memyselfandbeagain · 10 years
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Taking hold of Morgan, Proy sank his hand deep through his heart but his hand did not come out. He kept twisting and Morgan's face morfed into an ugly expression with every move. " Stop!! oh my god stop!" Meriem screamed. Her hand was still in Morgan's. Though he was suffering, he did not let go of her. She tried to free herself but couldn't. Morgan was just too strong. She felt bile rise from her stomach and her breathing going off. She could not understand what was happening to her. How come she had these kind of physical reactions when she was only a trace in the air. What the hell is this world about, she thought. How can you die and then go to this place where you can die all over again and suffer with that. Tears began to build in her eyes at the sight of Morgan's feet no longer holding him but only Pory's strong hold of his heart. He still got his normal appearance which means that he is not feeding off of him. Then what was he doing? she questioned herself. That was it for her. She took both of her hands, one being still held by Morgan and tried to move between the two. She did not what to expect the ghost of blood , him having a heart failure. Although with all the twisting nothing happened yet. She did not know what to expect so the fact that Proy flew off the ground and landed, his back on the wall and then fell face first to the ground, left her gapping. But not for long. The support Morgan was having from Proy's torturous hand disappeared with him, so Meriem had to lift him.
" What the .." Morgan could not finish his sentence partly because he was nearly dead and the other part was because he did not know what really went before his eyes.
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memyselfandbeagain · 11 years
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"Watch out" Meriem scream, terror in her eyes. She grabbed Morgan from his collar and attempted to get him away from Proy's proccimity. Unfortunatly Proy was already on Morgan. He had his hands on either side of Morgan's head and a weird Yellow/green light emanated from his fingers. After a a few seconds, Morgan's legs let go of him and every muscles in his body nearly popped out of its place. His mouth was wide open but no sound came through. His arms were on either side of him tensed hard. Meriem did not leg go of her grip on him. Proy wore a concentrating face. If ghosts could sweat. she was pretty sure. the floor around him would be socked wet. He did not lose his focus one minute. It was light witnessing a predator watching his first prey after months of starvation. Meriem tested a kick on Proy's left side ribs, nothing happened apart from him concentration harder and Morgan Growing more traspart. Like his life was sucked out of him. Wait that was what Proy was doing, she thought, He was eating him away. She had to stopped that, she could not fight a healthy ghost on her own and, well, she did not want Morgan to die. He already did once and it was once too many. This time, she had one shot to make a difference. She could already see the floor, Morgan was laying on. She advance on Proy and let everything else go. She Karate jumped him, with no experience at all in martial art that was not pretty. She kicked hard, punched him, and even slamed his head on the wall several times fro his skull to explode had he been human. Then, and only then did he let go of Morgan. Unfortunately for her. He only let go of him to take her. " Oh no" she uttered. Lost. she did not now wht to do . She must prevent him from getting a hold of her, otherwise he could take her away and she would be gone, with no way of coming back home. It was her last chance. Fight or let go; He took a step towards her and she gave him a kick on the chest. One eye brow raise, his eyes filled with understanding. He respected her in a way. With close to no chance, she was still no going to give in. She would go standing. He did his spirit thing and evaporated in thin air. Her immidiate urge was to run away. So silly of her that she gave a look to Morgan, as he was slowing emerging from his 5 seconds coma. " what the hell happened?" He gave a quizzical look while failing to stand on his feet. " Damnit" she muttered under her breath. She went by his side put one arm over her shoulder and helped him up. " Are okay?" she asked really wanting to now if he was still able to get them out of there. " I think so, whatever he did, it took a lot of energy out of me, and quite frankly I thought that it was it." " It?" I thought ghosts were already dead, if you can die again and just cease to exist that is not fair!" She exclaimed as they went down the stairs. " Can you hum... like get us out of here?" She said with a little voice. She used to have no problem asking people for help, but no when she was a bitch to them and claimed that she was badass. He was still yellow from the incident however it was slowly wearing off. " I will try, can't garenty anything" as he said that, he took off his arm that was settled on Meriem's shoulder and staidied himself on the banister. He flickered a little bit then pouf gone. nothing. 
