papanie · 7 years
So, this. 
I’m sad.
I’m a sad lump of watery potato now.
Please protect Naoki
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Attempt at translation: “Please don’t say bad things about Naoki. He has a generous and beautiful heart, more than anybody else in sjsb. Naoki doesn’t laugh or smile precisely for the sake of the fans who say he looks gross or they don’t need him. When they’re chatting (in interviews) and there’s no time, it was Naoki himself who told the staff, please talk more about the other sjsb memebers rather than about Naoki himself. And due to this, they even talked about Gan-chan twice (thus Naoki didn’t talk). I’m guessing that this is because Naoki thought that Gun was more popular than him, and was thinking for the happiness of the fans.”
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Ok, HOW can ANYBODY hate a gorgeous man like him who has a heart of gold? This makes me so sad. Thanks @alexiesdl for sending me the tweet and @gomendii too for firing up our ‘must cut those bitches who said shit about Naoki’ determination. So comon guys, spread the Naoki love!
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papanie · 7 years
Wadooooo cari dimana ini scan2annya??
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2015 Magazines Cover February & March Issue
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papanie · 7 years
You can't deny the urge to Woop Woop!
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三代目 J Soul Brothers - J.S.B.DREAM
Okay, I was supposed to be studying, but I’m here, doing this for you u3u Just kidding! Hope you like it! ^^
BTW, do you guys want GENERATIONS or STORM RIDERS gifs?
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papanie · 7 years
Lak hoblok 😂😂😂
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papanie · 7 years
Where is it from??!! 😱
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Please, anyone knows which episode Naoki first appeared with these clothes?
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papanie · 7 years
so excited for this! its so catchy
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papanie · 7 years
*ready to be inseminated*
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[SCAN] Gekkan EXILE July 2015 “JACK” - Kobayashi Naoki
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papanie · 7 years
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I'm going to hell (part 2) 😂😂😂😂 #exile #exileakira #exiletribe #mbuh
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papanie · 7 years
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I don't mind going to hell for this 😹😹😹 #whenwillryujihaveinstagram #3jsb #mbuh #imaichiryuji #tosakahiroomi #sandaimejsoulbrothers
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papanie · 8 years
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Books take you to the past but Watch is a sad reminder that you can't change it. Books are made for you to learn from the past and Watch will push your back gently to keep you moving forward. So, where are you now?
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papanie · 8 years
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Because I can’t have enough of these..
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papanie · 8 years
Maruyama Ryuhei
reblog if you agree
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papanie · 8 years
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papanie · 8 years
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Songs 2015.05
scans (c)
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papanie · 8 years
Can we talk about how the Deadpool movie, which the media has largely referred to (in so many words) as a fuckboy’s wetdream, not only gives a female sex worker an empathetic role, but treats her and her work more respectfully than about 99% of so called feminist media?
At no point does the movie imply that Vanessa is tainted because she is a sex worker. At no point does the movie imply that Vanessa is unworthy of love because she is a sex worker.
At no point is Vanessa portrayed as “broken.”
At no point does the movie imply that being a sex worker makes Vanessa a bad girlfriend. At no point does Deadpool ask or expect Vanessa to sacrifice her job for their relationship.
At no point is Vanessa slut-shamed for her job, by either protagonists or villains. 
Think about that.
Denigrating sex workers is so taboo within the Deadpool movieverse that even the villains won’t do it.
We know that Vanessa experienced sexual abuse, and that it’s shaped the person she’s become and influenced the choices she’s made. The movie clearly acknowledges that sexual abuse is real, and that it is damaging, and that people who experience sexual abuse struggle to lead “normal” lives and get “normal” jobs.
But the movie never hands sexual abusers the mic.
There is no sexual abuse porn in this movie. There are no voyeuristic rape flashbacks. There are no misogynist monologues. The audience learns about Vanessa’s abusive past from Vanessa, on Vanessa’s terms, through Vanessa’s own words.
This seems like the bare minimum of dignity any female character should be granted, yet so much media fails to meet this extremely low bar.
The movie makes it very clear that Vanessa has a life outside of sex work. She does not live on a stripper pole. Sex work is something Vanessa does. Sex work is not who Vanessa is. She has an apartment. She wears pajamas. What other fictional universe can say the same? I can think of one tv show, but that’s about it, and that show’s viewership is nothing compared to Deadpool’s.
Now on the one hand, I’m not necessarily happy that Vanessa’s character arc revolves almost entirely around her romantic relationship with the lead male protagonist. But on the other hand, I find it very refreshing to see a sex worker in the media whose character arc does not revolve entirely around the fact that she is a sex worker. Hate to say it, but for sex workers in the media, being relegated to the role of love interest is actually a step up.
Most feminist media would rather pretend sex workers don’t exist than write storylines of any kind for them. 
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papanie · 8 years
Alexander the Great, y’all. #whattheshirtsays #definesKamisama
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papanie · 8 years
friend: you need to stop with all these kanjiclub memes
me: tell that to kanjiclub
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