panelstucksweden · 10 years
Homestuck Panel @ Närcon INFO
If you'd like to know more about the event (such as time and place) you can check out the Facebook event for it!
Time to get rallied up, guys!
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panelstucksweden · 10 years
Do you still have empty spots or is it too late?
I am sorry if you sent this message a long time ago but I’ve been busy, so replies to messages have been cut short.
Actually, you aren’t too late for any of the spots. Except for Feferi Peixes, unfortunately that spot is taken but other than that. Those rolls that haven’t been filled yet are: Roxy Lalonde. Karkat Vantas. Kanaya Maryam. Other characters: (Characters of less importance to the panel than the main characters, but still would be fun to have in the panel.) Mom. (Roses Mom) Alpha Bro. (Dirks Bro.) Alpha Mom. (Roxys mom) Alpha/Beta Dad. (Janes/Johns Dad) Nanna. (Johns Nanna.) Grandpa. (Jades Granpa.)
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panelstucksweden · 10 years
Is there a day and time set for the panel yet?
Yes, we recently got the time and date set.
It's at thursday the 24th of july at 20.00-21.00 / 8.00pm-9.00pm.
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panelstucksweden · 10 years
Will there be any restrictions regarding questions? like can you ask the characters for a hug or will that make the panel to unserious?
Yes, there will be some restrictions because of some incidents that happened last years and the rules regarding questions will be stated during the beginning sequence of the panel.However you may ask for a hug as there are no rules regarding that, and the actor/actress you have requested a hug from may decline if they do not feel comfortable with it.We also do not want too many requests for hugs, as we want regular questions aswell.
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panelstucksweden · 10 years
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If your audition to the panel has been accepted, you will soon recieve one of these in an email.
So have your inbox prepared, because we are sending these shortly.
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panelstucksweden · 10 years
Roxy Lalonde is now available to enter as!
About AUDITIONS for the Homestuck Panel @ Närcon 2014
Alright you guys! We moved the deadline for the auditions until three days from now but we figured that it is waaay to little time. So you can all send in your auditions when you want but PLEASE let it be as soon as possible. AND YOU DON’T HAVE TO HAVE HAD ANY EXPERIENCE IN ORDER TO AUDITION!! THIS IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES AND IS NOT A CONTEST. WE ARE SUPPOSED TO HAVE FUN~ I felt like we need to point that out. Myself I will be Dave in the panel and I am so STOKED to see all of your auditions to come. We have a few characters that are picked already because they were with us last year and we had a nice dynamic (this includes me and my two co-workers that are hosting this years panel). About how to enter can be found RIGHT HERE Don’t mind the wrong date at the bottom just send in your entry ASAP
And here are the characters still available to audition for:
Rose Lalonde
Jade Harley
Roxy Lalonde
Tavros Nitram
Sollux Captor
Nepeta Leijon
Kanaya Maryam
Terezi Pyrope
Equius Zahak
Gamzee Makara
Eridan Ampora
Feferi Peixes
Beta Mom
Alpha/Beta dad
Alpha Bro
Alpha Mom
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panelstucksweden · 10 years
About AUDITIONS for the Homestuck Panel @ Närcon 2014
Alright you guys! We moved the deadline for the auditions until three days from now but we figured that it is waaay to little time. So you can all send in your auditions when you want but PLEASE let it be as soon as possible. AND YOU DON'T HAVE TO HAVE HAD ANY EXPERIENCE IN ORDER TO AUDITION!! THIS IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES AND IS NOT A CONTEST. WE ARE SUPPOSED TO HAVE FUN~ I felt like we need to point that out. Myself I will be Dave in the panel and I am so STOKED to see all of your auditions to come. We have a few characters that are picked already because they were with us last year and we had a nice dynamic (this includes me and my two co-workers that are hosting this years panel). About how to enter can be found RIGHT HERE Don't mind the wrong date at the bottom just send in your entry ASAP
And here are the characters still available to audition for:
Rose Lalonde
Roxy Lalonde
Kanaya Maryam
Eridan Ampora
Feferi Peixes
Beta Mom
Alpha/Beta dad
Alpha Bro
Alpha Mom
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panelstucksweden · 10 years
Have you gotten auditions for all the characters yet? And have you asked the people from last year if they want to keep their roles in the panel? Sorry for the annoyance, you guys are awesome and I'm really excited about this panel and I wish you good luck! ::::)
No we actually haven't, which is pretty sad.Both no and yes, we asked a few but not all about it and some didn't reply, some did. Also, you are not an annoyance! I promise and thank you.Make sure to cime watch us if you have the chance.