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memyselfandbeagain · 11 years
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Proy had a tight hold of her wrist when she jerked him back. He disappeared for a few seconds. Just enough time for Meriem to get her back to the wall. She knew his disappearence was too good to be true. And it was. He was back a few feet from the stairs. They were now face to face next to her sister's room. Meriem wished she had gotten hold of her ability ot diappear before all of this happened, now she could have been miles away. Haunting the bitches that were mean to her in school. Now is not the time, she thought. With this, she launched at him with a tight fist that did nothing but go through him. He was doing the ghost air thing again. Not fair!. And then he diappeared again. Not wanting to take anymore risks, she headed for the stairs. While running down them Proy materialized behind her and gave her a gentel push that occasioned her to fall hard on the stairs and slidded through them. She was dangerously going to slam into the wall at the foot of the stairs. She felt every bit of pain going through that. She was sure as hell going to fell that pain when she slams into it, she thought. Panicked crippled her. She did not know how this could effect her as a spirit. She could not exactly die again. did it like handicap her. "Oh no. I did not like being a ghost in the first place and i am going to be a lame one. just my luck" " What the hell?" She heard from up the stairs. She identified the voice to be Morgan's. In a flash he was on her and then they were no longer in the stairs. She was no longer falling. In that moment, she was in his embrace. In the next she was pushing away. I did just save her life, go figure, were his thoughts before getting his attention snapped away from Meriem and her quirks back to reality. Proy formed behind him.
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memyselfandbeagain · 11 years
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damn, she needed to learn how to do that, and fast. Proy cought her hand. and hte next instent he was no longer holding her. A few seconds later, he, again, reached for her hand. It was all so confusing for her until the shaman spoke. " Proy, I told you this would happen. You need to rejoin you body. Otherwise you might as well be dead and drop all of this." still toying with the necklace. Proy was on and off for a long minute before responding. " I am in the uncapacity to do that, since the mother of this lovely lady is at my place and had incapacitated my men. Therefore i have no way of finding out where she is for sure. If on the other hand you would send one of your guys to do the job for me then I am sure we will reach an understanding that will make you very happy" 
" Oh, good old Proy. You think you can buy your way into everything, right? Unfortunately for you, you have nothing that captivates my attention. And I have no wish to stand in the way of Shaman Amina and endanger my business for you. However friendly I might seen to you." taking another breath, the Shaman continued. " I can see that, this situation is no longer profitable to me or to you by the way." This sentence led a very profitable situation to Meriem and her heart did a back flip. " I am returning to my shop. If you are interested in any other business, contact me , alive or dead" At this the shaman headed down stares and outside the house. Meriem slowly turned to face Proy, who was still flickering. He read the expression on her face lound and clear " Don't even think about it. I may be flickering out but I can still hurt you, I am pretty sure you can't even master your abilities yet" a light shone in her eyes and her teeth started to unravel and she laughed. She felt the fear ecaping her and welcome the tide of confidence into her " See old man, Before came back,you would have been right. But now, now I can kick your ass big time" with this she grabed the hand that was holding her and twisted" It is payback time". 
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memyselfandbeagain · 11 years
The guy that was with Proy was alive, a shaman, from what meriem gathered. In other words, he had a weird appearence. He freaked her out. As opposed to her mom or even proy, that rocked a norml modern style, this one shaman was more on the ancient, ancetral kind of practotioner. Her wore a long robe, the color of mud. His ears and nose were prieced nd he rocked pretty out there tattoos. But the tattos were not black as usual they were a dark shade of green. In addition to all this list of bizarre gear, his hair were very much knee lengh, arrenged in an intricate braid along his back. In his hand, he was londing what appeared to be a necklace with a long chaine. Slowly backing away, meriem found herself in a sandwich between the shaman and Proy who apparated behind her in a flash.
