flowersfangsandfire · 2 years
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Gustav Klimt, The Kiss // Robert Winthrop Chanler, Leopard and Deer
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flowersfangsandfire · 2 years
one thing about orpheus and eurydice is you guys are all like “i’m different i wouldnt turn to look at her” because you are all familiar with the story of orpheus and eurydice. but orpheus wasnt familiar with the story because he was in it lol.
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flowersfangsandfire · 2 years
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baby yagas
described in alt
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flowersfangsandfire · 2 years
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KEIRA KNIGHTLEY as CECILIA TALLIS in ATONEMENT (2007) dir. Joe Wright, Costume Design by Jacqueline Durran
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flowersfangsandfire · 2 years
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Jacek Jędral - Untitled, 2020, oil on canvas, 40x50 cm
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flowersfangsandfire · 2 years
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Dino cube :)
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flowersfangsandfire · 2 years
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flowersfangsandfire · 2 years
I saw this on quora and thought it was cool and wanted to share it on here.  Its a long read but crazy.  Its from Erik Painter
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They did try. And they did capture Navajo men. However, they were unsuccessful in using them to decipher the code. The reason was simple. The Navajo Code was a code that used Navajo. It was not spoken Navajo. To a Navajo speaker, who had not learned the code, a Navajo Code talker sending a message sounds like a string of unconnected Navajo words with no grammar. It was incomprehensible. So, when the Japanese captured a Navajo man named Joe Kieyoomia in the Philippines, he could not really help them even though they tortured him. It was nonsense to him.
The Navajo Code had to be learned and memorized. It was designed to transmit a word by word or letter by letter exact English message. They did not just chat in Navajo. That could have been understood by a Navajo speaker, but more importantly translation is never, ever exact. It would not transmit precise messages. There were about 400 words in the Code.
The first 31 Navajo Marines created the Code with the help of one non-Navajo speaker officer who knew cryptography. The first part of the Code was made to transmit English letters. For each English letter there were three (or sometimes just two) English words that started with that letter and then they were translated into Navajo words. In this way English words could be spelled out with a substitution code. The alternate words were randomly switched around. So, for English B there were the Navajo words for Badger, Bear and Barrel. In Navajo that is: nahashchʼidí, shash, and tóshjeeh. Or the letter A was Red Ant, Axe, or Apple. In Navajo that is: wóláchííʼ, tsénił , or bilasáana. The English letter D was: bįįh=deer, and łééchąąʼí =dog, and chʼįįdii= bad spiritual substance (devil).
For the letter substitution part of the Code the word “bad” could be spelled out a number of ways. To a regular Navajo speaker it would sound like: “Bear, Apple, Dog”. Or other times it could be “ Barrel, Red Ant, Bad Spirit (devil)”. Other times it could be “Badger, Axe, Deer”. As you can see, for just this short English word, “bad” there are many possibilities and to the combination of words used. To a Navajo speaker, all versions are nonsense. It gets worse for a Navajo speaker because normal Navajo conjugates in complex ways (ways an English or Japanese speaker would never dream of). These lists of words have no indicators of how they are connected. It is utterly non-grammatical.
Then to speed it up, and make it even harder to break, they substituted Navajo words for common military words that were often used in short military messages. None were just translations. A few you could figure out. For example, a Lieutenant was “one silver bar” in Navajo. A Major was “Gold Oak Leaf” n Navajo. Other things were less obvious like a Battleship was the word for Whale in Navajo. A Mine Sweeper was the Navajo word for Beaver.
A note here as it seems hard for some people to get this. Navajo is a modern and living language. There are, and were, perfectly useful Navajo words for submarines and battleships and tanks. They did not “make up words because they had no words for modern things”. This is an incorrect story that gets around in the media. There had been Navajo in the military before WWII. The Navajo language is different and perhaps more flexible than English. It is easy to generate new words. They borrow very few words and have words for any modern thing you can imagine. The words for telephone, or train, or nuclear power are all made from Navajo stem roots.
Because the Navajo Marines had memorized the Code there was no code book to capture. There was no machine to capture either. They could transmit it over open radio waves. They could decode it in a few minutes as opposed to the 30 minutes to two hours that other code systems at the time took. And, no Navajo speaker who had not learned the Code could make any sense out of it.
The Japanese had no published texts on Navajo. There was no internationally available description of the language. The Germans had not studied it at the time. The Japanese did suspect it was Navajo. Linguists thought it was in the Athabaskan language family. That would be pretty clear to a linguist. And Navajo had the biggest group of speakers of any Athabaskan language. That is why they tortured Joe Kieyoomia. But, he could not make sense of it. It was just a list of words with no grammar and no meaning.