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panelstucksweden · 10 years
What's the point of doing an audition when some of the characters has already been chosen right from the start? It's not like you're giving people their honest chance (imo).
Some of the people that auditioned for the last panel we had got a secure spot as the character in this next panel if they wanted to join.So we haven't chosen them right from the start, they have accepted their chance to be with us this year aswell.John, Dave, and Dirk are fyi the leaders of the panel and we can't audition for our own spots because of that.
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panelstucksweden · 10 years
Due to lack of auditions, we have decided to move the end date for auditions to the 24th of April. So now you have another month to send your auditions.
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panelstucksweden · 11 years
Hejsan! Skrev detta även på facebooksidan men checkar även här. Kan man söka in som Cal bara för att få sitta på ett bord och le typ? Eller ja... om jag nu ska göra en audition så har jag ingen aning om vad man kan säga som honom förutom att skratta. Också blev jag fundersam, här står det att sista audition datum är 21 april och på facebook står det 21 mars?
Ja skicka in en adutition kan du göra vilket som eftersom Cal inte är en så stor karaktär. Så får vi se hur vi gör sen.Och datumet ändrades, vi la upp det på facebook men det är inte den facebook posten som är pinnad i Swedenstuck gruppen.
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panelstucksweden · 11 years
Hey, I was just woundering if it's possible to audition if you cosplay one of the tricksters? (:
Excuse us for the slow reply but we have been busy the last few weeks.Unfortunately not, this panel only holds Beta Kids, Alpha Kids, Guardians and the first 12 Trolls.
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panelstucksweden · 11 years
Kunde inte skicka en ask via panelstuck-gruppen. Men kommer det att bli lika vimsigt och oseriöst som förra årets panelstukk?
Nej det kommer det deffinitivt inte att bli, vi har planerat om saker från början nu när vi vet hur allt ska göras på riktigt.Vi såg alla fel förra året och har bestämt oss för att fixa klarare regler och se till att allt blir bättre detta år men eftersom det var panelens första gång så var vi alla lite nervösa och osäkra över hur vi skulle bete oss. Och alla har en första gång ni vet. Allt är inte perfekt på första försöket.
Visst kommer vi har roliga moments men vi siktar def på en mer seriös panel med klarare regler denna gång!
(Kommer att reblogga denna ask till Panelstuck bloggen utifall någon mer undrar över detta)
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panelstucksweden · 11 years
Auditions are open for Panelstuck Sweden.
Send us a video that’s at least 5-10 minutes long, containing you speaking like the character which you’re auditioning as. You are not required to wear a cosplay if you aren’t done with it yet. In case you are unsure what to say, all you need to do is open a pesterlog and read off of that. 
But please, read through the pesterlog to yourself so that you won’t stagger too much on your words.
The video must contain
You, voiceacting your character.
You, acting out said character.
Tell us about yourself. What’s your name? Why do you want to audition for this part? How avaiable will you be for meetings?
I don’t have a camera avaiable.
Record your voice, and send us pictures of yourself in cosplay and without cosplay.
Where do I upload the video?
You don’t have to upload the video anywhere, as long as you send it to us. If you feel the need to then you could upload it to youtube and send us the link.
Where do I send the video?
What language do I speak?
Make a serious audition, we don’t want you to fool around too much unless your character is a real joker.
If you have any other questions, make sure to send them to [email protected] or shoot them into our askbox.
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panelstucksweden · 11 years
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