the love of my life
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young k - did i mention? part two
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«and i would give my kingdom for
just one kiss»
It had been two weeks since that night, and Brian couldn't forget about her. He tried his everything to see her around campus, but he wasn't lucky. He was also very busy with royal meetings, so that made it even harder to find her. And he, being stupid, forgot to ask for her number.
She was all he thought about. Her smile, her laugh, her eyes... he hadn't felt that way with anyone, so he had no idea what this feelings were. He just knew he wanted to be with her.
– Are you ready? – Sungjin stood in the door frame, arms crossed –. Because you should. We're leaving in five minutes.
Brian sighed. Today was the birthday of Lady Alexandra, the daughter of Earl Barrington. He didn't want to go, especially because his parents wanted them to get acquainted. And she wasn't a nice person either. But duty is duty.
On the other side of town, [y/n] looked at herself in the mirror.
– I don't know Jae. Is this really a good idea?
Jae was the son of the King's right hand. They met at a college party, the only party y/n went to. They kicked it off immediately. He didn't want to go alone to the party, and since it was allowed to have a plus one, he decided to invite her to spend some time together.
– Of course it is!! Brian won't know what hit him – and maybe to help her with her big crush.
[y/n] blushed and looked at her image again. She was wearing a satin ivory dress. The V-neck showed her décolletage, along with some freckles. It was a long dress, with a princess line. Her dark hair was down, wavy. For her makeup, her lips were a dark red, but the rest was very simple, since she didn't want to exaggerate it.
– And you look gorgeous – she smiled at him and hugged him.
– Thank you for this Jae, you're the best.
– Oh I know.
They laughed and made their way to the birthday ball. They were jamming to music, not caring about what their driver would think. And after a couple more songs they arrived at the building. [y/n] was mesmerized. It was enormous. There were people arriving in limousines, guards standing at the door, and the outdoor decorations were beautiful.
Jae showed the guards his invitation and both of them entered with no problems. There they met Dowoon and Wonpil. Wonpil was the prince of The Orville Kingdom, a neighbor country. He was also studying at the Lewis Lemore University and they met thanks to Jae introducing them one day.
[y/n] tried to see and find Brian, but she couldn't find him. She didn't know what she would do once she saw him, to be honest. It would certainly be awkward, for both of them. She shook those thoughts off and had some fun with the guys.
Brian was on the way to the party. Two hours later. The limousine had a problem, so they had to rent another one, and it wasn't easy considering almost everybody was invited. He just wanted to get there, see his friends and have some fun.
Once he finally arrived, all eyes turned to see him. Everybody bowed and Lady Alexandra went straight to greet him. He wished her a happy birthday and thanked for the invitation, while she was trying to get him to dance with her, to which he answered with a "maybe later". He wanted to excuse himself and look for his friends, but she wasn't letting him go that easily.
Then he heard it. That laugh. He thought he may be hallucinating, but then he heard it again. He turned around and saw his friends, Jae, Dowoon and Wonpil, even Sungjin was with them. And then he saw her. Their eyes met and it was as if they were the only ones in the room. She looked astonishingly beautiful, and Brian couldn't keep his eyes off her. [y/n] was so happy to see him again, but she had to control herself, since they weren't alone this time.
Brian excused himself and made his way towards her. He first greeted his friends, and then faced her. He took her hand and kissed it, just like the last time they met.
– [y/n], what a pleasure to see you again. You look beautiful.
– Thank you, Your Highness. You look good too.
Lady Alexandra was fuming. Who was her and why was Brian so attracted to her? She was sure she didn't invite her, and she wasn't going to accept someone stealing Prince Brian from her.
– I'm sorry, but I don't think you were invited. So please, get out of my birthday party – that took all of them by surprise.
– Look –Jae said. He wasn't going to let her treat [y/n] like that –. In your invitation was clearly stated that people were allowed to have a plus one, and she's mine, so she's allowed to be here.
– I meant a royal plus one, and she clearly isn't one. It doesn't matter how nice she dresses herself, she's still a commoner. And I don't want commoners in my party. People like her are way below us, and they don't deserve to attend glamorous parties like this one. I really can't understand how you can get acquainted with her.
Brian was shocked. How could she treat her like that? Jae on the other hand was ready to throw fists, but [y/n] put a hand on his shoulder while whispering "I got this".
– Lady Alexandra – she curtsied –. First of all, happy birthday. It's a great party – Alexandra rolled her eyes –. If you want me to leave that badly, don't worry, I'll leave.
– Thank god –she was ready to leave, but [y/n]'s voice made her stay.
– But with all due respect, Lady, you don't have the right to talk to people like that only because you're a royal. Wether you like it or not, we're all humans and we bleed the same. And your title certainly doesn't give you the right to mistreat others – Lady Alexandra was silent –. I wish you an amazing party. If you'll excuse me.
[y/n] left the ballroom with her head up high, glad to have told her off. But once she exited the building, sadness took over her. She was having a great night, and Brian had just arrived. She told herself it was destiny, it meant she didn't have to be there and that they weren't supposed to be together. Her apartment was on the other side of town, so she decided to call a taxi.
In the ballroom...
– Wow, that was badass – Jae was the first to react. He was really proud of her, she didn't let Lady Alexandra bring her down.
Brian's feelings were mixed. He loved how [y/n] told Alexandra off, but he was really mad at Alexandra for making her leave.
– She was right, you know? – Lady Alexandra turned to look at him –. You should not treat your people like garbage just for the reason they're not of royal descendance. I hope you learned a lesson today, Lady Alexandra. Now, if you'll excuse me.
Brian exited the building, looking for [y/n]. He wanted to reassure her that what Alexandra told her wasn't true, and that she didn't deserve being treated like that. She deserved to be treated like a princess. After a couple of minutes wandering off, he realized she must have gone home. He texted his friends to come out and once they did, they took a limousine to the castle.
They went straight to the bar. It was the place they met every Saturday to talk about their week and have some drinks. They all got comfortable and sat down. Brian took a shot straight away and then put his head on his hands.
– Hey, it's everything okay? – asked Dowoon, worried about his friend.
– No, it's not. I just don't know what to do – he said, frustrated.
– Why don't you tell us what's bothering you?
– We all know it's about [y/n] but tell us the details.
– That's the problem. I don't know what this is. I just know that since I met her I've been feeling happier, more alive. She's funny, down to earth, kind, and gorgeous. I have the feeling she understands me better than anyone else. I dream of her every single night, and I just want to be next to her. Damn, I would give my kingdom for just one kiss.
– Dude, you're in love with her – said Jae –. And you should do something about it soon.
[y/n] was in the library, doing some research for her homework. It had been a month since the ball incident, and she hadn't talk to Brian since then. Sure, she saw him around campus, but she hided every single time, too embarrassed to actually talk to him. She hadn't forget about him though. Indeed, she dreamt about him almost every night, which wasn't good for her. She needed to come to terms with the fact that he was a prince, and she was your average girl. She just wasn't good enough for him.
