paracosmcentral · 3 years
hhhhh i messed up on the eminence paras list i wrote grecia instead of greciamo which is the new name smh
Oof, well I’ll add this to the tag :)
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paracosmcentral · 3 years
Eminence Chronicles Paras (bc I changed most names)
(Late) Queen, Delia Almudena de Vicci
Crown Princess/Queen, Cecily Zahira de Vicci
Lady Aide Royale, Hesther Gracia Calatayud 
Wesqa Mehek Tirmizi 
Lali Khan (moved to Chelmeti)
Noble, Vesna Rivka Karanovic
Archmage, Ezrea Ljiljana Kista
Crown Prince/King, Kaen Leon del Grer
Prince, Diocles “Dian” Anytos del Grer
Aahana “Onno” Lamis Guerouabi
Aditya “Ollo” Zafir Guerouabi
 Ex-Prince, Kirrvalan Eucleo Rensala
Verde Freya
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paracosmcentral · 3 years
switching gears, idk if you remembered the eminence chronicles cosm from ages ago but i was scrolling through your blog bc it's fun and i saw my posts on those and grimaced bc i changed a Lot since then, especially names
My brain is swiss cheese but I’ll go take a look at those old posts to jog my memory. We love character development...or in this case, para development :)
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paracosmcentral · 3 years
basically the conscience is just like your soul, in that it's this unrefined form that's part of mortals, and that it records your life like a movie viewing, but the difference is that the conscience is not objective. it's not just 'x y z happened in my life', it's 'xyz happened but also here's all my opinions, feelings, my perspective, my mental process, my thoughts'. the soul is an objective third person perspective of a person's life, the conscience is the first person. (7?)
OOh, that’s so interesting!! :D
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paracosmcentral · 3 years
so conscience doesn't have a form either, it just. Is. i don't think i have to explain that lol. BUT the metaphor often used for them is that it's like a thread, tied to both the body and soul, holding them together as they hold it in place. in this case, conscience is like, your mind/feelings? in general? bc for example someone who is brain dead is still biologically alive, so they have a soul and still a conscience in this sense, it just doesn't. have any thoughts and stuff. (6)
I feel so Big Brained for actually following along with this lol
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paracosmcentral · 3 years
the intangible and tangible directly overlap but bc the intangible is nothing material or with mass it's not overlap in the way you'd imagine? it's not like two sheets of paper or something. it's like, if you have an identical twin who dies and becomes a ghost, and they overlap with your body, it's a perfect overlap, but they're not actually there-ish? bc nonphysical. it's like that with the planes, except the intangible doesn't even have a visual form or light to make shapes or anything. (5)
Your description of that was so clear, I can perfectly understand what you’re describing!!
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paracosmcentral · 3 years
oops i lied souls aren't refined they are masses of unrefined energy lol sorry. so the intangible plane is mildly terrifying to me bc i can describe the concept but i can't actually imagine, like, the experience, at all. basically no time, and nothing physical. nothing. void. just souls and spirits, but those don't have a presence. like it's the INTANGIBLE plane. there is no physical aspect at all. no atoms, nothing. it just Is. that's literally all i can say about it. (4)
i have decided i do not like the concept of intangibility
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paracosmcentral · 3 years
souls are a form of refined energy but significantly weaker than spirits (who are inherently SENTIENT, souls are not) and exist in any mortal - which is basically any mortal living organism. including plants and animals. spirits are basically minds of their own (figuratively; they don't inherently have physical form so no organs lol) but souls are more like objective records of a life. like if you view a soul it's like watching a movie but without inherent bias. (3)
Dude, that is such a cool idea...
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paracosmcentral · 3 years
the cosm spirits i made up: basically they're sentient refined energy (not that the humans know). there are two overlapping planes, the tangible and intangible. our physical bodies and the earth is in the intangible. souls originate in the intangible plane, which is where spirits are native to, BUT they are compatible with and overlap both planes when they have an associated body. body, conscience, and soul are what make a living mortal. (2)
I am HERE for spirits!! I love unconventional “ghost stories” :)
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paracosmcentral · 3 years
back to spamming: so my big mdzs/cql cosm, which i call zaoshui cosm! let's start with worldbuilding-ish: this is fantasy ancient china (it's xianxia genre) and i plucked the animal-spirits-that-take-human-form from the legend of the white snake but tossed in my own funky physics and biology. there's this funky lil island in fuck knows where in china, called blossoming sun island, created+inhabited by 'spirits' (1)
You have drawn me in. This premise is intriguing. Color me interested...
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paracosmcentral · 3 years
I'm so glad to be back! I'm writing a short story for creative writing that's literally just the beginning of an arc in one of my cosms (have you heard of Mo Dao Zu Shi or The Untamed?) and it's like 14 pages now and I haven't even hit like the conflict yet lmao.
I LOVE writing about my paracosms, it’s literally one of my favorite hobbies lmaoo -
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paracosmcentral · 3 years
omg hiiii it's been so long i kinda dropped off of tumblr bc it got blocked but it's working again so ahh hello so good to see you again !! i have SO much to talk about
Dude I was wondering what you were up to!! Welcome back to our weird little corner of the internet :)
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paracosmcentral · 4 years
I still remember what they look like so here they are in orde r
Tumblr media
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paracosmcentral · 4 years
I'm the anon that talked about Tot and Carl and felix and all it was something in 3rd grade I'm trying to remember the whole thing before I rework it
So after the 50 years Tot sneaks out his room and accidently unlocked the room felix was in and tot, not knowing what felix did, was like "oooooooh" and unlocks felix from his torment and lets him out
Felix was all like "thank you so much :)" and than shadow wanted to be a bitch and was like "omg how....but I missed u tho" and yeah
Idk what 3rd grade me thought next but tot fought this really tall thing and that was it
I made a comic about it but my parents threw my old sketchbooks out:(
I’m very super angry at your parents for throwing your old sketchbooks out wth!!! Anyway this is super cool and creative and I wish I was that original when I was in 3rd grade lmao
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paracosmcentral · 4 years
oh also i was looking at hyunseung and yeo's horoscopes bc why not and everything lines up with their feelings and the development of their relationship and their timeline and i fjdajfhakhfkhkfhae????!!!!! like wow they really were destined huh
HELL yeah we love the stars!!
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paracosmcentral · 4 years
yubin = hyunseung confirmed: both fell in love in teen years with a boy that they were separated from + reunited with said boy + caught the heart of so many ppl including their respective pink haired boys whose noses twitch like a rabbit's who's love is unrequited + shitty exes + xenesis + debate nerds + theatre nerds + ballet + contemporary dance + classical music + ice skating + sisters in CONSTELLATION + french + trauma + swifties + beautiful talented brown eyed brunettes
wow I don’t even know where to start I just love this lol
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paracosmcentral · 4 years
So bc Hyunseung is the current favorite para, he gets the brunt of my daydreams and my bullshit. However, it just occurred to me that despite all the pain I put him through, the para that I project onto and parallel more is Yubin. Which lead to me spiraling down the hole that is Yubin's horrible life.
Ohhh boy. I’m worried and excited. (Please fill us in lol)
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