
I am not a restaurant.. But are you hungry? I could split some of my packed lunch with you? You must be desperate if you are asking for just a crumb. Wait right here and I’ll go get my lunch pail.
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One crumb please
I am not a restaurant.. But are you hungry? I could split some of my packed lunch with you? You must be desperate if you are asking for just a crumb. Wait right here and I’ll go get my lunch pail.
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