It was really cold outside. Christmas was just around the corner, only one week of college left and she could go home again. She used to think college would be fun, and it was, but it had been stressful the last couple weeks. So she really needed a break.
She finished her research, and told herself she would do the rest later. She put her coat and scarf and left the library. Outside, the sun was shining, making the snow glitter. She smiled and enjoyed the cold breeze in her face.
– Beautiful, isn't it? – she jumped at the voice next to her. She looked at the person and there was Brian, smiling at her.
– Your Highness – she curtsied.
– I thought we talked about this [y/n]. I'm just Brian for you. Now, I believe I promised to make it up to you after our spontaneous rendezvous in Alevine. So, if you'll allow me – he took her hand and intertwined his fingers with hers, making [y/n] blush.
They started walking. [y/n] had no idea where they were going, but she was excited to spend some time with him. She noticed people looking at them, and covered her face more with her scarf.
– Brian, are you sure about this? People are staring, and I don't want them to think bad about you.
– [y/n], I've never been so sure about anything in my life.
Her heart jumped at his words. His hand felt so warm against her and, to her surprise, they fitted perfectly. Maybe they could be together after all. She shook her head, she shouldn't get too ahead of herself.
They arrived at the town's skating rink. It was outdoors and it the center of town, near the castle. There were some people ice skating. [y/n] could hear the sound of metal against ice and the people's murmurs and that made her smile. Brian rented some ice skates and sat down. He first helped [y/n] get into hers, and then put his. They went together and he was the first to step on the ice. He glided across the ice with ease and grace, looking like a natural. It was as if he was meant to be on ice. [y/n] was looking at him with great admiration.
He glided towards her and offered her his hand. She took it and got into the rink. She tripped and took his other hand and he helped her stabilize herself, while both were laughing. They began to skate with their hands intertwined, and chatting away. They took different ways, skating alone for some time and [y/n] felt  beautiful and calm while skating. It was had been a long time since she last ice-skated, so she was really happy Brian brought her there. A while later, they decided to have a race.
– I'm totally winning this - said [y/n], being confident.
– We'll see about that – Brian said and winked at her.
At first, Brian was in first place. But after a while, [y/n] caught up. She really wanted to win, and skated a bit faster than she was used to, making her fall. She laughed hysterically while feeling the cold pain. Brian was laughing too as he helped her up. Unexpectedly, his hand drifted to her hip. It settled there and pulled her closer. She inhaled sharply. She was against his warm chest, chiseled to perfection. Must he be so perfect? His breathing quickened as did hers. His head was angled slightly to the side as his lips came closer and closer to hers. Her heart fluttered inside her chest. He kissed her and the world fell away. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. Time stopped, the people around them disappeared. It was just the two of them.
He drew away and rested his forehead on hers. That kiss was better than anything he imagined. Their lips fitted like two puzzle pieces. It had only been one kiss, but he knew he was addicted to her. She was the half that made him whole.
– I've been wanting to do that since the first time I saw you – he smiled and pulled away.
[y/n] was still on cloud nine. No reaction was coming out of her, making Brian anxious. She just couldn't believe what had happened. He took her chin softly and made her look at him. He smiled sweetly at her and she smiled back. It was a perfect moment.
He held her hand and they exited the rink. Once they took the ice skates off, Brian walked her to a nearby bench. They sat in silence for a while, looking at each other, until Brian spoke up.
– I really like you. No, I'm in love with you. You came into my world and rocked it. You made me happier. Love was something I only knew from fairytales, and my parents. But honestly, I never thought that it could happen to a guy like me. But look at what you've done – he chuckled slightly –. I just want to be with you every day from now. I want to go on dates with you, I want to show you off, I want my parents to meet you - [y/n] thought she was dreaming. Was he really confessing to her right now? –. What I'm trying to say is, [y/n], would you be my girlfriend?
A big smile formed on her face, reaching her eyes. The love of her life had just admitted being in love with her and asked to be her girlfriend. And come on, we all know the answer.
– Yes, a thousand times yes!
And they lived happily ever after.
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young k - did i mention? part one
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«and i would give my kingdom for
just one kiss»
Once upon a time, during the 20th century, in the beautiful lands of The Lemore Kingdom, the King and Queen welcomed a little girl into the world. They named her Elle, which meant light. Meaning she would light up the kingdom and bring it joy.
Growing up, she fell in love with Kang Jinhyun, a boy who worked at the royal stables. She loved how tender he was with animals, and he loved how her smile lit up the world whenever she was around.
The kingdom wasn't in a good financial state, and so her parents wanted her to marry someone of royal descendance.
She refused. Jinhyun and her loved each other, and she wouldn't marry someone who wasn't him. Her parents prohibited her from seeing him, and they also fired him.
But, every night, without anyone knowing, they would meet in the skirts of town. They talked about the stars, about life, about having a family together, even about leaving. Jinhyun told her that he was going to get a better job, so he could provide for the both of them if that moment came.
He didn't give up. Every morning he would go to the castle and try and talk to the King, telling him how he would do anything for Elle.
A couple of months later, the King and the Queen finally realized they were wrong the whole time. The happiness of their daughter was more important than some financial problems, at least for now.
Jinhyun and Elle became rulers of the Lemore Kingdom, after her parents decided to retire. And from there, everything went uphill.
They closed deals with nearby countries, solving the kingdom's financial problems. The Lemore Kingdom was doing better than ever.
Three years after stepping into the throne, Jinhyun and Elle became parents to a little boy named Younghyun, Kang Younghyun.
Every person in the Lemore Kingdom knew this amazing love story, including [y/n]. She loved it. It was just straight out of a fairytale, and that made it one of her favorite stories.
Her parents used to tell her the story every night before she went to sleep. And she couldn't help but fantasize about it.
She would imagine marrying a prince and having the same love story as Queen Elle and King Jinhyun. But sadly, something like that happens once in a lifetime. And [y/n] was sure it wouldn't happen to her.
– We're here! – her mother's voice woke her up from her fantasies.
As they exited the car, a small building came to view. It wasn't the prettiest one, but it was something.
[y/n] had been accepted to Lewis Lemore University, one of the most prestigious colleges in Northern Europe and named after the first King of the Lemore Kingdom. She worked really hard during her whole school career, doing extracurricular activities, studying day and night just to get into it. And she made it.
The bad part about it was leaving home. Her family lived in Alevine, a small city in the south of The Lemore Kingdom, which was three hours away by car. That meant she had to move all the way to Lundale, the capital, and start living alone.
She was half excited half nervous. She couldn't wait to experience living alone, but what if she wasn't made for it?
After a couple hours, her little apartment looked more like home. She would probably be living here for a long time so she needed to make it feel hers.
– It looks so pretty [y/n]! – said her mom while hugging her.
– Let's see how long you survive living alone – joked her father, making them laugh.
– I'm going to miss you so much. I'll try to visit as much as I can, I promise.
[y/n] had tears in her eyes. She didn't have any siblings, so she was practically leaving her parents alone, after 20 years of raising her.