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memyselfandbeagain · 11 years
08/06/2013 07:13
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Morgan shot from the bed and, grabing his head from both sides with his hands nearly slapped into the wall. He let a scream escape his mouth before landing on the floor uncounscious. Meriem turned to faced him. Breath uneven, a frown setting on her face. She slowly advance towards Morgan, not sure what she was being scared off. The fact that he just went bananes in 5 seconds or that she felt nothing abnormal in the house. apart from her and Sebastian. She did not want to touch him. Least, he woke up and thinks that she was weak. She held her gaze at him for a moment. He did not move. She started to worry. Not for him. He was already out. She, on the other hand, was awake and alone. an easy prey. a suden noise broke her from her thoughts. Something had fallen on the floor in the house, not sure where, but she was positive. Someone came to visit. Someone that let themselves in. In two seconds, she was out the dor of her room. Quickly but quietly closed the door and locked it. If someone came looking for them. They would at least be  slowed down by it. It was not much but at least it was something. He had saved her from Proy earlier. She hated him for taking advantage of the situation with her before she came back, true. However she was in his dept and now they were even. She did not control her powers very well. not when it came to being solid ghost or air ghost. That was what she called when a ghost could tough things and when a ghost was just like air, going through anything. She opted for a secure way. She headed to the staircase that leads to the kitchen, near her sister's room. When she got to the staircase and made a turn to head down she came face to face with a her uninvited guest. a few steps down was Proy, His projection flickered like a bad tv reception. On and off, he appeared to be more transparent than a normal ghost.
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memyselfandbeagain · 11 years
08/06/2013 07:12
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Amina jumped backwards as the pain sired. Faiza reaching through the shock, Took off her cardigan and used it as a means to extinguish the fire that was building up on her mom. Nothing happened. Faiza turned her hand to face Sebastian. He did not budge, All the explosion had no effect on him when it should have pulverised him. Amina was yelling at the top of her lungs. Faiza freaking out, shot up and raced around the house looking for water to throw at her mom. If that did not work, she thought, that would be a catastrophy. Flying into the kitchen, Faiza reached for a jug near the sink, poored water in it, and raced back to her mom. In the meantime, Sebastian had already advanced to Amina's side, Eyes watery, devastated because he was so helpless to aid any of the people that mattered to him. He was trying to pat her head, calming her down. He was familiar with that potion and her effect on the living. The more you wrestle the more it catches up. there was no flames now, but the wounds were worse now cracking the skin. He leaned over her, whispering to her ear. " You knew you attempt will fail, but you did it anyway. I guess I am just that repulsive to you". " I can't claim to be able to explain my reasons. There is no justification for it and there is no coming back from it without more damage, you know that already" he sighed." I wish I could turn back time, and do all the things in a different way. I wish we did not answer that call the day of the accidents. I wish I had took you to diner instead and asked you to marry me" He gently deposited a kiss on her forehead. Carefully avoiding her wounds. Faiza entred on them with the jug full of unnecessary water. He picked himself up and backed from Amina's side and Faiza hurried to fill his position. The fire had reached Amina's face because die out. Her mom was not in the capacity to talk. Holding her hand softly. She adressed a look at Sebastian, that told enough. She was panicked for her mom and hurt from him. She wanted him to help but did not believe he wanted to. His eyes scanned the room, looking for a place to land other than Faiza's eyes. Still debating whether he should intervine or leave them to figure something out on their own. He came to notice that the candles that Amina had burned were not lit anymore. The explosion had blow them out. Faiza followed his gase and quickly put two and two together. " No..." He disappeared.
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memyselfandbeagain · 11 years
08/06/2013 07:12
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" Ok, I may be laughing right now. But i am dead serious about my shirt" Wavinng her hand towards it " Go on". Anger shot through him. His body started to vibrated nearling forming clouds above his head from the heat that rose into him. "  you run your mouth quite a lot for someone who is not able to do anything. Your not fully dead not fully a ghost as long as you have not mastered your abilities. If I were you I would loose the attitude" It actually pained hi to talk this way to Meriem. The Meriem that was in his arms not five minutes ago. The one that clenched like crazy at him. Good thing her was a spirits or he might had bruses and cuts. But she was not the same one or was she? It did not matter now. The constent threat that hung over them kept him from wandering too much into his thoughts. " Come again?" Meriem spelled the words emphasising the meaning that he was so going to regret it. Laughing in her face, Morgan walked towards the bed and positioned himself on it  crossing his armes under his head." Dude, that " who's laughing now" thing is so underrated." Seeing her face go red of rage he straightened himself on the matress and faced her with a full grin that showed that on either side of his smile were dimples carved that made him so hard to resist." If you thing that I might think twice on carving deeper dimples on your face, your wrong pretty boy". The grin disappeared from his face " you can see me. In the dark?" said Morgan in shock. He had based his cockiness on the fact that Meriem had no ability in the other side. " See, that is better. That is the normal corse of thing. You are right to fear me." She advanced on him cupping his chin with one hand " It would have been a waste damaging such an adorable figure" Morgan jerked his head from her hand. She could touch him without dificulty. She was dead. Gone. That could not be possible. He saw her happy. Serene that she should go with the light. Did she change her mind, decided to come back for her family, for him. No, he thought. That was pushing it . He believed in miracles but that was straight down stupid. 
