panopticonflags · 2 years
Hey Sinners,
I helmed this little project over 6 years ago for Freedom Wars' 1st anniversary. A couple players discovered that the Panopticon display screens actually showed the colors of the location's real-world flag, whether it be prefecture, city or country. What followed was a literal worldwide collaboration as Sinners across several social media sites submitted themselves repping their PT's flag. Thanks to the efforts of fellow fans, I was even introduced to the Japanese playerbase and received tons of entries from there.
Freedom Wars flopped on release in Japan, and sold internationally as well as an unmarketed Vita game could. Yet a small, dedicated group of fans kept it alive for 7 years. Whether co-oping through social media, streaming on Twitch, or creating fanart, they carried the torch when Sony did not. Lasting friendships have been forged through this weird little Monster Hunter clone. And a couple hundred Sinners across the internet flew their flags. Thanks for the time and the memories, and keep hustling For The Greater Good.
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panopticonflags · 2 years
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Happy First Anniversary, Freedom Wars! 
Full view logo version Full view clean version
PNG download logo version PNG download clean version (warning, these are 69MB files!)
It’s all done! Over 230 fans from around the world have done their part to celebrate this amazing game. It may not be the most well-known game out there, but its fans are as passionate and collaborative as any big-name title. Sinners, thank you SO, SO much for all you have done for this project. None of this would have happened without you!
Please save and share this project as you see fit, as long as you link back to panopticonflags.tumblr.com, you don’t need my permission. This project belongs to all of you, not just me. I hope you all have a happy Halloween weekend - and promptly get back to your Contribution duties as soon as you’re done. After all, we worked hard for 1 year….now there’s only 999,999 left to go!
-Mod Delfuego
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panopticonflags · 2 years
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Full size here Clean version here
Hey hey! This is super overdue, but I finally managed to finish it! I just really wanted to make something to show my appreciation for some fine Freedom Wars fans who helped me on the Panopticon flag project. I’m immensely grateful for every single one of you who sent in a flag - I still can’t believe how many we collected! But there are a few MVPs who went above and beyond the call to put this together, and it’s no exaggeration to say this project would not have happened without them. 
Left to right:
@sinner-delfuego (Sinner: some skank from Los Angeles. Moving on :p)
@ruthless-king​ (Sinner: Rey) -  My co-director on the flag project, Sin’s the reason this project was able to get off the ground. I’m just a no-name newcomer in the FW fandom, but Sin did a hell of a job getting the word out to the community and giving it credibility. She also put hours into singlehandedly hunting down the more obscure PT flags, which we are now able to share with the world thanks to her efforts.
6axis (ACC: Nyonna) -  Speaking of giving this thing credibility. 6 is a Playstation ambassador who does biweekly Freedom Wars community game nights. He pretty much tirelessly plugged this project in his streams from the get-go, and did a hell of a job getting the small but dedicated FW community fired up about it. His streams are super awesome by the way, no matter if you’re new or experienced there’s a place for you in his lobby. Drop by sometime and say hi to Nyonna! @luinrhofal (Sinner: Tenfa) and @banikov3 (Sinner: Kenji) - When I started this project I didn’t even think about getting flags from Japanese players. They play on completely different servers, and I had no idea how to get in touch with them - plus I can’t speak the language worth jack. But 105 and Banikov caught wind of the project and got the whole JP Freedom Wars twittersphere on board. 105 started and helmed the entire #JPPTflags collection, Banikov set up a Togetter page, and they worked at getting flags for months from eager togabito - netting over 100 flags and nearly doubling our count. It has been so much fun getting to know the JP community, and I thank 105 and Banikov for being so patient and enthusiastic about bringing the two fandoms together, across servers and language barriers. I hope to be able to play with them soon, in the meantime I promise I’ll start brushing up on my Japanese!
@therandomreni (Sinner: Nia) and @thepianofairy (Sinner: Cory):  #FWflag’s ambassadors to Japan! Reni and Kei have done an amazing job befriending the Japanese players, and it is thanks to them that we got in touch with 105 and Banikov. These two are big movers and shakers on the tumblr side of the FW fandom and I’m immensely grateful for their involvement. Incidentally, Kei is the one who inspired the entire project, when she tweeted about KLPT’s flag looking like the real KL flag. Prior to that, I didn’t even know the flag screen was unique! (I’ve only played in LAPT lobbies, ok? D: ) Getting to do this project with them has been a treat, and I look forward to seeing what else is in store for them.
ok im’ gonna wrap this up because I’m super delirious, but oh man! Just, thank you! Thank you to the MVPs in the picture, thank you to all the amazing sinners who contributed, thank you for having faith in this project. It’s been a blast being in this fandom, and a privilege to meet you all.
For the Greater Good!
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panopticonflags · 9 years
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Aichi Panopticon
Aichi Prefecture, Japan
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panopticonflags · 9 years
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Akita Panopticon
Akita Prefecture, Japan
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panopticonflags · 9 years
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Amsterdam Panopticon
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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panopticonflags · 9 years
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Anchorage Panopticon
Anchorage, Alaska, USA
0 notes
panopticonflags · 9 years
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Athens Panopticon
Athens, Greece
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panopticonflags · 9 years
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Bangkok Panopticon
Bangkok, Thailand
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panopticonflags · 9 years
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Berlin Panopticon
Berlin, Germany
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panopticonflags · 9 years
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Bucharest Panopticon
Bucharest, Romania
0 notes
panopticonflags · 9 years
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Buenos Aires Panopticon
Buenos Aires, Argentina
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panopticonflags · 9 years
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Cape Town Panopticon
Cape Town, South Africa
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panopticonflags · 9 years
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Caracas Panopticon
Caracas, Venezuela
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panopticonflags · 9 years
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Chiba Panopticon
Chiba Prefecture, Japan
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panopticonflags · 9 years
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Chicago Panopticon
Chicago, Illinois, USA
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panopticonflags · 9 years
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Copenhagen Panopticon
Copenhagen, Denmark
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