– We're gonna miss you too honey. Remember to close the door every night, don't open it to strangers and take care of yourself, alright? I love you.
– And stay healthy! – said her father while they were leaving –. Oh, and no boys!
The first day of college. Now, [y/n] was officially a student of the Lewis Lemore University. And she couldn't be more excited.
The first week was supposed to be an introductory week, where you get to know new people, and also go to parties.
She was studying journalism, since she loved to write. She wrote diaries, blogs, she even was the main writer of the newspaper at her school. So yeah, journalism was her thing.
After her classes, she headed towards the library. She knew she would spend a lot of time there in the future, so why not check it out now? She also needed some books for some of her classes so she could kill two birds with one stone.
There weren't a lot of people there, which was normal, considering the semester had just started. [y/n] greeted the librarian and showed her the names of the books she needed. She was kind enough to accompany her to the right section.
She looked through the shelves and found the books she needed. But she kinda wanted to look for another books. She decided to look for her favorite childhood books, the Percy Jackson series, and read them again.
And so she headed to the fantasy section. She was so mesmerized about the selection of books available, she kept taking books out and reading the summary on the back.
She found one written by Rick Riordan, the same author of Percy Jackson, called Heroes of Olymp. And she realized it was a sequel. Her smile reached her eyes while reading the summary. She would definitely take it home.
She looked through the pages and saw there were more than one main character, there were Jason, Leo, Percy, and a lot more.
She was so into the book, she didn't realize someone was watching her from the other side of the shelf. She looked up after she felt it and then her eyes met another pair. And it was the one and only Kang Younghyun, also known as Prince Brian.
[y/n] was mesmerized by his beauty, he looked straight out of a fairytale. He smiled at her, sweetly. And she couldn't help but smile back. But then, panicking, she left, breaking the moment.
She used her student ID to lend the books and then quickly exited the library. Prince Brian, on the other hand, kept thinking about how pretty her smile was. But he told himself he would probably never see her again, so why get his hopes up?
Little did he know...
– You cannot do that! What about me? Are you just leaving me alone?
[y/n] couldn't help but laugh at Dowoon's reaction to her going back home during the holidays. He was the Duke of Islurgh, a small town near Lundale, and they met at one of her classes. He was 24, but he had just finished his first career and wanted to do another one, one that he found more interesting. He also knew Prince Brian, so he would tease y/n about having a crush on him all the time.
– I'm sorry that I miss my parents and want to see them, maybe you should visit yours too?
– I will, but not over the whole two weeks!
– You wouldn't understand. I'm also going there to work, since I'm a broke student, not like you, Mr. Duke of Islurgh.
– I can give you money, just stay! – she laughed again, he really was a baby.
– Stop whining! You can hang out with Wonpil, or Jae.
– If it's necessary I will. But I'll miss you.
– I'll miss you too. But it's only two weeks. I'll be back as soon as you can say "I'm drum" - he looked at her like saying "are you serious" and she laughed –. Oh, the train is here, bye!
They hugged and she prepared herself for a very long ride home.
Days passed and [y/n] had a great time with her parents. She had missed them a lot, so they spent a lot of time together. They went to the aquarium, to the cinema, and they also went to the town's annual carnival. She had so much fun, feeling like a kid again, and forgetting about her adult problems for a while.
Her parents owned a small coffee shop that was situated in the center of town. She was working there during the holidays to make a bit of money, and also spend time with her parents.
It was Sunday evening. Her parents weren't working today so she was the only one in the shop. It was about to be closing time, and there was only one client left. It was Mrs. Love, an old woman that lived in Alevine her whole life.
– Thank you for the coffee, [y/n]. It's nice having you here – she thanked after standing up and heading for the door.
– It's always a pleasure Mrs. Love, see you next time! And get home safe! – she waved her goodbye and turned to clean the table.
But then she heard a male voice and turned towards the door. A young male was holding the door for Mrs. Love, and they exchanged a few words she couldn't hear since she was at the front. He also smiled sweetly at her, and at that moment y/n knew who he was. She would recognize that smile everywhere.
Prince Brian was there, in Alevine. At her parents' coffee shop. She let a deep breath out and kept doing her job. Even though it was hard having her crush there, she supposed Brian wanted to have a normal evening and she was going to give him that.
Anyway, she found it quite funny how he was wearing a cap and sunglasses in the middle of autumn, and at 6pm. He kept looking at a menu he took from a nearby table, didn't really knowing what to order, which, for whatever reason, she found adorable.
Truth is, Brian was in Alevine to deal with some some royal businesses. But he really wanted to spend some time as a normal person, alone and not with his bodyguards around. Thankfully, he had Sungjin. They were the same age, but he was kind of like his main bodyguard. He knew how Brian enjoyed having some time for himself, and he wasn't gonna stop him from doing it. So he offered him help, for him to get a whole evening for himself, without anyone bossing him around. He had to be back at the hotel by midnight at the latest, but he wouldn't complain. He was really lucky of having such a good friend by his side.
Brian didn't want anyone recognizing him, so he opted for a cap and some sunglasses. Sungjin laughed at how ridiculous he looked, but he didn't care.
He really wanted to get some coffee first, so he entered the first coffee shop that he found. On the door he was met with a lovely old woman, who recognized him and wished him a great evening, making him smile. He noticed he was the only client in the shop, and that there was only one employee left. He felt kinda bad for making her work more when she could be closing up to go home.
After staring at the menu for way too long, he finally made his way to the counter, facing the employee. He recognized her from somewhere, he was sure about that, but he couldn't seem to remember.
– Excuse me... –he started –. I don't really know what to order, what would you recommend? – she looked at him deeply, which make him nervous.
– Looking at you, I'd say an Iced Americano. You look like someone who would enjoy it, even in this weather.
– Well then, I'll have an Iced Americano, please - she smiled and turned around to make his drink.
He couldn't shake the fact that they had already met. He then remembered she was the girl with the pretty smile from the library. What were the odds of meeting her here, in Alevine? The fact that it was her made him even more nervous than he already was, but he wasn't going to show it.
– Here you go – she placed the drink on the counter –. That would be 2,95€.
At the mention of these words, Brian froze. He was so used to not having to pay for anything that he forgot to take money with him. Now, that would definitely make him look like a douche.
– Ehm... I don't have money with me – he touched his neck, embarrassed. [y/n], on the other hand, found it cute. She already saw it coming.
– Don't worry, it's okay – she smiled at him –. I'll pay for it.
– No! I can't let you do that! – what would his parents say if they found out he was going to let someone pay for his drink? They didn't raise him like that.
– It's fine, really – she reassured him. Brian found the small gesture cute, and smiled at her, making [y/n]'s cheeks turn red.
He took a sip of his drink and smiled. She took the right decision. He loved it.
– Thank you for the drink, it's amazing – he smiled –. By the way, I'm really sorry for making you pay for my drink, and I'm also very sorry for coming 10 minutes before closing.