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memyselfandbeagain · 11 years
08/06/2013 07:12
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Morgan was panicked. It had been several minutes since the change occured to Meriem, meaning it had been several minutes that the candles had stopped burning, there were no longer safe. Meriem stooped over her body, a grin slowing spreading on her face. She no longer felt angery at Morgan for taking advantage of the situation to get hot and heavy with her. After starring at her lifeless corpus. She noticed that her shirt had been hastly put back on. " Hey pretty boy, now that you have admired every inche of what was once my body could have the decency to at least corve it up." dumbfounded, Morgan was unable to speak, he tryed several times but only wierd noises came out of his mouth. Meriem folded her arms over her chest and started tapping with her foot, clearly impatient at the time he took to react to her request. her stance had also changed, he noticed. She used to have this wierd posture of someone that clearly did not want to be there at any given time, back arced, shoulders falling over her chest. Like a bizarre baby alien  combing out of its shell. Now she was more rigide, her posture was asymetric. Like a runnaway model, hungry and in a bad mood. " Come on, I know I am good at what I do" eye-brows moving up and down, emphezing on it" but you can't be that shocked after o much time had passed. Geez you need to get a life, well a social one at least. The way I see it, you are for from close to getting one" at that she bursted laughing. That was the new her now. Laughing at the exence of others. Cruelty shone through her eyes. Something was definitly dead in her. Her soul was only now catching on it ?
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memyselfandbeagain · 11 years
08/06/2013 07:12
" wha ... what sort of bad things" despair had crept on Amina's heart. She felt dizzy, good thing she was sitting on the couch. She knew that bad for something that happened on the other side was an understatement. She could hardly breath. Unable to focus her eyes on something, she stood, steading herself on the couch's arm. "Things I cannot talk about... even if i wanted to". Breathing with difficulty anfew seconds ago, Amina was now about to faint. "Oh SEbastian, what have you done!" She let herself fall back on the couch. Her feet could not hold her anymore. She hugged herself tight, needing the support. " Please not you. Please let it be a mistake" she muttered. Sebastian after confirming that Faiza was ok, started to pace around the room. It was a habit of his when he was stressed, a habit that remain after his death, Amina thought. This trait of his character lingered long after he died, what else might still be in there. "What is going on mom?" Faiza inquired, worry building up inside of her. Her mom looked sad, no devastated. True, there was no fear , but there was something of a repugnace in the look she gave Sebastian. Now that the feeling of shock had faded, Amina entred a trence in which her target was ending Sebastiab life or afterlife. She propulsed herself up and started digging through her bag. Sebastian aware of her every move was on the other hand completely oblivious of her intentions. He stopped pacing and stood near the wall, that he used a resting device. He was a shaman himself before becoming a wandering soul, and he had no clue on what to do next to help Meriem. Faiza sat there, used to not being answered, she repositioned herself on the couch and waited for her mom to need her, something that was not happening any time soon. Potion in hand, she jerked it towards Sebastian, and put herself in front of Faiza. The vail exploded, creating a thick cloud of smoke the color of dirt. Shielding her face with her left arm, Amina's body was defenceless against the flamed that the potion produced, her jeans and shirt fired up. She was too close from the impact, she underestemated the powers of such a concoction. She yelled in pain, as a the fire got through the fabric of her black shirt. Using her hands to put down the fire was not effective.
