pandalover-blog · 8 years
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pandalover-blog · 8 years
Ms.Panda here
hello,  all of you love you!!!
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pandalover-blog · 8 years
Ms.Panda here
have a great day 
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pandalover-blog · 8 years
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pic.story #2 
In the beginning there was a happy couple, they had a beautiful baby boy, they were happy and would always take him to the park. The thing they didn’t know was that the kid had something, that the boy wasn’t really a good boy. He didn’t like how they would dress him up nor how they call him my baby boy. He would hear voices in his head. The parents didn’t notice until his birthday came up. the parents made a birthday party for him. they invited the kids neighbors and his school mates. when the guest all arrived, the kids were playing and the parents were chatting. the mom started looking for her son and she looked for a long while. she looked in the back yard the she looked inside the only part she hasn’t looked was his room. she run up stairs and open the door. some kids were crying and he was scaring them and he has a knife and he was bleeding. he cut his arms open. the parents took him to therapy and the kid was getting worst he was being disrespectful and would throw stuff at his mom. they could do nothing about it. at the end when everyone was sleeping the kid got up killed his mother and his father and then killed himself. now who ever lives in that house gets haunted and they might end up killing them self.
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pandalover-blog · 8 years
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Pic,story this is number one.
In a world of burger heads, there was a young lonely burger named Ana, she would block herself from anyone around her. she would always be in that lonely apartment she lived in, but one day she decide to walk to the park, she wanted to draw and see hamburgers kids happy. she was one of the best artist around town. when she was finish with her art she got up and went back home, she did the same thing over and over each day. until one day a handsome burger guy sat next to her. she was shy and didn’t talk to him, he stared at the art and complimented it. the guy stood there and when she finish she got up and left like always, days pass and every day she would see that guy, they talked but very little and every time she would see him, she would fall for him. the burger guy fall for her too. they got closer more and more. they even became best friends. her wounds were healing and he was knowing to love. one day burger guy confess to her and she confess back, they got closer and closer and kissed, it was her first kiss and she was so happy. years passed and Ana ans burger guy had married and were awaiting for a little baby burger head
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pandalover-blog · 8 years
i’ll choose a pic from anyone and i’ll make up a story with that picture, send whichever pic and i’ll choose
in 30 minutes i’ll pic three pictures, and make a story.
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pandalover-blog · 8 years
i’m hurt but i smile
i feel weak but i’m strong
no love but i love 
i’m a puzzle that can’t me fix
so i wish that all my pieces go back where they were
i wish that someone would fight for me to love them 
i wish to get fixed little by little  
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pandalover-blog · 8 years
dear lovers
hello imma start writing for you all hope you like it!!!!
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pandalover-blog · 8 years
1978- Maryjane was sleeping on her big queen size bed. She was so beautiful, her beauty was attracted to everyone in town. Her skin was so soft and her hair was so long dark black color. That night she woke up, her heart was broken. The man she love was with someone else. She waited so long for him and she keeps waiting for him. They still stayed together as friends. She would say she like this person so he would forget that they kissed once and that she confess her feeling to him. That night she sat and thought for her self 'I should find someone else and forget about him' but her heart said the oppsite, she would wait for him years no matter if he never love her back. She stand up and took a shower, she was getting ready to explore the outside. Maryjane was a photographer she love taking pictures. But today she was going to the old abandon castle. It was her dream to take pictures of stuff that are weird. When maryjane was done she when out she walked through town, everyone would stare at her, kids would surround her, with her kindness she gave the poor kids some coins and they would be grateful. She walked and walked, 'good thing I didn't bring my heels' she thought to herself, Maryjane was tired. She sat down on a huge rock, she look up and there was a hill and the castle was close, when she put her shoes back on, she heard something in the bushes next to the rock she was sitting, and she got closer to it and an old lady came out 'oh dear sorry for scaring you' the old lady surprised Maryjane 'no worries now that it's you I see I'll get going have a nice day' Maryjane turn around 'oh dear where are you going to if town is this way' Maryjane turn around looking confused at the old lady 'well to the castle I'll be taking pictures and I'll come back' the old lady looked up to the hill 'that thing