– You don't need to be sorry about anything, really.
She went quickly to the back to get the stuff she needed to start cleaning and then came back. Brian didn't know what to do, he was probably annoying her, but he wasn't going to leave. Something inside him wanted to spend time with her, get to know her. And he was going to follow those feelings.
[y/n] found it a bit embarrassing to be cleaning in front of him, but on the other side she was happy he decided to stick around. It warmed her heart.
She was done after some minutes. She went to the back again to get changed. She took her stuff and when she came out, Brian was next to the door, drink empty, waiting for her.
He opened the door for her, and she smiled. She liked chivalry in guys. She turned off the lights and then the two of them went outside. She make sure the door was closed and then turned to face Brian.
They stood there for some seconds, both staring at the ground. Brian was struggling. He didn't know if he should tell her that he was the prince. It could change the way she treated him, but he wanted to be honest with her.
– I'm the prince – [y/n] looked up at him. He took of his sunglasses to show her. He was expecting to see a surprised look on her face, but she just smiled.
– I know – she laughed –. I didn't want to say anything because I thought you'd like to be a normal person, at least for once. It was an honor to help you, Your Highness – she bowed slightly.
– No! – he was surprised about her recognizing him straight away, but also relieved –. Like you said, I'm trying to enjoy a day as a non-royal, so please call me Brian.
– As you wish. So, Brian, what are your plans for tonight?
– Honestly? I have no idea – both laughed –. Do you recommend anything?
– Let me think... Oh yes! This week is the town's annual carnival and it's beautiful. I was there yesterday with my parents, we usually go every year and it's always an amazing experience – her eyes lit up talking about it, and Brian couldn't help but smile –. You should check it out, I'm sure you'll love it!
– If you're saying you love it, then I'll have to check it out.
The sun had already set down, so they stood there under the light of the street lamps. Brian didn't know why, but he wanted to ask her to accompany him, to show him around town. He just wanted to spend more time with her. And so did she. But she knew it wouldn't be right.
– I'll be going home. Have a nice evening, Brian – she curtsied and turned around to start her way home.
Brian watched her leave, but then something inside him snapped.
– Wait! – [y/n] turned to face him –. What's your name?
– [y/n].
– Well, [y/n], would you like to show me around? – he smiled playfully at her, and her heart jumped at that gesture.
– It'd be an honor.
– So you just eat it with your hands?
[y/n] had just bought two crepes for them to eat, and let's say Brian was struggling to eat it.
– Yes! Look, like this – she took a big bite out of hers and Brian just stared at her –. Hmm, it's so good.
He mimicked her and took a big bite. The flavor of the crepe and the Nutella together was so heavenly he went straight for another bite, making [y/n] laugh.
– Oh my god this is so good! I'm telling my parents to add this to the menu like as soon as possible – [y/n] noticed he had a little bit of chocolate on his cheek and let a small chuckle.
– Brian, your cheek – he frowned and touched his cheek, but he only spread it even more, making her laugh really hard.
– Stop, you're making it worse! Stay still – she took a napkin and put one hand on his neck and used the other to clean his face.
Having her so close made Brian nervous. He held his breath during the whole moment. [y/n], on the other side, couldn't help but look at his lips. Those were thin and had a very soft pink tint. Once she was done, she looked at him and smiled before distancing herself from him. He let out the breath he was holding and smiled back.
– Thank you.
It was getting colder and of course [y/n] didn't have a jacket with her. Her house was not far away from the coffee shop so she never had a jacket with her, since it was a very short walk home. Brian noticed it and his instant response was to take his jacket off and put it over her shoulders. She was surprised and wanted to object, but his jacket felt so warm she just couldn't do it.
They walked around the carnival for a while, talking about their lives. She told him she lived there her whole life and that she was studying journalism. He told her he studied business management and graduated last year. He also told her some funny stories about him, wanting to hear her laugh.
It was getting really late, and so it was time for Brian to go to the hotel. He was really dreading it. He was having so much fun with [y/n], talking about common hobbies and laughing at stupid jokes. But he promised Sungjin he'll be back by midnight and he wouldn't break that promise. And also, [y/n] was getting really tired.
– Do you still know where your hotel is? – she asked, and he smiled embarrassed –. I guess you don't. Tell me the name and I'll walk you there.
He did and after a couple of minutes they arrived. Sungjin was waiting for him outside, and it really surprised him to see Brian with someone, especially a girl. He was going to scold him later for blowing his cover.
– Thank you for everything today [y/n], I really felt like a normal guy – "going on a date with the girl he likes", whispered a voice in his mind –. And I'm really sorry you had to pay for everything, I promise I'll make it up to you soon – he bowed, took her hand, and kissed it softly, before turning around and entering the hotel with Sungjin.
[y/n] bit her lip. She hadn't felt happier and more alive in her entire life. She walked home with a big smile plastered on her face, and only once she was there she noticed she still had Brian's jacket. She didn't know if return it to him, but she decided to keep it. Just to remember and cherish this amazing night with him.
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woosung - i don’t know you
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«i don’t know you, but you make me
wonder who you are»
Everybody on campus knew him. The one and only Kim Woosung. Majoring in music and arts, vocalist and guitarist in his own band The Rose and every girls' heartthrob.
[y/n] wouldn't admit it though. She hated the fact that she developed a crush on him so quickly. But who wouldn't? Just a look at him would help you understand why every girl on campus had a crush on him.
5'10'', nice built and a smile that could heal all the diseases in the world. Only thing [y/n] didn't like what his personality.
He was known for being a player. If he liked someone, she would be going home with him by the end of the day. He was also very cocky and flirty. Not that that behavior annoyed [y/n], she found it very attractive, but not coming from him.
Everybody talked about him, it's just as if the whole world turned around him. And he definitely acted that way to her.
She just hated him. And liked him at the same time. But she would rather fail all her classes than admit it.
– Are you fantasizing again? – her friend Sangyu asked –. About a certain someone, maybe?
– What the heck Yu, of course not. You know I don't need no man – her friend laughed –. I was just thinking about what I'll eat for lunch later.
– If that's what you say. Well, here's me. See you later at lunch! – they said their goodbyes while each of them went to their different classes.
[y/n] was studying linguistics. She loved languages and was very good at it too.
She entered the classroom and sat down. The room was still kind of empty since class didn't start for another 15 minutes, so she decided to kill time by playing with her phone.
– Hey, is this seat taken? – she turned around when she heard a voice. She directly smiled.
– Of course it is Hajoon, was saving it just for you – she winked, making him blush, to what she laughed.
Lee Hajoon. He was studying music and also linguistics. That's how they met. They just sat together at one of their first classes and hit it off.
There was one bad thing about him though. What, you may ask? He was friends with Woosung.
– Are you free tonight? – he asked.
"Of course I'm free", she thought. It was kind of sad though. To be a student who had nothing to do on a Friday night.
– Why are you asking?
– We are playing some songs tonight at The Red Cat and I would really appreciate it if you would come – she sighed.
