paradisemaybe · 2 years
“So you broke a habit one day, that’s fine you don’t have to do a factory reset and go back to the drawing board.”
— 6lackbeautie
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paradisemaybe · 2 years
“Half of your mastery of power comes from what you do not do, what you do not allow yourself to get dragged into. Never waste valuable time, or mental peace of mind, on the affairs of others — that is too high a price to pay.”
— Robert Greene, 48 Laws of Power
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paradisemaybe · 2 years
“Haters do not shake me, because it’s misdirected energy. It’s not personal. It’s projection.”
— @thevirgodoll
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paradisemaybe · 2 years
“Most people, when they want to get somewhere in life, they don’t lack the skills they just lack the audacity to actually do it because they don’t believe in themselves enough. The person who is less skilled but believes in themself enough to go for what they want will always beat the person who’s got talent but is scared to go after their dreams.”
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paradisemaybe · 2 years
“Aluminum is absolute poison. Throw it out of your kitchens, use parchment instead for cooking/baking. Find deodorants without aluminum.”
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paradisemaybe · 2 years
Circadian (daily) regulation of metabolic pathways implies that food may be metabolized differentially over the daily cycle.
The following study found that eating breakfast and avoiding late-evening snacking sustains lipid oxidation. Lipid oxidation being the process of breaking down fatty acids to decrease body fat and increase lean muscle.
With this in mind, intermittent fasting is better done by skipping dinner rather than breakfast.
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paradisemaybe · 2 years
“I’m not easily impressed cuz I singlehandedly have done a lot of impressive shit. to some men that makes me appear cold but I’m not I’m baby as fuck.. but unless u spoiling me tf rotten or making my days/life easier u are just a man in my face like other men u not special at all. Some men be like I compliment you and call you beautiful everyday and yes thank you…I kno who I am..I kno what God made I have a praise kink I love to be praised n worshipped I will always beam n say thank u but even that in itself will not make me fawn over you. I strive 2b as balanced as possible I require the men in my life/ones that wish to be in my life to bring ALL of the masculine traits to the table… it’s not just money and dick it’s balance n a level head etc.. I’m not a bird of a woman n ion open my legs to bird brain men 🤷🏾‍♀️” — BlackSeaSiren on Twitter
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paradisemaybe · 2 years
Even the vibes have to be top rank!!
Strict no bummy men policy, that even applies to your lil campus crush/fwb/hoes/roster/etc. You don’t ditch your high standards just because their rank in your life is low. Low rank doesn’t exclude them from being required to be of value in order to be around you.
Dick alone will never pass as enough, require that he come with use/insight/assistance/resources in order to step to you.
“My pussy do not get wet grip n yank for men that only have dick to offer. It bore me.”
— BlackSeaSiren on Twitter
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paradisemaybe · 2 years
“Growing up is realizing that relationships are 50% emotions 50% politics”
— unknown
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paradisemaybe · 2 years
Quality Water
Avoid Tap and Dead (0 Mineral) Water
Spring Water from Source is best, if inaccessible, Spring Water in Glass Bottles
Reverse Osmosis or Distilled water + Remineralized
Quality Salt
Redmond Sea Salt
Peruvian Pink Salt
Celtic Sea Salt
Taken from this tweet and this tweet
More minerals and supplements available here
Benefits of quality salt in the diet
1.Helps you stay hydrated. Your body needs a delicate balance of sodium and potassium. This is because water in your body follows sodium, so if you have too much your body will retain water. Potassium works to balance this out, which is why sea salt is much better than sodium chloride or table salt. Sea salt like Celtic or pink Himalayan contains both sodium and potassium, which helps balance your levels naturally.
2. Promotes good vascular health. When it comes to sea salt specifically, it actually has protective effects against heart disease. Again, it’s important to differentiate between sea salt and table salt, which is much less beneficial due it’s nonexistent mineral profile. The findings on how sea salt helps heart disease markers directly contradict the years of recommendations against salt in diets – it’s just important which type of salt you’re using.
