paolamilenaintro2 · 7 years
Comment (Week 7)
In this class we learned imperatives, which are divided into 3:
-Orders -Instructions -Commands
We did an activity in which we had to order prayers that went in:
1. Give a direct order 2. Give instructions 3. Make on invitation 4. On signals and notices 5. Friendly informal advice
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paolamilenaintro2 · 7 years
Comment (Week 6)
Of the past class, I am very aware of the "giving directions" since they are of daily use. And you can present a situation in which it is necessary to ask directions to the destination.
For example -Where is the bathroom? -Go Straight!
-Excuse me, where is the library? -Turn left, next to the bank
-Hey, where is the school? -Go back!
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paolamilenaintro2 · 7 years
P&M Firm - Labor norms (Audio week 6)
1.       The workers have to arrive at 8 o´clock
2.       The workers can´t eat on desk
3.       The workers can´t talk on the phone about personal issues.
4.       The workers have to wear the corresponding uniform
5.       The workers can´t have visitors
6.       The workers can´t smoke in the office
7.       The workers have to put the mobile phone  in vibrator
8.       The workers can use the mobile phone at lunch time
9.       The workers have to warn when they are sick
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paolamilenaintro2 · 7 years
Comment (Week 5)
The last class we saw "ing" in progressive and its different rules as they are:
1. Make-Making 2. Planning-Planning 3. Play-Playing (exception) 4. Die-Dying 5. Cook-Cooking
However we identified that the "ing", or also called jerundio has different uses in English and is very important. Likewise it was seen that one of its uses is to convert a vervo into noun or adjective, and that the same happened with the use of "to".
On the other hand, the perfect present was seen which makes use of the "have" as an auxiliary, this being a time that began in the past but still has continuity.
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paolamilenaintro2 · 7 years
What have I done in my life? (Audio week 5)
Hi, I’m Paola Milena. I am a student. I have dedicated my life to study. I have studied since 2002. Since then I have always been a good student. In third year of high school I met my boyfriend, and the following year we became partners. Since then we have been together, and we have shared many good moments. He is perfect; I have loved since I met him.
On the other hand, I have visited my grandmother's house. I have loved her since I was born. I have traveled through some places of Colombia with my family. We have enjoyed many things together. I've been very happy all my life.
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paolamilenaintro2 · 7 years
Comment (Week 4)
We saw adjectives degrees, and that these are classified in 1 °, 2 ° and 3 °, which are the possitive degrees, comparative degree and superlative degree respectively, we deepen more in the last two, making examples among all like this:
2° -Superiority = Maria is taller than Daniela -Equality = He is as tall as me -Inferiority = Transmilenio is less comfortable than a taxi
3° -Superiority = Kiko is the tallest of all -Inferiority = Kiko is the least short
Differentiating because one is to compare to another person or object and the other is in general.
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paolamilenaintro2 · 7 years
Adjectives degrees (Week 4)
My mother is happier than my father, but he is happier than my brother. However, they are very happy. On the other hand, my father is stronger than my mother, but my mother as work as my father.
My brother is less study than me, but he is the best in math of the family. We are all very friendly, but my brother is the least friendly of all.
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paolamilenaintro2 · 7 years
Comment (Week 3)
I love the class, I think there is no better way to teach than through dynamics that involve students, as it is the case of the present continuous with competitive game through the mimica. On the other hand I have absolute clarity of the subjects seen that day, my difficulty is still in the pronunciation of certain words and the identification of the phasal verbs.
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paolamilenaintro2 · 7 years
Present simple and present continuos (Audio week 3)
My boyfriend is a student of electronic engineering. He studies at Cooperativa de Colombia University. He usually goes to university in a bus but today he is driving because he has overslept. Most of the times he wears a jacket and jeans, but today he is wearing suit because he is having a robotics exhibition, while I am waiting his answer.
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paolamilenaintro2 · 7 years
Comment (Week 2)
I really like the dynamics of the class, the way we learn interacting with each other to apply the phrasal verbs through the conversation is great because it is easier to memorize. On the other hand I am complicated the recognition of The and the (/), I present confucion before these two when identifying if it is necessary or not.
Finally for the descriptions of the people I present little difficulty, due to the lack of knowledge of some words, although I generally understand everything.
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paolamilenaintro2 · 7 years
Phrasal verbs (Audio week 2)
1)                      Let´s go for a walk in the park
2)                      Oh, yes let’s set off
1)                      You’re walking too fast. I can’t keep up with you.
2)                      Look out! There’s a car coming
1)                      Thanks, you saved me
2)                      You’re welcome, pay more attention
1)                      Do you do exercise?
2)                      Yes, I work out at the gym four times a week.
1)                      Look at that boy on the bike riding with no hands.
2)                      He’s just showing off.
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paolamilenaintro2 · 7 years
Yesterday Routine (Audio week 1)
I got up at about six o´clock and took a shower at quarter past six. I had breakfast caldo, chocolate, egg, bread and juice at half past six and went to university at seven o´clock. I met with my Friends at about nine o´clock to enter class. I ate  sandwich and juice at about eleven o´clock. I left the university at two o´clock and took a bus. I got home at half past three and had lunch at quarter to four. I did homework at about quarter to four and finished at about seven o´clock. I had dinner at half past seven and went to bed at half past eight.
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paolamilenaintro2 · 7 years
Comment (Week 1)
What struck me most was the pronunciation of the words in the past, I still have difficulties with recognizing the voiceless and voiced, to be able to locate them in the place that is. Also I was struck by the "shwa" that is what makes the difference in the pronunciation, this also makes me a little difficult to do.
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paolamilenaintro2 · 7 years
Self Introducction (Audio 1)
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