She saw it coming. It wasn't the first time he asked her to come to one of their concerts. But she always had an excuse. She just couldn't go and have to look at Woosung the whole night. She would probably fall deeper for him if she did.
– And don't say you can't. I know you don't have anything to do.
– You're right, like always – they laughed –. Okay fine, I'll be there. But with one condition.
– I knew it. You just couldn't go to make me happy – he faked a tear.
– Shut up! I'm bringing Sangyu with me, and I want you to finally try and talk to her.
Hajoon had the hugest crush on Sangyu, and so did she. So [y/n] thought it would be a great idea to finally set them up.
Bad idea. During the first half, it was fun. They danced to their songs, and to [y/n]'s luck, Woosung's voice was that of an angel, making it difficult for her to stop looking at him.
They decided to take a break, and Hajoon luckily kept his promise and talked to Sangyu. Sadly [y/n] didn't really think it through, since she was now alone in the middle of the bar.
She sighed and decided to get herself something to drink.
– What can I get you miss?
– I would like a Sex On The Beach please – she answered politely.
– I could give you that for free.
She froze. They never talked but she would recognize that voice anywhere. Kim Woosung was flirting with her.
She was fangirling inside, but she wouldn't show it. That would only increase his ego and she wouldn't give him that.
– Not interested, sorry – she smiled at the bartender while paying for her drink.
– You sure?
– Oh hell yes I am – she stood up and walked towards a free seat in the back of the bar.
She sighed with relief when she didn't see him coming to her. She could breath normally again.
– It's me again – someone whispered in her ear.
– What the hell dude? – she said while getting away from his face –. What part about "I'm not interested" did you not understand?
– Come on, every girl wants a piece of this.
– Yeah well, not this one. So please, just leave me alone.
To her surprise, he smiled apologetically and left. She was expecting him to be more stubborn, so that was a nice surprise.
Great. Now she would spend the whole night thinking about that gesture, and wondering, was he really a player or was it just rumors?
Sangyu came back after a while and they enjoyed the rest of the night. But [y/n] kept thinking about Woosung. And so did he.
– Don't you think that's weird? – [y/n] turned around when she heard her friend Jinsoo. She was lost in her thoughts. And yes, they were about a specific someone.
– What is?
– Haven't you been listening? – Jinsoo made an annoyed gesture but started to explain again –. Woosung hasn't been seen with a girl since last week. And that's really weird coming from him.
[y/n] shrugged, implying she didn't care. But well, we all know she cared. In her mind there was every possible scenario about him.
– Maybe he fell in love? – suggested Sangyu, to what Jinsoo laughed –. I'm being serious. I've been hanging with Hajoon and the band these days and I can tell you Woosung is a really nice guy. All the stuff about him being a player is a lie. But believe what you want.
She stood up and left Jinsoo shocked and [y/n] surprised. [y/n] then said goodbye and ran to her bus who had just arrived.
Luckily there were some seats available, so she sat down since she had a long way to go. Her apartment was 20 minutes away from campus, but she enjoyed the bus rides.
She put her earphones and listened to her favorite song. But when she looked up, her eyes met with another ones. Woosung was sitting in front of her. She quickly looked away, so she couldn't see how he smiled sweetly at her.
Woosung had been infatuated with her since that night. He kept thinking about her. He liked her loose jeans and her casual hair, he liked how her eyes disappeared when she laughed heartily, he liked how kind she was to people.
He was dying to know her, but he supposed she wasn't interested after their conversation at the bar. And that made his heart ache a little bit.
[y/n] did her best in not looking at him for the first half of the ride, but it was hard. Really hard.
A couple of stops later, two elderly women came into the bus. Woosung and [y/n]'s reaction was to instantly stand up and offer them their seats.
It was a sweet gesture, and that made both of them fall even more in love with the other. And to top it off, they were now standing next to each other.
Finally, it was [y/n]'s stop. She was battling inside about if she should smile at him or not. His small gesture made her think maybe Sangyu was right, and he was indeed a nice guy.
The bus came to a stop. Woosung saw that it was her stop, which made him a little bit disappointed since he still had a couple of stops before him.
She sighed. And quickly looked at him, smiled and exited the bus, leaving a surprised Woosung behind.
Friday night and Sangyu dragged [y/n] along to a bar. The guys would be having a special performance there, and since Hajoon had asked Yu to be his girlfriend, she needed to go. And of course, that meant [y/n] had to go too.
– Just promise you won't leave me alone afterwards to make out with your boyfriend – Sangyu smirked.
– I won't, relax – they both laughed.
The boys entered the stage. Everything went quiet. They took their respective places and Woosung took the microphone.
– Hello everybody, we are The Rose! – a lot of girl screams could be heard from the back of the bar, which made [y/n] cringe a little –. First of all, thank you all for coming, it means a lot to us – his eyes were searching something in the crowd –. Hope you enjoy it!
They started playing their set and the mood changed. Their songs were so upbeat and fun, [y/n] couldn't help but move her head along to the music. Her eyes met Woosung's a couple times, making her blush.
After a couple of songs, it was time for the last one.
– Well, now it's time for our last song – some whining sounds were heard –. I know you want to hear more, but I guess that means you'll have to keep coming to our concerts – everybody laughed, including [y/n] –. Now this last song is a new one, what means we haven't played it before. Honestly, I just finished it yesterday – his eyes met [y/n]'s –. It's dedicated to a special girl out there, so let's hope she likes it.
It was the prettiest song [y/n] had heard in her entire life. And to make it even more beautiful, Woosung kept staring at her the whole time.
She listened to the whole song, which made her heart want to explode and her feelings want to come out. That's why she left the bar after they were done.
She just needed some fresh air to try and sort her feelings out. She couldn't be falling for him.
Woosung saw her ran out and without a thought, went straight after her. He found her staring at the starry sky just in front of the bar. He walked up to her.
They stood next to each other for a couple minutes, without saying anything. And they both liked the silence. It wasn't awkward. On the contrary, it felt nice.
– Are you okay? I saw you ran out and I wanted to make sure everything was fine – [y/n]'s heart jumped –. Was it the song? If it was, just know that I didn't mean to hurt you or anything like that. I just wanted to express my feelings. And it would be totally fine with me if you didn't feel the same.
– Why do you have to be so goddamn nice? – her question surprised him. But she wasn't done yet –. You're supposed to be a player! You're not supposed to act like this and make my heart flutter at every word you say! I'm trying to forget you, goddamn it. I can't fall in love with you, I just can't!
He took her hand in his and looked right into her eyes.
– Why can't you? – she looked away, but he took her chin in his other hand to make her look at him –. All that stuff about me being a player, is a lie. I haven't taken a girl home since last year. I don't play with their hearts, I'm just straight to them. It's been a while since I liked someone. But you just make it seem easy, and right. I know we don't really know each other, but I'd love to. So, let me travel you.
