paneoflies ¡ 8 years
person: you're blocking the view.
me: i am the view.
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paneoflies ¡ 8 years
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     “ Huh -- you’re telling me. “
Respiring with impatience, Dark Pit’s crossing his arms -- his frown growing deeper at the mere thought of the topic mentioned. There was little that needed to be said in order for the dark angel to quickly put two and two together.
     “ This kind of thing is something you just live with -- so it’s always going to be tiring. “
AN ADVOCATE FOR HONESTY, A   harbinger of divinity’s conviction and unseen malice, the contradictory kind.   a torrent of oblivion sits under his skin, dissatisfaction taking root in the glint found in his eyes.
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❛   i’m just                                    i dunno, i’m tired, of all of this.   ❜
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paneoflies ¡ 8 years
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     “ I’m so flattered you’re worried about me, Palutena! Want me to run around and fetch you some coffee as an atonement for your stress? Huh! -- puhlease. Spare me the sentiment. “
The dark angel rolls his eyes then, apathy displayed to Palutena’s curiosity. After all -- he wouldn’t be Palutena’s precious little ‘Pittoo’ if he didn’t cop an attitude like usual. He huffs his breath then, a single hand running through unkempt raven locks. 
     “ I know it’s more than likely I would run into you again, but an angel can hope. “
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“Oh, Pittoo. I was wondering whatever happened to you.” 
She’s pretty much used to his attitude by now, don’t worry.
“You do realize though, that although this world is big, we would meet at least once more.” Palutena you never leave your temple unless it’s necessary, you can’t talk.
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paneoflies ¡ 8 years
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     “ Wha -- h-hmph! Flattery’s not gonna get you anywhere, you know. “
In truth, Dark Pit found himself rather appreciative of the compliment (and surprised, without a doubt), he’s quick to rid himself of the bubbling embarrassment. The answer was unexpected -- but the dark angel refuses to let such trivial comments to get to him. Despite the surprise of it all, he wouldn’t be the first.
     “ No, you may not. It’s out of the question, pal. “
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      ` more of, i have never seen wings upon a being before. i am quite impressed. ` lunar hues that gleamed a crescent moon, stare in awe. such a contrast was a very beautiful color, much like the flowers back at home. bringing a sleeved hand to lips, he tilts his head to the side examining further.         ` may i …. touch them ? `
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paneoflies ¡ 8 years
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     “ Well, if it isn’t ‘know-it-all’ Palutena. Hmph -- just my luck. “
Clearly -- he presence doesn’t give him a single ounce of joy, moreso than dread. It was momentary fleeting emotions like these that reminded him that he really was Pit’s total opposite.
     “ Thanks for raining on my parade, like usual. “
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paneoflies ¡ 8 years
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     “ ...? They’re wings -- it’s not that hard to figure out. “
Crimson irises peer with silent conviction, and a brow is raised upon the other’s confusion. He only sighs -- and his wings spread themselves in display, an intimidation tactic -- sarcasm dripping in his already condescending tone.
     “ Let me guess, you’re going to tell me you’ve ‘never seen teal wings before’! But guess what pal -- you’re not going to be the first, so don’t start thinking you’re so special. “
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paneoflies ¡ 8 years
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     “ Is black your favorite color or something?         I thought I was the only one rocking that look -- still am, actually. “
The dark angel seats himself upon an lone building top -- idly observing how the sky was painted with a mixture of reds and oranges. He doesn’t even bother to properly look down at the girl below him. Instead, he outstretches his hand before him -- peeking at his fingernails.
     “ This place is kinda lazy -- makes me wanna take a nap. “
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paneoflies ¡ 8 years
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     “ Yeugh -- don’t even tell me. “
There’s the attempt of physical contact, but Dark Pit makes sure to avoid it. Visibly irritated more than usual, his feather ruffle with a boiling anger that simmers in the pit of his stomach.
     “ Are you always this annoying? You’re giving me a headache! “
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paneoflies ¡ 8 years
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     “ ...No, never heard of it. “
There’s an arch of his brow -- interest piqued as a hand places itself upon the curve of his hip. The arch then turns into a furrow, and Dark Pit cants his head to the side.
     “ What’s that all about though? It sounds like some sort of magical detour, if you ask me. “
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paneoflies ¡ 8 years
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     “ Huh -- how disgustingly noble. “
A sneer outstretches itself across the mockery of a jovial counterpart -- and Dark Pit  crosses his arms, sticking his nose in the air with a prideful air about him.
     “ No really, I could cry -- but I think we both know that I won’t. “
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paneoflies ¡ 8 years
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     “ Ugh -- spare me the dutiful drag, Pit. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m trying to catch a few z’s. “
Nestled comfortable in the grass, Dark Pit only shoots Pit a glare -- turning over onto his side in order to completely shut out his jovial counterpart. He heaves a sigh, feathers ruffling.
     “ Just keep it down -- I’m too tired to deal with you right now. “
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paneoflies ¡ 8 years
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     “ Come on, it’s hilarious -- “
The dark angel is peering down upon the tree he’s perched on -- teal feathers pressed along the expanse of his back as the back of his knees hook along one of the branches to keep himself steady.
     “ He fell on his face! If he had enough brains to realize he was going to walk right into the chair -- which, by the way, was right in front of him... then, well -- you wouldn’t get all puffy and probably save me from the pouty look you’re giving me right now. “
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paneoflies ¡ 8 years
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     “ ...So? What’s in it for me? “
Apathy lingers with the fragments of annoyance that skitter across his visage (the quirk of his brow, the slight creasing at the corners of his eyes, etc), and Dark Pit’s respiring with impatience.
     “ I don’t care. I’ve already said it plain and clear. “
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paneoflies ¡ 8 years
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like this post for a starter!!
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paneoflies ¡ 8 years
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OKAY!! so if u all saw my “greeting” post on robin, then you have a pretty good insight on just how fuckin wild I can be LMAO -- BUT I ASSURE YOU: THIS WILL BE A LEGIT GREETING THIS TIME AROUND OKAY I PROMISE KJFGNBKJGB
so!! my name is pamela, but everyone calls me pam, so you can just stick with that too!! I’m mostly a person who’s always lookin for good times and fun -- cause that’s basically what rping’s all about to me, exploring your creativity when it comes to characters and having a grand ol’ time. I actually got into this group because one of the mods *cough*sagitta*cough* actually was interested in making the group a little while back, and immediately I was like “FUCK YEAH IM SLAMMIN MY ASS IN U CAN BET ON THAT” and so... here I am.... :3c
ANYWAY -- I’m really hoping to make tons of new friends in here, and I’m super SUPER excited to write with you all!! I hope you don’t mind putting up with me tho kfjnksfjfdg this is also my first time in a MFRP group like this so cheers to the opening and LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAA
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paneoflies ¡ 8 years
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sweeps up the cobwebs on this blog
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paneoflies ¡ 9 years
You think you're reeeeal tough, hey buddy ol' pal?!
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     “ ...that, and I also think you’re getting into my personal bubble.        unless you want a fist to the nose, Pit, back off! “
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