papandau5566 Β· 4 months
So I made a thread asking people what they think about tiktok Satanist and if I am the only one who considers them not real satanists and because I received some support I created a tiktok account and tried to call them out on this and posted some stuff about what satanism truly is and I wanted to talk about some things that I observed about them
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I said some negative things about Islam cuz yea,it oppresses women and those people think the same way they did 1000 years ago and a so-called Satanist called me out on this,proving that tiktok Satanists don't know what Satanism stands for and what stands against to
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Satanism should be hateful towards the abrahamic beliefs,these people apparently call themselves satanists while not having the true beliefs of one,they want acceptance from Christians and others and be part of the herd. Also,telling a Luciferian Satanist to read the 11 satanic rules again,these people even know that those rules only apply to LaVeyan Satanists? Theistic/Luciferian Satanist may follow them if they want but those rules are not part of their beliefs.
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Do I even need to say what is wrong with these two screenshots? Abrahamics stand for what Satanists are against,how can you lack this basic knowledge about your own religion and believeing those lies told by the satanic panic is such a level of stupidity that I couldn't even believe what I was reading,especially when police investigations that were made found nothing linked to satanism or even cults.
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They also like to throw this excuse with "different beliefs" I have seen them use it more times but it's so clear that this is just a cheap excuse for them to lack knowledge of their beliefs.
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I also want to talk about their perception of the afterlife,they somehow think they will go to Hel,when I explained what Hel is and that even if they think they will go to Helheim,that is still absurd,I was given the "different beliefs" excuse again.
I try not to harass them but I don't want people to get this perception of satanism that some kids on tiktok created. It's almost laughable how ignorant these people actually are when Satanists who actually have knowledge of their beliefs call them out.
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papandau5566 Β· 4 months
Hi,I want to start this by saying that I have some problems with some satanists on tiktok,I am a Luciferian Satanist myself and I dislike those people,I believe that they are fake Satanists,I want to call them out on this but before doing so I wanted to know what would other Satanists think,to make sure that I am not the only one who believes that they are posers(poser may not be the appropriate word to describe them but I dont know what else I should call them). These people claim to be theistic Satanists and believe in Baphomet,I don't know if there are other Satanists who believe in Baphomet but I think it's pretty absurd to actually believe in him,in my eyes he is just a symbol of duality that Satanists use.
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This makes me think that they don't even do research in what Theistic Satanists and Luciferian Satanists believe in,from things like claiming to be Theistic Satanists but will also believe in Lucifer and claim that diabolism doesn't belong into satanism.
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It's also kind of amusing how they will tell others that they actually believe in satan but then will use the 11 satanic rules and 7 satanic sins from the Satanic Bible to try and make Satanism look good,I think that this is wrong for more reasons,using paragraphs from the Satanic Bible while being a Theistic Satanists is stupid because every type of satanism holds different types of beliefs and morals and trying to make Satanism look good for non Satanists is just stupid because we don't need to explain ourselves and our beliefs to anyone and we don't need their acceptance or anything.
These "Satanists" see Satan/Lucifer how Christians see their god,claiming that you hold beliefs in Lucifer and that he is an loving god who offers you comfort is just stupid,Lucifer offers enlightenment,not comfort,and saying stuff like "Satanism is not evil and dark" is stupid,especially if you are a Luciferian one,evil and darkness are parts of our belief but they are just not wrong and them saying that you must respect everyone's beliefs but only if they respect yours,I believe that it's pretty stupid to respect Christianity,Islam and Judaism as a Satanist,Satanism is about freedom,enlightenment,rebellion and to always question the higher authority,its supposed to be hateful towards religions who are based on faith and have a history of multiple genocides and oppressing women's.
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Before ending my rant I want to say that no,I will not harass those people for being "posers",I will most likely create an account in which I will call them out and post about what Luciferian Satanism is.
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