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jungkook - water park
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«an endless pool of love that’s as
deep as the ocean»
I woke up because of my alarm. I shut it off and turned around on my bed so I could fall asleep again. After what felt like a minute, my phone started to ring. Someone was calling me.
I groaned as I grabbed my phone and answered the call, without looking who was calling.
— Whoever this is, I hope you have a good excuse for waking me up — I said, mad.
— Wow [y/n], relax. It's me, Jungkook — hearing his voice made me smile, even though I was mad at him.
— And why are you calling so early? — I said while looking at the clock, 08:30.
— Did you really forget? — he laughed. Music to my ears —. I am supposed to pick you up in less than two hours. So we can go to the water park with the guys, remember?
— Fuck, I forgot — we've planned this like two months ago because we were all pretty excited for the summer. We even reserved a water park all to ourselves.
— Me, as your best friend, knew that you were going to forget about it, so I decided to call and wake you up. Now go and get ready, I'll be there soon — he hanged up without letting me protest or say anything. I sighed and got out of my bed, directing myself to the bathroom.
I fulfilled my necessities, and headed back to my bedroom to search for the perfect outfit. It was hot outside, so I thought some shorts would be just fine, along with a white top. For the bikini, I just decided myself for my favorite. I feel confident on it.
I didn't do a lot with my hair, just a ponytail. I grabbed a bag and put some important things in there, such as sun cream, sunglasses, money, a book and a phone charger. You never know.
I headed to the kitchen since I was starving. I left my bag on one of the chairs and grabbed some cereals. While I was eating, I heard the sound of a door opening. I wasn't scared because I knew it was Jungkook, since he had the key to my place.
— Hey you — he said as he walked in my direction, and sat next to me. After that he took my spoon and ate of my cereal —. Are you ready? — he said with food on his mouth. I shoved him away, and he almost fell.
— Yes, I'm ready — I said as I laughed. I washed and dried my plate.
— That's good. We still need to go to the grocery shop, since we are supposed to buy the snacks.
We left my apartment and got into Jungkook's car. On the way we listened and singed to Justin Bieber, something we always did.
I loved to hear him sing. His voice was the one of an angel, it made me feel like I was in heaven.
At the grocery shop, we had some problems. We couldn't decide what to buy, since we wanted different things. But at the end we just bought everything.
— Don't you think it is too much? — asked Jungkook while we were leaving the stuff in his car.
— Oh no, I'm sure Jin will make sure that there is nothing left at the end of the evening — we both laughed at my comment because we knew I was right.
On our way to the water park I didn't felt like singing, I was lost in my thoughts. Luckily, Jungkook didn't tried to talk to me. He was driving while humming to the songs on the radio.
I looked at him without him noticing. I was deeply in love with him. Already two years of this shit. And I still haven't found the courage to confess to him. I think I never will.
We arrived at the water park, where six boys were already waiting for us.
— Finally! What took you guys so long? — asked the smallest of them, Jimin. I rolled my eyes.
— I bet they were busy with something else — said Jin, the older one, joking. I felt my cheeks burning.
— Guys stop, we just couldn't decide what to get — said Jungkook, entering the water park along with Taehyung. I was a little upset, but i shook it off. It was obvious that he didn't felt that way about me.
The rest of us followed them inside. They all went to get change into their bathsuits and I stood there. I actually needed help to get into my bikini.
— Aren't you going to change? — I turned around to see Yoongi standing there in his bathing suit. I was really close to him since we both couldn't express our feelings well.
— I actually need help — I said, a little embarrased —. Would you mind?
— Sure, let's go — I could tell he was also a bit embarrased but I was thankful that he still wanted to help me.
I smiled at him and we went to the bathroom together. I felt some eyes on us, but I didn't care. I was sure the boys were just curious.
I entered a cabin and changed into my bikini. I got out and turned my back to Yoongi so he could tie it up. When he was ready I turned around and bowed, thanking him.
He smiled at me and we both got out of the bathroom. I could feel six pairs of eyes on me. I was actually shy since it was the first time they saw me in a bikini.
They were all shocked, but I could only focus on Jungkook. He was standing there, his mouth slightly open. He looked so cute.
— Wow — that was the only thing that came out of his mouth. But it was enough to make my face go red.
— Looking good [y/n] — said Hoseok smiling.
— You should wear that more often — said Taehyung winking at me. I rolled my eyes at his comment, smiling.
— Could you guys stop? — I said laughing and going straight to the pool. The day was just getting started.
Hours later, I found myself laying on my towel, letting the sun warm my body. Some of the boys were also on their towels, listening to music or reading, but others were still on the pool.
My eyes landed on Jungkook. He was on the pool with Taehyung and Jimin, playing some stupid games. I smiled unconsciously.
— When are you going to tell him?  — I turned around to find the owner of the voice. I sighed. It was Namjoon.
— What are you talking about?
— C'mon [y/n], you know exactly what I'm talking about — he leaned closer to me —. When are you going to tell Jungkook that you are in love with him?
— How about never? — I said, frustrated. I wasn't mad at him for talking about this, but I was mad at myself. Mad because I wasn't brave enough.
— You need to tell him.
— No, I don't — I drove a hand through my hair and sighed —. Have you seen the girls he dated? Damn Namjoon, I have no chances with him.
— That's what you think. He's looking at us right now and I would say he's jealous — I dissimulately looked at Jungkook. Yes, he was looking at us, but I didn't recognize any jealousy on his eyes.
— He just wants to know what we're talking about. You know how curious he is.
— You are too blind [y/n] — he said as he laughed —. What did he say about the date?
— I haven't told him about it... — I said as I bited my lower lip.
— I thought you already told him! I mean, he's your best friend. But instead you go and tell me about it.
— I know! I just didn't feel like it was necessary. He doesn't have to know.
— I have an idea — I looked at him with eyebrows raised. This wouldn't end up well —. Let's bring up your date while we're all together and see how he reacts.
— I don't know Namjoon, your plans aren't always the best.
— Just try it out [y/n], you won't lose anything — he looked at me and begged me with his hands. I just laughed and nodded. He was right, I needed to take a risk.
A while later we were all sitting near the pool, enjoying the rays of sunshine. Namjoon looked at me, signalizing that the plan was going to start.
— So [y/n], how was your week? — he asked. It was a simple question, so nobody could guess it was all planned.
— It was good. I actually had a date — I said shyly while looking away.
— A date? — I heard Jungkook's voice but I couldn't look at him.
— Oh my god, your first date! You need to tell us everything!! — said Hoseok super excited. I was expecting that.
— Well, his name is Jonah and he's twenty years old. He's a transfer student from Australia — everyone was looking at me. They were so noisy when it came to others' lifes —. I met him two weeks ago at the coffee shop I work and we exchanged numbers.
— When was the date? And how did it go? — asked Jimin, also very curious.
— Our little [y/n] is all grown up — said Jin, faking a tear. I laughed.
— The date was three days ago. And it was... good — I didn't sound really convincing but that was the truth —. He picked me up and then took me to a restaurant. We talked and got to know each other. But if I'm being honest with you guys, I actually didn't feel any sparks between us.