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memyselfandbeagain · 11 years
08/06/2013 07:11 pm
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" Faiza I ..." He could not manage to do it. Yelling at Amina was not easy but it was doable. Breaking her heart was a risk he was willing to take. Faiza was more than just an orphan he had become found of. She had ground into him just as her little sister. He had spend so much time with them that It was hard not to love them like his own kids. Sebastian never got married or as mush as had a relationship that lasted more than a year, apart from his relationship with amina. Faiza was standing in front of him, Hands gathered into fists, ready to ready to go all karate over his ass, if he so much as implied that all her memories with him, the happy and the bad were lies. That her feelings were fouled. She tasted bile in her mouth, a bad sign. She was about  throw up. Faiza put a hand over her stomach " I can't believe this. I can't believe you" Disappointment in her voice. She relaxed her muscles. She advanced near the couch in proy's house." Faiza..." a second time that was not the charm. His reflexes from when he used to take care of them kicked in and in a mili-second he was in front of her, Brow gathered, eyeing her with consern. " Are you okay?" he asked lips shivering. " what is it to you? it is not like you care, right ?" Faiza's ton was cold, hard, nothing she was. Somehow, she managed it with him. Sebastian was hurt, but he knew he deserved it, the aftermath of his doing. Amina made her way to Faiza and sat beside her on the couch, her hand on Faiza's forehead. " I think i am going to be sick." Faiza managed to say without spilling all her diner before her mom  and ex future stepfather. She squeezed her eyes shut and rested her hand on the pillow behind her. Amina knew that she was really sick, but it was the shock that got her like that. She turned her hand towards Sebastian, A few hair  locks fell from her ponytail. She tucked them behind her ears and spoke with as much resentment as she could. If she got him to help them it would be out of guilt now. " You did this. you pretended to love them and now you are hurting them both. Faiza will be able to get well soon. I just wish I could say the same thing about Meriem" If claiming that he was pretending to love them was hard, this knowed the air out of him( if he could breathe). " I can't do this, I want to help but I am not capable of" He sighted " All bunch of things happened since we last talk Amina. Bad things"
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memyselfandbeagain · 11 years
08/06/2013 07:11
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Faiza stopped herself from yelling at both her mother and Sebastian. She did not want to believe what she was witnessing. " Please, listen to me. This is about more than you being pissed at me. Meriem is in danger" Amina begged Sebastian to see reason. " I don't want to hear it Amina!" Eyes wide open, catching his breath. he swore if he was still aline people could have felt earth shaking as his heart raced. He was more than mad. He was infuriated. His eyes were a rich brown, auburny color. Amina took two spets back. He eyes radiated fire. " Send me away. RIGHT NOW" he ordered. Amina had no other alternative, she could not dismiss her only hope because he was a little dificult. She took a deep breath, gather all her courage " NO!" She said. "What did you just say. If you think that because I know you I won't hurt. Let me teel you you are deeply mistaken". " I don't care, this is about more than our little fuel. It is Meriem that is going to die if you continue you" she saw that he flinched at the sound of Meriem's name. She got her opennin. " Yes, Meriem. You used to take her to school everyday, and everyday you would go late to work because you stopped to get chocolate croissans, because you knew they were her favorites"." The same Meriem that used to croll on my bed at night to get to call you from my cell phone when she had had a bad dream. The one that you stayed up late at night reassuring her to make sure she would get to sleep after that."." Telling about something I know won't change the fact that I want back. I want to leave". Amina was too worked up about her daughter that she did not even want to hear the reasons behind his refusal. Sebastian did not intend on revealing it either. " Why? I know it can't because of some stupid dispute. Why won't help us in saving the girl seven months ago you concidered as your own." It caught him offguard. It was true that he saw Amina's kids as his own. Blood was not a big issue for him at least it did not used to be. Now he needed an escape plan, he needed to hit hard where it hurts. May be he could put as much distance between them as possible before anything bad happened." I am sorry you miss understood what was kindness for something more" Tears surfaced in Amina's eyes. He hit his target, and distrolled it. " No, you are a liar. You loved us, all of us. You said you would always be there for us Take care of us. You said we would be a family" Faiza stepped into the conversation and spoke the words from her heart, 
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memyselfandbeagain · 11 years
08/06/2013 07:10