For Japanese, even writing the language down from the radio broadcasts would be very hard. It has lots of sounds that are not in Japanese or in English. It is hard to tell where some words end or start because the glottal stop is a common consonant. Frequency analysis would have been hard because they did not use a single word for each letter. And some words stood for words instead of for a letter. The task of breaking it was very hard.
Here is an example of a coded message:
béésh łigai naaki joogii gini dibé tsénił áchį́į́h bee ąą ńdítį́hí joogi béésh łóó’ dóó łóóʼtsoh
When translated directly from Navajo into English it is:
You can see why a Navajo who did not know the Code would not be able to do much with that. The message above means: “CAPTAIN, THE DIVE BOMBER SANK THE SUBMARINE AND BATTLESHIP.”
“Two silver bars” =captain. Blue jay= the. Chicken hawk= dive bomber. Iron fish = sub. Whale= battleship. “Sheep, Axe Nose Key”=sank. The only normal use of a Navajo word is the word for “and” which is “dóó ”. For the same message the word “sank” would be spelled out another way on a different day. For example, it could be: “snake, apple, needle, kettle”.
Here, below on the video, is a verbal example of how the code sounded. The code sent below sounded to a Navajo speaker who did not know the Code like this: “sheep eyes nose deer destroy tea mouse turkey onion sick horse 362 bear”. To a trained Code Talker, he would write down: “Send demolition team to hill 362 B”. The Navajo Marine Coder Talker then would give it to someone to take the message to the proper person. It only takes a minute or so to code and decode.
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flowersfangsandfire · 2 years
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flowersfangsandfire · 2 years
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“fisheye” by mags munroe
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flowersfangsandfire · 2 years
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Every time I see news coverage of a protest I remember this image of a single overturned trashcan in front of The Washington Post building
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flowersfangsandfire · 2 years
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the voice from the stars
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flowersfangsandfire · 2 years
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Chinese bronze sword with turquoise studded, gold inlaid rock crystal hilt, Warring States Period, 4th-2nd century BC
from Cardale Auctioneers
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flowersfangsandfire · 2 years
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When Korra & Naga first met
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flowersfangsandfire · 2 years
informed consent for medication needs to include interactions with common recreational drugs, i think
most meds these days will only tell you 'limit alcohol' and wont even make a mention of weed (though if this is different in places that have legalised it i'd be interested to know). and they never tell you specifically why you should limit alcohol and thats something everyone should have the right to know
because i was terrified as a teen getting on the meds im on now, thinking i would never be able to drink and that i had to forgo taking my meds for the day if i did. then i learned that all my meds did was to increase the effects of alcohol and that the 'limit alcohol' warning in that case was more just a 'you will get drunk faster than you are used to'
but in other cases, such as with some antibiotics, the 'limit alcohol' means 'if you drink more than a little, this medication will stop working'
and some meds are actively dangerous when taken with alcohol/other drugs, putting you at risk of getting very sick or just dead
but every single time all you get is that little label saying 'limit alcohol'
anyway, i will once again shamelessly promote my favourite harm reduction website in the whole world, the drugs.com interactions checker. standard boilerplate applies that 'this isnt a substitute for medical advice from a professional' but its sure as fuck better than nothing
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flowersfangsandfire · 2 years
“Everybody has experienced the defeat of their lives. Nobody has a life that worked out the way they wanted it to work out. We all begin as the hero of our own dramas, in centre stage, and inevitably life moves us out of centre stage, defeats the hero, overturns the plot and the strategy and we’re left on the sidelines, wondering why we no longer have a part, or want a part, in the whole damn thing. So everybody’s experienced this. When it’s presented to us sweetly, the feeling goes from heart to heart and we feel less isolated and we feel part of the great human chain, which is really involved with the recognition of defeat.”
— Leonard Cohen on why people enjoy listening to melancholy songs. From a BBC radio interview in 2007.  (via elviskeepsmypictureinhiswallet)
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flowersfangsandfire · 2 years
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Do you want to talk about climate change but you’re not sure where to start? ecoAmerica can help. Check out our climate action sheet, 5 Steps to Effective Climate Communication. It provides steps to help you craft emotionally resonant, personalized, and effective messages on climate change so we can all be part of the solution: https://ecoamerica.org/climate-action-sheet/5-steps-to-effective-climate-communication/
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