— And what are you going to do now? — Yoongi asked. He was listening to everything I had to say.
— Well... He actually asked me out again. He wants to go on a second date and I couldn't tell him no. We're meeting tomorrow.
— But, why are you going out with him again if you didn't feel anything on the first date?
— I don't know Tae. I want to give him another chance. Maybe I feel the sparks this time — honestly, I wasn't hoping for it.
When Jonah asked me out, I said yes because I wanted to see if he could change my mind about Jungkook. But, like I expected, he didn't. He was a really nice guy, but he wasn't Jungkook.
— Let her be. She's old enough to do what she wants — said Namjoon, finalizing the conversation about my date. He then looked at me, and with his eyes he told me «i was right».
And he was. Jungkook didn't talked to me for the rest of the evening. When the sun started to get down, we decided to grab our stuff and go home.
I was supposed to go with Jungkook, but I wasn't really sure if that was still going on. I hugged the boys, telling them to meet again soon.
— Are you coming? — I turned around and saw Jungkook standing right next to his car, looking at me with eyebrows raised.
— Yes — the last one I hugged was Namjoon.
— Don't forget to tell me everything — I laughed as an answer to his stupid comment.
— See you guys!
Jungkook waved to the boys and got into the car without saying anything. I smiled at them and got into the car too. The radio wasn't on during the whole drive, which made me anxious. What was going on with him? Was he really jealous? Because of me?
I shaked my head slightly to forget about my thoughts and as I looked through the window I could see that we had already passed my house.
— Jungkook, my house was a couple of streets behind.
— I know.
— Then why didn't you stop?
— I want to show you something — this was so unexpected. I was getting really nervous. Maybe I could use this chance and finally confess to him? No, forget it. My feelings will go to the grave with me.
The car stopped. I looked at the window and smiled. It was the park where we met three years ago. It was beautiful back then, but right now the sunset made it look even more pretty.
I realized Jungkook was already getting out of the car so I did the same. He started walking towards the park, so I had to run a little to catch up.
— Why didn't you tell me about the date? — and there was the question. Honestly, I didn't knew why. I guess I felt like I betrayed my feelings towards him so I didn't wanted to tell him and hurt him. But otherwise, he doesn't even know I'm in love with him.
— I don't know... I didn't think it was that important. Are you mad? — I said looking away.
— Yes. I always told you about my love life, such as dates and relationships. But then you go and have your first date and don't even tell me about it — he drove his hand through his hair. He looked so upset.
— Is that the only reason? — wait, did I said that out loud? Someone please kill me.
He didn't answer, instead he kept walking. I stand still, wondering why I had to be such an idiot. I turned around and started walking towards my house. I felt some tears coming out of my face, but I quickly wiped them away with my hand.
— [y/n]! Where are you going? — I heard his footsteps getting closer and in one second he was grabbing my arm, making me look at him —. Did you cry?
I couldn't answer, so instead I stared at him. He looked so good. My heart broke a little knowing that he'd never felt the same for me.
— No — he sighed —, that wasn't the only reason. I'm mad at you for not telling me, yes. But I'm way more angry at the thought of you having a date with someone else, someone that's not me — did he really said that? —. I know you're having another date with him tomorrow, but... Please [y/n], don't go.
He came closer to me, but I stepped away.
— Why Jungkook? Tell me, why shouldn't I go? — he bited his lip —. Give me a good reason.
— Because I'm in love with you.
— Stop joking Jungkook — I felt some tears running out of my eyes —. I'm nothing compared to the girls you use to date.
— Exactly, you're way better than them — he came closer and rested his hand on my cheek, wiping my tears —. I realized I was in love with you the day Nao broke up with me. That day, I finally realized that it was you. All the time going on dates trying to find the right girl, when she was by my side the whole time. I love you [y/n].
He caressed my cheek and as I closed my eyes, I felt his lips against mine. It was a kiss that showed all our feelings for each other, feelings that were hidden for years.
— I love you too.
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suga - the bet
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«bet on me just one more time»
I started to go down the school hallways to my locker. I needed to get some books before the classes began. In that moment, the sound of doors opening could be heard. I turned around and saw him.
Min Yoon Gi. One of the most popular boys at our school. He looked so good as always. I sighed. I had a crush on him for years now, but I knew that he was way out of my league.
I decided to stop looking his way, and started walking to my english class. There I found Taehyung, my best friend. We knew each other since we were neighbors, and literally grew up together.
— Hey darling — he said, hugging me.
— Tae — I smiled at him.
After two long hours of english, we finally had a break. Taehyung and I always used to eat together, but today he was going to eat with Young Mi, his crush and soon-to-be girlfriend. At least I hoped for it.
I decided to go outside so I could have a little peace since the cafeteria was filled with students of all ages. Once there, I sat down a tree and closed my eyes, wanting to rest for a bit.
— Are you sleeping? — a deep voice made me open my eyes. The one and only Min Yoon Gi was looking at me. His mint green hair was falling down his face, and his hands were not leaving his pockets, like always.
— Just resting — I said. He chuckled and I couldn't help but smile —. Do you need something? — I know it sounded a little rude, but we never really talked to each other. Sometimes just a little small talk in class but that was all. So it was obvious that he wanted something.
— Actually, yes. I know we haven't really talked yet, but I would really like to change that — wait, was he flirting with me? —. So I wondered if maybe you'd like to do something together after school.
— Ehm, sure, why not? — I said, trying not to sound too excited.
— Awesome — he said with a little smirk —. What about we meet here?
We talked about what we were going to do and then he left. When I found myself in class again, I was super nervous.
— [y/n], what's wrong? — asked Tae.
— Yoongi asked me out on a date — I said with a big smile on my face.
— What? Are you serious? — I nodded.
— We're going to meet after school.
— Look. I know that you're excited and all that, but I don't know if this is a good idea. I just don't have a good feeling about this, so be careful, okay?
— Where are we going? — my eyes were covered by his hands so I couldn't see anything.
— Just wait and see.
It was our third date already. Both dates before that had been amazing, so I had no idea what could be better than that.
Yoongi suddendly stopped, making me almost trip. But to my luck, he was there, making sure I didn't got hurt.
— Are you ready? — I just nodded, and with that he took his hands out of my face so I could see my surroundings.
I gasped at the beautiful view. I could tell that we were on a mountain, and we could see the ocean from here. The sunset lights were painting the waves, making it look like art. I had never seen something so beautiful in my life.
I turned around to look at Yoongi. He was also admiring the view. His hair, now black, was slightly moving due to the wind. I couldn't help myself so I hugged him. I heard him laugh before he hugged me tight.
— Do you like it?
— I love it.
We pulled away and looked into each other's eyes. The wind made my hair go into my face, which made him laugh. I loved to hear him laugh. He placed that hair strain behind my ear and I could feel him looking at my lips.
He started to get closer and closer. I looked at his lips too, and then at his beautiful dark eyes. As his lips finally touched mine, I felt in heaven. His touch was soft and sweet, like sugar.