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"MOM!" faiza was at this point yelling at her mom in an attempt to get her attention. Amina had gotten up walked to Fiaza grabed her wrist and fastened a golden braclet, similat to the one on Proy's wrist. Amina made eye contact with her daughter. Slowly articulating orders" These are Monitor braclets. There is a dominant one and a dominated one. Of course you have the dominant one. If Proy succeeds at escaping my attack. He will go back to his body. With these you can control him. He will be harmless. He will do whatever you want." Faiza looked startled. It was a rare object that her mom stusted her with. She is used to accompany her mom in rescuing expeditions. Asisting her with basic stuff such as lining the candles for a ritual, holding the book while her mom read the spells and cleaning up after themselves. It was never good to let traces of their passages behind them. They could be tracked back home. There was only so much her mom could do to fight the darksides. Faiza knew things had reached a grave point. She gave her mom a nod, meaning she was not going to break down, she will do whatever it takes for this to work. To get back her sister, her family. With a little smile, that hardly looked like one. Aina positioned herself on the floor. Book open, She crossed her legs, Closed her eyes. Exaled and started humming. It was the way to reached into the other world. She kept in her mind the picture of an old friend, Sebastian. A friend who had turned quietus when he died. Amina's muscules tenses. Everytime she thought about him. Everything in her body ached. He had died in a horrible fight, the kind of fight that shamans gets into, which meant that death was what you got if you lost. Amina had blurry memories of the way he past away. It did not meant that it was any less painfull. It took 5 minutes for Sebastian to materialize before her. She was about to lose hope. " Thank god, you came" She said, promptly advancing towards him, then to stood there. Frozen. She could sense spirits and their moods because they radiated from them like light. He was tall, like 6.1 tall. The hair brushing his shoulders was deep brown, almost black. He used to carry it in a ponytale when he was still a living soul amongst them. Earlier the day he died, he had lost a bet on whether he or Meriem was the strongest and had decided to settle it by means of armwrestle.He had let win, Amina remembers, pain growing by the minute. She clenshed her fists, Praying that she would lose control. She had to focus. He daughter's life was on the line. She starred for a moment at him. His hard, cold eyes rested on her and then slowingly scanned the room. Pain at seeing her emanated from him. He wished he could concel it but knew better. Partly why he was so angry. "What do you want from me. You promised you would leave me alone!" Sebastian growled. " Sebastian ..." He cut her. " We had a deal! I don't care what is going on send me back!" Faiza was watching the scene. Horrified why the way things were turning out. What was the deal they were talking about but mostly why was Sebastian so angry at her mom. Flashes of memories went through her mind. The same day he died, he was able to ask her mother on a date. She knew that because, he had called her and Meriem to ask them if it was okay for him to be a little bit more than a friend to their mom. They accepted right away. Because he was more than just a friend, he was family ever since their father was gone. 
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memyselfandbeagain · 11 years
08/06/2013 07:10
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Lying on the floor, Meriem took several moments to get up. The force by which she was ejected from her prison was not damage-free. She felt nausious. Like she had been on a roller coster for too long and had thrown up all shehad ever eaten in her entire life, still not enough, her body claimed she had still to empty her stomac. Her vision was also messed up. She had never needed glasses when she was still human. Even so, being a ghost would cure that, no? It was blurry. She could hardly make out anything in the dimness of the room, however, she could see a darker shape standing in front of her. She saw this shape approaching her. "Meriem, are you okay?" Morgan was not sure is what just happene was real. Once you choose where you want to go. There is no coming back, at least not that he knew of. He did not know whether to be happy to have her back or to be concerned that something might have gone wrong and that it affected her in any way. As he headed towards her. Meriem backed away immidiately. He jerked his hand back. A contruction teem setteled on his face, twisting his features into an expression of stupor. The look in her eyes what a look of utter fear. He could distinguish amongst this fears od her a small amount of disgust at seeing him. " Get away from me!" Her tone was cold when she talked to him. She still had complete control of her composure. She took two steps towards Morgan and locked eyes with him " I don't know what has been going on lately but for me, you have been taking advantage of the situation. But it does not matter anymore. You are going to keep your distance from now on"
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memyselfandbeagain · 11 years
08/06/2013 07:09
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Morgan was confused, so many emotions run through him. Happy, oh yes happy so see her content, in peace. Heart broken to have to let her go. Go to a place where she would never come back from. Sad that he was stuck after making what was a ba choice and horrible timing. Frustrated because he wanted to join her. Share that light together. He braced himself as he watched her going back to her body a last time. Her last home before steping else where. Beutiful were the word that his lips formed before they got stopped in a wide shock. His eye brows shot in the air as he witnessed the light that enclosed Meriem turn into deep darkness, her tear drops into flowing rivers and her sweet smile into  horror screams. Morgan could not hear or touch her. The wall protection was stronger than earlier. He had been able to hold her hand for a few instants. Now it was as if a real wall was between them but worse. He watched her in pain unable to do anything to stop it. Meriem was struggling to free herself from that invisible prison. She was no longer able to breathe. She was a spirit these kind of things should not matter. However she physically felt the pain. She stopped jerking a for a moments when she heard a voice in her head humming. What did Morgan tell her about that. Where they trying to locate her. But it would not matter, she was leaving right ? They could not stop her?. As she was going back to jerking again, she heard it again. But this time it spoke distinct words. " It is not your time yet, little girl" Just then she was sucked in a black hole then jerked out of the magical wall. In one second everything was over. darkness resumed it is presence in Meriem's room. 