will kill you girl but it's not my business so go on and be safe' the lady walked away from maryjane, maryjane got nervous she glup and went on her way. When she got to the castle, she set her camera and started taking pictures. Mean while I the castle 'I smell blood' seeing through the window 'her beauty Is mine' unknown. Maryjane was finish with her photo taking. She went to her office and she put away her camera in her desk. When cleaning up her desk she put her pictures she had taken on her desk, she paid attention to each of them, then she passed to one she looked closely to that one, the castle wasn't abandon, there was people living In the castle. The next day she got up and did the same thing, but this time she didn't go to take pictures of the castle. She went all the way there with her favorite dress white and beautiful as snow. When she got there she knocked, she was hopeing someone to open the door the door opened but no one came out. She went slowly inside. She was so curious and wanted to know what the castle looked from inside. She got her camera out. She took a picture 'I'll appreciate it if you don't take pictures' suddenly a voice said Maryjane looked around and she saw someone up the stairs it was so dark she could only see a shadow, she stood there 'I'm sorry sir I thought this castle was abandon I'll be going sorry for intruding' she turn around ready to go 'would you stay for some tea, it's the first time someone has visit me' Maryjane turn around 'um sure but not for long I have to go to work' she said the man started walking down the stairs, the lights suddenly turn on, Maryjane looked at the beautiful castle. She turn to look at the man he was handsome, but he had a scar on his left side of his face. 'Oh dear what has happened to you?' Maryjane asked the man, they went to the kitchen and chatted for awhile he told her about his face, she told him about her life, at the end of their chat she asked for his name 'jackson bill and yours my dear?' Maryjane said her name, she got up to get going 'well it's time for me to get leaving' she said 'and will you come back' he asked her, Maryjane had a bad feeling her skin had chills 'I really don't think so I might someday' she started walking to the door 'someday?' The man got up he felt mad that Maryjane was lying to him, he got sad and that made him frustrating, he was never gonna see the girl he fell in love for the first time, he was scared of being alone again, Maryjane felt he was angry, she was scared and started running, but she couldn't escape, jackson had her, she felt his cold skin and when she looked up his eyes were red 'a vampire' she whisper 'how dare you be scared of me and how dare you lie to me!' He complain to Maryjane 'you are hurting me please stop!' She cried Maryjane tried to push him away but he was too strong, Jackson picked her up took her to the room, he sat her on the bed. 'I'll be right back please wait' he went out the room, Maryjane was scared she looked around and there was a window, she hurry and open it she was so scared she did it too quickly and fell, she closed her eyes thinking she was gonna die, but Jackson caught her, 'you are being bad my dear' he took her back and had to put a chain on her so she could not escape. 'Why are you doing this?' She asked him 'because you are my love and we will marry' he told her, she didn't want this she want to go back home. Days had pass and she was in her room the window was closed and gates too, she couldn't get out, she didn't have a choice anymore, Jackson would go in her room and talk to her, she was too scared to talk, but little by little she felt more comfortable, she was confused why he didn't hurt her, one day she notice she was falling in love with him, one night she sat on her bed thinking if he still loved her, she lay down she heard the door open and close she heard steps, she felt her legs being caressed, she open her eyes and Jackson was there 'Jackson what are you doing?' His eyes were red 'its full moon but I can't take your blood' he got over her touching her face he looked at her, Maryjane heart started beating 'Jackson?' She called his name 'sorry I'll go' he got off her, Maryjane sat up 'Jackson! I love you' Jackson looked at her 'take my blood so I can become one of your kind so we can get married' Jackson bend over in pain for some reason he didn't want to take Maryjane blood. Maryjane stood up and walked to him, she knee and hold his face up 'I love you' she moved her hair to another side she showed her neck 'drink some' he hold her tight, as he slowly lick her neck, he deep breathe, he open his mouth and bite her, Maryjane moan she felt pain but then pleasure at the same time, she felt a sexual feeling, the pain was fainting and pleasure was stronger until she felt sleepy, she closed her eyes and fell asleep. Jackson stop and lick her blood off and picked her up and lay her on bed but this time didn't leave her, the next day Maryjane woke up, but she wasn't human anymore she was one of them, she was happy, she saw Jackson on her side, day laters they got married, they lived in that castle for years, and lived happily ever after.
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pandalover-blog · 8 years
I ms. panda
i ms. panda is very bored i wish to go home, going to school is boring but at least i’m not failing in school, wish you a good day all to you!!!! <3
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pandalover-blog · 10 years
nice hair
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