My hands moved to his neck, and his to my waist, pulling me closer to him. It was my first kiss, and I was happy that it was with him.
It has been a week since my first kiss with Yoongi. We've been hanging up a lot, but I still don't know what we are. Is he now my boyfriend? We didn't made anything official, and that was all I could think about.
I was laying in my bed while looking at the ceiling, with all those thoughts inside my head. Suddenly, I heard someone knocking on my window. I got up quickly, wondering who could it be at that time of the night.
To my surprise Yoongi was there. I opened the window to let him in since it was very cold outside.
— What are you doing here?
— I've been thinking about something and I think it's time we talk about it - was he going to end things between us? I sat down on my bed and he did the same —. I was wondering if maybe you'd like to make this official. You know, this thing that has been going on between us since almost a month.
I wasn't expecting that. He wanted to make things official. I smiled.
— Are you asking me what I think you're doing? — he laughed, a bit nervous. He looked really cute when he was nervous.
— [y/n], would you be my girlfriend? — and there it was. As an answer, I decided to kiss him. I could feel him smile and that made me happy. I was Min Yoon Gi's girlfriend, finally.
Four months has passed since Yoongi asked me to be his girlfriend and I was the happiest girl alive. I loved spending time with him. Damn, I loved him.
We were at our spot, the place where we shared our first kiss. We were doing a little picnic since the weather was really nice. I stared at him.
He was eating a sandwich while looking at the ocean. His black hair looked a little fluffy, and his dark eyes we're shining thanks to the sun. His whole body was covered by the sunset's light, making him look more handsome. If that was possible.
— Why are you staring at me? — I could see him looking at me with a little smile on his face.
— I love you — that was all I could say at that moment. For a second, he looked surprised, but then he stood up and walked in my direction.
As he was in front me, he pulled me closer to him, kissing me passionately. His own and special way of saying "i love you".
I found myself in Yoongi's bedroom. Today would be the first day we sleep together, as in the same bed, and I was pretty nervous about it. Would it happen? I took a deep breath, forgetting about my thoughts.
Yoongi was now on the bathroom, showering. It was a long day of school, and I was still finishing my homework. Frustrated for not getting the math equation right, I ripped the page and threw it on the trash can.
I wanted to try and solve that stupid equation again when something caught my eye. A piece of paper on the trash can with my name on it. I took it out, made sure I could still hear the shower, and started reading.
the bet
victim: [y/n]
1. take her out on a date √
2. kiss her √
3. ask her to be your girlfriend √
4. get her to say "i love you" √
5. sleep with her
6. break her heart
I couldn't believe my eyes. Was that some sort of joke? Tears started coming out of my eyes.
All this time together, all these six months, had only been a fucking bet. He was using me. I felt so stupid for not noticing earlier. Taehyung was right this whole time.
I saved the note on my backpack, and when I felt Yoongi came out of the bathroom, I fake-called my mom.
— What?! I'll be there as soon as possible — he looked at me confused —. Something bad happened at home, and I need to go, right now. I'm sorry.
— Don't worry babe, they need you there. Should I drive you home? — why did he have to be such a sweetheart?
— No, I'll just walk there, but thanks — I walked to him and kissed him, "for the last time", I thought. I didn't wanted to admit it but I was going to miss him.
Today was the day. The day I will confront Yoongi about the bet. I tried to act normal towards him the whole weekend, but the truth is I was hurting like hell. I spent day and night crying, with a single question on my mind. Why?
But I needed to be strong. Or at least, look like I was strong. I couldn't let him see that I was heartbroken.
— Yoongi — I said, standing in front of him and his friends, ready to tell him off.
— Hey babe — he smiled and tried to kiss me, but i stopped him. He looked confused.
— You don't have to pretend anymore. I already know about the bet — I showed him the piece of paper with the whole steps on it and his eyes widened —. I can't believe you could do that to me. But that's how life is, right? I should've known it was too good to be true — I sighed, holding back my tears. I had to be strong —. Whatever we had, it's over. And I don't want to see you again.
I turned around and walked towards the exit, feeling the tears run down my face. But the saddest part was when he didn't tried to stop me.
Hours had passed since I ended things with Yoongi. I was sitting on the grass while looking at the ocean. It was past midnight, but I didn't care. I looked at the horizont thinking about our first date, our first kiss... Tears kept falling down my face, but I didn't care.
I was madly in love with him and I still couldn't believe that he did that to me. Was our whole relationship a lie? Has it just been an act? I was mad at him for leading me in, for pretending to fall in love with me. But one part of me didn't wanted to believe that it was over.
I layed on the ground, looking at the stars. They looked so bright. I sighed. Why was love so hard?
— [y/n]? — that voice. I sat and turned around to see Yoongi standing there, right in front of me.
— Fuck off.
— Wow, you really are mad — was he stupid? Of course I was mad! —. Please, just listen to me.
— Are you going to tell me that it wasn't a bet? That it was all a stupid joke? — he sat next to me.
— It was a bet — he looked away —, but...
— Spare it, I don't wanna hear it — I interrupted him while I stand up, ready to go. But he saw my intentions and grabbed my arm, not letting me go.
— No! You're not leaving [y/n]! Please, just let me explain... — I could see how his eyes watered and it broke my heart.
— Okay — he let go of my arm, so I put my hands in the pockets of my jacket.
— At first it was just a bet. I didn't wanted to because I thought it was stupid and useless, but the boys forced me to do it. Our first dates were just an act, I'll admit it. But then I got to know you better, and when we kissed... Damn, that kiss changed everything — his cheeks were turning a little red and I found that really cute —. After that, I started to have strong feelings towards you. Everything that happened after that kiss was different. I did all these things because I wanted to, not because of the bet. You have to believe me — he took a deep breath, came closer to me and held my hand in his —. I love you [y/n]. I am crazy in love with you.
I knew that he was being completely honest with me, so I believed him. And I couldn't be mad with him. He was looking at the ground, scared of staring at my eyes. I squeezed his hand softly, making he stare at me.
— I love you too Yoongi — he hugged me with joy. When he pulled away I could see a big smile on his face. He was really cute. I couldn't help myself so I kissed him.
At the end, the bet was worth it. It brought as two together, and I was so thankful to have a person like Yoongi by my side.
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my boyfriend
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the love of my life
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just a boy having the time of his life on stage 🎸 [ © greengr_d | giffed with permission ]
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“My mood changes according to yours”
— GOT7 - Look
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so handsome😍
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Got7 Art Student : Jinyoung Architecture Student
“We need houses as we need clothes, architecture stimulates fashion. It’s like hunger and thirst — you need them both.”
Jaebum / Mark / Youngjae / Jackson / BamBam / Yugyeom
Admin LD  💛
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i’m so in love with him😍😍
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i think this picture was taken on the bathroom, but who cares😂 he looks so fluffy😍
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worldwide handsome😍❤️
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i love this pic of tae😍
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