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memyselfandbeagain · 11 years
08/06/2013 07:09
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Unfortunately for him, the shock that sent him away was too powerfull for Morgan to control his powers and go through the closet like a normal ghost would. Instead he felt a pain burn into his entire body. Something he had never experiences before as a wandering soul. He managed to get up and gazed at the impact that left on the wooden closet. A frown built up in his face. How did that happen. He felt it as if he was alive, and clearly the closet felt the same thing too. His eye cought a sparkle on his hand. He looked down. his eye brows trangled further. His hands were coated in the same stuff Meriem's body was. " What the h..." he was stopped midsentice by what he saw. Meriem was standing there close to her body. Looking at him, tears in her eyes and a smile on her lips. He could not believe his vision. Did he have a concussion? he wondered. Could spirits get that sort of things. He quickly dismissed that thought when he saw her waving at him goodbye. " NO WAIT!" he screamed reaching for her. He collieded with the wall that was now a clear barriere between himself and Meriem. She bathed in light. Like she was an angel, exulting. She was finally there. She will find peace. It was selfish and kind of stupid of him to think that she would choose to stay with him in the spirit world instead of going to the other side. He swept a lonely tear off his chick and put a hand on the wall, half a smile showing. For an instant there was nothing else that mattered. The two of them were together for the last time. Neither of them was going to waste those precious moments. Meriem approched the barried unable to cross the wall to join Morgan for a good bye hug. She contented herself with locking hands with him. She felt sorry to leave him behind. She was gone for god knows how long. She thought that someone would come and ask her whether she wished to remain wandering on earh or find peace in the other side. Instead, she let her heart speak, and it tol her that she did not want to stay. Morgan had made her decision a little tough. However, at the end, she knew what was right.
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memyselfandbeagain · 11 years
08/06/2013 07:09
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" No wait, stop it" Meriem said betwen heavy breaths. " Please don't tell me you changed your mind this time again?" said Morgan still over her, clenching the pillow that was unde her hand to prevent himself from exploding. He was going to be mad, really mad out of frustration. " No that is not it" lacing her fingers with his " I just don't feel well. I think I am going to be sick". Morgan, not even getting the time to stand up from her, saw her disappear before his eyes. No, no, no. It was too soon. He was sure they had still a little bit time left. He felt the tears coming down his chicks. Good thing he was on the bed, he was unable to move. Energy drained out from his body, shocked. She was gone; truly gone. He would never see her again, her face, her eyes; oh god, he thought. He blew his chance at making those eyes of hers shine. He looked down at her body. No life was in it. It was no longer inhabited; a shell. However, it was all that was left of her. He observed a faint shining wall cocooning her body. Was that what happens when the soul dies. He stood, a solemn motion. He approched her. He new it was impossible for him to do it but attempt to reach for her hand. the han that was seconds ago lacing to his. The shining protection that was on her body prevented usually spirits like his from taking over the corpus. He felt the burn in his hands while touching her. He did not care. It felt good to have her skin connect with his. After several seconds, he felt a push. a light one at first. and then a powerfull one that sent him all the way across her room to land on her closet.  
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