paper-ink-words · 9 years
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Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion. Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.
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paper-ink-words · 9 years
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you are quite the beauty if no one has ever told you that before, know that now you are quite the beauty.
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paper-ink-words · 9 years
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paper-ink-words · 9 years
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just find the horizon
i promise you it’s not as far as you think
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paper-ink-words · 9 years
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It is not enough to be dumbstruck Can you fill this silence? you must have the words in that head of yours
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paper-ink-words · 9 years
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ee cummings though
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paper-ink-words · 9 years
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Lyrics by Listener. Lettering by me.
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paper-ink-words · 9 years
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Current obsession: Twenty One Pilots.
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paper-ink-words · 9 years
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Can't decide whether or not to color the flower. Might repost.
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paper-ink-words · 9 years
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paper-ink-words · 9 years
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I need grace bigger than my mouth. 
I need mercy that resounds ten thousand times as loud.
I need redemption that creates a new song from my distortion.
I need you.
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paper-ink-words · 9 years
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But we are such a self-destructive bunch, aren’t we?
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paper-ink-words · 9 years
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I swear, your smile saved my life.
I swear your touch made me whole.
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paper-ink-words · 9 years
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If you can hear me, I’d rather have you than all of my answers.
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paper-ink-words · 10 years
Considering restarting this blog, solely with stuff I do because I want to accepting suggestions but not guaranteeing them. No pressure, just a place to put my doodles for fun.
Are any of my followers even still active? It's been like at least a year and a half.
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paper-ink-words · 11 years
Yeah so this blog is dead.
I'm not deleting it because all the stuff is on here but I'm quitting, in a sense.
Anyway. It's been fun. Thanks. (:
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paper-ink-words · 12 years
I submitted a request in the summer, so I was wondering, what might've happened with that?
Uh I basically haven't really posted anything... I'm really far behind on this blog, and I'm kind of giving up on doing anything with it. It might just become an occasional sort of thing, where I do requests if I like them, but probably won't do all...
Which makes me kind of terrible, but I just haven't had time/motivation to doodle.
I am trying very hard to get a lot of them done, though.
Basically, it's reached a point where if anyone submits a request they need to have patience.
And then they need to multiply that patience by about 12,000.
and then maybe by infinity.
Because I kind of suck sometimes.
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