3. Balances electrolytes and prevents muscle cramping. Sea salt is an excellent source of electrolytes, which has been shown to prevent muscle cramping during exercise. Sea salt contains sodium, magnesium, potassium, and calcium, all of which you need for optimal health. These minerals must come from your diet because your body can’t create them. Without sufficient electrolytes you can experience irregular heartbeat, fatigue, nausea, and even seizures.
4. Supports a healthy nervous system. Sodium regulates water flow throughout your body, which is critical for a healthy nervous system. Additionally, the water of your nervous system requires salt for electrical conduction to send and receive nervous system signals. Just as with other functions of the body, your brain needs the right balance of sodium to other electrolytes, which is why sea salt is a much better option than table salt.
5. Improves sleep. When you read about salt and sleep, it initially appears there are mixed reports. But if you pay close attention, you’ll realize that the advice against eating salt before bed is referring to table salt and processed foods, which can cause an unbalanced amount of sodium in the body. Sea salt is thought to improve sleep because it contains so many helpful electrolytes for regulating hormones. When you swap your table salt for a natural salt you might find you have better sleep, are less thirsty, hungry, and more satisfied when you eat. It’s also important to make sure you get enough salt anytime you exercise because your body is sweating it out. For anyone who participates in high intensity sports or competition, they make salt tablets for better rehydration.
Taken from this article
Your skin is a reflection of the internal.
Dietary approach to resolving acne
cow dairy
simple carbs/refined sucrose
industrialized vegetable/seed oils
inflammatory foods
avoid most skincare products and makeup (blocks sunlight exposure to skin)
more seafood
more omega 3, vitamin c, vitamin a1 (retinol), hyaluronic acid rich foods
bone broth
gut microbiome/leaky gut
micronutrient imbalances
quality water
sweat more
get more sunlight
sea water (topical magnesium chloride/sulfate if inaccessible)
liver detox
hormonal waste detox
Taken from this tweet and this tweet
“The skin is an organ, it’s struggling if you have acne.”
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paradisemaybe · 2 years
Your skin is a reflection of the internal.
Dietary approach to resolving acne
cow dairy
simple carbs/refined sucrose
industrialized vegetable/seed oils
inflammatory foods
avoid most skincare products and makeup (blocks sunlight exposure to skin)
more seafood
more omega 3, vitamin c, vitamin a1 (retinol), hyaluronic acid rich foods
bone broth
gut microbiome/leaky gut
micronutrient imbalances
quality water (expanded on here)
sweat more
get more sunlight
sea water (topical magnesium chloride/sulfate if inaccessible)
liver detox
hormonal waste detox
Taken from this tweet and this tweet
“The skin is an organ, it’s struggling if you have acne.”
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paradisemaybe · 2 years
“The last thing I want to be remembered for is leaving a trail of chemical smells behind me. Pro-tip: burn resins and incense in your closet so that your clothes are soaked in their natural aroma. And wear essential oils properly diluted to promote sustainability. The perfume brand that I do wear and love equally for their luxury sustainability model AND because I truly love their fragrances is Sana Jardin. Did you know that the most toxic ingredients are not required to be listed on perfume labels and can just fall under the word “fragrance” or ‘natural fragrance” since they contain trade secrets.” — MaryamHasnaa on Twitter
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paradisemaybe · 2 years
Taking melatonin may alter the female reproductive system negatively?
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paradisemaybe · 2 years
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bitch it’s a privilege to fuck with me act like it
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paradisemaybe · 2 years
Speak love into yourself each day that you rise. And express gratitude for the lovely things that you get to experience.
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paradisemaybe · 2 years
Why are you, as a woman who is in tune with herself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, choosing to make space in your life for a man that’s damn near soulless and not matching your level on any of that? He’s basking in your glow and sucking the light out of you. That’s a parasite not a partner. Fix it and do better now that you know better.
Inspired by this tweet
“Stop giving your precious assets to these horny losers who do not know how to embrace their purest selves. Sexual energy should not be tainted or toyed with. Protect yourself.” — omnivoyance on Twitter
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paradisemaybe · 2 years
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Me personally, I wouldn’t take that 🤷🏾‍♀️
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